Payce's Passions (18 page)

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Authors: Piper Kay

BOOK: Payce's Passions
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We both fell sound asleep last night, Payce wrapped in my arms. It’s so good to be around him after so long. I’d honestly given up hope of anything with us. The feel of him resting on my chest is incredible, and it’s a huge leap for him, for both of us I suppose. After the way we grew up, we learned to sleep with one eye open. Maybe we’ll build up a trust together, we have to because we belong together, always have.

I move a little to slide out from under his head, trying not to wake him, but not before kissing him first. Payce rolls off and flips to his stomach, hands under his chest and elbows out. The sheet pulls down to his waist. His muscles are defined and toned and he’s got that whole sexy back valley going on, no wonder it’s called ‘erector spinea’ because it’s making me ‘erector’ by the minute. I glide my hand over his sexy body, resting my hand in the small of his back, where it dips down before curving up to his rear. He is one fuck-hot man. He definitely belongs to me now. He’s astonishing, absolutely perfect.

He turns back over to his back. I love everything about him. The way his hair flops over to the side of his head from the middle, his tattoos, the way his chest rises and falls, everything. He looks calm and peaceful, comfortable.

Plus, he makes a nice addition to my bed. I’ve never let anyone stay overnight, but they weren’t Payce either. I lean over and kiss his cheek. We both have to be at work soon. If I didn’t, I would stay here all day long admiring him, taking him all in.

Payce lifts his chin, nudging his head back into the pillow, and turns his face to the opposite side. I stroke along his chest, he doesn’t have a lot of hair, but the perfect amount to stroke my fingers against. His nipples perk into a peak when I brush against them. He moves slightly, but I continue. Slowly the sheet starts to tent around him, he’s getting a hard on. I laugh to myself.
I’m glad he likes me touching him enough to react this way instead of telling me to leave him alone. I wonder if he’s awake.

“Payce, can you hear me?” I whisper.

He moves his ear closer to my breath, but then grumbles and starts snoring again. I lower the sheet so I can see all of him. He’s definitely hard and has the most delicious dick I’ve ever seen. I wrap my hand around him and glide up and down him, very easy and gentle.

With my other hand I reach for myself and do the same leaning my head back on the pillows. He reacts with short breaths and a little moan.
Fuck, I want to feel him again.
I stroke faster, and Payce turns his face toward me, eyes still closed. I look back to his cock and lick my lips, massaging myself harder.

“You’re so hot when you do that,” Payce whispers to me.

I smile. “Hmmm…I didn’t know you were awake.”

“Oh, so you’re taking advantage of me while I’m asleep?”

I turn my head to look in his eyes, he’s grinning. “I couldn’t help myself, I can’t keep my hands off of you.”

“A poor guy can’t get any rest around here, can he?” He scoots closer and kisses me. “Naughty, I like it…lick your lips again, it’s sexy.” He arches an eyebrow, then watches me stroke myself.

“Mmmm…you feel so good though,” I moan, then lick across them. “The way you pushed into me last night almost made me lose it right then.”

“Did it? I’m glad you liked it. I didn’t want to hurt you.” His eyes are so sultry.

Fucking hell.
“Nothing wrong with a little pain sometimes, it’s a hurts so good feeling.” I wink at him.

“Goddammit, Brax. That dirty mouth...shit.” He sits up and slides his arm under my back, flipping me over. He reaches over to the drawer grabbing the condom and lube.

“Payce, fuck me now,” I moan, arching my back so my ass raises to him.

“I’m trying, stupid wrappers.” He laughs.

Hearing the gel squirt into his hands, I know he’s about to enter me. He slips a finger inside, then another one for a minute then pulls out. Next his cock is sliding against me, up and down my crease, teasing me into being ready.

“Paaayce, now,” I hiss at him. After last night, I know he likes it when I moan his name. I get up on all fours for him.

“Oh God. Fuck, Brax.” He grabs my hip with one hand.

He guides himself to me, pushing in and stretching me. It stings a bit, making my breath hitch in my throat, then he drives deeper into me. “Oh yes…like that, harder.”

Both hands are on my waist as he hammers into me harder and faster. I like the way he feels pumping into me, as he tightens his grip on my hips, jerking me back to meet his thrusts.

Payce releases his grip and stalks up my back, supporting himself with both arms. His nose glides against my back, giving me chills. When he reaches my neck he kisses me and his arms come over my shoulders. My hands are in front of me and he finds them, locking his fingers over mine, and grinds into me again.

“You’re about to make me come already, Payce.”
I’ve never been ready this quick.

“Me too.” He crawls back, pushes down on my back, and slams into me. He begins to moan.

With one hand on my back, the other on my hip and his cock driving into me, he begins to shudder and I lose myself again as he releases too.

“Fucking fuck…oh my God, Brax…” his breath catches in his throat. “Jesus Christ, I’ve never come this hard before in my life. See what you do to me?” He collapses against my back, nudging into my neck, and gives me more kisses.

“Good morning,” I say, tilting my head back to him.

“You aren’t lying about that. I could wake up like this every morning.” He lets out a deep breath, then rolls off of me.

“Maybe you should.” I laugh. “I’ve got to get a shower and get to the grill, plus you have a demo job this morning, don’t you?” I ask.

“Yes. What time is it?” He turns to look at the clock. “Dammit, I need to go, baby. I still have to go home and change clothes. I can’t exactly wear leather to a job site.” Payce jumps up, looking for his belongings.

I get up to find them as he tosses the used rubber away. “Here, get going.”

“Throwing me out already. I see how you are, use me to get what you want then toss me, huh?” He grins.

“Not hardly. You should come to Braxton’s sometime today. Will you get a break?” I walk back to the bed, laying down on my side, head propped on my arm, watching him.

“I need to get them started on it. At least dig out half the slab, then I’ll see what I can do. I still have to take a drive by Aaron’s too, I need to catch him already.” He slides into his tight leather pants.

I toss that thought right the fuck out of my mind and watch Payce button up. “You are one sexy mother fucker in those.”

Payce turns to look at me, as I lick my lips. He doesn’t even finish buttoning up when he stalks over to me, jerking my head up and slathers his tongue all around my mouth, his hand grabs my dick.

“Keep this hard for me.” He pulls away. “I’ll see you soon.” Payce walks out of the bedroom.

“I will, just for you,” I yell out to him.

“Good, because you’re stuck with me now. That shit belongs to me.” He laughs and I hear the door close behind him.

I fall onto my back. He can have every bit of me as long as he wants it.
This is going to get intense as hell.


Chapter Nineteen



Braxton’s is packed again, this place is never empty. After I took care of the demo site, I left the job in the crew’s hands and took a swing by Ash and Aaron’s place. No one was there. Now I’m off the rest of the day, unless something comes up on the site.

As I walk in, Brax is heading toward the back. Before I can follow Sparky jumps in front of me.

“OMG, OMG…you naughty boy.” His eyes sparkle and he’s grinning like a kid who just got their favorite toy for Christmas.

“What Sparks?” I already know what he’s talking about
. How does he know? Brax doesn’t kiss and tell.

“You and the boss.” He’s about to bounce out of his shoes. “You two did the deed, got down and dirty, didn’t you? A little hanky-panky, some oochie-coochie, got your grove thang on?” He sticks out his hips rotating them in a circle motion.

Dear God!
“Stop that now.” Thank fuck he listens.

“I already know you two did it, he’s never been in this good of a mood. It’s written all over his face.” Sparky laughs. “I’m surprised he’s not walking bowlegged like John Wayne.”

“Serge, fuck man.” I look around to see if anyone just heard him. “You want to keep it down a little bit please.” I move in closer to him.

“Tell me, let me hear it from you.” He taps his foot on the floor.

“Shhh…yes, but hush now,” I whisper.

“I knew it. Weeee,” he squeals like a baby pig and claps his hands.
He apparently brought his stash pile of speed with him today.

“How are things with you? How is Ash doing?”

Sparky stands up straight and pinches his fingertips together. He brings them to his lips, puckers, and releases. “Marrrr…va…lous for me, Ash is still with me. He’s butt-hurt and sad, but I’ll cure him of that when the time comes though, don’t you worry.”

“I have no doubts at all, Sparky, none at all.” I wink at him.

“Well, I’m getting back up to the bar, you follow me. I’ll even let you take a glance at my ass if you don’t tell. I’m just teasing, this ass is on hold for Ash now. Come on, no wait.” He spins back around toward me. “It’s okay that I joke around with you, right? You’re not a normal customer anymore now that you’re poking the boss. Oh God, don’t get me fired, Payce.”

“We’re cool, keep on being you, I like it.” I pat him on the back.

“Righteous.”  He cocks his head up like rooster.

“I’m going to find Brax right now.” I take a step.

“Go get him, tiger.” Sparky bolts off like lightening, as usual, and darts up the stairs.

Shaking my head, I strut right on to the back like I’m doing the owner or something. Oh yeah, I am. Pushing through the doors, I see Brax entering an office and I follow. When I walk in, he’s bending over the desk scribbling something down on a legal pad.

Fuck, he shouldn’t do these things now that I’m back around.
I sneak up behind him, grab him by the hips and press my body against his. He stops writing, not moving an inch. I slide my hand down and run it across his groin, and start rubbing him through his pants, feeling him get hard almost immediately. He leans back against my shoulder and lets out a breath.

“Mmmm…what are you doing, Payce?” he moans.

“How did you know it was me?” I laugh, but don’t stop massaging him.

“I don’t have to see you to know when you’re around. I get a feeling, I’ve had it several times over the years.”

“You’ve got a feeling all right.” I tighten my hand on his cock.

“Payce, not here. I’ll…”

“You’ll what, get fired?” I laugh. “I want you so hard.”

I’m starting to get a hard-on thinking about him like this, but fuck all if I can resist. “Does it feel good?”

His body quivers, then goes still. “This is starting to feel a little too good…you have to stop.”

I remove my hand from him, knowing I can’t really do anything here, but if I could, whew.

He turns around, and grabs my neck, pulling me to him. He kisses me.

“Oh yeah,” I mumble.

“Damn you, Payce.” He’s smiling.

“I can’t help it.” I shrug. “I had to see if you meant what you said this morning about keeping it hard for me.” I grin.

“Of course I meant it, but none of this stuff at work. Got it?” He pokes me in the chest.

“I guess so. You sure we can’t just close the door and rub one off together right quick?” I arch an eyebrow, hoping he says go for it.

“I’m positive, Payce.”

I take a step back, just as Ash walks in the office. Brax gives me a “see, I told you so” look and turns to Ash.

“Good to see you back, enjoy your time off?” Ash asks Brax.

“I did, very much in fact.” Brax looks at me.

“Oh.” Ahem. Ash coughs understanding exactly what Brax means. “Good to see you again, Payce, have you handled your…um…little situation yet?” Ash tries to talk in code.

“It’s okay, Ash, I told Braxton everything. Aaron hasn’t been back to the house yet, not that I can tell. Any word from him?” I cross my arms over my chest.

“No, only a couple texts.”

“Get my number from Brax or Serge. If he contacts you, give me a call. What did he say?” I ask.

“How sorry he was, forgive him, he loves me and a bunch of other bullshit. I didn’t respond.”

“Ash, did Payce tell you that we both knew Aaron back in the day?”

Ash nods, but I step in to answer. “I told him and explained it all to him. It seems Ash knew about me too, Braxton.”

“Maybe a little bit.” Brax turns a little red.

“Ash, don’t respond to Aaron, it’ll force him to come back home and then I’ll grab him.”

“Will do.” Ash reaches out to shake my hand. “Appreciate it, sorry for the other night.”

“No biggie.”

“What happened?” Brax asks.

“Nothing at all.” I turn to face Brax. “I’m heading home for the rest of the day, call me when you’re off work?”

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