Marlborough (97 page)

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Authors: Richard Holmes

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allows decline of militias, 132

conspiracies against, 135–6, 141–4

birth of son, 137

seeks repeal of Test Acts, 137

touches for King’s Evil, 138

and William’s invasion of England, 142, 145, 147, 149–50, 155

nosebleeds, 149–50

Marlborough maintains relations with, 150, 165–6

abandons plans to resist William, 151

flees to France, 155–6

campaign in Ireland, 159, 164, 166–8

letter of submission from Anne, 166

and death of daughter Mary, 186

and Jacobite plots, 187

court at St Germain en Laye, 193

supports assassination of William, 193

death, 194

James Francis Edward Stuart, Prince of Wales (‘the Old Pretender’):

portrait, 12

birth, 137, 141

and succession to James II, 141

and Jacobite rebellion (1715), 153, 471

claims to throne, 166, 191

Louis XIV recognises as James’s heir, 194

Marlborough demands expulsion from France, 201

attempted landing in Britain (1708), 215, 364, 369

on campaign in Low Countries, 226

with Burgundy at battle of Oudenarde, 392

warns French against offering battle for Lille, 395–6

Catholicism, 468

and succession to Anne, 468

Jeffreys, George, Baron, 126

Jenkins’ Ear, War of (1739), 458

Jennings, Frances (Sarah Marlborough’s mother), 83–4, 86

Jennings, Frances (Sarah’s sister)
Tyrconnell, Countess of

Jennings, Richard (Sarah Marlborough’s father), 83

Jermy, Thomas, 97

Jersey, Barbara, Countess of (
Chiffinch), 25–6, 162–3

Jersey, Edward Villiers, 1st Earl of, 162–3

Jones, George Hilton, 147

Jones, Inigo, 56

Joseph I, Holy Roman Emperor, 250, 326, 329, 362

death and succession, 452, 458


Kane, Brigadier General Richard:

papers, 8

commends Withers at Maastricht, 75

on Dutch view of Marlborough as commander, 199

and siege of Venlo, 228

on march into Germany, 258–9

on fighting in line, 283–4

on Webb at Wynendaele, 401

on siege of Tournai, 419

in battle of Malplaquet, 428–9

on Villars’ capture of Arleux, 454

on Marlborough’s peevishness, 455

as governor of Minorca, 458

on Ormonde, 462

New System of Military Discipline
, 205

Karolyi, Alexander, 250

Kassel, 265

Keegan, John, 1

Kehl, 90, 240, 249

Kensington Palace, 163

Kent, William, 477

Kerr, Lord Mark, 215

Kessel, river, 280–1, 283

Ketch, Jack, 126

Keynsham, Bristol, 117–18, 120

Killiecrankie, battle of (1689), 172

King, Colonel Richard, 217–18

Kinsale, 169–71

Kirke, Captain George, 21

Kirke, Major General Percy:

as governor of Tangier, 59

opposes Monmouth, 111, 115–16, 125

reputation for brutality, 126

conspires against James II, 136, 150

refuses religious conversion, 138–9

and William’s
invasion, 150

arrested and released, 151, 155

serves on commission for army reform, 159

campaign in Ireland, 169

Vaudemont praises, 174

Kitcher, Thomas, 340, 345

Klopp, Onno:

Der Fall des Hauses Stuart
, 467

Kneller, Sir Godfrey, 12, 473

Koblenz, 249, 256, 258

La Bassée, 417, 420

La Bertoche, General, 385

La Colonie

La Folie Farm, 424, 431

La Hougue, 396

battle of (1692), 168, 179, 182

Lalo, Brigadier Sampson de, 207, 428

Lamotte, Charles Motte-Houdancourt, comte de, 372, 399–400, 404–5

land tax:

and financing of war, 37

Landau, 250–1, 253, 260, 330

siege of (1705), 305

Landen, battle of (1693), 182

Langston, Colonel Thomas, 136, 148

Lanier, Major General Sir John, 147–8, 159, 174, 181, 185

Lanière Wood, 423–4, 429–30

Lansdowne, George Granville, Baron, 445

Largillière, Nicholas de, 12

La Salle, Lieutenant de (duellist), 20

Latin America:

trade agreement on, 458

Lauter, river, 305

Lawrence, Thomas Edward (‘Lawrence of Arabia’), 480

Laws (secretary to George Stepney), 218

League of Augsburg, War of the (King William’s War), 173–4, 181–2

Leau, 315, 317, 323

Villeroi besieges, 331–2

Le Blanc, Intendant of Ypres, 421

le Brun, Charles, 66

Lech, river, 280

Lediard, Thomas, 43, 98, 127

Leeds, Bridget, Duchess of (Godolphin’s granddaughter), 29

Leffinghe, 399

Lely, Sir Peter:

portraits, 14, 47, 62 Lens, 417–18

Leopold I, Holy Roman Emperor:

Duke of Berwick serves, 27

coalition forces against France, 79

and War of Spanish Succession, 193

on status of Prince James Francis Edward Stuart, 201

in Nine Years War, 250

offers honours and posts to Marlborough, 280, 302–3, 421

succeeded by Joseph I, 326

Lessines, 377, 378–9

Levellers, 39

Lever, Sir Tresham, 185

Liège, 229–30, 310, 332

Life of James II
, 128, 157, 165


siege of (1708), 391–9, 401–2, 408

falls to Marlborough, 402–4

garrisons diverted to Hompesch, 455

restored to France, 459

‘Lillibulero’ (song), 143–4


captured, 247, 248, 251

French threaten, 310


siege of (1690), 168–9, 171

Treaty of (1691), 171

Lincoln, Abraham, 230

Lionne, Colonel Charles-Hughes, comte de, 366

Lisle, Alice, 18, 126

Lives of the Two Illustrious Generals, The
(anon.), 42

Lloyd, Captain David, 153, 166, 183–5

Lloyd, Captain Thomas, 20

Locke, John:

political philosophy, 15

reforms coinage, 189

(ship), 68


Whig sympathies, 36

Trained Bands, 49

court life in, 55–6

population and growth, 55–6

and James II’s army, 134–5

General Post Office, 223

London Gazette
, 25, 134, 220–1, 316, 324–5, 400, 408, 461

Londonderry, 166

Lords, House of:

composition, 29

abolished under Commonwealth, 39

Marlborough attends, 110

debates peace terms (1711), 460

approves Treaty of Utrecht, 462

see also

Loseke, Colonel, 385

Lottum, Lieutenant General Count, 386–7, 393, 426

Louis XIV, King of France:

army in Flanders, 4

appearance and stature, 13

and Treaty of Utrecht, 15

expansionist policy, 51, 66, 90, 481

and Treaty of Dover, 51, 65

war against Dutch, 52, 65–9, 146

at siege of Maastricht, 70, 74, 76

continental coalition against, 79

orders destruction of Palatinate, 81

ends Dutch war, 89–90

correspondence with James Duke of York, 95

and Anne’s marriage to Prince George, 106

financial support for James II, 109

revokes Edict of Nantes, 129

invades Rhineland (1688), 146

recognises William as monarch, 188

and Spanish succession, 192–3, 357

recognises Prince James Francis Stuart as James II’s heir, 194

orders to Boufflers, 224

Bavaria allies with, 239

German strategy, 250

strategy in Germany, 250

orders Villeroi to follow Marlborough into Germany, 260

and Tallard at Blenheim, 288

and defeat at Blenheim, 296

sanctions Allègre’s deputation to The Hague, 318–19

instructs Villeroi on Ramillies deployment, 333, 338

and effects of Ramillies defeat, 349

and Mme de Maintenon, 356

and Charles XII of Sweden, 358

and Allied attack on Toulon, 359

and captured officers, 368

and campaign of 1708 in Spanish Netherlands, 369

on importance of Oudenarde, 378

on Allied threat to Lille, 391

told of Oudenarde defeat, 392

court-martials Lamotte for fall of Ghent, 405

rejects Allied peace terms (1709), 409–11, 420

appoints Villars commander in Flanders, 412

and French weakness, 419

gives permission to Villars to offer battle, 421, 423

informed of battle of Malplaquet, 430, 433

resumes peace negotiations after Malplaquet, 435

see also

Louis XV, King of France, 462

Louis, Prince
Baden, Louis William I

Louisa Maria Theresa Stuart, Princess, 12

Louisbourg, Cape Breton Island, 459

Louvain, 316–17, 349

Louvière gap, 422–3

Louvois, François Michel le Tellier, marquis de, 79, 86, 130, 147

Lovelace, John, 3rd Baron, 147

Low Countries
Flanders; Spanish Netherlands; United Provinces

Ludgershall (constituency), 31

Lumley, Lieutenant General Henry:

at the Schellenberg, 272, 275

in attack on Lines of Brabant, 312–14

commands cavalry at Ramillies, 338, 339

discusses troop allocation with Marlborough, 369

at battle of Oudenarde, 386–7

Lumley, Henry, Viscount, 431, 477

Lutzingen, 286–7, 289, 297

Luxembourg, chevalier de, 399, 432

Luxembourg, Marshal François Henri de Montmorency-Bouteville, duc de, 162, 173–4, 182

Lyme Regis, Dorset:

in Monmouth rebellion, 111–13

Lyttelton, Sir Charles, 61

Maas, river, 225, 229–30


siege of (1673), 70–7

in Marlborough’s strategy, 229

Villeroi threatens, 240, 310

Marlborough reaches, 311

and Flanders campaign (1708), 375

Marlborough visits (1712–13), 464–5

Macartney, Major General George:

sells regiment, 24

Toryism, 36

on Marlborough’s love for Sarah, 88

as Mohun’s second in duel, 120

accused of rape and cashiered, 415

bravery at Malplaquet, 416

reinstated, 416

dismissed, 445

qualities, 477

Macaulay, Thomas Babington, Baron, 5, 48, 147, 183

McBane, Private Donald, 72

Macelligott, Roger, 170

Machado, Antonio, 460

Mackay, Hugh, 172, 174, 181, 185

Madrid, 329–30, 350

Treaty of (1715), 459

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