Spark And Flame (3 page)

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Authors: Sterling K.

BOOK: Spark And Flame
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Chapter 5


“Can I get a two cheeseburger meal, plain with a Sprite, please?” Lane smiled at the girl at the register and she looked bored as she tapped at the screen. Lane did his best to encourage her to be more engaging and friendly as he passed her a $20 and her eyes widened as they scanned his face.

“Is this for Dr. Aiden Sharp?” She asked and Lane’s head pulled back in shock. Lake Cliff got a lot smaller all of a sudden. He nodded slowly.

“Yes,” he replied carefully and she brightened as she turned to prepare the soda.

“You’re Chief West and everyone knows you’re married to Dr. Aiden Sharp,” she announced as if it was just as simple and obvious as that as she leaned across the counter. “But don’t you think Gavin Langley is crazy hot? I mean, you’re gay too. I’m sure you can totally see that he’s hot,” she babbled and Lane felt his smile getting tighter as his jaw began to ache.

“I think I see the plain cheeseburgers,” he said as he nodded over her shoulder and she bounced excitedly before she rushed off to assemble Aiden’s meal.

“I bet you’re super relieved Gavin Langley’s in jail because you’d have to worry, wouldn’t you?” She asked and Lane sort of nodded.

“It would be alarming if a serial arsonist was allowed to go free,” he agreed and she rolled her eyes and waved dismissively.

“No! Not all of that,” she laughed. “I mean, you’d have to worry that Dr. Aiden Sharp would fall in love with Gavin Langley and leave you!” She giggled and shook her head as if Lane was the slow one as she folded down the top of the bag and pushed it toward him.

“No, I wouldn’t,” Lane said firmly and she blinked at him in confusion. “Dr. Aiden Sharp,” he offered a relaxed smile and silently scolded himself for adopting her weird, stiff tone when saying Aiden’s full title and momentarily wondered why all of Langley’s fans said his name like that. “He’s a very happily married man, from what I’ve heard,” Lane said and she looked as if she was waiting for him to reveal his source or prove it. “He’s told me. More than a few times,” he added then wondered why he felt the need to defend or prove himself to some teenage drone at a McDonald’s register. He offered her a stiff nod as he took the bag and the cup and went for the door. He backed out of it and glared as she whispered in another employee’s ear and laughed as they watched him leave.

Chapter 6


Maybe the garden filled an emotional void in Lane’s life. Aiden rubbed his knuckle along his jaw as he watched Lane fuss with his garden as the sun set. Not that Aiden minded the shifting of their routines in the spring and summer. Sitting in the backyard and reading while Lane inspected and encouraged his plants after dinner was pleasant for Aiden. Lane built a pair of Adirondack chairs and they often relaxed in them as they watched the reflection of the setting sun on the lake. But it was infinitely easier to buy produce and Aiden was certain that if they were to examine the cost of Lane’s garden versus the amount of produce he harvested, it was much more cost effective to purchase it as well. And it was an obscene amount of work. Aiden’s nose wrinkled and he shuddered as Lane plucked a large green worm off a tomato plant.
Fuck that,
he thought as he picked up his book and shielded his face.

What role was Lane fulfilling with his gardening? Aiden compared their relationship to an average couple after seven years. He knew that most couples would either be divorced or have at least one child and one pet after four years of marriage. All they had accomplished was getting married. Was that adequate or were they stalled and Aiden was just unaware? He lowered the book and his head titled as Lane brushed dirt off his hands then pushed them down his thighs before turning and walking toward Aiden.

“I swear, this is the year you learn to love tomatoes,” he teased. Aiden knew he was teasing because he winked before he settled into the chair next to Aiden.

“I can’t really taste them and I find their texture offensive,” Aiden mumbled as Lane lifted a beer to his lips. He took a long sip then sighed contentedly.
Is being content enough?
Aiden wondered.

“I make a divine bruschetta and it makes my soul weep knowing you’ll never try it,” he said as his eyes scanned the garden. Aiden felt a hint of panic. He didn’t want Lane’s soul to weep.

“I can try it,” he offered and Lane laughed softly as he looked toward Aiden.

“You don’t have to,” he insisted. “I wasn’t being serious. I don’t mind not having to share,” Lane said and Aiden relaxed. Lane reached for Aiden’s hand and for a brief moment, Aiden considered pulling it away. He would prefer Lane wash his hands first, they were dirty and he did touch that giant worm. He decided to allow it. It would disrupt the mood if he didn’t and thoroughly washing his hands afterwords would only take two minutes at the most. Aiden let Lane intertwine their fingers and smiled as he shut his book and set it aside.

“What do you think of pets?” Aiden asked and Lane’s eyes narrowed as they stared out at the lake.

“I’m generally for them but I believe they have to be considered on a case by case basis,” he said and Aiden nodded.

“That’s a logical approach,” he said and Lane laughed again as he raised Aiden’s hand to his lips. “Why are you asking me about pets?” he asked and Aiden considered asking if Lane felt like his life was lacking in some way but decided against it. He knew Lane would immediately deny it.

“We don’t have one and I wondered if you regretted the absence of an animal as a companion,” Aiden said and Lane’s lips pulled tight and Aiden wasn’t sure if he was holding back another laugh.

“Do you want a pet, Aiden?” He asked and Aiden chewed his lip as he formulated an answer. He didn’t have any interest in animals, they never really appealed to him. He didn’t want to say anything discouraging if an animal might make Lane happy.

“Studies have shown that owning a pet can increase the quality and length of a person’s life,” he said and Lane nodded slowly. “I would like for the two of us to live longer and I am not opposed to improving the quality of our lives,” Aiden said. “Not that I consider the quality of out lives unacceptable,” he added quickly.

“Is that a yes or a no?” Lane asked and Aiden chewed his thumb nervously. He didn’t want Lane swayed in the direction of a pet if he thought he wanted one.

“I don’t know. Do you?” Aiden asked slowly and Lane winced.

“That’s a lot of responsibility, you know?” He asked and Aiden got the feeling Lane was teasing him again.

“I am aware that animals have certain requirements,” he said and Lane raised a brow.

“I’m not the one that would be home with it during the day,” he added and Aiden’s eyes widened as the panic returned and Lane chuckled. “You’d be the stay-at-home dad,” Lane said and Aiden’s mouth fell open.

“I would not be an ideal parent for a human child, do you think I would be unsuitable for an animal?” He asked and Lane looked up as he considered then shrugged.

“I think it depends. I think you would be great in certain circumstances,” he said then pressed a firm kiss on the back of Aiden’s hand. “And I think you’d adjust and be a more than ideal parent if you had to,” Lane said as he stood. Aiden frowned up at Lane.

“Why would I have to?” He asked before he rose and Lane shrugged as he took Aiden’s hand and turned toward the house.

“I don’t know, maybe we goof up and one of us gets pregnant,” he said and Aiden laughed at the absurdity of it as he pictured Lane with a full, round, distended stomach.

“That is biologically impossible,” he said then giggled and Lane smiled over his shoulder as he reached for the door.

“Maybe a desperate mother leaves a baby on our doorstep with a note pinned to it saying she couldn’t give him the life he deserves and we’re her only hope,” Lane offered and Aiden’s eyes went to the front door as they stepped into the house.

“Do you think we should put up a sign? Some people have signs prohibiting solicitors. We could have a sign prohibiting babies,” Aiden said and Lane nodded.

“I’ll get right on that,” he said and Aiden made a relieved sound. “‘No abandoned babies of poor-and-possibly-dying-of-poverty-induced-illness young mothers allowed’,” Lane said and Aiden tugged on his hand to halt him.

“That might sound a bit insensitive,” he warned and Lane raised a brow.

“Do you think?” He asked and Aiden nodded. It was refreshing, being the one to point out a social faux pas.

“Yes,” Aiden said. “‘No abandoned babies’ should be sufficient,” he said and Lane shook his head slowly.

“No one would ever make a sign like that,” he said and Aiden’s head pulled back.

“I can’t see why not. Finding a baby on your doorstep would be extremely inconvenient,” he suspected and Lane’s head cocked forward.

“And alarming but no one makes a sign like that because the odds of it happening have to be minuscule,” he said and Aiden searched through his memory for anything he could use as data to estimate the odds. He couldn’t think of anything so he assumed Lane was correct.

“You can’t be too careful,” he said and Lane looked like he was either highly amused or exasperated as he paused on the bottom step.

“We’re not putting up a sign because if that was to happen, we would want to help the baby and ideally, the mother,” Lane said slowly and Aiden was starting to get the feeling he was overlooking some very important points.

“But we wouldn’t actually keep the baby?” He asked and Lane shut his eyes as he pulled in a breath.

“No, Aiden. We’d turn the baby over to Child Services. They would try to find the mother or her family. If they couldn’t, the baby would go into foster care,” he explained and Aiden felt a little sad for the baby. He didn’t like the idea of a baby losing its mother or becoming a ward of a bureaucratic system that might not take his or her personal interest into account.

“I might consider keeping the baby if there was no family,” Aiden decided and Lane’s eyes were very wide.

“Whaaaat?” He asked and Aiden nodded.

“We would have to hire a nanny because I would still be terrified of all the bodily fluids. And I don’t know how to prevent the crying,” he admitted and Lane sighed as he pushed his hand through Aiden’s hair and pulled him close. Aiden decided not to object. He didn’t like the idea of worm and dirt on his skin and in his hair but he did like the idea of a shower.

“Shut up,” Lane murmured against Aiden’s lips. “We’re not putting up a sign and we’re not keeping a baby,” he said before his tongue swept across Aiden’s lips and Lane growled softly. “You taste like apples,” Lane breathed and his tongue slipped between Aiden’s lips and caressed his.

It was the sort of kiss that made Aiden feel drunk and urgent. He attacked Lane’s clothes as they danced through the bedroom toward the bathroom, shedding their clothing as they kissed and moaned their way through the room. They stumbled into the shower and Lane swatted at the faucet blindly as he sucked on the corner of Aiden’s neck.

“I believe cats offer a reasonable maintenance versus affection ratio,” Aiden said as he ground against Lane, thrilling at the feel of his erection rubbing against Lane’s skin.

“Nope,” Lane stated as warm water fell on them. “I fucking hate cats,” he said and Aiden nodded as his hands closed around Lane’s erection.

“I was concerned about the litter box but assumed we could hire someone to clean it for us,” he panted as he rested his forehead on Lane’s shoulder and watched his soap slicked hands twist around Lane’s shaft and he felt and saw Lane’s chest shake.

“For the love of God, stop talking about litter boxes!” He gasped. “There are very few things in this world that could kill my hard-on and cats and cat shit are two of them,” Lane said and Aiden raised his head.

“I don’t want to kill your hard-on,” he said as he tightened his grip and Lane arched against the tile. “I was planning to have it in my ass very soon,” Aiden stated and Lane groaned as his hands slid down Aiden’s chest.

“Now?” He asked and Aiden felt excitement and need swirl through him.

“Now,” Aiden agreed as he reached for the lube.

Aiden angled the shower head away from them then clicked open the cap. Lane hissed as cool lube dribbled onto his length and Aiden shushed him as he nibbled on his lips and stroked his cock. When Aiden was confident Lane was completely coated and painfully hard, he turned and guided the head of Lane’s erection to his hole. They both gasped as it slipped past the tight ring and Aiden ignored the searing sting and pushed back, quickly taking Lane deep into his tight passage.

“Christ! That feels so good!” Lane cried as his hands washed over Aiden’s back soothingly. “Ride me, Aiden,” he begged and Aiden nodded as he braced his hands on the glass.

He tilted his hips forward and slid off Lane’s cock until the head was just at his entrance then slammed back, sending a flash of pleasure and pain coursing through his body. It was exquisite and Aiden became impatient. He needed to come hard. It took a few strokes to find the right angle but as soon as Lane’s cock rubbed against Aiden’s prostate he bore down and ground against it. Lane panted Aiden’s name encouragingly and Aiden forced his eyes to the mirror and heat burst under his skin as he watched Lane’s fingers twisting and tugging at his nipples as he watched Aiden. Heavy hard hot glowing pressure swelled in Aiden’s prostate and sack as he gripped his cock and stroked firmly. Pleasure throbbed as it spread through Aiden’s body and everything felt tight as his nerves sparked.

“That’s it,” Lane said breathlessly. “Let me see you come,” he urged and Aiden’s eyes shut as intense heat roared through him and his coordination became jerky and his rhythm failed. Lane’s hands closed around Aiden’s shoulders and he felt Lane’s groin slam against his ass as he thrust hard and Aiden lost touch with the world as his body exploded in a bright burst of pleasure, pressure and light. “Yes!” Lane screamed and Aiden was pulled back into his body as liquid heat flared in his clenching passage and Aiden bucked as another wave of ecstatic joy swept through him.

Aiden waited for Lane’s breathing to settle and his body to stop shaking then pushed off the tile. His head spun as he stood and Lane caught him. He pulled Aiden against his chest and reached up and Aiden sighed as hot water fell over them. He let his head fall back onto Lane’s shoulder and hummed happily as Lane’s lips tugged at his. He wasn’t sure if Lane needed something to feel complete but Aiden was determined to suffer any inconvenience or discomfort if it made him happy.

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