Plagues in World History (49 page)

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Authors: John Aberth

Tags: #ISBN 9780742557055 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 9781442207967 (electronic), #Rowman & Littlefield, #History

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Italy, 28, 105, 108

imperialism: and cholera, 105; and

Ivins, Bruce, 214n10

disease, 12; Native American

devastation by, 80–85; and plague,

Jacob of Voragine, 28

57, 62–70

Jamaica, 167

Incas, 9

James of Pavia, 48

India: AIDS in, 160, 174; cholera in,

Janibeg, 35

102, 105–6; conceptions of disease

Japan, 174

in, 5; imperialism in, 57, 62–69, 86,

Jenner, Edward, 85

105–6; influenza in, 117–18, 121;

Jerome, Saint, 1

plague and, 57, 62–69; resistance to

Jesuits, 84

Western medicine in, 62–69, 86;

Jews, scapegoating of, 15–16, 53–54

smallpox in, 73, 86

John of Ephesus, 21, 24–27, 57

Indian Plague Commission, 62, 66

John of Saxony, 45–46, 51

Indonesia, 118, 131

Johnson, Earvin “Magic,” 148

influenza, 111–33; avian, 127–30;

Journal of Hygiene
, 62

causes of, 111, 116; challenges of,

Julian of Norwich, 51

111; controversies concerning, 128–

Justinian, Byzantine emperor, 26, 27,

30; death rates from, 113, 114, 117–


18, 123, 127, 131; environmental

factors in, 113; H1N1 pandemic

Kaposi’s sarcoma, 137, 145, 155

(2009), 112, 117, 130–33; history of,

Kashlari, Abraham, 41

114–27; impact of, 122–23; mutating Kathıµr, Ibn, 50

capability of, 111, 124; 1918–1919

Keats, John, 91, 93–94

pandemic, 113, 114, 117–23; origin

Kenya, 159

of term, 115; pandemics of, 116–17,

Khamtima, Ibn, 15, 39–40, 42

124–28 (
see also

Khaldun, Ibn, 42

pandemic; H1N1 pandemic [2009]);

al-Khatıµb, Ibn, 39–41, 44–45, 55–56

responses to, 122–27, 129–33;

al-Khattamb, Umar ibn, Caliph, 29–30, 54

Index y 239

Kidman, Nicole, 94

McNeill, William, 79, 189n49;

Kilbourne, Edwin, 126

and Peoples
, 9–13, 181

Knox, Robert, 104

measles, 2

Koch, Robert, 62, 90, 91, 101, 108,

Mecca, 105


Médecins Sans Frontières (Doctors

Konrad of Megenberg, 43

without Borders), 164

Koop, C. Everett, 148, 154

medicine: and plague, 37–49, 54–57,

Kramer, Larry, 145

62–71; resistance to, 62–69, 86, 99,


Laos, 173

Meese, Ed, 147

Larouche, Lyndon, 147

Merck, 172

Latin America, AIDS in, 170–73

Mesopotamia, 3

Latta, Thomas, 108

Mexico, 78–79, 130, 131, 167, 173

Lauritsen, John, 143

miasmatic theory, 6, 38–39, 63, 103,

lentiviruses, 136

105, 107, 116

Loneti, Theobaldus, 84

microparasites, 10, 11, 181

Louisiana, 155

Mohenjo-Daro, 3

Lubb, Ibn, 42, 44–45, 47, 50, 55

Mongol Empire, 9, 35

Lübeck, Germany, 61, 90

Montagnier, Luc, 145

Ludendorff, Eric von, 120

Montague, Mary Wortley, Lady, 85

Lynn, James, 125

morality: AIDS and, 152–53; plague

lysis, 74, 136

and, 22–23, 25–26, 36–37, 61

Moreau de Jonnès, Alexandre, 106

Machaut, Guillaume de, 47

Moulin Rouge!
(film), 94

macroparasites, 11, 181

Mswati III, king of Swaziland, 162

mad cow disease.
bovine spongiform Mu’awiya, 29


Mugabe, Robert, 162

Madyan, Ibn Abum, 44

Muhammad, Prophet, 29–30, 39, 44,

Maher, Bill, 132

45, 50, 107

malaria, 2, 19, 108

Mullis, Kary, 143

Malawi, 162

Museveni, Yoweri, 161, 163

Mallon, Mary, 98

Mussis, Gabriele de, of Piacenza, 35

Malthus, Thomas, 103

Mycobacterium tuberculosis
, 89

Manchuria, 63, 65

Mann, Thomas,
The Magic Mountain

Namibia, 164


Naples, Italy, 105, 108

Mao Zedong, 124

National Animal Identification System

al-Maqrıµzıµ, Ahmad ibn ‘Alıµ, of Cairo,

(NAIS), 129


National Cancer Institute, 148

Marker, Lucinda, 19

National Immunization Conferences,

Mather, Cotton, 85


Mathews, David, 125

National Institute of Allergies and

Mbeki, Thabo, 143, 160, 163–64, 183

Infectious Diseases (NIAID), 148

240 y Index

Native Americans: conceptions of

plague, 19–72; benefits of, 58–60, 71–

disease held by, 81, 189n49; impact

72; in the Bible, 4–5; causes of, 19–

of disease on, 78–85; imperialism’s

20, 38–44, 47–48, 62 (
see also

impact on, 80–85; and smallpox, 9,

or God as origin of); death rates


from, 22, 23, 37, 61; disease

Nelmes, Sara, 85

outbreaks attributed to, 22; disposal

Neolithic period, 2–3, 89, 114, 180

of corpses from, 25–26, 57;

New York Times
(newspaper), 126, 132–environmental factors in, 34–35;


First Pandemic of, 21–33; flight

New Zealand, 121, 175

from, 29–32, 44–50; gods or God as

Nicaragua, 170

origin of, 1–2, 7, 24–25, 28, 39–40,

noninfectious diseases, 16

43–44, 53–54; history of, 4–8, 22–23;

North Manchurian Plague Prevention

impact of, 27, 32–33, 36–61, 71–72;

Service, 62

late medieval conception of, 15, 38;

lessons of, 70–72; meaning of term,

Obama, Barack, 132, 147, 149

1; medical responses to, 26, 37–49,

Oldham, Robert, 104

54–57, 62–71; and morality, 45–49;

Olympics, 132

origins and spread of, 23–24, 33–36,

Onesimus, 85

61–62; outbreaks of, 22–23, 37;

original sin, 25, 30, 52

personifications of, 61; precautions

(film), 179

against, 38, 46, 63–64; responses to,

23–33, 37–70; Second Pandemic of,

Padian, Nancy, 152

21–23, 33–61; smallpox mistaken

Pakistan, 173, 174

for, 7, 22, 76; social effects of, 27–33,

Paleolithic period, 2, 89

38–59, 62–72; symptoms of, 15, 20–

Panama, 78, 170

22; Third Pandemic of, 21, 23, 61–

Papua New Guinea, 175

70; transmission of, 19–20; treatment

Pasteur, Louis, 62

of, 21–22, 37–38; types of, 19–20.

Paul the Deacon, 31, 47

See also
Black Death; bubonic

Peloponnesian War, 6–9, 76–77

plague; disease

Penkamyem, John bar, 31–32, 47

Plague of ‘Amwâs (638–639), 29–30,

Perdue, 129

39, 44, 45

Pericles, 9

Plague of Athens (430–426 B.C.E.),

Peru, 170

6–9, 22, 76–78

Petrarch, Francesco, 51

Plague of Naples (1656), 37

Pfeiffer, Richard, 122

Plague of the Antonines (164–180), 22,

pharmaceutical industry, 13, 127, 128,


141, 143, 163, 171–72

pneumonia, 112–13, 119

(film), 150

pneumonic plague, 15, 20–22, 63, 65

Philippines, 106, 108

Poe, Edgar Allen, 94

Phipps, James, 85

“Poem of the Righteous Sufferer,” 3

pilgrimages, 105–6

poisoning, accusations of, 53–54, 65,

Pizarro, Francisco, 9

103–5, 107

Index y 241

poliomyelitis, 4, 11

reverse transcription, 74, 135–36

politics, 126, 148–49, 152, 162–64

al-Ramzıµ, Muhammad ibn

Poona Vaibhav
(newspaper), 67


positivist approach to disease, 9, 15–16

Ribbeniz, Heinrich, 54

poverty: and AIDS, 159–60, 163, 176,

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 69–70, 86

183; and cholera, 103; and influenza, Roberts, Janine, 143

117; and TB, 91, 94, 100

Robertson, Donald, 66

prayer, to combat plague, 28, 50, 57–58

Roche, 172

Preston, Richard,
The Hot Zone
, 179

Roman Empire, 77

Primus of Görlitz, 61

(rockers), 169

processions, to combat plague, 28, 50,

Rufus of Ephesus, 22

52, 57–58

Rushd al-Jadd, Ibn, 44

Procopius of Caesarea, 21, 24–27

Russia: AIDS in, 175; and cholera, 104;

prostitution, 139, 146, 151, 153, 167,

and smallpox, 87; and tuberculosis,

170, 173, 174, 209n29

91, 96, 99

public health measures: and AIDS,

Russian State Research Center of

146–47, 152, 176; and cholera, 103–

Virology and Biotechnology, 87

8; and influenza, 122–33; and plague, Ryan White Care Act, 148.
See also 40, 56–57, 62–70; and smallpox, 86;

White, Ryan

and TB, 97–98

Puerto Rico, 170

Sabin, Albert, 125

purgatory, 58–59

San Francisco, California, 69–70

sanitoria, 92

al-Qayyim, Ibn, 50, 55

severe acute respiratory

Quod liceat pestilentiam fugere
(“That it syndrome

should be permitted to flee the

Saturday Night Live comedy program,

pestilence”), 48


Qur’an, 30, 58

scapegoating, 15–16, 27, 53–54, 103–4

Schatz, Albert, 90

al-Ramzıµ, Muhammad ibn Zakariyam

schistosomiasis, 2, 4

(Rhazes), 15;
Treatise on the Small-

Schumann, Robert, 94

pox and Measles
, 77–78

science, religion vs., 40–57

race, AIDS and, 151–52, 168

Scott, Susan, 194n78

Ramses V, 4, 73

Secretum Secretorum
(Book of Secrets), Rand, W. C., 67


Rasnick, David, 143

Senegal, 65, 159

Ray brothers, 147

Sepoy Mutiny (1857), 67, 105

Reade, W. L., 67–68

septicemic plague, 15, 20, 22

Reagan, Ronald, 126, 148

sermon cycles, to combat plague, 28–29

religion, science vs., 40–57

Seven Years’ War (1756–1763), 116

resistance, to medical interventions,

severe acute respiratory syndrome

56–57, 62–70, 86, 99, 103–7

(SARS), 108, 119, 182

retroviruses, 74, 136

sewer systems, 3, 108

242 y Index

sexually transmitted diseases (STDs),

swine flu, 125, 131

139, 151, 152, 155, 158

symptoms: of cholera, 95, 101–2; of

sex work.

HIV/AIDS, 136–38; of influenza,

ash-Shaqumrıµ, Muhammad ibn ‘Alıµ,

112–13, 119; of plague, 15, 20–22; of


smallpox, 6–7, 75, 77–78; of TB, 89,

Shelley, Percy, 94


Shi’ites, 29, 52

Sigerist, Henry, 80

Tamshköprüzamde (Ottoman jurist), 55

Silverman, Mervyn, 147

Tanzania, 117–18, 159, 162, 166

Simond, Paul-Louis, 62


Simon of Corvino, 47

Thailand, 130, 173–74

Sina, Ibn (Avicenna), 38

Thoreau, Henry David, 94

Sirach, Jesus ben, 43

History of the Peloponnesian smallpox, 73–87; in the Americas, 78–War
, 6–9, 10, 25, 76–78

85; cause of, 73–74; controversy over Tlaxcala people, 12

remaining strains of, 87; in Egypt, 4,

Todros, Isaac Ben, 41

73; eradication of, 76, 86–87; in


Europe, 74, 76–78, 85–86; great pox

transportation and travel, and the

vs., 74; history of, 2, 73–78, 85–87;

transmission of disease, 20, 33–34,

immunity to, 74, 76, 85–86; Native

61, 71, 107, 115–16, 131, 181

Americans’ suffering from, 9, 79–84;

Treatment Action Campaign (TAC),

plague mistakenly diagnosed instead


of, 7, 22, 76; plague vs., 76;

Trinidad/Tobago, 159, 167

symptoms of, 6–7, 75, 77–78;

Trudeau, Edward Livingston, 92

transmission of, 19, 75, 77, 82; types

Tshabalala-Msimang, Manto, 164

of, 74, 75

tuberculosis (TB), 89–100; AIDS and,

Snow, John, 106, 107–8, 182

96, 158; causes of, 90–91, 100; cure

Sontag, Susan,
AIDS and Its Metaphors
, for, 90; environmental factors in, 91,


100; extensively drug-resistant strain

Soper, George, 98

of (XDR-TB), 95–96; history of, 2,

South Africa, 143, 159–60, 162–64, 166

4, 89–90, 95, 98; multi-drug-resistant

South America, AIDS in, 170–73

strain of (MDR-TB), 95–100; New

South Korea, 174

York City epidemic of, 96–99;

Spain, 121

societal factors in, 91, 93–95, 100;

sexually transmitted diseases symptoms of, 89, 95; transmission of,

Stevenson, Robert Louis, 94

19, 91, 95, 96–97, 100; treatment of,

streptomycin, 90

90–93, 95–97, 99

sub-Saharan Africa: AIDS in, 16, 135,

tularemia, 2

139, 141–42, 144, 155–66; malaria

Tull, John, 19–20, 22

in, 108

Tunisia, 57, 106–7

Sunnis, 29, 52

Tuskegee syphilis experiment, 152

Susruta Samhita
, 73

typhoid fever, 2, 7, 98

Swaziland, 162, 164

Typhoid Mary case, 98

Index y 243

typhus, 7, 19

virgin soil epidemics, 9, 12, 79–83, 86,

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