Raunchy 2 (30 page)

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Authors: T Styles

Tags: #Fiction, #Literary, #Urban, #African American, #General

BOOK: Raunchy 2
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Concord Manor

Kali walked behind the large mansion quietly. He crept in through the back door that he knew was open because Harmony stayed drunk and would always lose her keys. He had his gun there and a few other things he hadn’t taken with him when he originally left. He couldn’t get ghost without them. Walking into the kitchen, he was surprised to see Madjesty standing in the middle of the floor looking at him.

The black jeans and black shirt she wore made her look smaller than she already was, and the navy blue baseball cap hid her eyes. She didn’t seem scared by his presence, just curious.

“Fuck is up with you?” Kali asked going for the cabinet which held his gun. “And why you standing in the middle of the kitchen floor?”
“Last I heard this was my house.”
He smirked. “Yeah well, whatever.”
Then he moved for another cabinet, grabbed a glass and turned on the faucet. Placing the cup under the lukewarm water he filled it completely before swallowing all of its contents. His back was turned toward her but he could see her boyish reflection from the window.
“So, is it true?” Her voice was somewhat feminine, but her tone was a little masculine. Almost like a rebellious little boy who thought he knew everything.
“Is what true?”
“That you my father?”
Kali turned around and looked at her. He always had a feeling he was both of their fathers but Harmony was such a whore that he couldn’t be sure. “I don’t know. I mean, your moms said it could be me or the nigga Jace.” Then he walked up to her. “But I’ma be real with you kid, your mother’s a whore. When we was coming up she fucked half the niggas on the block. So you could be anybody’s baby.” He was about to go to the room he used upstairs to grab his shit when her words stopped him.
“Jace came by here the other night. He said you were my father. He said my mother fucked you and him at the same time, but for some reason, we got different daddies. I ain’t never heard of nothing like that, but I wonder if you think it’s true.”
Kali stopped, turned and stared at her again. “How would he know that shit?”
“He said he got your hair from some barber shop you went to, and tested me and my sister. My sister is his daughter, and he said you my father.”
She didn’t sound so standoffish now. She looked at her tennis shoes and he glanced at them also. He could tell they were the wrong size by the position of her toes as she moved them.
“So he took my hair?”
“That’s what he said.”
Kali squinted. He wasn’t the smartest man but to him nothing the girl-boy just said made any sense. “I don’t believe it.”
“I’m just telling you what he said.” Then she came out of her shoes and held them in her hands. “Jace seems to be real ready to be my sister’s father. He talks to her on a regular and everything. I’m wondering if we could. I mean…I’m wondering if we could be like that, too.”
“What make you think I want that?”
“I’m asking.” She frowned. “I mean, if you don’t want it that’s cool.”
“You sure about that?”
“I ain’t never have no father, and I wanna know how it is. I be beefing with my moms but that’s cause of the shit she did to me. If I had a father, like somebody who really wanted to be in my life, maybe I wouldn’t be so mad at the world you know?”
Kali heard all of that and the only thing he could focus on was Jace. “When he came over, did he come with a rack of niggas?”
His dismissal of her feelings stung. “Yeah. I think they were looking for you too.”
He saw her about to walk away when he said, “I don’t know what them peoples talking about, but even if you were my daughter I wouldn’t want one. I got my own problems right now and dealing with a kid just don’t fit into my plans.”
Madjesty’s head dropped. Out of both of the dads, she would get the one who wasn’t worth shit. “Fuck you!” She yelled. “’Cause I ain’t want a father no way.” She stopped the tears from welling up in her eyes. “I was just telling you what the fuck them peoples told me.” Then she walked off, her voice trailing behind her. “You can see yourself out.”
Kali stood in the kitchen for a second thinking about what she said. He wanted a family, always had, but he didn’t know if he wanted her. She wasn’t the type of girl he could imagine calling ‘Daddy’s little girl’. Had it been Jayden it may have been another story. But Madjesty, well, she was all nigga and he wasn’t feeling it one bit. For now he would focus on getting money.
Kali got the shit out of the house he wanted and was about to leave out the back door when he saw some nigga in all black in the bushes. When he turned to the other side he saw another nigga. He gripped his weapon, dipped back into the house, and dropped to the floor, fully expecting all of the windows to come crashing in on him. But after forty more seconds, nothing happened. Why weren’t they shooting at him? If they wanted him, he was sure they had him outnumbered. They could’ve ambushed the house and sent the nigga to meet his maker. So what was stopping them?
When he raised his head he saw Mad standing over him in her white socks. “You still here?” She paused. “And why you on the floor?” “Yeah...uh, I ain’t gonna leave right now. Where your mother at?” He remained cowering down.
“She ain’t here.” She lied. “Why?”
“Well I’m chilling here for the night. You cool with that?” “Whatever,” Mad said walking away again.
On his hands and knees, he crawled toward the room he stayed in upstairs. He knew it was a mistake coming into the house, but now he didn’t have a choice. Once in the room, he locked the door and put the dresser under the knob. His mind was racked trying to figure out how he would leave, and more importantly, why he was still alive.
Lying in the bed he cocked his gun and aimed at the door. Whoever came in was gonna get the business...and that went for anybody.

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