Machines of Loving Grace (54 page)

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Authors: John Markoff

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electronic commerce, advent of, 289, 301–302

electronic stability control (ESC), 46

Elementary Perceiver and Memorizer (EPAM), 283

“Elephants Don’t Play Chess” (Brooks), 201

Eliza, 14, 113, 172–174, 221

email, advent of, 290, 310

End of Work, The
(Rifkin), 76–77

Engelbart, Doug.
see also
SRI International

on exponential power of computers, 118–119

AI debate and, 165–167

on intelligence augmentation (IA), xii, 5–7, 31

Minsky and, 17

“Mother of All Demos” (1968) by, 62

NLS, 5–7, 172, 197

Rosen and, 102

Siri and, 301, 316–317

Engineers and the Price System, The
(Veblen), 343

Enterprise Integration Technologies, 289, 291

ethical issues, 324–344.
see also
intelligence augmentation (IA)
AI; labor force

of autonomous cars, 26–27, 60–61

decision making and control, 341–342

Google on, 91

human-in-the-loop debates, 158–165, 167–169, 335

of labor force, 68–73, 325–332

scientists’ responsibility and, 332–341, 342–344

“techno-religious” issues, 116–117

expert systems, defined, 134–141, 285

Facebook, 83, 156–158, 266–267

Fast-SLAM, 37

Feigenbaum, Ed, 113, 133–136, 167–169, 283, 287–288

Felsenstein, Lee, 208–215

Fernstedt, Anders, 71

“field robotics,” 233–234

Fishman, Charles, 81

Flextronics, 68

Flores, Fernando, 179–180, 188

Foot, Philippa, 60

Ford, Martin, 79

Ford Motor Company, 70

Forstall, Scott, 322

Foxconn, 93, 208, 248

Friedland, Peter, 292

Galaxy Zoo, 219–220

Gates, Bill, 305, 329–330

General Electric (GE), 68–69

General Magic, 240, 315

General Motors (GM), 32–35, 48–50, 52, 53, 60

Genetic Finance, 304

Genghis (robot), 202

Geometrics, 127

George, Dileep, 154

Geraci, Robert, 85, 116–117

Gerald (digital light field), 271

Giant Brains, or Machines That Think
(Berkeley), 231

Gibson, William, 23–24

Go Corp., 141

God & Golem, Inc
(Wiener), 75, 211

GOFAI (Good Old-Fashioned Artificial Intelligence), 108–109, 186

“Golemic Approach, The” (Felsenstein), 212–213

“golemics,” 75, 208–215


Android, 43, 239, 248, 320

autonomous cars and, 35–45, 51–52, 54–59, 62–63

Chauffeur, 43

DeepMind Technologies and, 91, 337–338

Google Glass, 23, 38

Google Now, 12–13, 341

Google X Laboratory, 152–153

Human Brain Project, 153–154

influence of early AI history on, 99

Kurzweil and, 85

PageRank algorithm, 62, 92, 259

robotic advancement by, 241–244, 248–255, 256, 260–261

70-20-10 rule of, 39

Siri’s development and, 314–315

Street View cars, 39, 42–43, 54

X Lab, 38, 55–56

Gordon, Robert J., 87–89

Gou, Terry, 93, 248

Gowen, Rhia, 277–279

Granakis, Alfred, 70

Grand Challenge (DARPA), 24, 26, 27–36, 40

“Grand Traverse,” 234

Green, David A., 80

Grendel (rover), 203

Grimson, Eric, 47

Gruber, Tom, xiii–xiv, 277–279,
282–297, 310–323, 339

Grudin, Jonathan, 15, 170, 193, 342

Guzzoni, Didier, 303

hacker culture, early, 110–111, 174

Hart, Peter, 101–102, 103, 128, 129

Hassan, Scott, 243, 259–260, 267, 268, 271

Hawkins, Jeff, 85, 154

Hayon, Gaby, 50

Hearsay-II, 282–283

Heartland Robotics (Rethink Robotics), 204–208

Hecht, Lee, 135, 139

Hegel, G.
F., 340

Heims, Steven, 75

Hendrix, Gary, 135

Herr, Bill, 78

Hewitt, Carl, 175

Hewlett-Packard, 255, 291

Hillis, Danny, 119

Hinton, Geoffrey, 143–156,

Hoaloha Robotics, 330–332

Hoefler, Don, 178

Hoffman, Reid, 295–296

Homebrew Computer Club, 197, 210–211

Hopfield, John, 145

Hopfield Network, 145, 149

Horvitz, Eric, xiii, 215–220, 336

How to Create a Mind
(Kurzweil), 85, 154

“How to NOT Build a Terminator” (Arkin), 333–335

Hubbard, G.
Scott, 168

Hughes, Kevin, 290–291

Hughes Corp., 126

Humanoids 2013, 333–335

Human Use of Human Beings, The
(Wiener), 8, 70, 98

HyperDoc, 298

Hypermail, 290–292

hypertext links, invention of, 6

IBM, 109, 138, 225–226

Illich, Ivan, 213–215

Inaba, Masayuki, 244

Industrial Perception, 241–244, 269–270

Infocom, 224

Inoue, Hirochika, 244

Instagram, 83

Intel Corp., 95, 178, 260–265

Intellicorp, 128

intelligence augmentation (IA)
AI, 159–194

agent-based interfaces and, 187–194

autonomous cars and, 24, 62

ethical issues of, 332–341, 342–344

Gerald (digital light field), 271

Google founding and, 184–187

human-computer interaction, 11–18

human-in-the-loop debates, 158–165, 167–169, 335

IA, defined, xii, 5–7, 31, 115, 141

McCarthy’s and Engelbart’s work compared, 165–167

paradoxical relationship between, xii–xiii

Searle and, 179, 180–182

Siri and, 12–13, 31, 190, 193–194, 282

social construction of technology concept, xvii

Winograd’s changed views about, 170–178,

intelligent cruise control, 43

intelligent elevator, 215

International Federation of Robotics (IFR), 87


advent of, 7

ARPAnet as precursor to, 164, 196

Internet of Things, xv, 193

neural network advancement and, 151

photographic film industry and, 83–84

search engine optimization, 86

“Third Industrial Revolution,” 88, 89

Web 2.0, 295

World Wide Web development, 140, 288–290

Interval Research Corporation, 213, 267, 268

Intraspect, 292–295

Intuitive Surgical, 271

iRobot, 203

Jennings, Ken, 225, 226

Jobs, Steve, 13, 35, 112, 131, 194, 214, 241, 281–282, 320–323

Johns Hopkins University, 145

Johnson, Lyndon B., 73

Joshi, Aravind Krishna, 132

Joy, Bill, 336, 343

Kaplan, Jerry, 27, 131–141

Kapor, Mitch, 140, 292

Kay, Alan, 7–8, 115, 120, 198–199, 306–310, 339–341

Kelley, David, 186

Kelly, Kevin, 17

Keynes, John Maynard, 74, 76, 326–327

Kittlaus, Dag, 310–323

Kiva Systems, 97–98, 206

knowledge acquisition problem, 287

knowledge-based systems, 285

knowledge engineering, 113, 128

Knowledge Engineering Laboratory (Stanford), 133–134

Knowledge Navigator, 188, 300, 304, 305–310, 317, 318

Kodak, 83–84

Koller, Daphne, 265

Komisar, Randy, 341

Konolige, Kurt, 268–269

Kuffner, James, 43

Kurzweil, Ray, 84–85, 116, 119, 154, 208, 336

labor force, 65–94

aging of, 93–94, 327

autonomous cars and, 25, 61–62

Brooks on, 204–208

Brynjolfsson and McAfee on, 79–80, 82–83

cybernation revolution, 73–74

deskilling of, 80–82

economic change and, 77–79, 83–84

for elder care, 236–237, 245, 327–332

growth of, xv, 10, 80–81, 326–327

Industrial Perception robots and, 241–244, 269–270

lights-out factories and, 65–68,
90, 104, 206

Moravec on, 122–123

recession of 2008 and, 77–78, 325

Rifkin on automation and, 76–77

Shockley on, 97

singularity hypothesis and, 9–10, 84–94

technological unemployment, 16–18, 76–77, 104, 211

technology and displacement of, 16–18

unions and, 325–326

Wiener on, 8, 68–76

Labor-Science-Education Association, 70, 73

Lamond, Pierre, 129–130

lane-keeping software, 49, 51

language and speech recognition.
see also
Siri (Apple)

chatbot technology, 221–225, 304

early neural network research, 146–148

Eliza, 14, 113, 172–174, 221

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