Sex Mudras (7 page)

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Authors: Serge Villecroix

Tags: #Sexuality/Health

BOOK: Sex Mudras
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Peristaltic Energy Mudra

The body's energy originates in the lower abdomen, where it can easily become blocked. Such blockages can result in various kinds of emotional inflexibility, or in physical problems like constipation.

The simplest way to address blockages in this area of the body is to get the energy moving with the following mudra. It will help to awaken the world of your senses and liberate any energies trapped in your lower body.


You can do this exercise on a firm mattress or on the floor, as long as the floor is not so cold as to chill your kidneys.

  • Lie on your back with your knees bent and the soles of your feet on the floor.
  • Place your feet 25 to 30 centimeters apart, keeping them parallel. Rest your arms on the floor, alongside your body.
  • Breathing calmly and regularly, tilt your pelvis gently forward and backward. Repeat with rhythmic motions, not too fast and not too slow.
  • Practice this pelvic tilting for a minute or two—but not longer—then relax and listen to your body for three minutes.
  • Repeat the tilting movements for another two minutes, then rest and listen to your body again.
  • As long as you do not feel any tingling in your hands or lower face, or any trembling in your thighs, you can repeat this process, with care, four or five more times.
  • After this, rest. Above all, do not forget to rest and listen to your body for three minutes—but not much more—after each two-minute series of motions.


Mudra for Harmonizing Feminine and Masculine Energies

This mudra has three main effects on a couple's energy. First, it stimulates excitement between the two partners. Second, it augments the circulation of energy between them. Third, it harmonizes the energies of the two partners. It is also fun to practice, as it works as both a marvelous introduction and a delicious conclusion.


  • Lie down face to face with your partner, embracing each other closely. Each of you should place your right hand at the base of the other's spine and your left hand on the base of the other's skull.
  • Be sure to get as close together as possible, depending on your relative heights, in order to facilitate the circulation of energy.
  • Slowly, each of you should contract your anuses. This will augment your basal energy and allow it to rise up and spread throughout the entire body.
  • Stay like this for several moments, eyes closed and anuses contracted, breathing together calmly and slowly.
  • Then, open your eyes and stare into each other's eyes—the windows of the soul—without speaking at all. Try smiling at each other, which will open the eyes wider.
  • Gently rub your noses together, using slow and tender movements.
  • Softly and gently put your tongue in your partner's mouth. Move your tongues together in order to allow all the energy you have accumulated to circulate throughout your entire bodies.

Variation 1

Practice this mudra of global energy harmonization right at the beginning of your sexual activity, without any other preliminary foreplay.

Variation 2

In the middle of sexual relations, when the jade stalk is still within the jade garden—whether you have reached orgasm or not—stop all movement. Carefully place yourselves in the position of this double mudra, and practice it as described. Then slowly resume your sexual activity with the fire newly refueled.

Variation 3

It may happen—though this is rare—that after the sexual act, the partners cannot stand to remain in contact, or even talk with each other. If this is the case, you can practice this same exercise to soften the energy between you.

If you are practicing this mudra after sex, perform the steps in reverse order: kiss each other at the beginning of the mudra, then gently rub noses, then remain still, staring into each other's eyes, before closing them and enjoying the serenity of this marvelous embrace. Above all, do not forget to slowly contract your anal muscles for the duration of the exercise.

By prolonging this period of stillness to a lesser or greater degree, you can discover the different forms of energy that circulate within and between you. Once you are properly accustomed to this exercise, you will find that it brings great pleasure.


Mudra for Harmonizing Kidney Energy

Because the center of the libidinal energy is the kidneys, any exercises that strengthen or tone this area will benefit your sexual health. This exercise can help to tone your body before sexual activity, as well as to restore its dynamics afterward—either in preparation for more sex, or as recovery from over-activity. It can be practiced without restriction.


  • As in the previous exercise, lie close to your partner, facing each other.
  • This time, however, the woman should place both palms flat on the bottom of the man's spine, around waist level—that is, near the kidneys.
  • The man should place the palm of his right hand at the top of the woman's buttocks, near the base of her spine, in such a way that his fingers cover the space between her buttocks. He should place his left hand over her right hand.
  • Both partners should contract their anuses, close their eyes, and breathe together for a few minutes.
  • Then open the eyes and gaze at one another. Rub noses lightly, and kiss deeply.
  • There is no limit to how long you can practice this mudra.


Ear Mudra

According to Chinese medicine, the ears are governed by, and reflective of, the kidneys. In addition, auricular therapy demonstrates that specific points on the ear can be massaged to benefit particular parts of the body—the spine, for instance, the endocrine system, or the kidneys themselves.

Massaging the entire ear will tone not only the kidneys—and thereby sexuality and libidinal energy—but also all the reflexive zones of the body, which correspond to all the organs. It should also be noted that the auricle is so sensitive that, for most people, it is an erogenous zone. Dormant sensations can be awakened simply by touching the ear gently, or lightly sucking on it.


  • Very simply knead, caress, rub, gently pinch, and massage the ears.
  • You can practice this mudra on one ear at a time or on both at once, depending on your preference.

This mudra can be practiced solo or with a partner, either taking turns or working simultaneously.


Mudra to Relieve Frigidity

When a woman has difficulties attaining orgasm, it is necessary to tone two very specific areas, one on each side of the sacrum. This exercise should be practiced as often as possible in order to liberate the stagnant energy. Psychotherapy may also be worth considering.


  • The woman lies on her belly, and her partner rubs his hands together to warm them and neutralize their native energies. Then he applies them to each side of the base of her spinal column, just above the buttocks, level with the hips.
  • First, massage this area softly, making small outward circular motions, around 4 inches in diameter. If this area is not too sensitive, apply more pressure while still massaging regularly.
  • Soon, you will be able to feel the gaps between the sacral vertebrae. This is the area around which you should massage.
  • There is absolutely nothing wrong with performing this massage every day.


Kissing Mudra

I debated with myself whether to include this mudra in the book, out of concern that readers might find it ridiculous to consider this prelude to sexual activity as something to be learned or analyzed. The first kiss is very often the first act of intimacy between two people who are attracted to one another. It is also the first “authorization” of intimate contact.

Kissing has a stimulating effect. It is closely connected to the senses of taste, smell, touch, the sense of propriety, and the awareness of the person with whom one is sharing the kiss. It brings on various emotions and psychological states, depending on whether it is long, short, incapable, languid, or spirited. It reveals whether someone is relaxed or inhibited, depending on whether it is free or restrained. It may convey fear, nervousness, or tranquility. It is said that the opening of the “upper” lips is a prelude to the opening of the “lower” lips.

We use forty muscles when we kiss. This releases the initial endorphins, which are the hormones of calm and contentment. A kiss can bring on a state of well-being, while still feeling exciting.

A man's kiss is less tender than a woman's, both because a man is more highly toned and because his muscles are larger. The tongue itself is all muscle, which explains a few things. A woman's tongue is more finely tuned, and kissing is often more important for her because she is more sensitive and more romantic. Thus, during kissing, a woman's physiological reactions are more rapid. The Bartholin's glands begin secreting their liquid before the man even has an erection.


Practicing kissing is excellent for one's mental and physical health. It fuels the fire, reminding you and your partner of your attraction to one another. It also serves as a barometer for measuring your psychological state and your partner's, revealing far more than one might think.

Put some effort into inventing diverse forms and types of kisses. You will be surprised at the things that are possible in this regard, and at all the things you will discover. And above all, never forget that love is the most beautiful thing there is.


Dictionnaire de la sagesse orientale
(Paris: Éditions Laffont), 367.

About the Author

Serge Villecroix
is a practitioner of traditional Chinese medicine, smoking cessation coach, and former therapist. He lectures throughout France on the mudras, energy healing, and traditional Chinese medicine. The author of nine books in French, he lives in France.

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Copyright © 2004 by Éditions Ambre

English translation copyright © 2013 by Inner Traditions International

Originally published in French under the title
Mudra de la sexualité
by Éditions Ambre, Geneva, Switzerland

First U.S. edition published in 2013 by Destiny Books

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Villecroix, Serge.

    [Mudra de la sexualité. English]

    Sex mudras : energy movement exercises for sexual vitality / Serge Villecroix ; translated from the French by Ariel Godwin. — First U.S. edition.

        pages cm

    “Originally published in French under the title Mudra de la sexualité by Éditions Ambre, Geneva, Switzerland.”

   print ISBN: 978-1-62055-003-8

   ebook ISBN: 978-1-62055-147-9

  1. Sexual exercises. 2. Mudras (Buddhism) 3. Mudras (Hinduism) I. Godwin, Ariel, translator. II. Title.

    HQ21.V543 2013



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