Pierced Love

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Authors: T. H. Snyder

BOOK: Pierced Love
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© 2013 t. h. snyder (Tiffany Snyder)

Published by t. h. snyder

First published in 2013. All rights reserved. This book is copyright. Apart from the fair purpose of private study, research or review as permitted by the Copyright Act, no part may be reproduced without written permission.

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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the product of the imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual, locales or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

Images Copyright

Book Cover By Design: Kellie Dennis



I want to THANK the following people for their SUPPORT and ENCOURAGEMENT throughout this journey.

My family! You guys CHEER me on every day telling me how PROUD you are of my ACCOMPLISHMENT. I couldn't have done this without you Mom (Roberta), Angie, Dad and Mar.

To my two WONDERFUL kids, you are my world Raeghyn, and Mason. I love you both to infinity and beyond

My FANTASTIC writing BFF’s. I love you both for all the crazy ideas and stories that we’ve passed between one another. I need you both more than you will ever know Traci and Trisha. #thisishappening!!!

My BETA GIRLS! Thank you for taking the time out of your busy lives to read my book. No matter how much we may struggle with feedback you’ve helped me make this story even better….love you Amy Conception, Jenn Diaz, Jennifer Maikis, Crystal Rearick, Barb Johnson, Christina Lynn Bise and Jamie Zishka.

The TALENTED and AMAZING, Kellie Dennis, who has once again created a masterpiece for my book cover….love you girl!

Ohhh, and this lady, geez. She stepped in right when I needed her as my editor. Thank you Rebecca Cartee, you are truly AWESOME.

Those AMAZING Indie Authors out there that inspired me to do something I never thought was possible. You showed me that with a little motivation and imagination anything is possible.

This woman came into my life a few weeks ago and has been by my side the entire time. Christine Stanley you are like a sister to me and I love you hard girl. No matter if it’s book related or I’m in need of shoulder to whine on…you are my go to girl!!!

When times got rough and I wanted to smash my head against the wall (don’t laugh, true story), I could always count on my SPICE GIRLS. Love y’all long time Kathy Coopmans, Karrie Puskas, Nikki Flannery, Heather Slayton and Yamara Martinez.      

A special shout out to a few authors that I know and LOVE very much. Without your support and encouragement, I’d be lost. I love you Margaret McHeyzer, Joanne Schwelm, Trudy Stiles, Michelle Polk and Julie Morgan.



Sometimes the pain is too much; it’s overwhelming yet I don’t know how to change or make the pain go away.

Change isn’t something I’ve ever wanted until now.

I figured it wouldn’t make me happier.

Things wouldn’t be different with the kids at school, my parents or my brother and sister. So, what’s the point of changing?

There is no point. So why am I so confused on whether or not I should change who I am because of one person?

Even if that person makes me want to be a better daughter, sister, student, and maybe even human being it doesn’t mean that I should…right?

He had me thinking weird things from the start. Things that made we wonder if things could be different if I changed. And if I did, would I be worthy of the same things the rest of the world did?

He did this to me.

Not necessarily the first moment we met, but in just the short amount of time I’ve known him, he did this to me.

He pierced my soul with something stronger than the studs I have on my body. Worse than the pain of my tattoo, which my parents still don’t know that I have.

I’m somewhat unsettled, confused, and unsure but he seems to makes all that pain go away

I thought that if, maybe, I just didn’t see him again things would go back to normal. I mean, it isn’t like we go to the same school or anything.

But man was I wrong.

Now thanks to Zeke and Allie, I see him all the time, but I don’t think he sees me the way that I see him.

Well, at least he won’t see me that way until I change.

And what the hell good would that do?


A small hand with hot pink nail polish waves in front of my face. I flinch from the closeness of the swaying arm and bat my lashes. Trying to regain my focus from my blurred moment of zoning, I sit back on the stool until I can finally see clearly.

Damn it! I was fading out again.

“Zar, snap out of it. Come on back to the land of the living, space cadet,” Zoe says.

My sister’s shrill voice and inconsiderate comment begin to make my pulse race and anger rage through my veins.

“I’m not a space cadet, Zoe. I’m just really tired,” I yell in my little sister’s direction.

Getting up from the breakfast bar in the kitchen, I slam my stool against the dark wooden frame. Great! Just great! This isn’t how I planned on
starting what I feel is one of the worst days of my life

From the corner of my eye, I see Zoe jump from the loud bang.

If she only knew the lack of sleep I’ve dealt with over the past few days.

No one knows, let alone understands, the stress that I’ve been under before to today.

It’s been almost unbearable.

I unclench my fists, which I didn’t realize were gripped so tightly to my side and put my breakfast dishes in the sink.

“Well, I was just wondering if you’re going to give me a ride to school today,” she says in a whisper.

Shit, I probably caught her off guard. I really need to lighten up a bit; but with all of this anxiety building up about school today, I feel like I’m going to blow.

I turn to look her in the eyes and stare with a glare. I let out a quiet laugh and roll my eyes.

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