MC: Pres: Book Four (4 page)

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Authors: L. Ann Marie

BOOK: MC: Pres: Book Four
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“I’ll meet you at home.”  I continue to my suv.  What the heck happened that he’s doing this now?  Danny would be pissed if I got on the back of his bike.  Something's got him so upset today he's not thinking straight.

He gets to the house before me and has the garage door opened.  I park in the driveway and get out.  Danny has the Ducati today; I need to leave him room to get it back in the safe room.

“You’re not pulling in?”  He asks.

I look at him.  His eyes are guarded.  “Danny has the Ducati out.  He’ll pull it in later.”  I take his hand and walk into the house.

Getting us water I bring it to the table and sit motioning him to the chair at the head of the table.  He sits and puts his head in his hands.  “I’m sorry Kate I fucked up everyone’s fuckin day today.”

I wait until he looks at me.  “Why?”  I take one of his hands.

“I’m so fuckin jealous.  I’ve never been in this position and it’s fuckin with my head.  Steve threw me out telling me to get to the fuckin therapist.”

I can’t help it I crack up.  “Danny is so much like you, just in different ways.  Why the hell would you be jealous of him?  I would think it would be the other way around.”  I smile. 

“That’s what Steve said.  I don’t know what the fuck is going on.  He’s so fuckin good at everything he does.  I just watched him jump over a car and spin his fuckin bike around like it was a kids two wheeler.  He put himself in front of four guys holding guns because Steve told him to protect me.  Like I fuckin need protection.  It’s not a feeling I’m dealing well with, obviously.  On top of all that I’m fuckin up with the family and you.”

I hold my hand up.  He’s serious.  “Let’s take this one thing at a time.  He IS good at everything he does.  He worked hard to master those things.  He practiced with a guy that was blind in one eye for months relearning how to ride his bike again.  He didn’t get there without putting the work in.  I doubt many other Brothers can say they spent that kind of time learning to ride.”

“You’re right.  He deserves the respect he gets for his skills.  I honestly respect the fuck out of him.”  He says a little dumbfounded shaking his head.

“I don’t really think this is about Danny Ben.  I’ve never met two men more alike than you two.  Before we go there, what about fuckin up with the family and with me?”

“Talking to Steve I realized that I’m not living here with my new family.  I’m acting like Patches did when he was a Prospect.  I just stay around the edges.  I want to be part of the family not an addition you took in.  I need to make that happen if I want people to treat me like I’m part of the family.”  He is so freakin unsure of himself I’m shocked.

“I’m glad you noticed.  I was going to talk to you about that.  I thought you were having second thoughts.  I’d like you to be more involved in our lives.  I love you Ben.  I don’t want to lose you to something so stupid like jealousy.”  I say softly.  I feel tears burning my eyes.

He pushes his chair out and pulls me to his lap.  “Fuck, I’m so sorry Kate.  I’m not trying to hurt you here.  I want to make it right; I need some help with that though.  I’m obviously not doing well on my own here.  I’m so fuckin unsure of myself and my place.  I wouldn’t mind a fuckin book of directions.”  He kisses my head and I laugh.

We hear Danny’s bike, he’s back early.  “I think this is a better conversation for all of us anyway.”  I tell him.  He nods kissing my head again.  He doesn’t look convinced though.

I kiss him like I mean it hoping to relieve some of his stress.  Danny comes in and Ben pulls away from me.  I just look at him not sure what to say.  Danny helps me out.  “I find this a nice sight to walk into.  Means it’s not as bad as I was imagining.”  He smiles.  I love my husband.

I feel Ben’s body relax.  “You’re back early.”

“Steve pulled me in and told me to get home.  Peg’s handling the Center gossip but told Jess to let him know what’s going on.  He ordered me home to stop you from fuckin it up.”  He’s ready to laugh and I smile at him.  “I haven’t got a clue what the fuck is going on so you’ll have to fill me in.”

“I am fuckin it up.  He ordered me out of his office and to the therapist.  I need to reel his fuckin ordering people around in.”  Ben tells him.

“Len caught Ben kissing me in my office.  That’s where the gossip would be coming from.  I’m glad Peg is dealing with it.  It will stop before it gets around.”  I tell him.

“Len walked in your office?”  He looks shocked.

Ben takes in a breath.  “In my infinite wisdom I did not close the door.  I just walked in needing to see her and didn’t think about another fuckin thing.”

“What the fuck was up with VP that he changed our plan earlier?”  Danny asks Ben.  I sit up and move to my chair.

Ben looks at me then Danny.  “Do you want your seat before we get into all that?”

He smiles and shakes his head no.  “I sit there out of habit.  The seat holds no sentimental value to me.”

Ben runs his hand through his hair.  “I got to Security today and found out you were on the team.  I was pissed, then I was feeling like I can never get ahead with you.  No matter what I do I’ll never catch up.  I’m so fuckin unsure of where I stand here.  I’m not dealing with it but making it worse.  Steve pointed out that I’m not really living with my new family.  He’s right.  I’m not going to meet the Brothers here after work.  I need to focus on being a part of us.  Then I went to see that the tags were painted over and heard the bikes.  I followed.  While I was there I watched you on the Ducati jumping over the car, spinning it around, then standing in front of four fuckin guns to catch a bullet aimed for me.  Who the fuck does that?  Steve showin pissed me off further, him thinking that I needed protection took me by surprise.  I don’t go anywhere without a fuckin gun and my saddle carries another.  I couldn’t get it out of my head; he really thought I needed fuckin protection.  I started wondering what the fuck I’m showing him and everyone else that he thinks I can’t take care of myself.  I just kept burying myself from then on.”

I hold Ben’s hand.  Danny laughs.  “Here I thought I was so fuckin far below you.  Fuck, my President lives with me and Brothers grudgingly acknowledge me as they pass me by.  The difference is I know Kate loves me for who I am.  You have to see by now that she loves you too.  Fuck, everyone else does.   Aside from maybe Rich, but I think that’s because he doesn’t want to.”  He smiles at me.  I love him so freakin much.

“I think you both need to know that I love you for who you are.  You’re so much alike and so different it is hard to describe the love I feel for you both.  Danny is no nonsense, just do it and rugged at the same time.  He’s laid back and so freakin unassuming I can’t help but love him for his ability to do anything he puts his mind to.  Ben you’re the quintessential king of the yard.  You have a regal air about you; you’re so passionate and empathetic to everyone, never thinking about yourself.  I love you’re sensitive manner.  You fit like yin and yang.  I don’t know how you don’t see all that.  You should know I love you for it.”

Danny smiles giving me a wink.  Ben looks at me.  “You really feel like that?”

“Of course, I wouldn’t have said it if I didn’t.  I don’t see whatever you see as lacking.  Danny was so right when he said you have what he doesn’t and he has what you don’t.  I don’t want another of Danny.  I already have him.  I need a Ben.”  I lean over and kiss him.

“Fuck that feels good.  Thank you.  So what do I need to do to fix what I fucked up today?”  He says.  I laugh.

“It seems that Peg shut it down.  I think we’re good there.  Do you want to start telling people about us?”  Danny asks him.

“I need to get to where I’m not thinking you’re going to throw me out for fuckin up.  I don’t mind waiting for that.  If you think I fucked that up past fixing, it’s already out.”  His hand goes in his hair.

Danny looks at me.  “We should leave it alone for now.  When we’re all ready, then we’ll tell everyone.”  I say and he nods.  I look at Ben whose smiling.

“Ben, I was serious when I said we are here for each other and we’ll work together to make it right.  If you’re not feeling like your part of us we need to know so we can make it right.”  He stops waiting for Ben to acknowledge that.  “I can see where you’d be pissed VP sent me to protect you.  I fuckin knew you were armed.  I would have taken it like a slap in the face if he had sent you to protect me.  I was going to talk to you tonight about that.  I was doing what I was told, for all I knew you left your guns with him.  In High Security I don’t get the option of questioning what comes through my helmet, I can only react.  I meant no disrespect to you.  When he sent me home, I thought that’s what this was about.  I thought you were pissed at me.”

“Fuck, it didn’t feel good but that wasn’t it.  I can’t believe you stood ready to take a bullet for me but I wasn’t pissed at you.  You need to follow orders to stay safe.  I’ve never known Steve to make a mistake like that though.  I thought it was me.  He stood in front of me yelling and I wanted to punch him the fuck out.  I think it was the last straw for me today.  I really did need protection then; mostly from myself.”  He smiles that smile that I love.

I laugh.  They look at me.  “I’m glad you’re both here and safe from bad guys, both real and imagined.  I love you my Badass Biker men.”  They both crack up.  “Are we all straight here?  I need to check in and make sure the office didn’t fall apart without me.  I can work from here for the rest of the day.”

Danny stands.  “I’m all set Beautiful K.”  He looks at Ben and smiles at his nod.  Then he kisses me.  I love the kisses.

“Ben we have two hours to kill before the kids get here.  You want to ride?”

“Fuck yeah.  I never get to just ride anymore.”  Ben says standing up fast.  I kiss him and head to the office laughing.   How can I be pissed at him, he’s so freakin cute.   



Two Weeks


"It's been a great week."  I tell Danny. 

"It has.  Why the fuck are you up so early?  I thought you were a late riser?"

"Tiny called me.  He's not going to make it.  I told him I got Devan so you can work out."  I make a cup of coffee and sit at the table pulling the monitor closer to me. 

"Devan doesn't wake up this early.  I can be done before he's up."  He's surprised. 

"I can't go back to sleep once I'm up.  You don't have to cut it short, I got him."  I tell him.  He watches me then smiles.  "What?" 

"You're almost there Brother.  Thank fuck!"  He laughs.  I look at him wondering what the fuck he's talking about.  "All in."  He laughs again.

"Fuck off Brother."  I'm smiling while I say it.

"What's up with Tiny?  Nancy ok?" 

"He didn't say, he sounded half asleep.  I thought I'd call when he's more awake."  Now he has me wondering. 

He gets up and heads to the patio.  I hear the outside door close.  I go over the week.  Since I'm not meeting anyone at the house I've gotten into a routine with the kids, Kate and Danny.  I love being part of them.  Patches and Tiny know but I don't think Rich does.  I'm still a little leery of telling people, but I don't care who figures it out.  I hear Devan moving around and head upstairs to get him.  I remember when Jessie was this age.  I loved taking care of him, not even realizing that I missed this.  When I think back, I did mostly everything for him.  Tracy didn't get up for him, ever.  I know Kate would.  When Tiny called she was going to get up.  I told her I wanted to do this.  She gave me the biggest smile and laid back down telling me I'm the best Badass Biker man.  I laughed; she's fuckin cute in the morning. 

Once the little man is changed we go back downstairs.  I see Danny out the window.  He's moving in slow motion.  We stand and watch, Devan's talking nonstop.  I talk to him about Danny's movements not really knowing what the fuck he's doing.  When he gets bored of watching I put him down and hold his hand into the kitchen.  I have to bend in half to walk him but he seems to like the walk.  I see Danny and Kate doing it so what the hell.  I get his cup and pour him some milk.  Lifting him he puts it in the microwave, when I press the button he claps, "Too cute little man."  He turns and kisses my cheek.  I kiss him back making him laugh.  Fuckin kids.  Darren comes in signing 'good morning'.  I nod to him since my hands are full of Devan and pop the microwave open, Devan pulls his cup out and shakes it. 

Putting him down I sign 'good morning'.  He asks where his dad is.  'Outside'  I sign.  He nods and goes to the patio door, he's happy to watch his dad.  I smile loving the way the kids admire him. 

Jessie comes in saying good morning.  He jumps on me.  "I'm glad you're here dad."  He smiles. 

"Me too."  I tell him.  Devan wants to get up too so I bend for him.  Jessie helps him hold my neck.  I laugh at the picture we must make. 

"You're finally happy dad.  I'm glad.  Kate and Danny are good for you."  My fuckin son who sees everything. 

I shake my head smiling.  "I think so.  Are you ok with all this, moving in and everything?" 

He fuckin laughs.  "Dad I have a whole family that loves me.  Danny and Kate loved me from when I was a baby.  I'm happy and you're happy.  It doesn't get much better than this.  Unless Little Ben can move in too?" 

I crack up.  "Love ya Jessie but I don't think that ones in the cards for you." 

He shrugs smiling.  "It was worth a shot."  He wiggles himself down and goes to see what Darren is looking at. 

Devan squeezes my neck saying, "cul Ben".  I squeeze him back and kiss his head.  He's so fuckin cute.  "You hungry?"  He nods.  "Eggs?"  He nods.  I smile getting the eggs and butter out.  "Jessie, ask Darren if he wants eggs." 

"He said Patches is coming early and bringing muffins." 

Fuck!  I'm in pajama pants.  It's not even seven.  He won't get here yet.  I make Devan's eggs with him sitting on the counter watching. 

Danny comes in kissing his head.  "You having eggs?"  Devan says a whole sentence of unintelligible sounds then,  “cul Ben.”  Danny laughs picking him up.  "Uncle Ben's making your eggs.  You're getting to be a big boy Devan."  Devan puts his head on Danny's shoulder still talking.  I put the eggs in his bowl and tell Danny Patches is coming early with muffins.  "I got this, go get dressed."  He smiles.  Thank fuck I don't have to say anything.  I nod and head for the stairs.



Patches comes in with muffins.  Darren is signing thanks to him.  Fuckin Ben left just in time.  I wish he'd just tell everyone but he's not there yet.  He will be.  I'm so fuckin happy with the way this week played out.  Last week was good but this week it all fit together without anyone being stressed.  Kevin was right about the talking to each other and being equal.  I was getting stressed with the Brothers showing up and being barely civil to me in my own fuckin house.  Thank fuck he dealt with that.  Kate loves that he's putting effort into our relationship.  I see her smiling when he takes care of the kids.  Ben was right it's been a good fuckin week. 

I hear him in the living room talking on his phone.  It doesn't sound good.  He turns toward me.  “Tiny needs time off, Nancy's not well today."

"Maybe we should stop by there before we go in." 

He nods.  "That would be good.  I'll get Peg to send them some breakfast."

"I'll get Kate up.  I need a shower.  Can you tell Patches to drop Devan on his way?"  He fuckin laughs as I run up the stairs. 

Kate is in the shower.  I strip and go in telling her about Nancy.  She kisses me and I'm fuckin hard.  "Fuck baby."  I turn her to the wall and pull her ass toward me as I slide in.  One hand on her tit and one on her stomach I fuck her against the wall.  She's loud, her fuckin sexy sounds bouncing off the walls has my ball drawing up and pressure running down my back.  She turns her head into her arm and I know she's gone.  I growl as she screams into her arm.  "Fuckin Beautiful K."  I skim my hand over her big nipples flipping her jewels making her moan.  I turn her around and kiss her.  She fuckin smiles against my mouth.  I pull away and wait.

"Thank you.  I think we probably should have waited for that.  Nancy's not well and we're supposed to be on our way."  She has a big fuckin smile on.  “I can’t complain though.”  I kiss her again. 

Grabbing the soap I wash her.  She gets out and I wash me.  Ben is in the room when I walk out of the closet.  He's smiling.  "You need a sound proof bathroom."  He cracks up making me laugh. Kate doesn't look happy.  "Patches turned the radio on at the first hint of noise.  I'm thinking it is common practice here."  He laughs again. 

I go to Kate smiling.  "Baby when I add on I'll fix it."  She nods walking out.  I look at Ben. 

We crack up.  He leaves me to dress.  When I make it downstairs Ben asks what I'm adding.  "Closet and a bigger balcony." 

Patches looks at me.  "Your closet is huge." 

I nod.  "Kate wants it bigger."  I don't say anymore and she cracks up.  "What?  You said we need a bigger closet.  It will make you happy, so I'll make it happen.  I already drew the plans for it."  She smiles at Ben.  He cracks up then the kids laugh.  I just watch everyone.  Fuckin family.



I walk in seeing Nancy on the couch. I lean kissing her cheek.  "How are you doing little mama?"  She says she fine.  I smile knowing she's not going to complain.  Danny hugs Tiny and slides a tampon into his shirt pocket.  I laugh.  Tiny didn't notice it.  My fuckin phone vibrates, shit, I told Keith I'd be at Tiny's.  I throw chin and walk out of the house.


"Need you at Security.  Gang beat the fuck out of some kids last night, set an empty house on fire."  He says so calm. 

I want to fuckin hit someone.  "I'm on my way."  I go back to the house in time to see Danny look at his phone. 

Kate looks from him to me.  "Go.  I got this; I'll have Anita pick me up."  He kisses her, slaps Tiny's back and kisses Nancy.  I throw her chin and she smiles at me.

I turn to Nancy.  "We have a problem at Security.  Sorry for cutting this short Nancy."  

"I appreciate you showing.  Go do whatever you do to keep us safe."  She smiles at me.  I kiss her head and walk out behind Danny. 

Fuck I wish I could kiss Kate.  I shake my head.  I'm the one stopping that.  I'm so fucked.  I smile climbing on my bike.  I wait for Danny and we lay it out all the way to Security.  He's laughing the whole fuckin way.  I just look at him.  What the fuck?  When I park I ask him what the fuck he's laughing about. 

"We just rode here at ninety.  Casper's uniforms are too fuckin lazy to give a fuckin ticket.  We passed three on the way." 

"One of his uniforms stopped me once.  I pointed my gun at him and he let me go."  I smile as he fuckin doubles over laughing. 

I run up the stairs and into the surveillance room.  Pulling my phone I call Keith, "I need you to cover Tiny in Transportation.  See if Jared can cover him."  Rich is talking to Steve while watching the board.  They notice me and walk over.  "Need quick and easy strike to get the point across."  Steve says watching me.  I just nod.  "Rich is with Andy, Bob with Driscoll and Danny with Bull.  Five teams two just cover and two cleanup." 

"Casper know?"  He doesn't need our shit leaking over. 

"Yeah, impromptu meetin goin on.  Need you with Sticks, one cover and cleanup.  We got two hours." 

"Fuck Brother, not a lot of time."  Maybe we should pull more guys. 

"More Teams gets messy.  Best enforcers from High Security on.  Even have Chet for cover."  He says giving me a look.

"You know better than me.  What's our timeline."  I give him his respect. 

"Fuckin good plan, is Rich's."  I look at Rich he's giving me a confident look but he waits. 

"VP says it's good.  He's the fuckin best, good fuckin job Brother.  He doesn't hand out compliments."  He relaxes his face and shoulders throwing chin.  Fuck, I fucked with his head?  I need to fix that.

He looks at Rich.  "Get the fuck out of here and suit up.  We got twenty minutes to get in position.  Casper's startin at ten." 

Rich throws chin.  "On it VP."  He jogs out the door.

"Got some Security Brothers that threw in.  They're on clean up, two covers you have them. "

"Fuck Brother thought you said it was a good fuckin plan?"

"It is.  Brothers are pissed, baseball team members was hit.  Their kids are fine but friends are in the hospital.  Needed to put them out so they don't fuck with the plan.  Need you to throw them somethin.  They need to feel part of this.  It was part of Rich's plan."  He smiles.  "Would’ve just told them to fuck off." 

I laugh.  "He's a good match for you.  It's an awesome fuckin plan."

"He had them vote who was on Teams.  Fuckin votes.  Told em another fuckin vote on pictures got them a fuckin date with me."  He growls out.

I laugh drawing Digs and Sticks attention.  "Fuck Brother it's been fuckin years let it the fuck go.  Kelly said she needs new pictures anyway, that one will come down." 

"You fuckin smilin all the fuckin time now and fuckin cameras all over fuck.  They'll get one worse.  No fuckin votin on it either.  I'll find out who and fuckin kill em this time."  He's still fuckin pissed. 

"Fuck Brother it's just a fuckin picture of us smiling.  Take a fuckin breath and think about it.  It was taken the day Little Ben and Jessie got their first bikes."  I put my hand on his shoulder.

"Yeah, was a good day."  He takes a deep breath.  "They take another I'm killing em."  He smiles.  "It's time." 

I walk over to Sticks and take the head set he holds up.  Digs has the center screen running the yard video.  I see the HS Team, the Brothers and the Cleanup trucks.  "VP, who’s got the wrecker?"  I didn't hear about it and looking at the plan it's not listed. 

He's on Digs other side; he looks up then at the plan.  I know he must have gone over it five times, he knows this plan forward and backward but he checks anyway.

VP: "LP2 when did we add a fuckin wrecker?"  He fuckin laughs looking over at me.

"Got some old cars, Camaro's, Charger and Mustangs.  Brothers are just prepared."  He says with a fuckin smile.  If they get this on a picture he'd be pissed. 

I nod.  "I'll take the wrecker.  Sticks get me on with my Team, get the wrecker with them."

"On it Pres." 

I slide the headset on.  "Get me up on four and five Sticks."  He gets my feeds on the screens to the left.  Center screen is the big one, for both of us, Digs runs it, and screens one and two that are on the right for Steve.  Steve and Rich usually call them boards.

The Brothers are talking back and forth.  "I'm on Team Two.  Only information and directives passing through the lines Brothers.  This isn't a test or drill.  Fuckin Brothers getting shot is not an option today.  Keep the comments to yourself and let's show the pussies how we get it done like a well-oiled machine.  Need a check in."  The Brothers won't know what to say but they'll follow once Security checks in.

Chet: "D11 on.”

Doug: “S1 on.”

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