Plagues in World History (47 page)

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Authors: John Aberth

Tags: #ISBN 9780742557055 (cloth : alk. paper) — ISBN 9781442207967 (electronic), #Rowman & Littlefield, #History

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Abbott, 172

countries, 135, 139, 173–75; policies

Achmat, Zackie, 164

on, 147–49, 153, 159, 161–64, 168–

acquired immune deficiency syndrome

71; positive aspects of, 12–13; race

(AIDS), 135–77; biology and origins

and, 151–52, 168; sexuality and, 16,

of, 135–36; cancers occurring with,

139, 146, 151–57; social aspects of,

137–38; in Caribbean, 166–70;

10; societal factors in, 135, 146–54,

causes of, 74, 156–59; conceptions

159–67, 175–77, 183; spread of, 161;

of, 16; controversies over, 146–49

in sub-Saharan Africa, 141, 144,

see also
dissidence concerning);

155–66; surveillance and control

course of, 137–38; death rates from,

related to, 153–54; symptoms of,

150, 155, 174; dissidence

137–38; TB and, 96, 158; tests for,

concerning, 142–44, 163; drug use

146; treatment of, 147–49, 163–65,

and, 138–39, 143, 146, 149, 151–53,

171; uniqueness of, 144, 176–77; in

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