Spark And Flame (4 page)

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Authors: Sterling K.

BOOK: Spark And Flame
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Chapter 7


“You’re sure you’re fine with this?” Lane asked.

“Yes! Henry’s going to lose his mind, he’ll love it!” Kat reassured him. “Just don’t break Aiden,” she warned and Lane waved dismissively then chewed his lip. He didn’t think this would break Aiden but it could come close.

“He’ll be fine. Henry was really helpful in testing Aiden’s tolerance to babies and this should be helpful too,” Lane said and she snorted.

“You mean complete lack of tolerance. I don’t think Aiden’s going to be comfortable with Henry until he’s twenty,” she said and Lane knew it was a distinct possibility. He loved Henry but he was never that upset to see him go or say goodbye. His nephew was the most adorable little boy in the world but he was spoiled rotten.

“I think Aiden is worried about giving me the full marriage experience,” Lane said. “He’s worried in the past about biological imperatives and such,” he said and she laughed.

“Biological imperatives?” She asked and Lane sighed as he checked his watch. Talking about Aiden made him miss Aiden. He could probably take off an hour early.

“He worried that as I approached forty I might regret not having children on a more primitive level. You know, the whole passing on my genes and name thing,” he said and Kat hummed thoughtfully.

“Do gay men really deal with that?” She asked and Lane shrugged.

“I don’t,” he said. “I’m really happy with the way things are,” he insisted.

“I know,” she agreed. “You two are perfect,” she said. “Speaking of…” She said slowly and Lane braced himself. “You didn’t happen to catch the Gavin Langley interview this morning, did you?” She asked and Lane groaned.

“Whyyyyy?” He asked and she sighed heavily.

“It’s just getting worse,” she complained. “Amanda Brink was practically fingering herself on national television and he’s all
Dr. Aiden Sharp
like a pervy robot,” she explained and Lane grimaced.

“Jesus,” he mumbled as he shut down his computer. He was definitely done for the day.

“I know!” She said. “And I’m so tired of hearing him bag on you!” She cried and Lane rolled his eyes.

“Is he still pushing his Burgess conspiracy?” He asked as he pulled open the drawer and tossed in a file. She made a hesitant, awkward sound.

“He kind of brought up your age and how Aiden’s a bit younger than you,” she said and Lane cleared his throat to hide the imaginary blow he took to the chest.

“You know what?” He asked as he stood and pulled on his jacket. “I would love to be face-to-face with that asshole for just two minutes,” Lane said. “I’d beat the shit out of him then remind him that I’m almost forty-two,” he promised and she snorted.

“I’m sure you could take him,” she said and Lane felt a little better. “I thought we agreed he was going to go away and people would stop paying attention to him,” Kat said sternly and Lane shrugged as he leaned against his desk.

“I honestly don’t know how he’s staying relevant,” Lane admitted. “I barely see or hear him and I’m tired of him,” he said and she laughed.

“It’s all so bizarre,” she declared. “Can we talk about my love life now?” Kat asked and Lane shook his head.

“No,” he said firmly and he heard her chuckle.

“I still don’t have one but I’ve decided I’m marrying a doctor. Know any?” She asked and Lane’s tongue pushed against his cheek as he looked for a way out of the conversation. His eyes caught Elaine’s and he waved for her to come into his office. She nodded and pushed the door open. “Oh, no,” Lane said loudly. “Elaine needs something. I have to let you go, Kat,” he said quickly.

“You suck,” she grumbled and he laughed.

“Sometimes,” he said and she gasped in pretend shock. “I love you. Talk to you later,” Lane said.

“Love you too,” Kat said then ended the call.

“What did I need?” Elaine asked and Lane winked as he pushed away from his desk.

“To tell me you were heading home for the weekend. We’re done,” he said as he shoved his phone in his pocket. “I’ll see you on Monday,” Lane said and offered a nod as he guided her out of the office and shut the door behind him.

“Have a great weekend, Chief!” She said and he waved.

“I intend to,” he replied.

Chapter 8


Aiden was made for early weekend mornings. Especially when it was overcast and the sun offered just enough light to gently reveal his relaxed, sleeping form. He was stretched out on his stomach and his eyelashes spread across his cheeks as Lane waited for him to wake up. Lane pulled his knees to his chest and crossed his ankles as his eyes wandered over the various tattoos, the sweeping curves of his back muscles and the ridges of his spine. He was so fucking beautiful. If Lane was an artist, he would paint Aiden just like that. His innate innocence balanced against his blatant sensuality and explained everything a person needed to know about him.

It started with a twitching of his shoulder that traveled to his neck and Aiden stretched and tilted his head as his hand pushed toward Lane’s pillow. It slid across empty sheet and his lips tugged downward as his eyelids fluttered and Lane held his breath. The softest blue gazed at the empty space before it flicked to where Lane sat at the foot of the bed and Aiden’s lips relaxed into a lazy smile as he rolled onto his back and stretched as he yawned. The blanket caught in his legs and Aiden’s semi-aroused cock was exposed as the muscles in his chest and stomach bunched and flexed.
That turned into porn quickly,
Lane thought.

“Why are you all the way over there?” Aiden asked as he pulled his elbow beneath him and reached for Lane. Their fingers tangled and Aiden pulled. Lane let himself be tugged across the bed and crashed on the pillow next to Aiden.

“The best thing about the weekends is not having to sneak out of bed and get ready. I can relax and enjoy watching you sleep until you wake up,” he explained as Aiden rubbed the tips of their noses together.

“I would find that very boring,” he said and Lane’s brows pulled together.

“I guess it’s a good thing I always wake up before you,” he muttered and Aiden’s eyes narrowed as he focused.

“I was referring to watching myself sleep. I think that is something uniquely entertaining to you,” he said and Lane rolled his eyes. “I’ll try to wake up early and watch you one day,” Aiden decided and Lane nodded.

“Let me know how that goes,” he replied. Aiden got incredibly cranky if he had to wake up early to travel or for an interview. It was usually best to let him wake up on his own.

“I will,” he said as he pressed his lips to Lane’s. “What do you want to do today?” He asked and Lane growled softly as he traced Aiden’s lips with his tongue.

“I didn’t really have anything in mind but I know how I’d like to start the day,” he said as he pulled Aiden’s leg over his waist. “I have to check on the garden and transplant some sprouts but other than that, my day is wide open,” Lane murmured as his fingers drifted along the cleft of Aiden’s ass. Aiden’s brows dropped and his teeth scraped his lower lip.

“I’ve been doing more research on pets,” Aiden said and Lane was tempted to shush him and focus his attention on more urgent matters but Lane wanted to see where he was going.

“Have you?” he asked as his finger brushed over Aiden’s tight hole. He shivered and nodded and Lane knew he was making it difficult for Aiden to continue.

“Dogs appear to be the favored pet,” he said and his mouth fell open as Lane’s finger nudged into his entrance. Aiden licked his lips and cleared his throat. Lane enjoyed the scalding heat pinching his fingertip and Aiden’s struggling.

“Go on,” Lane said encouragingly as he withdrew his finger and Aiden moaned weakly in protest.

“I’ve studied their vaccination requirements extensively and how to prevent parasites as well as the life cycle of the average dog,” he said and Lane nodded before he turned and reached for the bottle of lube on the bedside table.

“Excellent,” Lane said as he poured a generous amount of lube in his hand and coated his fingers. Aiden tightened the leg around Lane’s hip and ground against him impatiently. His cock was hard and hot as it rubbed against Lane’s stomach. “What else did you learn?” He asked as his fingers rubbed against Aiden’s puckered flesh. Aiden swallowed hard and his eyes flicked upwards as he floundered.

“There is often a direct correlation between the size of a dog and its life expectancy,” he said shakily as Lane pushed two fingers into his tightness. And he was very tight.

“How so?” Lane asked as he pressed deep and Aiden’s arms wound around Lane’s neck.

“That feels so good,” he breathed as he rocked against Lane, trying to ride his fingers. “Smaller dogs tend to live longer,” Aiden said quickly and Lane grinned wickedly as his fingers curved around Aiden’s prostate. If there was ever a time when Aiden’s brain was impaired enough to give Lane the advantage, this would be it.

“Are you trying to tell me you want a dog?” He asked and Aiden fought to keep his eyes from rolling as Lane massaged deep within his ass. Pre-cum drooled from the head of Aiden’s cock, creating a hot slick on Lane’s stomach as Aiden writhed against him.

“If that would make you happy,” he panted.

“Ah. Are you worried that I’m not happy?” He asked as he pressed harder and Aiden’s groan was part frustration and part pleasure as his prostate drew tight.

“Sometimes I worry. I don’t know if our relationship has hit a plateau or if you’re content with our lives,” he babbled and Lane felt warmth and love swell within him.

“And you think a dog is going to make my life complete?” He asked as he continued to rub and Aiden whimpered.

“Possibly. You show a desire to nurture and I have wondered if you would feel more fulfilled if you had an animal to care for,” he explained shakily and Lane shook his head in disbelief. How could Aiden think his life wasn’t fulfilling? He considered just telling him but he knew Aiden would easily dismiss it. “Lane!” Aiden whispered urgently as he stiffened in his arms.

“Fine. We’ll get a dog,” he stated but he wasn’t sure if Aiden heard him. He arched and clawed at Lane and his body jerked then convulsed. Aiden’s head snapped back and his mouth stretched on a silent scream as a heavy stream of come poured from the head of his cock. Lane waited until Aiden’s shaking subsided to pull his fingers from him and roll him onto his back.

“We’re getting a dog,” Aiden slurred as his head lolled on the pillows and Lane chuckled as he dropped his shoulders and licked his stomach clean.

“Mmmm…” Lane hummed in agreement as he lapped up every trace of Aiden’s release. “Later,” he added as he settled between Aiden’s thighs and pushed his legs back. He set the head of his cock against Aiden’s hole and nudged into his heat. “Much later.”

Chapter 9


“We have to name him something,” Lane said as he parked the car in front of the house and turned to Aiden. He was sitting stiffly and his head was pulled back as far as he could manage. An adorable puppy of indeterminate breed sat on his lap and its tail wagged excitedly as it sniffed at Aiden. He studied the dog for a moment before looking at Lane.

“Bryan?” He asked and Lane shook his head as he reached and scratched behind the dog’s ears.

“Bryan is not a dog’s name,” he cooed and Aiden frowned at him.

“I’m not aware of the protocol for dog’s names,” he said and Lane snorted.

“There isn’t one but people generally avoid common boy’s names,” he explained and Aiden nodded as he turned his attention back to the puppy. They went to PetsTown and it took Aiden two hours to choose from the numerous puppies and dogs at the adoption fair the local shelter was hosting. In the end, Aiden reasoned it was better to get a puppy and train it according to “their preferences”. Lane warned Aiden that training a dog was not like adjusting the settings on a laptop or a phone.

“Adelbert?” Aiden offered and Lane laughed.

“What?” He asked and Aiden gave him an impatient look.

“It is no longer a commonly used name for a boy,” he explained and Lane shook his head.

“You give dogs names like Patches, Spot or Ranger,” he said and Aiden nodded slowly.

“A noun, then,” he said then bit down on his lip. “Hair?” He asked and Lane laughed again as he pulled Aiden close and pressed a kiss to his lips. “Because he has an excessive amount of it and there’s a lot of it on my clothes,” he murmured against Lane’s lips.

“You’re lousy at this,” he said and Aiden nodded in agreement.

“Could you please pick the name, I have no preference,” he said and Lane sighed as he sat back and looked at the puppy. He would be willing to bet there were more than a few shepherds, of various breeds, in his gene pool.

“How about Shepherd?” Lane suggested and Aiden was still for a moment before he smiled.

“Because he looks as if he might have herding tendencies,” he said and Lane winked as he pulled the keys from the ignition and pointed at Aiden in approval. “That’s very clever because Shepherd also sounds like a surname,” Aiden said as he carefully unbuckled and the puppy wiggled excitedly. “We’re going to refer to you as Shepherd from now on. I would appreciate it if you would respond when we call you or correct your behavior.”

Lane wrapped his hand around his mouth and watched as Aiden pushed the door open and held the leash tightly in his fist as he allowed the puppy to jump from his lap then followed. When Lane came around the car Aiden was looking away and appeared uncomfortable as the puppy squatted on the grass. He did his best to turn his body completely, giving Shepherd as much privacy as possible.

“Good boy!” Lane cheered as he clapped and Shepherd bounced clumsily and flopped onto his side as he gamboled toward Lane.

“Should we be concerned about his lack of coordination?” Aiden asked. “I noticed that he tripped when we were walking to the car,” he said and Lane waved dismissively.

“Puppies are usually clumsy,” he said and Aiden’s brows pulled together.

“I don’t recall reading that,” he mumbled and Lane snorted as he stood and walked toward the front door.

“Their feet are too large for their bodies. I think there’s quite a bit you didn’t read about,” Lane said and Aiden blinked rapidly as he tried to understand how he could possibly have missed some bit of information or data. “You’re in for several surprises,” he added as he held the door open and let them pass.

“I accept that it’s possible that I might be unaware of several aspects of dog ownership but I assumed you would explain them to me as your family owned four dogs during your childhood,” he said and Lane grinned.

“I think you’ll catch on quickly,” he said as he crossed his arms over his chest. Shepherd let out a loud “Yip!” and Aiden jumped and turned his attention back to the puppy as he dove then scurried and slid across the floor.

“The living room is to your left and the kitchen is on your right,” Aiden said as he hurried after Shepherd. “It’s important for you to explore and become acquainted with your new home,” he said and Shepherd yipped again before his tail cocked and he hunched.

“I think you’re about to have your first surprise,” Lane warned as he calmly walked into the kitchen to grab the paper towels and all purpose cleaner.
Probably should have grabbed more of that,
Lane thought as he swiped the spray bottle off the counter.

“Lane!” Aiden gasped between fingers as he covered his nose and mouth. “Don’t do that, Shepherd,” he begged then gagged against his hand.

“Shepherd, outside,” Lane said firmly as he bent and picked up the puppy and Aiden followed as Lane carried him to the back door. “Potty outside,” he said as he set Shepherd in the grass. The puppy stared up at Aiden and Lane for a moment then darted after something invisible and tumbled.

“I don’t think he understood,” Aiden mumbled as he followed Shepherd as he frolicked toward the garden.

“It’s going to take a lot of repetition,” Lane warned as he turned back to the house. “Keep him away from my garden while I clean up,” he said.

“A lot of repetition?” Aiden repeated to himself and Lane laughed as he shut the door behind him.

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