Re/Bound (Doms of the FBI Book 1) (21 page)

BOOK: Re/Bound (Doms of the FBI Book 1)
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Her gaze had dropped to his chest, and he knew she was concentrating on the feel of the butterfly shifting between her legs. He moved in time to the rhythm, rocking his thigh against her pussy. She matched his movements, but with her gracefulness, it looked more like dancing and less like dry fucking. He reached into his pocket and activated the vibrator. He had it set to pulse, and the staccato stimulation thumped against his thigh.

A visible shudder shook her body, and she moaned. The sound was swallowed by the loud music and the pulsing bass, but he had no trouble hearing it anyway. He held her close with one hand on her waist and the other supporting her back.

Ignoring anything else, he danced with Darcy. He rubbed his cock against her as she ground her pelvis against him. He slid the hand on her waist to her ass and squeezed hard. She buried her moan in his neck until he wound his fingers in her hair and yanked her head back. He licked and sucked the delicate skin of her throat and thrust his tongue into her mouth.

While they weren’t the most sexually explicit couple on the floor, they were certainly in the top ten. His cock pressed painfully against his slacks. If she ended up blowing him in the parking lot, he would likely come as soon as she closed her lips around the head of his cock.

But that wouldn’t happen. She was close. Her lips parted, and her eyes fell to half-mast. Gasps and little squeaks grew louder and louder. Either she had forgotten the crowd, or she had faith the music would cover whatever noises she made.

“Oh God, Sir. Please may I come?”

He released her ass and tightened his arms around her body. “Come for me, sweetheart.”

She buried her face in his neck and screamed. Her body stiffened and convulsed. Malcolm slowed the rate of the pulsing to bring her down gently. By the time he cut the power, she was jelly in his arms. He hooked his arm under her knees and lifted. Her head lolled against his shoulder.

“Work with me, Darcy. We’re going to sit for a little while, and then I’ll take you home.”

Her muscles trembled, but she managed to curve her body into his so that it didn’t look like she’d completely passed out.

The table where she’d sat before now hosted several couples. Malcolm recognized Amy among the crowd. He sat in Darcy’s chair and held onto her. Immediately he signaled a waiter and ordered water.

The way Amy was seated meant Darcy couldn’t see her sister’s face. “What did you do to her?”

Malcolm smirked and rubbed a soothing hand up and down Darcy’s back. “We danced. What did it look like I did to her?”

Amy’s mouth opened and closed, no doubt as she searched for the best euphemism. “Is that what Doms do? Make you have spine-melting orgasms in public? What about the spanking and whipping parts?”

Impressed Amy had gone for an honest appraisal of the situation, he rewarded her with a smile. He couldn’t help the habit. “Sometimes. It depends on the situation. Not every Dom is into administering pain. The only thing you can say for sure about Doms is that we like to be in control. When I asked Darcy to dance, I told her that she would be required to have an orgasm on the dance floor.”

Darcy stirred in his arms, but she didn’t manage to shift her body or lift her head. “Theo.”

He kissed the top of her head. “It’s all right, sweetheart. You take as long as you need. I’m not going anywhere.”

“I wish you wouldn’t talk about what we just did. I didn’t think anyone noticed.”

Several people had noticed. Some had openly watched. Since Darcy wasn’t exposed, Malcolm didn’t mind the audience. He opted to not respond to that statement. “Amy is curious. Asking questions is a good thing. It means she’s trying to understand.”

Darcy relaxed back into his embrace. She either agreed with him or she didn’t have the energy to argue. He wasn’t under the illusion she had submitted to him yet.

“Am I allowed to talk to Darcy?”

Surprised by the question, Malcolm started. “Of course you can talk to her. She might not give you much in the way of a response for the next few minutes.”

Amy eyed Darcy’s relaxed form and turned her attention back to Malcolm. “You didn’t cause her any pain at all? I thought it wasn’t BDSM unless pain is involved.”

There was a theme to Amy’s questions. He leaned closer to her. “It sounds like you’re afraid of pain, but you’re curious about other aspects of Domination. I figured out what you don’t want, Amy. What parts of it appeal to you?”

She swallowed. Her date eyed Malcolm with a small measure of jealousy and a large dose of distrust. The volume of the music meant he couldn’t hear anything Amy asked, but the way she leaned into him implied a level of familiarity and intimacy.

Eyeing Darcy’s relaxed form, she bit her lip the same way Darcy did when she was nervous. “Bondage. I don’t know how I feel about someone telling me what to do, but I think I could enjoy being tied up. I’ve tried it a few times, but it never works out.”

Malcolm had several friends who would jump at the chance to help Amy discover her submissive side through bondage. Unfortunately he couldn’t blow his cover to get Darcy’s sister laid.

Darcy sat up and drew away from him. She narrowed her eyes and skewered Amy with her gaze. “You’ve tried it and you still have the nerve to judge me?”

“It was after that horrible fight we had.” Amy leaned closer to Darcy, but Malcolm still heard the words designated for Darcy’s ears only. “The one we had after I told the police that Scott beat you. You said some things that really made me think about what you get out of a relationship like this. And now that you have a similar thing with Theo, you seem happy again. It’s been so long since I’ve seen you happy. I’m not judging you, but I can’t say I completely understand it.”

Darcy shifted in his arms, turning around to face Amy. She hugged her sister tight and said something Malcolm didn’t catch. Then she tugged at his hand. “Let’s go, Theo.”

In the parking lot, Malcolm held Darcy’s hand and opened the passenger door for her. He slid into the driver’s seat and looked at the sated woman in his car. The heady scent of her climax wafted on thin ribbons of air. “You can take off the butterfly. There’s a clean plastic bag in the glove compartment.”

She lifted her hips. He caught a glimpse of her pale thigh in the light cast by the harsh fluorescents of the parking lot lamps.

Curiosity got the better of him. “What did you say to Amy before we left?”

The bag rattled as she deposited the device for later cleaning. “I told her we’d find her a Dom. Between the two of us, we have to know someone who would want to spend an evening tying up my sister. On paper you sound perfect for her, but I’m not willing to give you up.”

He started the engine and threaded his fingers through hers. “That’s good to know. I’m not willing to be given up.”

Chapter Ten

Streetlights flashed by as Theo drove through downtown Ann Arbor, heading away from the busy nightlife. He held her hand across the console. It was a little after ten, and she thanked her stars that she’d taken a power nap that afternoon. She’d waited so long for this experience.

“My place is better for using the single tail because I need space to swing the whip. It’s only four feet long, but I like to have about ten feet of clearance. And the higher ceilings are nice.”

Never having experienced a single tail, she didn’t know what the length of the whip had to do with anything. She trusted Theo to know how to use his equipment. He didn’t strike her as someone who would use an implement unless he was comfortable with it. “That’s fine. I’m okay with staying at your place.”

He turned the radio off in the middle of a Pearl Jam song, which suited Darcy just fine. Anytime she heard one, she couldn’t get the image of the demonic facial expressions that Eddie Vedder had used in the video out of her head.

“I have a bench and a cross at the apartment. I’m going to need to restrain your wrists. I can’t take the chance you’ll move. This is the kind of thing where aim is very important. You can end up with cuts, deep bruises, even scars if this is done incorrectly.”

While she understood his reasoning and she appreciated the care and concern he showed, she wasn’t keen on being restrained. However she knew he wouldn’t whip her unless she was bound. The things she liked about him were the things that drove him to insist on those safety precautions.

“You’ll leave my ankles free?” She swallowed, trying to dissolve her trepidation.

He nodded. “I don’t love that idea, but I know how hard this is for you.”

They’d arrived at his parking garage. He slid his key card into the reader, and the gate opened. She didn’t say anything as he parked and they made their way up to his place. This was her first visit to his borrowed apartment, and she wasn’t at all curious about the decor. The hallways were beige, and his door was painted dark brown.

He opened it and motioned for her to go inside.

She did, and he closed and locked the door. She paused in the entryway, frozen by the sound signaling her submission. He’d relaxed his dominance at the club because of the company, and he hadn’t topped her in the car because he had spent the time explaining what was going to happen.

Though she was nervous about having her wrists bound, she wanted this too much to let that deter her. If she couldn’t handle it, she could call yellow or red. In all her years as a sub, she’d never called red. Yellow presented the logical choice because it allowed her to communicate the problem without stopping the scene.

She took a deep breath and eased to her knees, her line of vision firmly cast on the floor. Before long she felt his hand in her hair. The light caress made her yearn for more, and she had to resist turning her cheek into his palm.

The caress extended to include the shell of her ear. “You’re so beautiful, Darcy. I love the way you look when you come, and I love those sounds you make. You were very good tonight.”

She melted under the force of his praise. Kind and heartfelt words got to her the way no whip ever could. The pressure of his caress eased. From the periphery of her vision, she watched as he opened his slacks. His erection pulsed behind the black cotton of his shorts. Darcy licked her lips, eager to taste the saltiness of skin.

Pushing down the waistband, he lifted his hard cock free. He stroked his hand up and down the length, tantalizing her with its proximity. “You want this, don’t you, sweetheart?”

She wet her lips again, preparing to receive him however he wanted to take her. “Yes, please, Sir.”

“Use your hands, honey. Touch me before you take me in your mouth.”

He set the tone with that permission. He wouldn’t be taking his pleasure in her mouth. She was to give it to him on her terms, to thank him for the orgasm in the bar. Without bothering to reply, she reached for his erection. It pulsed beneath her fingertips as she traced the smooth surface and followed that path with the tip of her tongue. She wetted him with a slow exploration, savoring every inch of his erection and dipping her head to taste his balls.

From the way he hissed when she tongued his sac, she knew she had found a sweet spot. With a tap on his inner thigh, she urged his legs farther apart. When he complied, she slid her hand underneath to cup and fondle while she eased his length into her mouth. This was her chance to show appreciation for the way he’d taken care of her in the dance club. He gripped the sides of her head, but he didn’t hold her in place. She still held the power.

Swallowing, she pressed forward all the way. Theo moaned and gripped her hair hard. The pulling brought tears to her eyes and a fresh gush of cream to her pussy. She moaned a response around his dick and picked up the pace.

Seconds passed, and the balls in her hand drew up. He wasn’t going to hold out for much longer. Impulsively, perhaps because she knew he was going to bind her and show her the bliss of the whip, she decided to challenge his limits in a way that would give him the same kind of spine-tingling pleasure. She slid two fingers through her cream and pressed them to his back entrance. He tensed. As he shouted his release, she eased her fingers into his anus and pressed his prostate. His body jerked and convulsed. He shoved against her harder and faster, pumping the stream of his semen down her throat. Swallowing fast and hard, she greedily claimed all of her prize.

When he finished coming, he jerked away from her mouth and hands. Darcy glanced up, anticipating more praise. The thunder of his expression and the way his dark brows drew together made her recoil until she fell back, catching her ass on her heels.

He paced away from her, turned around and fixed his clothes, and then stood still with his hands on his hips. The rigid set of his back revealed everything. He had expressly forbidden anal contact. Yet he had come so hard that she couldn’t find it in her heart to be contrite about crossing that boundary. He regularly crossed her boundaries, but he always explained what and why beforehand.

She lowered her gaze and resolved to accept her punishment with grace, all the while hoping to hell he didn’t rescind his promise of using the single tail. While she didn’t mind being punished, she hated losing a reward.

Finally he pivoted to face her again. His expression was hard, but she read the ire behind the mask. “You’ve earned a punishment, Darcy. Can you tell me why?”

She bit her lip in an attempt to hold in the first comment that came to mind, but it didn’t help. “Because I massaged your prostate and made you come harder than you’ve ever come before.”

Incredulity and shock manifested on his face before he slipped back behind a mask she was learning to read very well. “You’re not at all contrite.” He laughed, but it wasn’t the good kind of laugh. “I’ll teach you contrition. Maybe a little bit of true submission too.”

Darcy drew a sharp breath. She hadn’t realized he knew she played at submission, but she should have. Her heart pounded.

The apartment opened up after the short entryway. Closed doors led to the right and left, but the archway across from the front door revealed a living room and kitchen area. Theo gestured to the door on the right. “Go in there and clean yourself up. Come out naked and kneel in the center of the living room.”

Inside the small bathroom, she washed her hands and face. Theo’s serious demeanor meant he wasn’t going to go as easy on her as he had last time. No doubt tears would mark her ecstasy and her penance before the night was through, and she refused to have mascara running down her cheeks. She would face him with red, puffy eyes, but not a clown face.

Raising a hand to brush back a strand of hair brought to light how badly she trembled. This first real punishment would tell her so much about his temperament and his control. For the first time, fear dried her throat.

Dawdling wouldn’t make things easier on her, so she stripped out of her outfit, folded it neatly on the counter, and headed to the living room. A bank of windows, yellowed with light, greeted her first thing.

“It’s reflective glass. Nobody can see inside.”

She whirled at the sound of his voice and found him leaning against the bar separating the kitchen area from the living room. At one end of the room, a living room group had been arranged. At the end where Theo stood, it should have been a dining room. However, the huge St. Andrew’s cross and the spanking bench spoke to a different use for the space.

He sipped from a glass and eyed her speculatively.

This time she dropped to her knees and clasped her hands behind her back in the most supplicating position she knew. Part of her wanted to thank him for his assurance, but the sane portion of her brain cautioned her against speaking without permission. She didn’t fear the punishment would be worse. She feared he wouldn’t punish her at all. While she was fully aware she hadn’t been all that submissive in her heart, she still didn’t want this fledging relationship with him to end. True submission was an earned gift, not something a Dom got just for being a Dom.

Nobody moved for the longest time. The ticking of a clock counted the long seconds in the silence of his disapproval. She couldn’t glance up to find out if he’d moved from his position at the counter. Theo moved quietly on a normal day. Even if he stomped, she might not hear him over the pounding of her heart in her ears.

She started when he gathered her hair into a ponytail and secured it out of the way.

“I’m not going to deduct strokes from your reward. However, you will not be allowed to come tonight. I will whip you and use your body for my pleasure, but you will receive no release. Do you understand?”

Implicit in the question was an acceptance of her punishment. The paradox of the submissive being in charge had always appealed to Darcy’s sense of irony. She accepted the punishment without reservation. “Yes, Sir.”

“What color?” His voice had dropped to a soft, barely discernible caress.

“Green, Sir.” She answered in a strong voice so he would hear her consent. He could play with her pussy for hours without letting her climax, and she would live on the glorious feelings he aroused with the whip. It wasn’t a bad trade-off.

“Give me your wrists.”

She lifted her hands, and he locked a pair of handcuffs around each one. A glance showed they were both the quick-release kind. Silently she thanked him for maintaining that level of thoughtfulness. Though she would be bound, she could get out of it in a heartbeat. It didn’t really count as true bondage.

He tugged, and she rose to her feet. They headed toward the cross. Darcy had never been tied to a cross before, though she’d seen other submissives strung up on the heavy wooden X. Though she and Scott hadn’t played in public, they’d attended a number of parties where they’d played the parts of the voyeur. She stepped up on the platform. Theo secured the other end of each cuff to the restraints already attached to the cross.

“Test the quick releases.”

Darcy angled her fingers and groped for the button. It took a little maneuvering, but she was able to push it and free herself on each side. In this position, there would be no accidental release. Part of her wished he would push her by using the leather cuffs that dangled from chains attached to the top of the cross, and then she shoved the thought away. She’d discovered the submissive side of her nature with Scott. Developing desires she hadn’t felt when she was with him seemed disloyal, as if she was leaving him behind. She wasn’t sure she was ready to do that.

“If you pull too much on these, it’ll take the skin off your wrists or leave horrible bruises. Hold on to the leather cuffs. You’re going to need something to hang on to.” Theo closed the cuffs around her wrists again.

A blindfold covered her eyes, not that she could see anything except the stabilizing beam of the cross and the bare wall. Silence and the absence of stimulation followed. In the lingering nothingness, her clit heated and pulsed as if sending signals of invitation to Theo. He didn’t respond.

Darcy liked stimulation. She liked being petted and stroked, whipped and fucked. She could live with not coming, but she didn’t like not being touched in any way. A whimper of protest escaped before she could stop it.

Nothing happened. Finally Theo touched her back lightly. She sucked in her breath, and her whole body twitched. “You’re not much of a screamer unless you’re coming, so I’m not going to gag you. However if you want to be gagged, you only have to ask. I’d rather not have the neighbors notify the cops about the screaming woman being tortured next door.”

His chest brushed against her back, and she realized he had removed his shirt. She wanted to lean into his warmth and feel his arms around her body, supporting and lending strength.

The soft heat of his breath feathered over the sensitive skin of her neck. “And make no mistake, sweetheart. You will be tortured.”

It was already torture, and he hadn’t even begun. Softness and affection were her downfall. They could reduce her to a sobbing mass faster than any combination of whips and clitoral stimulation ever could.

“Spread your legs. I won’t tie them to the posts unless you move them.”

She braced her legs shoulder-width apart. Something cold and wet smeared over her anus, and a plug pushed inside. Though it wasn’t long, it was wide enough to stretch her uncomfortably. She struggled to not squirm it into a better position.

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