Ricochet (53 page)

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Authors: Xanthe Walter

BOOK: Ricochet
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that he blamed her - the show relied on advertising

money, and they all had to do some occasional


There was no doubt that Rule was a dom,

even if Rick didn't already know that from the

man's high profile in the business world. He was

generally well known for courting subs who were

as beautiful as the elegantly designed gadgets his

company was famous for producing.

"You know, I love the chief, but my favorite

character on the show is Ben," Rule said. "Would

it be okay if Matthew showed me around?"

"Of course." Petra smiled. "I'm sure Matt will

be happy to show you where the
Collar Crime

magic happens."

"No problem, Mr. Rule," Matt said.

"Sebastian." Rule leaned towards him. "I'd

very much like it if you called me Sebastian, Ben."

"Sure - in which case, I'd very much like it if

you called me Matt, Sebastian, because that's my

name; Ben's the character I play on the show."

Rick turned away with a smirk. Matt might

imbue Ben with some of his own lost soul charm,

but he was a smart cookie underneath. Rule's dark

grey eyes flashed at Matt's correction, and he

studied him more keenly.

"Of course. I'm sorry - I guess I'm feeling a

little star-struck at meeting you, Matt," he said


Matt gave him a forgiving smile, and Rick

glanced at him sharply. He might be smart, but it

looked like Matt was still susceptible to the

flattery of a handsome, wealthy dom.

Not that it mattered. He'd been the one who'd

told Matt to go out there and find a good dom -

maybe Sebastian Rule was that dom. He certainly

seemed to be interested in Matt.

Rick tried to ignore the gnawing sense of

jealousy in the pit of his belly as he took up

position for the scene to begin.

Chapter Forty-Two

"Right. So, uh - you want me to show you

around, Mr. Rule?" Matt said, as the cast and crew

dispersed after finishing the scene.

"If it doesn't take you away from anything

important - and please call me Sebastian."

"I'm not sure I dare; you look like the kind of

person everyone should call 'Mister'." Matt waved

his hand at the man's expensive suit. "Or, you

know, 'sir'. Uh, I mean, you own Rule-Tech, which

is one of the biggest electronic firms in the world,

and you're… kind of imposing." Rule was, without

doubt, a very distinguished looking dom. Matt

guessed he was in his mid-forties, with striking

grey eyes and an authoritative demeanor.

"And you're kind of adorable." Rule smiled at


Matt flushed. "So, this is the command center

set - where Ben, Alex and the twins usually hang

out." Matt waved his arm around the set.

"It looks different in real life," Rule said, but

he didn't seem to be looking at the set; he was

gazing at Matt instead.

"Well, it's lit kind of dark onscreen, to make

it seem high-tech; when you see it close up, you

realize it's all fake."

"I wouldn't say that." Rule's grey-eyed gaze

never left Matt's face. "It looks even better to me in

real life than onscreen."

Matt put his head down and began walking

determinedly in the direction of the rec room. He

was acutely aware of Rule walking beside him,

that beautiful suit swishing with each stride, and he

racked his brain for something to say; he always

felt tongue-tied around very toppy doms like Rule.

Matt didn't know much about big business, but

he was very aware of the aura of power

surrounding a dom like Rule. Rule was the living






businessman that Rick had acted for him, and he

commanded instant respect. Matt wondered if Rule

was anything like Master Richard, and how hard

he liked to play with a sub.

"So…" Matt cleared his throat. "You're a fan

of the show then?" It was such a stupid thing to say

that he wanted to kick himself.

"Well, not exactly." They came to a halt in the

rec room.

"Oh." Matt flushed again. "Well, I guess not. I

mean, I suppose to you it's just a business thing -

you thought our show was the right fit for your

products. That doesn't mean you have to actually

watch the show."

"Oh, I wouldn't miss your show for the world!

I watch it avidly every week," Rule replied.

"Right - to make sure that we flash one of

Rule-Tech's tablet computers around, or take

pictures on one of those teeny tiny cameras, or

show off your latest smart phone." Matt found

himself gabbling under the intensity of that steely-

eyed gaze.

"Oh dear no." Rule gave a little laugh. "I have

employees to do that for me."

"Oh right. Just you said you weren't a fan of

the show, so…" Matt paused, confused.

"Let's just say I'm a fan of someone on the

show," Rule said, a knowing little smile tugging at

the corners of his mouth. Matt felt as if his entire

face was now a beacon, lighting up his

embarrassment to the world. Rule gave a little

laugh. "You really are too adorable. So… this is

the recreation room set?"

"Yes… and that's Chief Christie's office over

there." Matt waved his hand around awkwardly as

he rushed them from one part of the set to another.

"See, everyone thinks this room is upstairs but

actually it's on the back of this set here."

"Mmm, yes. I see." Rule gave a cursory

glance around and then looked back at Matt again,

gazing at him intently.

"That about wraps it up. Did you have any

questions?" Matt asked.

"Only one." Rule leaned towards him. "Will

you have dinner with me tonight?"

"Uh…" Matt blinked. Rule was a very good-

looking billionaire, and he was showing a

flattering interest in him. Yes, he was scary as hell,

but maybe that was part of the appeal; all that

power and authority wrapped up in a very

attractive package.

Hadn't Rick told him to go and find himself a

good dom - one who was right for him? He'd never

know if Sebastian Rule was that dom if he didn't at

least give him a chance. It was only one date and

maybe this man standing in front of him was the

love of his life.

"Okay," he found himself saying.

"Good. I'll send someone to pick you up at

8pm. Please wear your finest suit. Until then,

Matt." Rule held out his hand, and Matt took it, but

instead of shaking his hand, Rule brought it up to

his lips and gently pressed a kiss on it.

Rule stepped back with an amused curl of his

lips, as if he knew precisely the effect he had on

subs, and Matt stood there, reeling.

Had he just been invited out on a date by the

most eligible dom on the planet?

Chapter Forty-Three

Rick leaned against Alex Tanner's desk,

surreptitiously trying to eavesdrop on Matt's

conversation with Sebastian Rule. Rule listened to

Matt attentively as they walked, hanging off his

every word as Matt gestured at various parts of the

set. They looked good together; a strong dom with

a beautiful sub, and Rick felt another flash of


"Rick!" Petra called him over. "PR will be

talking to you about this, but I thought I'd give you

a head's up that you'll be doing a photo shoot for

Show Scoop
in a couple of weeks. It's their

Sizzling Subs of Summer
edition. I know you're

gonna love that!" She smiled at him sweetly.

"Oh fuck." Rick buried his head in his hands.

Daniel, who was sitting nearby reading a

book, glanced up as he overheard that, a big smile

creasing his face.

"Oh, this sounds good! I bet it'll be even

better than my
Hot Tops in Hot Tubs
edition. You

know what? I'm going to place my order for fifty

copies in advance, just to make sure they don't run


"Just shoot me now," Rick groaned.

Sizzling Subs of Summer
- I can't wait!"

Daniel beamed, closing his book with a snap and

getting up. "Aw, poor Rick; payback's a bitch, isn't

it?" He was still laughing as he walked away.

"He's going to enjoy this, isn't he?" Rick

sighed, watching him go.

"He damn well should!" Petra retorted.

"You've been calling him a hot tub hottie for

months, so I guess it's his turn to have some fun

now! But you won't be alone on the shoot, Rick -

Cara, Casey and Matt will be there too; it's good

publicity for the show." She turned to go, and Rick

followed her. He took hold of her arm and steered

her to one side, out of earshot.

"Talking of the twins," he said softly.

She looked at him, startled. "Yes?" she said


Rick leaned towards her and spoke in the

kind of low, hard voice his work colleagues never

usually heard him use. "Don't hurt them, Petra. I'm

kind of fond of those subs."

She pulled her arm away. "So am I."

"Good. Then you won't hurt them." She was

his boss and had the power to fire him on the spot,

but he wasn't going to let that stop him. He had a

soft spot for the twins; hell, his father would say he

had a soft spot for all subs, and maybe he was

right. "See, I was just talking to them, and it sounds

like they're crazy about you, so I don't want them to

get hurt if you're not as serious about them as they

are about you. I just… really hate when subs get

hurt." He clenched his fists tightly by his side.

Petra studied him, and he could see her

looking for his ridiculous-Rick persona and trying

to find the joke in what he was saying. Slowly, he

saw the realization creep into her eyes that there

wasn't one, that he meant this, and her expression

softened. "I won't hurt them, Rick. I promise." She

patted his arm reassuringly. "They're safe with


"I'll hold you to that," he said firmly.

She nodded, a newfound respect for him

flashing in her eyes. "You can. You're not the only

one who's fond of them, Rick; I wouldn't hurt them

for the world."

"Talking of subs getting hurt." Rick glanced

across the set to where Matt was finishing up his

set tour with Sebastian Rule. "Is that dom okay?

What do you know about him?"

Petra followed his gaze. "Only what everyone

knows from the papers and my own limited

dealings with him." She shrugged. "He's a serious

kind of dom, Rick; don't mess with him."

"If he hurts Matty, then nothing will stop me

messing with him," Rick growled.

"Rick." She put a warning hand on his arm.

"You either have to claim Matt for yourself, or let

him go. You can't have it both ways."

"I don't…" He turned back to look at her, to








"Oh honey, I've known you and Matt for

nearly two years now, and it's clear there's

something there, whether you admit to it or not."

"It's not that simple," Rick muttered.

"It's not that complicated, either," she said

sharply. "I don't know what's gone down between

you and Matt recently but clearly something has.

That poor kid has been really unlucky in love, so if

you can't be what he needs then back off and let

him fall in love with someone who can."

They both turned to look at Matt and Rule


"Him?" Rick asked.

"Well, you're a hard act to follow, darling.

Sebastian Rule is one of the few doms in the world

who is handsome, famous, charismatic and rich

enough to compete, isn't he?" She patted his arm

and then left.

Rick continued to gaze at Matt broodingly, but

he knew she was right. If he wasn't going to claim

Matt for himself then he had to let him go.

He just hadn't realized it'd be this hard.

Chapter Forty-Four

A limousine appeared outside Matt's door at

precisely 8pm, and the driver, clad in the dark grey

Rule-Tech livery, got out and held the door open

for him.

There was a package lying on the seat - white

silk paper tied with a black velvet ribbon, all

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