Read One Night Rodeo Online

Authors: Lorelei James

One Night Rodeo (12 page)

BOOK: One Night Rodeo
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She trembled.

Oh hell yeah. Over the last two years, whenever he’d spoken in her ear, she’d trembled. He intended to have her trembling in his arms as often as possible. “Celia,” he whispered against the side of her neck, “tell me you want me too.”

And rather than squirming away, she offered more of her neck to his exploring mouth. “I want you.”

“You smell good. You taste good.” He nuzzled the base of her throat. “I could just eat you up, sweet wife. From head to toe and everywhere in between. Especially in between.”

Celia stepped back. Her cheeks were such a pretty shade of red. “Stop teasing me.”

“But I don’t wanna stop.”

“Tough up, cowboy, because we can’t do anything about it tonight.” She crossed her arms over her chest, but not before he caught a glimpse of her hard nipples. “So to recap…as far as everyone knows, we’re married for real?”

As far as I’m concerned we’ve been married for real since the second you put on that wedding ring.

“Yep. We’ll be all lovey-dovey tomorrow when we talk to your brothers.” He crowded her again so his thumb could trace the outline of her full lips. “That won’t be hard to pull off. Me wearing the lustful look of a man who can’t wait to get his new bride back to bed.”

“After that we’ll go get my truck and stuff. But I’m leaving my horse until I figure out a place to put him. And you should know that I have four other horses besides Mickey.”

Kyle blinked at her. “You’re tellin’ me we have nine horses?”

“Ten soon, ’cause my mare Blue will foal this spring. But don’t worry. I’ll deal with the horses.”

He shook his head. “I have to learn how to do everything, so there won’t be a division of labor between us.”

“Okay, if there’s no division of chores, that means we have to do a grocery store run in the next few days.” Celia smirked at him. “And it’s your night to cook supper.”

Celia wasn’t in their bed when he’d gotten out of the shower, but he noticed she’d made the bed more user-friendly. More cozy.

He dropped the towel and grabbed the remote before sliding beneath the covers. When Celia sauntered in, she stopped, picked up the wet towel, and pointedly held it out.

“Here’s a news flash, bucko: I hate wet towels on the floor. And no, I won’t hang it up for you.”

Forced to leave his warm nest, Kyle hung the towel in the small master bathroom. Celia didn’t avert her eyes from his groin and urge him to put on clothing. Which made his cock eager to prove how fast it could go from soft to hard. It pouted when she wasn’t impressed.

Once Celia had settled, Kyle made his move. He gently held her chin and kissed her. Starting out slowly. Slicking his tongue across the seam of her lips and feeling her bottom teeth with the tip of it. His thumb made a lazy, sweeping caress of her cheek as he tasted her thoroughly. The kiss would heat up, then he’d turn it down to simmer, gifting her mouth with quick pecks and the soft glide of his lips.

Her body unconsciously arched into his, urging him to take more than a kiss.

Kyle murmured, “Night, sweet wife.”

“Night, horny husband.”

Just when he thought she’d gone to sleep, she jackknifed up, a wince distorting her face at the sudden pain. “Did you hear that?”

“Hear what?”

“Scratching sounds. Like a mouse. In the wall. Or in a dresser. Or under the bed.” She scooted closer to him. “What if there are mice in this mattress?”


“Listen to me. Mice nest everywhere. They are vile fucking creatures that all deserve to die.”

“How do you really feel?” he said dryly.

“Like I cannot wait to get rid of this bed. And scour this house to make sure it’s rodent-proof.”

“I’ll be glad to help you, but not tonight. You’re getting all riled up for no reason. Take a deep breath.”

“It hurts to breathe.”

“I know.” He placed his hand on her belly. “That’s why I want you to relax. I’d give you a back rub to distract you if it’d help.”

“You just want to get me naked.”

“That too.”

Celia kissed his jaw. “I’ll take a rain check.”

“Funny thing…I heard it was gonna rain tomorrow.”

She laughed.

Kyle could get very used to hearing that laughter every night before he fell asleep.

Chapter Five

here were warm, rough hands gently stroking her skin.

Warm, soft lips dragging kisses across her ribs.

Celia sighed and stretched, basking in the attention. Not wanting to wake up from such a vivid dream.

Her pajama bottoms were tugged down her thighs. She kicked the covers free, allowing her dream lover to completely slide them off.

A male chuckle vibrated against her belly. Those soft, nibbling lips sought a path down her stomach, over the rise of her mound. Then her thighs were pushed apart and a hot, wet tongue licked her from top to bottom.

As she gasped and arched, her ribs sent a stinging reminder of her soreness.

Wait. She shouldn’t feel pain in a dream. She shouldn’t feel those long, wet laps up and down her slit either. She really shouldn’t hear, “Goddamn, you taste sweet,” growled against her sex.

Celia opened her eyes and looked down to see Kyle lying between her legs, his hands gripping her inner thighs while his mouth did such amazing things with his tongue. “What are you

Keeping his gaze to hers, he locked his mouth to her clit and sucked.

Her whole body twitched.

He sucked again.

She twitched again.

Kyle lifted his mouth. “Lay back so you don’t hurt your ribs.”


He rapidly flicked his tongue over the skin covering her clit. “Are you really gonna tell me to stop?”

“No.” She lowered herself back to the mattress.

Another chuckle against her sensitive flesh.

Then Kyle set out to make her lose her mind. He tilted her hips to burrow his tongue completely inside her. He pressed soft kisses to the crease of her thighs. He’d lick her clit and stop to blow a cool stream of air over the hot, wet flesh, then return to sucking.

That telltale tingle started, spreading goose bumps from her nape down her spine. Kyle lapped at her slit with long strokes; a growling sound emerged when he dipped his tongue into the entrance to her body. Again and again.

Celia’s legs were restless against the blanket. She wanted to grab his head and force him to make her come now.

Kyle raised his face from the delicious assault. “Celia. Show me what you want.”

She put her hands over his ears and pressed his mouth over her clit.

He spread her folds apart with his thumbs. He looked at her, lowered his mouth, and sucked once. “Say my name.”


He suckled harder. “Say it again.”

“Kyle. Please.”

“That’s what I wanna hear.” He started a sucking, swirling motion with his mouth and tongue that pushed her from teetering on the edge to spinning in the maelstrom.

Her heart pounded, her skin throbbed, white noise roared in her ears as she unraveled. Her fingers dug into Kyle’s scalp as he sucked and tongued her through an orgasm without end. When the storm of pleasure eventually faded to a sweet throb, she flopped onto the bed and winced, hissing at the bite of pain in her ribs.

His hair tickled her belly as he kissed a path back up her body. Then his hands were beside her shoulders and he was hanging over her. He grinned. “Good morning.”

“That tongue of yours is an awesome alarm clock.” It surprised him when she rose up and kissed his lips. But she couldn’t withhold another wince at the stab of pain.

Kyle pushed back on his heels. His hands gently covered her ribs and concern replaced his amusement. “How bad do they hurt?”


“Don’t lie to me.”

“I definitely feel it, okay? It was worse last night than right after it happened.”

His thumbs followed the edge of her rib cage. “Do I need to take you to a doctor?”

“Time is the only fix. You’ve had this injury before.” Her gaze dropped to his crotch. Kyle was fully erect. “Morning wood?”

“No, you do that to me,” he said gruffly. “I woke up with you in my arms and it took every bit of self-control not to…” He made a frustrated sound. “You’re too fuckin’ sore for what I had in mind.”

“So you went down on me instead?”
Ooh, listen to you, Celia Lawson, talking so raunchy.

“I needed to touch you.”

She focused on his erect cock and then his eyes. “Left you in a hard spot?”

He shrugged. “I’m used to takin’ care of this myself.”

“You don’t lack for women angling to warm your bed, Kyle. Women happy to take care of that for you.”

“We discussed this last night. That’s in the past. You’re my wife.” He started to get up, but Celia hooked her leg around his knee.

“Where you goin’?”

A tiny bit of resentment flared in his eyes. “Why?”

“You’re goin’ to the bathroom to whack off.”

Mr. Dirty Talk blushed.

Be bold. Let him know you’re on board for whatever he has in mind.
“Show me how you touch yourself so I know what you like.”


“Yep. And definitely don’t be a gentleman about it.”

Eyes burning with liquid heat, he curled his right hand around his shaft and started to stroke. “I like it slippery, which is why I do this in the shower.”

Fascinated by the rougher way he handled himself, her gaze flicked between his face and his hand.

“You oughta see your eyes, kitten.” He groaned and pumped faster.

She felt the effect his self-pleasure was having on her. Her skin tightened. Her pussy heated. Her nipples drew into hard points. She wanted this man so much.

“This…I…won’t last long.” His broad chest rose and fell rapidly. “Christ. You just licked your lips. Do you have any idea what that does to me?”

“Show me.”

Another drawn-out moan.

Although he wasn’t squeezing hard, the stroking motion made the veins stand out on his forearm. The muscles bulged and flexed from his wrist to his shoulder. The cords in his neck were rigid, as was his jaw. Her breath caught. Goddamn, he was so sexy. He was such a prime example of masculine perfection and he was all hers.

At least for a little while.

“Fuck. Celia.” He threw his head back and came all over his hand.

Holy freakin’ hell, that was hot.

She stood and looked into his pleasure-hazed green eyes. “Thanks for the demo.”

“Maybe you can return the favor sometime.”

“Maybe.” She kissed him, finding her taste still lingered on his lips and tongue. “But I’d rather use my mouth.”

They skipped breakfast, dressed for the elements, and started on chores.

Kyle was a quick study in tractor operation. They spread out a roll of hay for the cattle and did a head count. The stock tank needed to be refilled, which required tracking down the water access. While Kyle loaded the woodstove, Celia ventured into the bigger metal building.

It contained miscellaneous farm equipment, all perfectly aligned, all in excellent shape. At least Kyle wasn’t faced with immediately replacing outdated, busted equipment. The place was damn near spotless too. Anything resembling junk was stacked in one corner. As she prowled the perimeter, she noticed a switch like the one on the stock tank. This place could be heated with the woodstove also.

BOOK: One Night Rodeo
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