Spark And Flame (6 page)

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Authors: Sterling K.

BOOK: Spark And Flame
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Chapter 13


Aiden raised his head and his brows pulled together as a rumbling sound that started as a faint growl got louder and louder. He stood and jogged into the living room and frowned as he scanned the driveway as a bright yellow ’72 Corvette Stingray quickly approached the house. He pulled the door open and crossed his arms over his chest as Lane parked the car. He looked very pleased as he smiled up at Aiden.

“What have you done?” Aiden asked and Lane’s smile grew wider.

“Did you know there is an actual giant banana car?” He asked as he pushed the door open and got out. “But I thought this would be more practical since it will actually fit in the garage,” Lane said as he shut the door and circled it. “Did it work?” He asked as he leaned against the car and looked at Aiden expectantly.

“I would assume so,” he murmured as he leaned to the side and surveyed the car. Aside from the bright yellow, it was very attractive. “You did drive it home,” Aiden said as he wrinkled his nose. The fumes were a bit offensive.

“No, genius,” Lane said and Aiden’s head swung toward him. “Are you incredibly attracted to me? It’s as close as I could get to a giant banana without blowing thousands on something ridiculous,” he explained and Aiden rolled his eyes as he leaned toward Lane’s lips.

“More than I can express with words. Come in the house and I’ll show you,” Aiden said and Lane purred as he nibbled at Aiden’s lips before his head snapped back. “Wait. Where’s the Mercedes?” He asked warily and Lane chuckled as he rubbed Aiden’s arms soothingly.

“The dealer is sending it over after it’s finished being detailed. You’d be out of your mind if you thought I’d let go of my Merc,” Lane said and Aiden sagged with relief. Lane nodded in agreement. “This will be a fun change for those days I’m feeling a little boring and uptight,” he said and Aiden gave him a flat look.

“The only person that’s ever called you boring and uptight is you,” he said and Lane shrugged.

“Maybe but I know plenty of people have thought that about me,” Lane said and Aiden narrowed his eyes as he looked at Lane.

“Why do you care? I don’t think so,” he said and Lane became absorbed in the pattern on his tie.

“It might not be as easy as I let on,” he mumbled and Aiden’s head tilted as he waited. “Everyone’s always talking about how charming and fascinating Langley is and how sweet it would be if the two of you actually fell in love,” he explained and Aiden considered punching Lane in the face.

“That ruined the mood,” Aiden declared then turned and went into the house.

“What?” Lane asked as he followed and Aiden glared over his shoulder as he turned toward the study. “Come on!” Lane begged as he grabbed Aiden’s arm and he sighed as he stopped.

“I’m tired of hearing about how dreamy and brilliant he is. I don’t want to hear about him from you too. He’s a criminal and I don’t understand why no one gets that,” Aiden complained and Lane made a soothing sound as he pulled him close.

“Believe me, I get it. I’m just admitting that always hearing about how perfect someone else is for my husband is a little hard sometimes. And he’s a genius and he’s younger and…”

“Don’t say another word,” Aiden warned and Lane clamped his lips tight and Aiden nodded in approval. “I wanted you the moment I first saw you in that airport terminal. I feel absolutely nothing when I see Langley. When I’m close to you, it feels like…” his hands waved as he struggled to find the words. “The shock you get from static electricity and warmth. And I get so hard,” Aiden said and Lane hummed happily as he untucked Aiden’s shirt and pushed his hands up Aiden’s stomach. Aiden covered Lane’s hands with his and searched his face to see if he was making any sense. “I didn’t feel anything when I met Langley. He could have been just about anyone,” he said and Lane’s eyes were drowsy and his lips curved as he nodded.

“Good,” Lane said as he leaned back and whipped Aiden’s shirt over his head and tossed it on the floor. “I’m still keeping the car. I’m about to fuck you within an inch of your life too,” he announced and Aiden thought it was a solid plan and quickly worked at the fly of his jeans.

“Perfect,” Aiden said and Lane laughed as he watched Aiden kick them away.

“This has turned out to be the best day,” Lane decided as he unzipped his trousers and Aiden sunk to his knees.

“You’re sure you want to do this here?” Aiden asked as he freed Lane’s cock and looked up at him. Lane nodded and his eyes shut as Aiden took him deep in his throat and began to suck greedily.

“You’ve never had a problem with this before,” he whispered as his fingers spread through Aiden’s hair. Aiden’s tongue lashed at Lane’s length and he shook his head faintly.

“I don’t have a problem with it,” he mumbled against Lane’s erection. “It’s just with that person taking pictures last week…” Aiden shrugged as his tongue swirled around the head and Lane hissed as he fisted his hand in Aiden’s hair and pulled his head back.

“Get up,” he commanded and Aiden’s eyes sparked as he rose to his feet. Lane’s hands curved around Aiden’s face as he backed him toward the window. “I kind of hope someone is watching,” Lane admitted as he turned Aiden and pushed him against the glass and Aiden chuckled as his hands pressed against the window.

“Is that why you’re still completely dressed?” Aiden asked and Lane grinned as he shook his head.

“I’m about to do some of my best work,” he announced then dug his teeth into Aiden’s shoulder. Aiden gasped as Lane sucked hard then growled softly as he licked his way down Aiden’s spine. Aiden sighed happily and pressed his forehead to the glass as Lane’s tongue slipped between the cheeks of his ass. Silky slippery glowing heat washed over Aiden’s hole and golden warmth radiated through Aiden’s body from where Lane sucked and licked possessively. A drunken smile pulled at Aiden’s lips as he remembered the first time with Lane. It had been almost exactly where Aiden was standing. He could remember everything. The way Lane tasted, smelled, sounded, the scorching heat of his come as it flooded Aiden’s mouth. Nothing had ever been that good and Aiden never wanted to be without him.

“I need you now!” Aiden whimpered as his body began to flicker and tighten. He’d gotten himself close just thinking about the first time.

“I know what you need,” Lane whispered, his lips suddenly at Aiden’s ear.

“You always know,” Aiden said then hissed as the hard, solid heat of Lane’s erection pressed against his hole and he stretched to let him in. The bright sting focused his senses and he was acutely aware of every inch of Lane’s length as it filled his passage. He felt tight and the slight burn from the friction activated Aiden’s nerves and they sang as Lane’s hips slowly pulled back. He could already feel Lane’s pre-cum making them slicker, easing their joining. “This feels so good,” Aiden panted as Lane rocked slowly and he felt him nod behind him.

“You always feel good,” he said and Aiden clenched around Lane, savoring the last flare of pain as it receded.

“Harder,” Aiden urged, desperate to keep his senses overwhelmed, to hold off his release with raw heat and driving pressure.

“You’re always so demanding,” Lane teased as his hands wrapped around Aiden’s shoulders and he thrust deep and hard. A ball of fire skipped down Aiden’s nerves and his head fell back on a silent cry and Lane’s teeth dug into his neck.

“More!” Aiden ordered and Lane fought to keep him on the edge of agony until the current of pleasure could no longer be suppressed. Aiden’s senses snapped and light and sound exploded within him as he clawed at the glass and come streamed from him as he screamed Lane’s name.

“Jesus, Aiden!” Lane panted as Aiden clenched tight around him. Lane bucked and froze and searing liquid heat and light flared deep within Aiden as come pumped from Lane’s cock. They both shuddered as Lane pulled out and he hummed softly as he covered Aiden’s shoulders and neck with kisses. “I love you so much,” he breathed and Aiden grinned against the glass and sighed happily.

“I know,” he said as he turned his head and found Lane’s lips. “And I love you more than anything in the world,” Aiden said as he turned and wrapped his arms around Lane’s neck and pulled his lower lip between his and sucked. “No one else could make me this happy,” he added and Lane was relaxed and loose in Aiden’s arms.

“I’m about to make you even happier,” Lane said and Aiden raised his head.


“Pancakes for dinner,” Lane announced loudly and Aiden felt a swell of warmth in his chest as he covered Lane’s lips with his.

“This has turned out to be the best day,” Aiden murmured against Lane’s tongue.

Chapter 14


If he was a smarter man he would have had at least one beer before watching this week’s Langley interview. Lane’s hand scrubbed down his face before he pushed open the door to the study. Aiden looked up and a soft smile tilted his lips and Lane regretted that he was about to wipe it off his face.

“You need to watch this,” he said as he swiped the remote control off Aiden’s desk and pointed it at the TV. He quickly found the channel and he saw Aiden tense and hold his breath as Langley’s presence filled the screen.

“Why would you think I’d want to watch…” he stopped when Lane held up his hand.

“Just watch,” he said firmly and Aiden’s arms crossed over his chest as he turned stiffly toward the screen and listened.

“Why aren’t you making this offer directly to Dr. Aiden Sharp?” The reporter asked and the camera went back to a very solemn yet somehow still sparkling and magnetic Gavin Langley.

“I’ve tried so, so many times to contact Dr. Aiden Sharp,” Gavin explained soothingly.
Fuck. It sounds even creepier when Langley says Aiden’s name
, Lane decided. “But he hasn’t returned any of my emails, text messages or phone calls. He refuses to accept my friend requests or follow me on Twitter,” he joked and the reporter nearly fell out of her chair as Aiden looked up at Lane impatiently. He gestured for Aiden to give it just a little longer and Aiden’s jaw twitched as he looked back at the TV.

“So, are you admitting that you were involved in Nathaniel Stewart’s disappearance?” She asked carefully and Langley smiled warmly as he leaned toward the screen, as if he and the reporter or anyone that happened to be watching were alone and no one else in the room mattered.

“You know, I’m not legally allowed to address how or why I know where he is. I just do, Kate,” he explained silkily and she giggled as she brushed a lock of hair over her shoulder. Holy shit, he was good. He was basically admitting to murder on national television and the reporter looked like he just told her her eyes sparkled like deep waters under a full, flawless moon.

“And you can only tell Dr. Aiden Sharp?” She asked and did that weird robot in love thing with Aiden’s name as Langley nodded.

“I’ve never hidden the fact that he and I share a very special connection, Kate. There’s no one else I would trust with this information,” he said and his eyes became large and soulful as they filled the screen. “He’s the only one I’d trust to bring Nathan home,” he added dramatically and the reporter was eating it up as she nodded dreamily.

“I certainly hope someone can get through to Dr. Aiden Sharp and make him listen,” she said coldly. “He has a reputation for being very abrupt and uncooperative,” she added and Langley shook his head and gave her a gently scolding look.

“It’s easy to forget that Dr. Aiden Sharp has a disability, Kate,” he said almost sternly. “I imagine all of the media attention and the constant mention of my name has to be overwhelming for someone with his sensory and social issues. He’s so brilliant and fascinating, it’s easy to forget he’s not like the rest of us in that we would jump for our fifteen minutes. Dr. Aiden Sharp must find his comfort zone constantly invaded and can’t enjoy all the unfair scrutiny,” Langley said sympathetically and she gasped softly.

“Of course, I’m so stupid,” she complained. “And you’re so sweet to look beyond that and still care for him so deeply,” she added and Aiden was about to blow up when his eyes focused and he leaned forward.

“Pause that,” he ordered as he got up and stood next to Lane as he pointed the remote at the TV. It paused and Aiden’s head fell to the side as his eyes darted around the screen.

“There, there, there, there, there and there,” he said as he pointed to various spots and Lane leaned closer as he looked. He felt the blood drain from his face and his skin prickled as he recognized himself and Aiden in various pictures on a wall in Langley’s cell.

“Oh, fuck…” Lane breathed and his eyes became wider as he stared at a very tiny, naked Aiden pressed against the living room window with a very tiny and snarling Lane behind him.
Is that my sex face?
He wondered then shook his head, dismissing it as he checked to see if Aiden was furious that his naked body was on national television for anyone with really sharp eyes and a quick hand with a remote to see.

“I knew someone was taking pictures,” he seemed pleased to have his suspicions proven.

“Right,” Lane nodded quickly. “You definitely called it,” he said as he scanned to make sure there weren’t any pictures of himself he would need to apologize to his mother for. Aside from him shirtless and filthy while working on the garden, he was good.

“Is that it?” Aiden asked and Lane nodded again. “Can I get back to work?” He asked and Lane raised a brow as he turned off the TV.

“Do you want to talk about any of that?” Lane asked and Aiden shook his head as he sat.

“Not particularly,” he mumbled as he reached for a book and found his spot on the page. “Let me know when it’s time for dinner,” Aiden said dismissively and Lane nodded slowly as he backed out of the room.

He wasn’t sure if Aiden just didn’t care or if he hadn’t had a chance to process and analyze everything. Lane hoped Aiden understood how important it was that Nathaniel Stewart’s body (Lane felt confident assuming it would be the remains of his body) be located and returned to his family. As far as his first public display of full frontal nudity, Aiden might not actually care. He didn’t feel the same discomfort with nudity as most people and he was extremely comfortable with his body and lacked any self consciousness when it came to being naked. It might not be that big of a deal to Aiden or he might not have really noticed.

“We should look at investing in curtains or limit certain activities to the bedroom,” Aiden muttered as he read and Lane winced as he pulled the door shut. Nope, he noticed.

“Got it,” Lane agreed as it closed then raced through the living room and skidded to a stop in front of the fridge and almost yanked the door off before reaching for a beer.

He wasn’t sure how he was going to convince Aiden to talk to Langley or make up for the fact that his nudes would probably be viral in about two minutes. Lane didn’t wait until he was through the first beer before he reached for the next. If there was ever a day to double fist and shotgun a few beers, this was it.

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