Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6) (55 page)

BOOK: Misfit (Death Dwellers MC #6)
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Cash sucked in air to control his temper. The motherfucker was drunk.

Slipper drained his bottle. “Even before I dealt with that bitch myself, my boys wanted to fuck her. They saw her when Mort brought her out of the meatshack all trussed up before he threw her in the back of John Boy’s Navigator.”

“Go home, motherfucker,” Cash said again, offering a tight smile. “Sleep this shit off.”

“Can’t. I got to go somewhere with Outlaw.”

“You’ll fucking wipe out if you drive so fucked up.”

“Hey, Cash,” Kendall interrupted. Strands of her red hair plastered to her cheek and neck from the sweat generated by her brisk walk. “Slipper.”

Slipper focused on Kendall’s generous cleavage, displayed in a V-neck top, before glancing at her baby bump. She had a pair of endless legs that gave her a height advantage over the man and made her nearly as tall as Cash.

“Yo, Cash,” Outlaw said, walking up to their group. “I’m headin’ out. Slipper, you ready?”

Kendall cleared her throat, but Outlaw ignored her.

“Yo, fuckhead,” he snarled to Slipper, who had yet to raise his leer from Kendall’s tits. “My ass over fuckin’ here.”

She narrowed her eyes. “Don’t even fucking think about it, asshole,” she warned, noticing his attention.

Slipper snickered. “You know you want me, Kendall.”

Outlaw frowned.

“In your fucking dreams,” she said. “Why would I want a dirty fucking pig like you? You’d have to look up the word shower to get an inkling of the definition. Same with shampoo, deodorant and soap, dickhead.”

Slipper bristled. “You need to talk to me with more respect.”

“I talk to you with the same fucking respect you talk to me,” she snarled.

“You not better than me,” Slipper huffed. “I was just showing you a little titty-love. In case you forgot, we all saw them when you came for Outlaw.”

“Not this fuckin’ shit a-fuckin-gain,” Outlaw said. “Drop the shit and let’s fuckin’ go.”

“What I did with Outlaw isn’t your business,” she said, losing some of her steam, her eyes watering. “You’ll respect me as Johnnie’s wife or else.”

Slipper chortled. “Why the fuck I have to respect you when Outlaw don’t?”

“Fuck me, I said shut the fuck up,” Outlaw ordered. “Cuz she fuckin’ right, Slipper. You fuckin’ respectin’ her as John Boy wife and as a bitch under club protection.”

“You don’t need to jump in and rescue me,” she told Outlaw through tight lips. “I’m not Meggie.”

Outlaw glared at Kendall, still not speaking to her.

“Come on, motherfucker,” he said to Slipper, leaning against the car and lighting a cigarette. “Drop this shit. I wanna check on Fee, then we gotta hit some fuckin’ spots.”

“I’m going to tell Johnnie I don’t want you guarding me ever again,” she said. “He’s going to ask me why and I intend to tell him, in great detail, what went on today. Be prepared to kiss your ass goodbye. Disrespecting another member’s old lady is not done. If you don’t want Johnnie’s wrath, apologize to me.”

“If you apologize to me for talking down to me, I’ll apologize to you,” Slipper negotiated.

“In your fucking dreams,” she said with a snort.

He belched again and pounded on his chest with his fist. “Suck my cock, Kendall.”

Sighing and flicking his cigarette away, Outlaw elbowed Slipper in the nose. Blood gushed out and Slipper covered his bleeding nostrils with his hand, moaning. Pummeling his face and jaw, Outlaw dropped Slipper like a sack of shit, delivering a few kicks to his stomach.

Slipper vomited alcohol and blood, with chunks of the fried chicken breast he’d eaten.

Outlaw frowned at the mess on the ground. “Stand the fuck up.”

Instead, curling up, the man clutched his stomach and coughed.

“I’m fuckin’ countin’ to ten. If you ain’t on your fuckin’ feet, I’m stompin’ the fuck outta you. One.”

Slipper swayed to his knees, breathing heavily.


He planted one foot on the ground.


He dropped his knee, instead of moving the second foot.


Slipper doubled over, regressing.


More vomit.


“Outlaw’s going to fucking kill you for insulting me,” Kendall announced, flushing at Outlaw’s glower.


Panting, Slipper attempted to plant both feet on the ground again.


When Slipper stood, Kendall’s face fell in disappointment.

“Lemme explain shit to you, Slipper.” Outlaw circled the man. “How the fuck
feel about Kendall ain’t got fuck all to do with how the fuck
feel. It sure the fuck ain’t got fuck all to do with how the fuck I
you to fuckin’ treat her. She belong to Johnnie. You better fuckin’ respect her for that fuckin’ reason alone. This bitch fucked with
cock and
wife, but
ain’t fuckin’ disrespectin’ her.” He ended his speech with a solid punch to Slipper’s mouth that sent him flying backwards. “I gotta get the fuck,” he announced as if he hadn’t just knocked a motherfucker out cold. “This must be the fuckin’ Piss-Outlaw-the-fuck-off-week.”

“Thank you for defending my honor, Outlaw,” Kendall said softly.

He didn’t respond to her.

“Should I tell Johnnie about Slipper, Outlaw?”

“Cash, if you need my fuckin’ ass, hit me on my cell,” Outlaw said and walked away, refusing to acknowledge Kendall.

Her lower lip trembled as Outlaw reached his hog, his loud pipes filling the air, a biker’s symphony that Cash never tired of. Stretch already had the gate open and Outlaw sped through, gliding to a stop as Johnnie did the same, heading in.

Kendall studied the two men.  “Should I tell Johnnie?”

“Slipper’s drunk,” Cash explained. “I could be wrong, but he won’t fuck with you again after Outlaw set him straight. Maybe, you can give him another chance. If he fucks up again, then tell John Boy.”

She nodded. “I wanted to talk to you before Johnnie got back, but I guess it’ll have to wait.”

Johnnie and Outlaw still were talking so Cash asked, “What about? Give me the shortened version.”

“Can you get pills for me?”

What the fuck? What the hell was she talking about? “Pills?”

“Abortion pills.”

Cash’s considered her stomach. “You want to abort your baby?”

“I’m tired of keeping up with Meggie. I still won’t have four children, since I’m not carrying twins. I don’t want this baby.”

“You need to talk to Johnnie.”

doesn’t want the baby, either. He told me if I won’t go back on my medicine to get rid of it.”

Kendall had major issues. He almost understood why Fee tried to befriend her. “If you got pregnant because Meggie has four children, then it was for the wrong reason.”

“What does it matter? Even if Johnnie wants this baby, he doesn’t deserve it, treating me as he has.”

“You can’t use your baby to punish Johnnie,” he pointed out.

Kendall walked closer. “Who knew an MC was so full of secrets and deceptions, right? I know Fee told you about our unfortunate incident.”

There’d been no fucking unfortunate accident. This wasn’t fucking Lemony Snickett. This was blackmail.

“That got Daphne killed.”

“Daphne got Daphne killed,” she retorted. “The point is, I still have more ammunition against you, if you’re thinking about payback. You have contacts, so I came to you.”

Cash stiffened at her threat, fed up with Kendall and worried about Fee. “Really? I have one or two things on
. Counts, for instance. The man you’ve been in contact with.”

Instead of going into full panic, Kendall narrowed her eyes. “Try me. If Johnnie doesn’t kill you, I’ll see to it that the Yeti Outlaw knocked out, discovers your relationship with Stretch.”

Cash laughed without humor. “Johnnie has no reason to kill me.”

“Except lying about me. Do you really think he’d believe I’ve fraternized with a biker from the Torps?”

If Johnnie had any sense, he’d put nothing past his wife.

“If Fee confesses, she puts her relationship with her brother at risk, as well as yours and Stretch’s lives.”

Right, on all accounts, but Cash wouldn’t give her the satisfaction of seeing her victory. She was making a lot of enemies at the club. She’d best watch her back. Through with the threats, he returned to the original reason she’d sought him out. “Go to a fucking clinic and get rid of your baby.”

“I have my reasons for asking your help, but forget it. If I go through with my plan, I’ll do it on my own.”

“What are you doing out here, gorgeous?” Johnnie asked before Cash responded, walking up to them and frowning at a bloodied, bruised, and still-unconscious Slipper. “What the fuck happened to him?”

Kendall shrugged. “You know how barbaric Christopher is,” she said on a sniff. “Slipper said something the asshole didn’t like and he beat him to a pulp.”

“Stupid motherfuckers never learn,” Johnnie replied.

Just as stupid bitches didn’t.

“As to the reason I’m here, I was going to visit Meggie but stopped to say ‘hi’ to Cash.”

Nodding as if his wife spoke to Cash all the time, Johnnie yawned, clueless. “I haven’t slept in over twenty-four hours. Come to bed with me.” He leered at her.

“If you insist.” she said, smiling.

“Later, Cash.” Johnnie grabbed his wife’s hand and, together, they walked toward the pathway.

Cash hoped the woman came to her senses, though he doubted it. This
Kendall, after all.

Chapter Forty-Six - Christopher



Knocking back a shot of tequila, Christopher glowered at the naked girl dancing in front of him. She was small and blonde, but couldn’t touch Megan’s beauty.

Derby was a funny motherfucker, sending one of his bitches to Christopher’s table. This fucking shit was the primary fucking reason Megan hated that motherfucker. Derby was a cheating assfuck.

The blonde turned and lifted her hair to better show off her ass before facing Christopher again.

“Ain’t interested, babe, so walk the fuck on.” Christopher didn’t visit Derby’s club much anymore, mainly due to bitches like her.

Dweller club ass fucked on their own free will. The Bobs were brought out to pleasure the brothers. But Derby’s bitches had a fucking quota to meet each day to bring in a certain amount of money.

The blonde allowed her hair to fall around her and began fingering her pussy, ignoring Christopher’s words.

Christopher averted his gaze, gritting his teeth. Where the fuck was Derby? If he could find motherfucking Noah on his own, he’d bring his ass the fuck out of there before he really lost his fucking temper.

The whore bent toward him, so close her tits touched his face. Smiling, she lifted the finger she had in her cunt and waved it beneath Christopher’s nose.

Getting to his feet, Christopher pulled his nine and jammed it into her mouth. “You got five fuckin’ seconds to get the fuck away from me.”

Fuck Derby’s help.

She trembled, her gaze flickering to the side before relief entered her eyes. Christopher knew that meant one of Derby’s brothers had arrived.

“We take issue—”

Christopher shoved the slut away and transferred the direction of his nine, aiming it at Jax’s face. It didn’t matter that he recognized the club’s enforcer. Nor did it matter that they’d drank together sometimes. Christopher was on edge, fed the fuck up. His little sister was critical and another bitch was trying to get Megan to fuck him up.

Wasn’t about to fucking happen.

“Pull your fuckin’ trigger and put your piece away and get that cunt the fuck away from me, Jax,” he ordered. He should shoot the fuck out of both of them anyway. He’d have to tell Megan about this bitch and that
earn him another pussy lockout. She wouldn’t be so understanding after Daphne…

“Outlaw, don’t shoot,” Jax said, attempting to sound firm. But it was the middle of the day and he had no backup in sight. By the time they came into the bar, Jax would be deader than fuck. “I’m putting my weapon away.”

Once his piece disappeared, he lifted his hands to show Christopher he wasn’t armed.

“Where Derby?”

“Fucking one of the girls before Gypsy arrives.” Jax shook his head. “After the last incident, he promised her he’d stop fucking over her.”

Christopher had no wish to hear about Derby’s cheating ass. He had fucking problems of his own. Just a week ago, he would’ve been bored enough to want to know. He couldn’t give a fuck at the moment, faced yet again with the loss of a family member.

Of all people, too. His little sister. She’d survived through the night, but she looked so fucking pale. Seeing her so helpless hit him hard and brought back memories of all the times he’d almost lost his wife.

“Outlaw,” Derby greeted, taking a seat as if Christopher wasn’t brandishing his nine.

The motherfucker smelled of sweat, perfume, alcohol, and sex. Fucking asshole.

Annoyed, Christopher shoved his piece away.

“What did you do to Amber? She ran to my office and burst into tears.”

“She lucky to be any-fuckin-where,” Christopher snapped. “Megan ain’t expectin’ me to kill every bitch who fuck with me.” He held up his left hand and indicated his wedding band. “Fuck with

Derby grinned. “You don’t have to kill bitches, you mad bastard.”

“I give two warnins, three tops. If motherfuckers still fuck with me after, that’s
fuckin’ business. Bitches included.” He’d given Kendall chance after chance, but he was reaching the end of his rope with her, too.

Derby lit a cigarette. “You’re here about your little sister’s attack?”

“Yeah.” With his boys on the hunt, it didn’t surprise him that Derby knew the score. “I want this motherfucker bad. He carved up Fee.”

“We’re already putting out feelers.” As a Dweller support club.

“I’m payin’ a fuckin’ bounty for that motherfucker. A quarter rock. Bring him to me. I wanna pull his limbs from his fuckin’ ass while he still fuckin’ alive.” Just thinking of the torture he’d put Noah through made Christopher’s heart pound. “Tell your boys this ain’t the normal help. This fuckin’ SOS. Personal now. I ain’t even carin’ this motherfucker been blowin’ up my goddamn phone for months. He scoped out my lil’ sister, cozied up to her and carved her the fuck up to get my attention.” At least that’s what Christopher guessed. If Riley hadn’t revealed Noah’s identity, he wouldn’t have associated him with Counts. Christopher would’ve thought Fee had gotten another abusive asshole. The burning question was… “How the fuck that motherfucker made the connection between me and Fee?”

“If we get that word, we’ll let you know. What else do you need? Guards at the hospital?”

Christopher shook his head. “She at Mercy. Out of our jurisdiction. I got a promise that hospital security going to keep her safe.” He’d already contacted Brooks to have funds transferred to the hospital CEO.

“Any other jobs on the horizon?” Derby asked as his old lady walked up to them.

“Hey, Outlaw,” Gypsy greeted.

“How you been, babe?”

“Fine. Derby and me about to celebrate fifteen years.” She turned an adoring smile to her old man. “Next week.”

“Congratu-fuckin-lations,” Christopher said, glaring at Derby’s indulgent look.

“We’re thinking of having a party to celebrate. I’ve been talking to Bunny. I told her to tell Digger to clue Derby in on making an honest woman of me. Maybe, you can do it.”

No the fuck he couldn’t. “It take a special motherfucker to be in Club Pussification.”

Gypsy laughed. “Club what?”

“Pussification. The club where motherfuckers know a good bitch when he find her and ain’t about to do nothing to fuck it up.”

“You mean the one where bitches take your balls?” Derby chortled.

Christopher didn’t have fucking time to clue this motherfucker the fuck in.

“You only live once,” Derby added.

Gypsy lowered her lashes and her shoulders slumped. Christopher got the impression she knew Derby still cheated on her, but looked the other way. “I’m so happy for Bunny,” she said.

“Megan over the fuckin’ moon. My wife got a soft fuckin’ heart.”

“That’s how she tamed you,” Gypsy speculated.

Christopher snickered. “Megan scare the fuck outta me,” he teased. At least, he pretended to. In reality, she turned him into a pussified bitch. “I ain’t doin’ nothin’ to make her leave my ass in the dust. I fuck over her or hit her, she takin’ herself and my kids and skippin’ out.” He thought for a moment. “She’d be a stupid cunt to let me do whatever the fuck I want. I’d never have no respect for her.” Just as Derby didn’t for Gypsy. “I admire the fuck outta her and respect her even more.”

Gypsy nodded and fell silent before standing. “Dinner will be at six,” she told Derby, then hugged Christopher. “See you, babe.”


After she left, Derby called for a bottle to be brought to them while Jax rolled a joint and passed it around.

“What you said to Gypsy was meant for me,” Derby guessed.

“Nope, it was directed at her.”

Derby sipped his tequila. “I do love her.”

“Sayin’ and showin’ two different things.”

“I show her. I allow Jax and his friends to do shows with her and her bitch crew once a month.”

Christopher glanced at Jax, who sat at the table in silence. The motherfucker was a male dancer or had been, before he became club enforcer. Apparently, he still fucking practiced his talents.

“Good for you for allowin’ her to see Jax swingin’ his cock. She ain’t throwin’ pussy around like you slingin’ dick, so shut the fuck up.”

“Give me some credit, Outlaw. I don’t fuck other bitches as much as I once did.”

For all Christopher cared, Derby could fuck a harem. How the fuck had they gotten on this topic any-fuckin-way? He should be thinking about his possible pussy lockout. “Ain’t my problem if you fuck other bitches. That’s between you and Gypsy.”

Derby nodded. “I’ve been meaning to discuss a rumor with you.”


“Ghost McCall.”

“Must not be fuckin’ important if you tellin me cuz my ass here.”

“As I said, Gypsy, er…” Flushing, Derby looked at Jax.

He grinned. “His old lady broke his arm when he gave her a black eye.”

“You thought I deserved it, Jax,” Derby growled.

“You did, Derby. Women are to be honored not hurt.”

“Yeah, Gypsy shoulda cut your fuckin’ dick off and
took the kids and fuckin’ skipped out,” Christopher said, wondering if Megan knew about this. Gypsy had been one of her first friends outside of the club, but she’d pulled back because of Derby’s bullshit. Megan and Fee’s friendship had been sidetracked for a moment after Patricia’s death.


No, there wasn’t a motherfucking thing he could do about her right now, so putting his feelings on hold to find out what the fuck Derby was talking about wouldn’t hurt a motherfucking thing.

“What you gotta say about Ghost?”

“Slipper comes in here from time-to-time.”


“He’s a real loyal brother,” Derby said. “Admires you. He was here a bit ago. That’s why it surprised me to see you. Slipper told me a story, a variation of what he’s been saying for a while. This one’s more…troubling.”

Christopher knew what it was. They’d all seen how Cash and Stretch had acted at the hospital. Then, today, during church, those two motherfuckers couldn’t stay away from each other. He couldn’t protect fuckheads who didn’t want to be fucking protected. “Spit it the fuck out,” he growled, pretending to be clueless.

“When Slipper went to get Ghost from his house, Stretch’s bike was parked in front the door.”

“So? The motherfuckers friends.”

Derby shrugged. “There’s a lot more. He’s gathering evidence to bring to you that Ghost and Stretch are fucking, so far he hasn’t gotten what he needs, but he claims he’s hot on their trail.”

“The motherfucker on the wrong fuckin’ trail. His ass should be findin’ fuckin’ Noah, not worryin’ if two brothers fuckin’.” Wait until he got his fucking hands on Slipper. He’d go the way of fucking Cowboy and his cronies.

, when Fee was out of the woods, Christopher intended to kick Cash and Stretch the fuck out of the club for their own fucking safety.

Fuck, for making him have to lose Cash and Stretch, Slipper’s death would be so painful.

He got to his feet, his fingers twitching to pull his weapon. “Don’t be spreadin’ fuckin’ rumors about my brothers, Derby.”

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