Read Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs Online

Authors: Gerry Bartlett

Tags: #Horror & Ghost Stories

Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs (18 page)

BOOK: Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs
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jumped in the shower and did my best to make myself irresistible. Not that it would do much good. Once Jerry heard the name MacDonald, how I looked wouldn’t matter. Valdez did his doggie-disguise thing, this time as a standard poodle just because it amused him to mix it up. We ventured outside via the back door. My own disguise was little more than a silk scarf over my hair and sunglasses again.
Jerry met us on the other side of the Dumpster. “Valdez, you’re not very threatening in that look.”
“Sorry, boss, but I’ve got all my skills with me. Don’t worry about that.”
Valdez leaped over a puddle of melted chocolate ice cream. It looked like a kid’s party had been held in the hotel and the cleanup had been pretty sloppy. There were several cupcakes on the ground near the Dumpster and I saw Valdez look at them longingly. But he kept close beside me. We were both wired. We knew what was coming.
“Where are we going, Jerry? A club? Your hotel?” Which would be better? A public place where he’d have to control his rage or privacy where I could try to distract him by doing all the things I’d learned he liked after so many years together?
“How about a drive? We can take the convertible and drive along the Pacific Coast Highway. You said the coast was beautiful. We’ll leave Valdez here.” He gave Valdez a wave. “I can handle Gloriana’s security on my own. Enjoy the night off.”
“Thanks, boss, but maybe I should tag along. Glory—”
Valdez snapped his mouth shut at a look from Jerry.
“Jerry, he’s only doing his job. Quit looking at him like that.” I smiled at V and sent him a mental message. I would be okay. Jerry would never hurt me. And I was surely better off without an audience anyway. “Get some sleep, Rafe. You’ve been on duty way too many nights without a lot of rest during the day. I know the suite’s busy with Nathan in and out and the rest of the band looking for Ray at all hours.”
“True enough. It’s hell keeping everyone away from your bedroom. Nate’s not a problem, but the band is. Those guys usually come by in the late afternoon ready to start the party or wanting to jam.”
Valdez shrugged one furry gray shoulder.
“Yeah, I could use some sleep. Maybe I’ll find a real bed and stretch out.”
“You do that. Shift, enjoy a shower, do whatever you want. I’ll bring her back right before dawn. Until then, you’re on your own.” Jerry put his hand at my waist and steered me toward the street.
“That was nice of you, Jerry.” I smiled at him. “Rafe needs some real time off.”
“I get that.” Jerry pulled me closer, then stopped. “Hey, you
been losing weight!” He held me away from him.
I’d put on a black miniskirt and cardigan sweater, but I’d worn a red satin camisole under it and tucked it in. Tucking in is not a Glory thing. But the waistband on the skirt had actually been a little loose and I hadn’t been able to resist. Now Jerry slipped the cardigan off my shoulders and looked me over, even turned me around.
“Look at you. Sexy and shrinking right before my eyes. I can’t believe that vampire managed to do this for you.” Jerry toyed with the cami strap, his eyes dark and making promises.
“She worked at it too, boss. You wouldn’t believe it, but Glory exercised.”
Valdez still lingered in the alley.
“Exercised.” Jerry grinned. “I’d like to have seen that.”
“No, you wouldn’t. She’s not exactly Olympic material.”
Valdez coughed and backed up a few steps.
“Oh, yeah, leaving now. No, I’m gone. See you much, much later, Glory. Good luck.”
He turned tail and disappeared into the open back door of the hotel.
“Luck? Why do you need luck, Gloriana?” Jerry replaced the sweater on my shoulders and took my hand to lead me to his car. He helped me into the passenger seat with as much care as if I’d been a princess. Jerry always made me feel special.
“No reason. It was just a saying.” I watched Jerry settle behind the wheel. “You sure you know how to get where we’re going?”
“I have a portable GPS. This car is vintage, so I stopped and bought one. The salesman helped me program the thing to take us on a scenic drive. We’ll end up at a place where we can have privacy and a beautiful view of the Pacific.” He turned to me and smiled. “How does that sound?”
“Perfect.” I relaxed as he started the car. Might as well. The drive would give me time to figure out exactly what I could say to keep Jerry from heading straight out to Ian’s with a broadsword. Because, knowing my beloved, he’d packed one. The perks of chartering your own jet when you’re traveling cross-country. I tied my scarf tight so the wind wouldn’t whip my hair around my head as Jerry followed the voice on the GPS to the Pacific Coast Highway.
By the time he turned into a driveway that wandered up a hill, my nerves were shot. No amount of beautiful scenery could take my mind off the showdown to come. And if I kept stalling, Jerry was bound to find out from someone else. I felt sure Richard would tell him tomorrow night. Especially if he discovered that Jerry and Ian had a feud going.
Had I told Flo not to mention that to Richard? Damn. Surely she wouldn’t . . . Who was I kidding? She’d fill Richard in on all the gory details if she thought it would help with his investigation. And he’d be on the Internet checking MacDonald out anyway even if Flo didn’t say anything. What better reason would Ian have to poison me than that I’d been made by a Campbell vampire? Gee, now
was worried. No, Ian was a businessman. I was fine. Had lost five pounds. Not poisoned at all. Oh, hell. We were here. Wherever here was. Time for truth or consequences. Gulp.
Jerry pulled the car to a stop. We were on a cliff overlooking the ocean. The house behind us must have been built to fit perfectly on the spot. The stone and redwood structure hugged the terrain and had to have fabulous views from every window. It was dark and looked vacant.
“Who lives here?”
“No one right now. One of the Los Angeles vampires bought it as an investment. Then the market dipped. It’s for sale and I have a key. We can go inside and look around.” Jerry got out of the car. “What do you think? Is it romantic enough for you?”
“It’s perfect.” I walked over to the edge of a slate terrace and peered down to a beach far below. Steps had been carved into the side of the cliff. The waves drifted into a narrow beach and the wind had died down to a gentle breeze. I took off my scarf and brushed my hair back from my face. Then I felt Jerry’s hand slide down my back.
“There’s a heated pool. Want to go skinny dipping?” His voice was husky as he slid my sweater off my shoulders again.
“Why did you ask? Seems like you already know the answer.” I reached back and unzipped my skirt, then stepped out of it. My black thong was looser than it used to be and I took a moment to savor the feeling. Then I turned and reached for Jerry’s sweater, a yellow silk that had the look of Rodeo Drive. Flo had certainly had a ball with his credit card.
“I love this sweater on you. It looks great with your dark hair and eyes. But it has to come off.” I threw it over to land on a chaise near the pool.
“Just like this bra. Red is definitely your color. And I like the way it pushes up your breasts and matches that silk thing you have on.” Jerry leaned down to lick a path along the edge of the cami. “But they both have to come off right now.” He made quick work of them.
I undid his belt and slid down his zipper. “Hmm. Are you sure you have time for a swim?” I held his hard length in my hand. “Seems you’re ready to do a little something more.” I shoved down his jeans.
“A little something?” Jerry grinned, tossed away my thong and swung me up into his arms.
I let my heels drop to the ground. “Okay, a big something. Don’t get any of these clothes wet. I do have to go back to the hotel tonight. It’s important.”
“Why?” Jerry managed to kick off his pants.
“The weight-loss thing. I have to drink something special before I sleep.” I made a face. “Sorry if that broke the mood.”
Jerry ran his hand along my bottom. “Nothing could break this mood, sweetheart.” He kissed me, slow and deep, then walked into the pool down some shallow steps until the water hit him midchest.
“The temperature’s perfect.” I slid against him to stand on my feet. I’m not a fan of water, especially lakes with creepy-crawly things in them. But here, in Jerry’s arms, I felt safe.
“You make me hot, woman. I’m surprised the water’s not boiling around us.” He pulled my legs around his waist. I felt his hardness bump my stomach as he kissed me deeply, our tongues tangling together. Then he slid my legs over his shoulders.
“Don’t let me drown!”
“No worries.” He held one hand under my head and began to kiss a path up my inner thighs. My mind went blank and any pitiful swimming skills I had escaped me. Forget that trainer’s core. Jerry had found my real one. Like the core of a volcano, mine was deep inside me with a building pressure threatening to explode as he used his mouth on me. I felt the boiling, roiling, almost insanely explosive power shudder through me. My shudders made the water around us into wavelets but I just gripped Jerry’s arms and reached for what I needed so desperately—release.
“Jerry, please. Come inside me. I . . .” I reached for him but he shook his head, refusing to stop his delicious torture. What was he waiting for? Tremors shook me. A California earthquake? No, this was the beginnings of my own impossibly delicious violent upheaval. Finally he let me slide down his body to rest my cheek on his shoulder.
“What was that about?” I panted harder than after that trek to nowhere on the treadmill. One of my wildly scattered thoughts was that I’d read somewhere that sex burned calories and revved metabolism. Maybe I should weigh again before dawn.
“Your pleasure.” He smiled. “I know you well enough to realize I pleased you.”
“I’m so pleased I’m limp. Wow.” Thank God we were in the water because I couldn’t have stood if my life depended on it.
“A day of vampire sleep should cure you, lass.” He kissed my cheek. “Ready to see the inside of the house?”
“Not yet.” I reached between us. “I have one more item on my agenda, Mr. Blade.”
“Oh, you have an agenda, madam?”
“Yes, indeed.” I guided him inside me, gasping as he penetrated my sensitive flesh. “Oh, God, that feels good.”
“I didn’t think you could—”
“Hush.” I kissed his mouth shut. “I’m a vampire. I have superpowers, lover. Now, you know what to do. Do it. Until I scream and make waves and you can’t hold back anymore and have to give me all you’ve got.”
“A tall order.” Jerry grinned and walked me over until I sat on the second step.
“I think you’re up to it.” I sighed and leaned back as he began to move. Pressure built inside me almost instantly. He gripped my buttocks and drove into me, his fangs glinting in the dim light. I offered my throat and he took me there, drinking for a moment, then pulling back, a strange look on his face. I didn’t question him, just kissed him and held on to him as he pushed into me one last time, shuddering with his release. I screamed as pleasure rippled through me again, hoping there were no neighbors to report murder being committed on our hilltop.
We leaned against each other for a long moment. I knew the time for talking was overdue. I smoothed my hand up his back, then tugged on his wet hair.
“What?” He leaned back and looked down at me.
“You didn’t drink from me like you usually do. What was wrong?”
He frowned. “You didn’t taste the same. And, trust me, my love, I’d know your taste blindfolded in a room with a hundred other vampires.”
“I believe that. Just like I’d know yours.” My stomach lurched and I swallowed. I was
going to be sick again. No way. I just couldn’t be. I gently pushed him away. “I’m sorry. I guess it’s those supplements I’ve been drinking to lose weight. Now, let’s go inside. I’d like to see the inside of the house.”
“Okay. It’s weird, though. Never thought I’d turn down a chance to drink from you. I’ll be glad when this diet of yours is over and you’re back to the Glory I know and love.” He gave me a searching look, then pulled himself out of the pool. He walked over to a cabana and grabbed two white terry robes.
I couldn’t look away. Jerry naked is art. Perfect male from dark wet hair, worn longish this week since apparently Flo had convinced him to skip a haircut, down to his muscular legs that looked so great in a kilt. And in between . . . I sighed. My warrior was back at poolside, reaching out a hand to pull me out and to wrap me in my own robe. I shivered as I stood next to him and tied the terry closed.
“Cold?” He picked up our clothes and held out his hand.
“Not really. It’s a beautiful night.” I stared at the ocean, then up at the stars. The moon was just a sliver this time of the month. But our vamp vision served us well along with the glow from the security lights at the edge of the terrace.
BOOK: Real Vampires Hate Their Thighs
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