Spark And Flame (14 page)

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Authors: Sterling K.

BOOK: Spark And Flame
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Chapter 35


“Here you go!” Chief said as he handed Lane a cold beer and reclined in the chair next to his wheelchair. They tapped bottles and raised them before taking several long sips.

“Thanks for everything you and Sandra have done for us,” Lane said as they watched her drop a handful of cherry tomatoes into the basket she bullied Aiden into carrying for her. The garden was overflowing with tomatoes, cucumbers, squash and peas under her care.

“Don’t worry about it. We’ve been at loose ends since Lindsey went off to school,” Chief said and smiled as they watched Sandra pop a tomato in her mouth then hold one out to Aiden. He shook his head quickly then tripped and fell on his ass as he backed away. He scrambled back as she scolded and threatened to make him eat a whole bowl of tomatoes as Chief and Lane howled and wiped tears from their eyes. Aiden hopped to his feet and swiped a tomato off the ground and hurled it at Sandra and Lane almost fell out of his wheelchair as she took off after him. “She loves that boy,” Chief said as he gasped for breath and Lane nodded.

“He loves her too,” he said and Chief sobered.

“He’s a really good kid, Lane,” he said as Aiden ducked behind a tomato cage then jumped away when he spotted a large worm. Chief chuckled softly as he shook his head. “I couldn’t imagine you being happier with anyone else or anyone loving you more than he does,” he said and Lane found it hard to breathe, his heart felt like it was way too big for his chest.

“I know. I’m so lucky to have him,” he said and Chief nodded.

“Someone was looking out for you when they brought the two of you together,” he said and Lane nudged him with his elbow.

“I think that was you, actually,” he said then raised his beer in salute. Chief grinned and shook his head.

“Nope,” he said. “It was Cabbot, remember?” He asked and Lane choked on his beer.

“I think he regrets that,” he said and Chief waved dismissively.

“He might be an asshole but I’m sure he wouldn’t want to see you killed,” he said and Lane’s lips pulled tight and he tilted his head.

“I wouldn’t be so sure…” he said and Chief laughed.

“He did hang onto that grudge for a while but I heard he’s doing good things in Jefferson Park,” he said and Lane smiled as he drank and watched Sandra patiently hunt for the worm and pick it off the tomato plant.

“I ran into him a few times and we tried to be civil,” Lane said. “His youngest started elementary school and from what he said about his wife, I got the feeling he came clean about a lot of things and they were working through everything,” he said and Chief hummed thoughtfully as he drank.

“Good for them. I’m glad he finally accepted that you and Aiden were meant to be together,” he said and Lane laughed softly as Sandra tried to get Aiden to look at the worm as he swatted at her hands. “I know it sounds silly but I can’t imagine one of you without the other,” Chief added and Lane shrugged.

“I don’t think it’s silly,” he said and Chief shifted and looked a little uncomfortable.

“He needs you,” he said and Lane’s gaze focused on Aiden as he tried to figure out what Chief was telling him, without actually telling him. “If it was anyone but Aiden, I’d think it was a little unhealthy but he’s different. And you’re all he has.” His eyes were a little sad and heavy as they fell on Aiden and Lane swallowed past the tightness in his throat.

“He’s everything to me. I can’t imagine my life without him,” he said and Chief gave him a pointed look.

“You need to get out of that wheelchair and make sure you stay healthy. You better live a long life,” he ordered and Lane held his hands up and laughed.

“I’ll do my best!” He promised and Chief nodded and held up his bottle. Lane let his bottle clink against Chief’s and they both laughed as Aiden pushed the basket at Sandra and stormed up the lawn.

“I don’t understand why everyone fucking loves gardens,” he grumbled as he passed Chief and Lane and they roared with laughter.

Chapter 36


The doorbell rang and Aiden gathered the ten empty bags from all the apple slices he’d eaten off the counter and dropped them in the trash can before hurrying to the door. He pulled it open and frowned at the very attractive woman smiling at him. She was of average height and build but she had a narrow waist and large breasts. Her makeup was tastefully applied and her hair was stylishly cut and highlighted.

“You’re not ugly,” Aiden accused as he waved her in and her face fell.

“Excuse me?” She asked as she slid past him. He shook his head as he shut the door.

“It doesn’t matter. Do you know how to make pancakes?” He asked and she looked very confused and possibly frightened. Aiden chewed on his lip as he replayed the conversation. “They’re Lane’s favorite and I don’t know how to cook,” he lied and her smile returned.

“Sure! I can make pancakes!” She said as she set her bag down. “Let me go get acquainted with Lane and I’ll make some for both of you,” the nurse said and Aiden felt a tremor of excitement. He wasn’t as hungry as earlier but it had been almost two weeks since anyone made him pancakes.

“He’s upstairs,” Aiden said as he waved toward the bedroom and she offered a chipper wink before turning toward the stairs. “Could you at least be really mean?” Aiden asked and she froze mid step as she turned to stare at Aiden.

“No,” she said flatly. “I can’t,” the nurse added and Aiden shrugged.

“Fine. Please let me know when the pancakes are ready,” he said as he went toward the study.

Chapter 37


“Congratulations,” Lane said as Aiden helped Lane into bed.

“Thank you,” Aiden said as he lifted Lane’s legs and settled them under the sheet. “Which of my achievements are we discussing?” He asked and Lane shook his head as he rolled onto his side and watched Aiden undress.

“You found the only nurse in America that didn’t know exactly who we are,” he said and Aiden paused in the middle of unzipping his jeans.

“I didn’t consider that a criteria when selecting a nurse,” he admitted and Lane laughed. “Should I have?” Aiden asked and Lane shook his head.

“No. I’m sure 99% of the nurses available know almost everything about us. Michelle was traveling with one of those doctors without borders type of programs and returned to the U.S. three months ago,” he explained and Aiden continued unzipping. “You would think that after living and working in primitive conditions and dealing with uncooperative governments, you would be a walk in the park,” Lane said and Aiden froze again. This time his hands were at the waist of his jeans and he was just about to push them over his hips.
This is a fun game,
Lane decided. Slowly undressing Aiden was one of his favorite things to do and this was like a striptease.

“A walk in the park is an idiom for something that is pleasant and easy,” he said as he resumed and pushed his jeans down his legs then kicked them away. “I do not recall being unpleasant or difficult,” Aiden said as he stepped closer to the bed. His fingers slipped beneath the waist of his boxer briefs and heat coiled in Lane’s groin.

“You know, the mean nurse thing is kind of a sexual fetish,” Lane said and Aiden’s eyes were wide and his hands stopped, revealing just a hint of the dark hairs at the base of his cock.
. Aiden shook his head.

“No. I mean, I did but I didn’t consider that when I asked her to be mean to you,” he mumbled and Lane nodded.

“I explained that to her,” he said and Aiden relaxed and his boxer briefs fell.
Really Perfect,
Lane thought as Aiden approached the bed. “And that you were the one that loves pancakes,” Lane said and Aiden stopped and pushed a hand through his hair and grinned boyishly. Fuck, he was gorgeous and Lane was done playing around.

“I thought that was rather clever of me,” Aiden said. “And I was really hungry,” he added as he lifted the sheet and set his knee on the mattress.

“You were very clever,” Lane said as he reached for Aiden. He pulled Aiden on top of him and rolled, pinning Aiden beneath him. “But you’re going to have to wait until my mom comes to visit or I can make them for you. You can’t con Michelle into making them for you anymore, that’s not her job.” He lowered his head and sucked on Aiden’s lower lip and felt it tug as he smiled.

“I’ll wait for you to make them for me,” he stated and Lane raised his head.

“It could be a while,” he warned and Aiden shook his head.

“I don’t think so but I don’t care,” he said and warmth spread through Lane’s chest. “My favorite pancakes are the ones we eat when it’s just you and me,” Aiden stated and Lane felt like he was melting.

“You’re amazing,” Lane whispered as he rubbed his lips along Aiden’s jaw, enjoying the soft sting from the stubble. Aiden sighed happily as his fingernails grazed Lane’s skin as they swept down his back.

“I am,” he agreed. “Your mom bought me a panini maker and taught me how to make a grilled cheese. I made dinner tonight,” Aiden boasted and Lane ducked his head into the corner of Aiden’s neck and bit his lip to keep from laughing.

“They were delightful,” Lane muffled against Aiden’s skin then licked his way up to Aiden’s earlobe. “But I was referring to your general amazingness and the way you make me feel,” he said before his teeth nibbled and Aiden hummed in delight as his fingers wrapped around Lane’s ass and dug into his flesh.

“That feels amazing,” Aiden groaned and Lane nodded, tugging gently before he sucked and Aiden hissed as he arched beneath Lane. “There’s nothing I wouldn’t do for you, Lane. You’re my life,” he said and more heat spilled through Lane as he raised his head.

“I would say I owe you my life but it already belongs to you. I belong with you,” Lane said and his voice wavered with emotion as he realized how true that was. He suddenly understood why Aiden couldn’t leave him in that building and that it was a little selfish to tell him to. All he wanted was for Aiden to live. If they switched places, nothing would have kept Lane from staying and fighting. He would have been fighting for his life. “You’re the best thing that’s every happened to me,” Lane said as he gathered Aiden’s face in his hands.

“Even when you’re almost dying because of me?” He asked and a burst of laughter caught in Lane’s throat and he nodded.

“You’re worth it, Aiden,” he breathed against his lips.

“I’m not sure…”

Lane cut him off with a slow, achingly tender kiss that left them both shaking when he released Aiden’s lips.

“You’re so worth it,” Lane insisted and rolled onto his back. Aiden followed and his eyes shimmered and were dark with intensity as he settled over Lane before his lips curved.

“Why am I worth it?” He asked playfully as he dipped his head and traced Lane’s collar bone with his tongue. Lane moaned as need and heat rushed through his veins.

“You’re brilliant,” he whispered and Aiden nodded before his teeth tugged at Lane’s nipple.

“Is that it?” He asked then growled softly as he nibbled and licked his way down Lane’s stomach.

“You’re ridiculously hot,” Lane panted and Aiden hummed thoughtfully.

“Is there anything else?” Aiden asked as his lips traced Lane’s navel and Lane whimpered as he bucked restlessly beneath Aiden.

“You’re incredibly talented,” Lane said through clenched teeth as Aiden’s tongue slid along his adonis belt.

“Am I? What are my talents?” Aiden murmured against Lane’s thigh.

“You’re really handy with a panini maker,” Lane squeaked as Aiden bit.

“Is that all I’m good at?” Aiden asked silkily as his hand wrapped around Lane’s throbbing erection. Aiden’s head fell and Lane’s eyes rolled.

“Oh, you’re so good at that.”



Lane pulled in his lips to keep from laughing as he intercepted the last cookie as Aiden reached for it. Aiden frowned as he looked up from his book.

“That’s mine,” he said. “I was about to eat it,” Aiden explained and Lane held the cookie up and examined it.

“This is your cookie?” Lane asked and Aiden sighed heavily.

“Are we doing this again?” He asked but the twitching of his lips gave him away. Lane hummed thoughtfully as he turned the cookie and Aiden’s eyes followed it.

“I still don’t get how this is your cookie,” Lane said before taking a large bite.

“No!” Aiden protested as he dove for the cookie and Lane jumped up and Aiden scrambled after him. “Stop!” Aiden commanded as he held up a hand. “Do not make me chase you,” he warned and Lane grinned as he chewed.

“Or else?” He asked. Aiden swiped at the cookie and Lane skipped back a step.

“I don’t know yet,” Aiden admitted. “Maybe I’ll withhold something sexual from you for a short period of time,” he offered and Lane snorted as he took another bite. “Lane!” Aiden cried as he rushed toward him and Lane bolted.

He ran through the living room and skidded into the kitchen and turned to find Aiden glaring at him from the living room. Lane raised the last bit of cookie in front of him and Aiden pointed threateningly. Lane waited for half a second before tossing it in the air and catching it in his mouth. He chewed then grunted as the air was knocked out of him and he was thrown onto the floor. Aiden’s lips attacked his and hands tugged at the waist of his sweatpants. Lane lifted his hips and moaned happily as Aiden pushed his pants down his legs.

“I see you meant a very short period of time,” Lane teased and Aiden shook his head as he slipped out of his pajama pants.

“I decided I’d fuck you really hard and beg until you made another batch,” Aiden declared and Lane laughed as he reached for Aiden’s face.

“I think I can be persuaded,” he said as he pulled Aiden’s lips to his.




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