Spark And Flame (9 page)

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Authors: Sterling K.

BOOK: Spark And Flame
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Chapter 21


The house became Aiden’s fishbowl as he paced and stared out the windows at the spectators just beyond the front lawn. It didn’t seem possible but he missed the long, lazy days he shared with Lane when they were waiting for Burgess to make his move. Then, they still had peace and privacy. The world wasn’t waiting and watching everything unfold.

“They’re all trespassing,” Aiden grumbled as Lane handed him a glass of juice.

“I could have more officers sent over to force everyone off the property but I think this works in our favor,” he said as he wrapped an arm around Aiden’s shoulders. Aiden raised a brow in question and Lane waved toward the carnival. “He can’t show up here without millions of people witnessing it and it’s hard to carry out an attack if you have an audience,” he explained and Aiden nodded in agreement. It made sense but it didn’t do much for Aiden’s nerves.

His skin felt like it was inside out and his stomach was always flipping and queasy. Lane kept making pancakes and Aiden could never get through more than a few bites before a flash of anxiety would strike and his stomach would plummet to his feet. He couldn’t get comfortable. One minute, he was too hot. The next, he was freezing. His skin would feel raw at times and the fan could make him feel like he was covered in ants. The TV was always too loud except for the times Aiden tuned it out and didn’t hear it and there were times when the lights made his eyes ache. He felt like a cat with its fur rubbed the wrong way and it felt like the world was shaking.

“We’re on house arrest and he’s free to do whatever he wants,” Aiden complained. “We didn’t do anything wrong. He’s a murderer and an arsonist and they’re cheering for him while we’re stuck in here,” he said and Lane hugged him close.

“We could try to go someplace but it won’t take long for the media to catch up with us and everyone’s going to stare,” Lane warned. “I’m willing to try though,” he said and Aiden shook his head.

“I don’t want to go anywhere. I just hate that we can’t,” he said. “We can’t even go out back without cameras following us. You have to put on a hood and wear sunglasses to work on your garden,” Aiden said angrily and Lane shrugged.

“People have survived worse,” he replied and Aiden nodded.

“True but I’d like it if you weren’t unhappy being married to me. I would hope that you didn’t feel like I was something to survive,” he stated as he turned away from the window and went to the sofa. He dropped onto the seat and pulled his knees to his chest.

“I’m very happy being married to you and all of this Langley insanity has nothing to do with our marriage,” Lane said as he sat next to Aiden and pulled him against him as he leaned back. Aiden tried to block out everything outside the house and begged his raging nervous system to relax.

“We began our relationship with you shooting Jonathan Burgess and now we’re confined to our house because a serial arsonist is stalking me. These problems are very unique to me, I don’t think you’d face anything similar if you married someone else,” he argued and Lane gave the matter some thought before nodding in agreement.

“Yes,” he said and Aiden frowned. “But I’d survive a thousand Burgesses and Langleys to be with you,” he added and Aiden didn’t feel as reassured as Lane intended.

“You shouldn’t have to survive one Burgess or Langley,” he muttered and Lane turned him.

“Maybe I kind of get it,” he offered and Aiden’s head pulled back. Lane laughed as he gathered Aiden’s face in his hands. “I mean, they’re both insane but they have really good taste. I’m sure a lot of normal people look at you and wish you were theirs. Langley and Burgess just don’t know how to handle reality the way everyone else does. I can’t fault them for falling in love with you, I just hate them for making your life hell,” Lane said and Aiden’s sigh was full of happiness and relief as he leaned close and kissed Lane.

“You’re very understanding and patient, I’m grateful that you’re mine,” he said and Lane laughed.

“Always,” he promised and Aiden shut his eyes as a tremor of fear rolled through him. He could almost feel their lives slipping away from them, like they were turning into sand and pouring into the bottom of an hourglass. He clenched his jaw and mentally shook his head. He wanted more time, more of Lane. He prayed he was being paranoid and they had several years left. Then, he prayed for a way to turn the hourglass as he wrapped his arms tightly around Lane.


Chapter 22


“I don’t like the nighttime,” Aiden whispered as he stared out the window and Lane rubbed Aiden’s arms as he pulled him against his chest.

After four long, tense nights, it wasn’t hard to understand why. Lane rubbed his cheek against Aiden’s as they stared out the window at the mind boggling sight. They could see reporters giving updates and girls dancing around a fire. There were people camping and people selling t-shirts and hats. A row of patrol cars and officers kept it all at bay while the madness kept Aiden and Lane awake most of the night.

Gavin Langley was out there somewhere. There hadn’t been any confirmed sightings and his total media absence was whipping his fans into a frenzy. Inside the house, the air was heavy with tension and anxiety. Aiden never stopped pacing and Lane could tell by the distance in his eyes and the way they constantly bounced and flickered that he never stopped replaying his meeting with Langley and McCarthy. He was pale and his hands always shook. The only time Aiden slept was when he passed out. Lane would find him slouched in his chair at his desk or curled up on the sofa. And it only lasted until his phone buzzed or there was a knock at the door.

For Lane, seeing Aiden so scared and exhausted was torture. He was half convinced Langley was hiding someplace far away and looking for a way out of the country so he could escape justice. It made more sense to disappear and start a new life somewhere than stay so close to a manhunt and the one person that could outsmart him and put him back in jail. The constant media presence, the encampment on the field on the other side of the driveway and the loss of their privacy was beyond aggravating. But knowing he could do nothing to calm Aiden and make him feel safe made Lane feel useless and inadequate.

“It’s worse tonight,” Aiden murmured and a current of ice cold air run up Lane’s spine and the back of his neck. He felt it too. There was a restless, expectant feel to the evening. The air was heavier and Lane could swear he heard a low, almost electric hum and no matter how may times he shook his head or itched his ears, it wouldn’t go away.

“Everything’s fine,” he said as firmly as he could despite the anxious twisting of his stomach and the pounding of his heartbeat in his ears. “I’m going to go out and talk to the patrol for a minute, see if they need anything,” Lane said and Aiden’s eyes were huge and shimmered as he turned to Lane.

“I don’t want you to go out there.” His voice was a fragile rasp and Lane gave him a stern look, trying to convince Aiden he was calm.

“They just changed shifts and it would be shitty if I didn’t make sure they had enough coffee,” he said and Aiden took a deep breath.

“Just be quick,” Aiden urged and Lane nodded as he pulled the door open. A few of the officers were standing outside their cars and turned to wave at Lane as he walked toward them. One of the officers was coming around his car and Lane was halfway between the house and the patrol when all six cars exploded and the officer on the lawn burst into flames.

Chapter 23


“No!” Lane yelled as he was thrown back and Aiden covered his ears and ducked as he waited for the vibrating in his head to subside.

“Laaaane!” Aiden screamed.

“Get in the house and shut the door!” Lane ordered and Aiden shook his head as he pulled himself to his feet.

Lane got up and shielded his face from the intense heat and brightness as he staggered toward the officer in front of him. He was completely engulfed in flames and motionless as Lane pulled his phone from his pocket to dial 911 then ran along the line looking for anyone he could help. As the flames settled Aiden could see cameras flashing and people gathering. Most of the faces looked stunned and concerned but Aiden covered his mouth as small clusters of excited spectators cheered gleefully and jumped up and down with excited joy. Several people spun and looked among the gathering crowd for any sign of Langley.

Aiden’s phone vibrated and his hand barely functioned as he pushed it into the pocket of his hoodie. If felt heavy and his fingers were gone. He managed to pull his phone out and the numbness swept through his body as he stared at the incoming call.




Aiden had to swallow hard to force the acid down as he swiped to accept the call and his nose stung as it dripped and his eyes burned as his vision swam.


“Dr. Aiden Sharp,” Langley said calmly and Aiden’s body shook so hard he had to lean against the door to keep the phone against his head.

“What do you want?” Aiden asked as the ground bounced and swayed beneath his feet.

“Don’t be silly,” Langley said. “You know what I want. I want you,” he said and Aiden squeezed his eyes shut.

“Why did you have to do this?” He cried. He honestly cried as his eyes slowly drifted over the glowing embers of people in the driveway.

“I had to show you that I can get to you whenever I want,” Langley said gently, tenderly and Aiden pulled in a desperate gulp of air to keep from throwing up.

“I already knew that,” he insisted. “You don’t have to hurt anyone else!” Aiden begged and Langley sighed dramatically.

“I’ll do whatever it takes to make you see how much I love you. I’ll wait until you admit that you love me, I just hope too many people don’t have to die first.” His tone was so affectionate and sincere, it terrified Aiden.

“Turn yourself in,” Aiden urged. “Turn yourself in and I’ll visit you every day,” he promised and Langley laughed softly.

“I can’t do that Dr. Aiden Sharp,” he said. “You pointed out how uncomfortable and discouraging prison was to your affections and libido,” Langley stated and Aiden clenched his jaw to keep from screaming. He tried to keep calm as his brain completely abandoned him.

“What do you want? Do you want me to come to you so we can be together?” Aiden asked and Langley hummed thoughtfully.

“Something like that,” he purred and Aiden’s eyes locked on Lane as he strode toward him. There was so much rage but Aiden could see traces of fear.

“If I did that, would you stop?” He asked and Langley laughed.

“I hesitate to promise but I’d do my best,” he said and Aiden hung onto the door as he started to see floating bursts of light.

“If I tell you I’ll think about it, will you promise not to hurt anyone else while I figure out what I’m going to do?” He didn’t keep the desperation out of his voice. He could smell burnt flesh and a pulsing wave of heat wafted from the driveway as the sound of sirens filled the air.

“Fine!” Langley said as if Aiden was asking a naughty child not to break any more Christmas ornaments. Aiden relaxed and nodded drunkenly as he reached for Lane.

“Just give me some time,” Aiden said and he heard Langley click his tongue against his teeth as Lane’s arms closed around him.

“You know he’s going to have to go,” Langley said and Aiden’s heart stopped.

“What do you mean?” He asked shakily and there was another soft laugh.

“We’re never going to be happy as long as Chief Lane West is alive,” Langley announced and Aiden shook his head as he stumbled back and pulled Lane with him.

“No,” Aiden said firmly as he slammed the door and fell against it. “I’ve made up my mind. No,” Aiden repeated then ended the call.

“Who was that?” Lane asked and Aiden’s eyes were flooded when they met Lane’s.

“Langley,” he breathed as he handed Lane his phone. Lane spiked it and it shattered as he pulled Aiden against him. Aiden clung to Lane, trembling violently and sweating as he buried his face in the corner of Lane’s neck.

“I’m sorry about your phone,” Lane said and there was a waver in his voice Aiden had never heard. He shook his head and pulled in as much of Lane’s scent as he could. It was masked by the smell of smoke and burnt people. Aiden stumbled back and covered his face.

“Can you take a shower?” He asked and the muscle in Lane’s jaw clenched as he turned and looked out the window.

“I don’t know if I’m comfortable with leaving you alone and not keeping an eye on things out there for that long,” Lane said and Aiden turned and leaned against the door and stared out at the horror on the other side.

“It doesn’t matter, Lane,” Aiden said. “I doubt he has anything else planned for tonight and we couldn’t do anything if he did. You might as well take a shower and try to get some rest.”

“What are you going to do?” Lane asked. He sounded defeated and tired.

“I have a press conference to prepare for,” Aiden said.

Chapter 24


“Are you sure you’re ready?” Lane asked and Aiden nodded. “And you’re sure you want to do this?” He asked and Aiden exhaled loudly.

“I don’t want to do this,” he said and Lane became alert. “But it’s the only thing I can do right now. I don’t know what else we can do aside from hope he’ll turn himself in,” Aiden said and Lane nodded.

“Ok. Are you sure it’s a good idea for me to go with you. What if it sets him off?” Lane asked and Aiden swallowed hard as he stared at the massive crowd assembled on the lawn.

“You can let him kill you and I can let him take me,” Aiden said nervously. “I don’t think it would be very long before he killed me. As soon as he realized it had all been for nothing and I can’t live without you, he’d burn me alive and disappear,” he said and Lane blinked rapidly before taking Aiden’s hand.

“Let’s go have a press conference!” He said brightly and Aiden tried to smile.


Lane pulled the door open and he felt Aiden’s hand tug briefly before he stepped forward. He was shaking as he stared at a sea of cameras and microphones. Aiden stretched his neck and shifted his shoulders uncomfortably and Lane immediately regretted letting him wear a suit. He didn’t need to be more uncomfortable. He gave Aiden’s hand a reassuring squeeze as he stepped out next to him and they walked to the end of the driveway together. Aiden took a deep breath before stepping in front of the podium the police department provided. Lane turned and nodded at the rows of officers behind them as Aiden cleared his throat.

“Last night eight men were murdered here. Eight men with families that loved them died as the world watched them burn. I saw girls laughing and cheering as they died. My husband and I offer our deepest condolences to the families of the brave men that died here and feel a terrible amount of regret and responsibility because they were protecting us,” Aiden took a moment and another deep breath as cameras clicked relentlessly. “Less than two years ago Gavin Langley was found guilty of murdering five people and setting fire to nine structures. He has all but publicly admitted to killing Nathaniel Stewart. Dr. Janet McCarthy set herself on fire because Gavin Langley convinced her it was necessary. So far, we know of fifteen deaths Gavin Langley is responsible for. That’s fifteen people. Fifteen people that will be missed by those that loved them. My husband and I are in danger and our front lawn looks like a music festival. Aside from the times when people are burning to death,” Aiden’s voice shook with anger and fear as he scanned the reporters and the crowd in front of him. “We want the killing to stop. We want people to be safe. We want our lives back.” There was a hysterical scream far off and Aiden jumped but remained taut and still. “If anyone has any information on Gavin Langley’s whereabouts, I beg you to contact the police. He is incredibly dangerous and it is very likely he will kill again. If you are listening, Mr. Langley, I beg you to turn yourself in. I will be your friend and get you the help you need. Please, stop killing people,” Aiden begged. The screaming was suddenly very close and Aiden stepped in front of Lane as a woman rushed toward them.

Four officers blocked the woman and her scream turned into a maniacal laugh as her eyes locked on Aiden’s. She was dripping wet as she swayed and pointed at Aiden.

“Gasoline!” One of the officers yelled and the officers around her stepped back. She raised her hand and several guns pointed at her.

“No!” Aiden yelled as he reached for her and Lane grabbed him as a flame sparked from her fingers and immediately jumped to her body, shrouding her in fire.

A horrific shriek burst from her as her body arched then bowed forward. An officer tackled her to the ground and they were immediately surrounded. Several officers removed their coats and beat at her body frantically, trying to extinguish the flames. Aiden was nearly limp in Lane’s arms and his eyes were broken as tears streamed down his face. He turned back to the reporters and most were still staring at the woman with expressions of shock and confusion.

“Why?” Aiden yelled as he pointed at the scorched, smoking remains of the woman on their lawn. “What is this?” He asked in horrified disbelief. “Please, stop this now!” Aiden begged hoarsely and Lane held him as they watched paramedics check her for any sign of life before taking her away. Lane gently eased Aiden to the side and addressed the cameras and microphones.

“As Chief of the Lake Cliff Police Department, I ask that anyone assisting the fugitive Gavin Langley turn themselves in. Please assist the Lake Cliff Police Department in apprehending him. Mr. Langley is extremely dangerous and must stand for his crimes. The media has turned this man into a celebrity and is as responsible for the deaths of the officers that died here last night and that young woman as Mr. Langley,” he declared as he pointed. “His popularity has reached cult status and the focus needs to return to his victims and the danger he poses to the public. If you have helped Gavin Langley or are helping him, you are aiding a murderer and will be held responsible for the murders he commits. Any assistance you offer the police will be taken into account when you are tried for your crimes.” Lane stared out at the countless faces staring back at him and the cameras. “Gavin Langley, my husband and I are not going to give into your sick fantasy. I am not going to allow you to harm him and I don’t intend to allow you to kill me. Turn yourself in and get the treatment you need.” With that Lane stepped back and took Aiden’s hand and they waved and nodded, signaling the end of the press conference before they turned back to the house.

The crowd of reporters burst into motion, wildly waving and jumping up and down to get Lane and Aiden’s attention as they yelled questions. It was almost a riot by the time they cleared the door and slammed it shut behind them. Lane watched as the officers spread out and formed a protective ring around the house.

“Maybe we should send them all away,” Aiden said as his arms slid around Lane’s waist and he set his chin on Lane’s shoulder. Lane shook his head then pressed his lips to Aiden’s cheek.

“They won’t go,” he stated and he felt Aiden release a shuddering breath.

“I don’t want anyone else to die because of me,” he said and Lane turned in his arms and gathered his face in his hands.

“None of this is because of you,” Lane declared. “You did everything you could to prevent this. There is no way you are responsible,” he said as he pointed at the driveway. “They did this. The media fell under Langley’s spell and drove everyone out of their minds. You tried to make them listen and they wouldn’t,” he yelled and Aiden nodded but didn’t look convinced.

“It doesn’t change the fact that more people could die trying to protect us,” he argued and Lane pinched the bridge of his nose and his cheeks puffed as he forced out an exhausted breath. He couldn’t remember the last decent night of sleep they’d had.

“What do you want to do?” He asked wearily.

“I don’t know but us sitting here, helpless and completely vulnerable isn’t the answer,” Aiden said and Lane froze.

“Maybe we shouldn’t sit here,” he mused and Aiden looked at him expectantly. “You went on the run for three years and kept Burgess on his toes the whole time,” Lane said and Aiden’s lips pulled tight.

“I couldn’t stay anywhere for more than a few days and I had to hide with law enforcement,” he said and Lane shrugged.

“So, we road trip and take a tour of America’s great police stations,” Lane said as he pulled Aiden close and pressed his forehead against Aiden’s. “If he’s busy following us, he can’t plan more attacks. Eventually, he’ll slip up or run out of fans and get caught,” he explained and Aiden smiled.

“Why stay in America?” Aiden asked and Lane’s eyes widened. “He doesn’t have a passport and there’s no way he could get on a plane and not be recognized. And it wouldn’t be hard to find a country that’s never heard of him,” He said and Lane laughed as he captured Lane’s lips.

“Where do you want to go?” He asked and Aiden’s eyes flicked upwards.

“Probably someplace warm, since we’ll have to pack light,” Aiden said and Lane felt a rush of happiness, relief and excitement. It was so out of place after the press conference, it felt precious.

“You’re a genius,” Lane said as he backed Aiden toward the stairs.

“I know,” Aiden said as his fingers worked at Lane’s tie. Lane felt lighter as the feeling of being helpless faded and he moaned happily as he followed Aiden up the stairs.

“I love you,” he murmured against Aiden’s lips as they awkwardly negotiated the steps and unbuttoned shirts as they kissed.

“I know.”

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