Spark And Flame (11 page)

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Authors: Sterling K.

BOOK: Spark And Flame
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“I did it, Lane,” Aiden muttered as his hand slid through the dirt. “Langley’s dead,” he said as his hand found Lane’s hand. “Lane?” Aiden tried to raise his head but everything was gone, he was completely drained. He suspected he’d expended a great deal of adrenaline fighting Langley, his energy was completely spent and his injuries were finally catching up with him. “Lane?” Aiden was able to pull Lane’s hand closer and he tried to squeeze it. It was cold and still and Aiden felt a vacuum in his chest as his vision blurred. “No!” Aiden cried hoarsely as he slid his shoulders closer to Lane. “Lane!” He could barely hear the cry as he got his fists in Lane’s shirt. There were sirens in the distance as he heaved and pulled Lane against him. “No!” He pressed his lips to Lane’s and Aiden’s chest shook as a loud sob spilled from him and he was blinded by tears.

Aiden’s fingers uncurled and he let Lane fall on his back and Aiden’s head landed on his chest. He tried to listen but he couldn’t hear over his crying. Aiden’s eyes went to Lane’s feet and he raised his hand and threw it at Lane’s leg. He tried to pull at Lane’s pant leg but was too weak to lift it or pull his body closer to the gun at Lane’s ankle. The sirens were getting closer and Aiden knew he was running out of time. He made one last attempt to reach for the gun but his vision narrowed and darkened and Aiden felt a flash of terror at the idea of waking up in a world where Lane no longer lived. Aiden wished for one last burst of strength. If he could just get to the gun…

Chapter 27


It was too bright. Aiden’s eyes rolled as he turned his head away from the light and raised his hands to cover his face. There were strings. He felt the skin in the back of his hands pull and small flares of pain forced him to drop his hands.

“He’s awake!” A voice whispered excitedly and Aiden couldn’t get his eyes to stop rolling and watering. “Close those blinds!” She ordered and Aiden felt his lips pull into a smile. Sandra. The room darkened and Aiden was able to open his eyes. His vision was terrible, everything was blurred and smudgy as he blinked rapidly, trying to make out Sandra’s face.

“Hey!” Chief said excitedly as he hovered over Aiden. “Do you have any idea how worried we’ve been?” He asked. “You’ve been asleep for days and they couldn’t figure out why you wouldn’t wake up,” Chief explained and Aiden’s mouth felt pasty and his tongue stuck to the roof of his mouth. All he was capable of was a series of sticky clicks.

“Get him some ice chips!” Sandra urged as she pushed at Chief’s shoulder and he disappeared. She smiled lovingly down at him and Aiden felt warm, soft fingers brush over his brow. “I told them to leave you alone. You wore yourself out, whooping that Langley’s ass,” she said proudly and Aiden felt a whiff of relief knowing Langley was gone.

“Here,” Chief said and cold wet flooded Aiden’s lips and tongue and he licked rapidly until he could feel his mouth working again.

“He’s dead?” Aiden mouthed and Sandra nodded quickly.

“You killed the shit out of him, honey!” She said and Aiden felt a smile forming on his lips.

“Good,” he breathed. “I want to die,” Aiden announced hoarsely and Chief’s head pulled back and Sandra’s jaw fell.

“I think you came close enough,” Chief said as he patted Aiden’s hand, close to his wrist to avoid what Aiden now knew were not strings. He was receiving IV fluids and pain medication. Aiden shook his head.

“Lane’s gone and I can’t be here without him,” he said weakly and tears welled in Sandra’s eyes as she shook her head.

“Oh, sweetheart!” She cried as she took his other hand. “He’s not gone!” Sandra’s voice was watery but loud and had a hint of laughter. Aiden blinked past his own tears and was grateful when he felt Chief dab at his eyes with a tissue.

“He was dead when I…” Aiden’s voice broke and Sandra shushed him.

“No! He made it, honey!” She insisted as she shook his hand excitedly. “He’s laying right over there!” She declared and Aiden let his head fall to his left and a gasp escaped him.

Lane was unconscious but clean as monitors blipped and hummed around him. Part of his face was obscured by a breathing tube and Aiden laughed as he reached for him.

“Slow down!” Chief ordered as he settled Aiden’s shoulders back on the bed. “Neither of you are going anywhere any time soon,” he said and Aiden could only nod and cry as he looked back at Lane. There was so much bruising and his face was swollen. Aiden wanted to touch him and figure out what was broken and how long it would be until he could hear Lane’s voice. But he was alive!

“Has he woken up?” Aiden asked and Sandra’s lips pulled tight as she shook her head.

“Honey, he’s been in and out of surgery for the last three days. He’s got so many broken bones and there was a lot of internal injury. It’s been a fight to keep him from bleeding internally and he lost so much blood that night,” she explained and Aiden could barely pull in a breath at the thought of how much pain Lane had to be in.

“His family?” He asked and Sandra grinned.

“They’re here,” she said. “His parents just went back to the hotel to shower and change. Poor things, they haven’t slept or left this room for days,” Sandra said and Aiden’s eyes stung and flooded again as overwhelming relief bloomed within his chest. He didn’t have to tell them Lane was dead. Just the thought of saying those words to Lane’s mother caused a flash of searing pain in Aiden’s heart.

“I sent them a text to let them know you’re awake and Dee says they’re on their way back,” Chief said as he dabbed at Aiden’s eyes again.

“I’m gonna warn you,” Sandra whispered. “They’ve got that Kat with them and she’s been fawning over you like you wouldn’t believe. She swears she’s going to kiss your feet for saving her big brother,” she said and Aiden felt real panic.

“Don’t let her near my feet!” He begged and Chief hushed him soothingly.

“She won’t touch your feet, son,” he promised and Aiden relaxed.

“When is Lane going to wake up?” Aiden asked and Chief shrugged.

“They don’t know. He’s been through a lot and everything’s still touch and go,” he explained as he looked at Lane and Aiden nodded. “The way I see it, the less he’s awake for, the better. He’s going to be in a hell of a lot of pain when he wakes up and he isn’t going to like that he won’t be able to do anything for himself for a long time.” Chief’s eyes were heavy as they left Lane and returned to Aiden. “They’re not sure how much mobility and function he’ll be able to regain,” he warned and Aiden shook his head.

“Doesn’t matter. As long as I can talk to him and see his face, I don’t care. I thought he was dead and I almost…” Aiden stopped when Chief pinned him with a hard look. Sandra jumped to her feet and went to the window and busied herself with the dozens of floral arrangements. Chief leaned close and Aiden jerked when he felt his breath waft against his ear.

“I heard it looked like you tried to get to Lane’s gun,” Chief whispered. “If you ever tell my wife or Lane’s mother and sister what you tried to do, you’ll break their hearts. You don’t need to share that with them,” he said firmly and Aiden nodded. “I wouldn’t tell Lane either,” he added and Aiden felt a little dizzy as he realized how close he’d come. His head turned back to Lane and guilt roared through him as he imagined Lane waking up to the news that he was dead. “You wanted that gun in case Langley wasn’t dead,” Chief stated slowly and Aiden nodded. “You forget about that and just be relieved that it’s over and be proud of yourself for kicking that crazy bastard’s ass,” he said and Aiden took Chief’s hand in his as he continued watching Lane.

“I won’t say anything. I don’t even want to think about that ever again,” Aiden said.

“You won’t believe the fuss that’s been made over you!” Sandra said cheerfully as she adjusted the blinds to allow a little more light into the room. “You’re the big hero in the news now and the entire police department has been through here to check on you and bring flowers and gifts,” she gushed and Aiden smiled but kept his eyes on Lane. “I think every nurse in this hospital has a crush on you,” she teased. “You just ask for anything and you’ll get it,” Sandra added and Aiden looked up at her.

“Can they move my bed so I can see him easily? I don’t want to have to keep turning my head, I’m still really sore,” he said and she laughed.

“I’m sure that can be managed,” she said and he saw her press a button on a remote by his head. “We’ll get you turned around and raise your head a little,” Sandra said and Aiden couldn’t think of anything else he’d need.

Chapter 28


“Wait until you see the shots I took of the Nash account!” Kat said excitedly as she waved the spoon in front of her. Aiden wished she’d just feed him the fucking Jell-o and be done with it. He didn’t even like Jell-o but he was doing his best to be patient and let her take care of him. “They wanted something minimalist and bright and I hit it out of the park!” She said and Aiden nodded. She said she was staying for another week. Aiden had only been awake for three days and he was starting to resent Lane for still being unconscious.

Aiden’s brows pulled together and longing flooded his chest as he looked at Lane. He shook his head faintly. He’d give anything for Lane to wake up. The doctors said everything was stable and he was done with surgeries until Lane began recovery and had to have reconstructive work done. Did Lane know he was alive? Aiden stifled a yawn as he watched Lane’s face for any sign of alertness. Aiden was always fighting off sleep, he didn’t want to be out when Lane finally woke up. It was hard with the pain medication and general weakness.

“We used sooo much cement on that account and I had everything painted and stained in soft whites. You would be amazed at how many whites there are and how much you can accomplish with different shades of white…”

“For fuck’s sake, Kat. Shut up!” A gravelly whisper commanded and Kat dropped the spoon. Aiden winced at the sharp clatter as he scrambled for the bed’s controls. He raised it as much as he could handle and smiled at Lane.

“You’re awake!” Aiden said excitedly and Kat jumped and waved her arms wildly as she ran from the room.

“He’s awake!” She yelled at the door before rushing across the room and snatching her phone off the windowsill. “I have to message everyone so they’ll get back in here!” Kat squealed and Aiden ignored her as he stared into Lane’s eyes from across the small room.

“How do you feel?” Aiden asked and Lane grimaced and clenched his jaw as he tried to raise his head so he could look around.

“Fuck! Every fucking inch of me hurts!” He laughed and Aiden was confused.

“Are you happy about that?” He asked and Lane sighed as he relaxed.

“Yes,” his eyes were warm but glittered as they met Aiden’s. “I’m so happy to feel anything right now. I didn’t think I’d wake up again when I finally let go while you were fighting with Langley.” His voice dropped and grated. “I thought I was dead and I was so scared because I didn’t know if you’d live,” Lane said and Kat gasped as she fanned her eyes.

“He so killed that guy!” She said as she hurried to Lane’s side. “Daddy said Aiden’s the scrappiest son of a bitch he’s ever met,” she added and Lane laughed but he didn’t take his eyes off Aiden.

“Yes, he is,” he agreed. “And he’s so beautiful, Kat,” Lane said and she nodded and winked over her shoulder at Aiden.

“I think he’s about tired of hearing me tell him,” she said and Lane smiled.

“Could we have a minute?” He asked and she giggled as she bent and gently kissed Lane’s forehead.

“I’ll do my best to give you a full minute but mom and dad were just in the cafeteria, they’ll be here soon. I’ll try and hold them off,” she said as she stood and waved at Aiden before rushing toward the door. Lane and Aiden both sighed in relief when she stepped out then laughed as their eyes met.

“I always knew she could wake the dead, she talks so damn much,” Lane said and Aiden nodded gently.

“I’m glad she was here. I didn’t know what else to do to get you to wake up,” Aiden complained and Lane’s eyes were soft and his smile was tender as he drank Aiden in.

“I love you,” Lane said and Aiden felt a tear roll down his cheek.

“I love you too,” he replied. “I hate that we can’t reach each other,” Aiden said and the corner of Lane’s lips cocked.

“I’m sure we can have them wheel us closer so we can hold hands,” he said and Aiden laughed.

“I was over there next to you but I had them move me so I can see you without turning my head,” he explained and Lane chuckled.

“You are the laziest asshole I’ve ever met,” he said and Aiden knew he was teasing. Lane’s face became taut and his eyes locked on Aiden’s. “I know my parents aren’t going to want to tell me everything and it might be a while until I can hear it from a doctor. How bad is it?” He asked and Aiden shook his head.

“We don’t know yet, Lane,” he said gently. “There’s some spinal damage but there’s still too much swelling for them to get a good idea. Several bones were crushed and broken. If you don’t have any paralysis, you’re going to need a lot of surgery and physical therapy. You might not walk again,” Aiden said and Lane’s smile only grew.

“I’ll walk again,” he said firmly and Aiden blinked a few times then nodded.

“I think so too,” he said. “You’re very stubborn and you hate being still for too long,” Aiden added and Lane’s eyes swept upward for a moment before they returned to Aiden’s.

“I’ll starve or freeze to death if I have to wait for you to feed or dress me,” he said and Aiden snorted.

“I would hire a nurse,” he said and Lane laughed as Aiden straightened the blanket on his lap. “A really ugly, mean one,” Aiden grumbled and Lane’s laugh became a bellow and it warmed Aiden from the inside to hear it. “I love you so much!” He said.

“I hear my boy!” Dee cried as she stormed into the room. “Laaaane!” She wailed as she ran to his bed. “How are you, baby?” She asked as she kissed his cheeks and forehead.

“I’m fine, mama,” he said and Aiden grinned at Lane’s dad as he walked in.

“It’s about time!” Fred declared as he leaned against the wall and Aiden pretended he didn’t see Fred discreetly wipe the corner of his eye.

“Hey, dad!” Lane said. “How’s it going?” He asked and Fred shrugged.

“You tell us, son,” he said. “We’ve been waiting for almost a week for you to wake up and tell us,” Fred said and Lane gasped.

“A week?” He said in shock as he looked at Aiden.

“They did keep you unconscious for a few days until they could get you stabilized. Then there was the anesthesia that had to wear off and you’re getting quite a bit of morphine. We weren’t sure how long you would sleep,” he explained and Lane frowned.

“Morphine…” he said under his breath. “Do I have to be on that?” He asked and Fred threw his hands up.

“Fuck, yes!” He said. “Do you have any idea how much pain you’d be in?” He asked and Dee nodded in agreement.

“You always have to drive those stupid little convertibles,” she complained. “I swear, when you’re all fixed up, I’m getting you something sensible. Like a Volvo!” Dee said. “Something with airbags and a roof,” she added and Lane groaned.

“He wanted a motorcycle but I said no,” Aiden announced and Dee’s head pulled back and her eyes flared.

“I would have come up here just to kick your ass!” Dee announced and Kat laughed as she strolled back in.

“What did he do?” She asked as she settled on the edge of Aiden’s bed and took his hand in hers. She was always holding his hand. Aiden was starting to like it.

“He came home one afternoon and asked if he could get a motorcycle,” he said and Kat’s jaw fell as she looked back at Lane.

“She would have kicked his ass!” She said then nudged Aiden. “Good thing you talked him out of it,” Kat said and Lane narrowed his eyes at Aiden.

“Would you like to explain how you talked me out of it?” He said and Aiden shook his head quickly.

“No, I would not,” he said and he felt heat spreading up his neck and Kat nudged him again.

“I bet it was something dirty!” She sang and Lane started to turn pink.

“Never mind,” he grumbled.

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