Spark And Flame (7 page)

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Authors: Sterling K.

BOOK: Spark And Flame
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Chapter 15


“There’s a very good chance this could end terribly,” Aiden said. “Langley might not even know where Stewart is. He may have remembered his name from the news and could be exploiting his disappearance to force me to meet with him. Or, he could withhold his information and find a way to make me return. I don’t want to go once but the idea of multiple visits makes me sick to my stomach,” he mumbled, mostly to himself because he was talking to Lancelot. He sighed as he touched the bowl and Lancelot swished around angrily and spread his fins dramatically.

So many things could go wrong. Aiden read through the transcripts of Langley’s interviews and studied his blog and Twitter account. He analyzed anything related to Langley’s life after the trial. Aiden knew everything about him prior to his being sentenced to spend the rest of his life in prison. None of that made him feel confident. No matter how well he thought he understood Langley, something always stunned and perplexed him. Nothing about Langley’s behavior after his capture made sense. He left the courtroom like a winning contestant and acted as if he was starring in his own reality television show.

“He’s where he’s supposed to be. Why can’t the world leave him there and move on?” Aiden asked and Lancelot appeared unconcerned as he did a quick lap around his bowl. Aiden sighed as he dipped his fingertip into the water and waited. Lancelot started toward it to investigate and Aiden remained still. He got Lancelot to nip his finger once and he was hoping it would happen again. “I’m starting to feel several parallels between our lives. It feels like the world is getting smaller, like I’m in a fishbowl and being forced to show the more aggressive aspects of my personality. I just want to be left alone,” he complained.

Aiden’s eyes narrowed as Lancelot floated closer. The fish was completely still as he drifted toward Aiden’s finger. He held his breath and waited until Lancelot darted and attacked. He barely felt it but a gentle smile curved Aiden’s lips. They were very alike. Neither appreciated a stranger violating their territory and both were willing to attack if they felt threatened.

“You wouldn’t tolerate a delusional arsonist in your bowl, would you?”

Chapter 16


“Aiden,” Lane said gently as he pushed Aiden’s phone closer and he shook his head.

“I know what they want,” he said and dismissed the call. “I’m not going to talk to him,” Aiden repeated for what had to be the hundredth time. “He’s never going to go away and leave me alone if I let him manipulate me the way he does everyone else,” he said and Lane nodded in agreement as he pulled Aiden against his chest and sat back.

“He said he’ll tell you where Stewart is,” he argued gently and Aiden shrugged.

“Knowing where his body is won’t bring him back. He’ll still be dead and the family will have to mourn him,” Aiden said and Lane’s hand curved around Aiden’s jaw and he turned his face so he could see his eyes.

“But they’d have closure,” he said and Aiden frowned as he searched Lane’s eyes.

“I don’t understand how finally locating and seeing his dead body is going to help,” he admitted and Lane’s mouth opened and closed a few times as he struggled to explain.

“What if it was me?” He asked and Aiden paled and looked like he was struggling to breathe.

“Don’t say that,” he said quickly and Lane gave him a pointed look.

“You don’t really have any other family members that you’re connected to,” he explained. “How would you feel if you didn’t know where I was? Even if you were certain I was dead, you’d want to have proof,” Lane said and Aiden’s eyes watered.

“But if I had to see you dead, I don’t know if I could survive that,” he whispered thinly as his voice failed and Lane nodded.

“You would,” he said firmly. “You’d be lost without me for a while but you’d eventually heal and move on. You would see that mourning me excessively wasn’t healthy or serving any purpose,” Lane teased and Aiden shook his head.

“Everything would be gone! I’d have nothing left!” He said loudly and Lane hushed him gently.

“You’d be fine. But I’m not going anywhere,” he reassured him. “Look at it from the loved one’s perspective. You would want to know what happened to me and where I was,” Lane said and Aiden exhaled loudly as he nodded in agreement.

“I’d lose my mind if something happened and I didn’t know if you were hurt or dead,” he admitted quietly. “But I don’t want to talk to him,” Aiden protested. “It’s only going to encourage him and he’s so delusional. This isn’t good for his pathology and who knows if it would put me or us in danger,” he said and Lane shrugged.

“We can take care of ourselves and each other,” he said. “I think you should consider the victim and the victim’s family,” Lane said and Aiden groaned in frustration as he pushed a hand through his hair.

“I thought we agreed it was better for me to work less and to do whatever I could to discourage him,” he argued and Lane nodded.

“We did. Before we knew about Stewart,” he said. “Before, it was about protecting ourselves and not encouraging a lunatic. A victim is a game changer,” Lane explained and Aiden’s eyes became distant.

“I think he knows that and he’s been saving Stewart until he could get the most in exchange for him,” Aiden mumbled and Lane sighed wearily.

“I’m sure you’re right,” he said as he kneaded Aiden’s shoulders. “But you know what he’s doing and you’ll be ready for anything he throws at you,” Lane promised. Aiden nodded but Lane could see doubt in his eyes and the way his lips pulled tight and it made his chest ache. In their seven years together, Aiden had never doubted him. He always believed him and believed in him and Langley had taken that away from them.

“Can we stop talking about him? Just for the rest of the night?” Aiden asked wearily.

“That’s a great idea,” Lane said. “What do you want to talk about?” He asked and Aiden shook his head.

“I don’t want to talk,” he said as he set his phone on the bedside table and turned off the lamp. “I want to fuck you,” he stated and desire swept through Lane.

“I was hoping you would,” Lane said as he pulled his shirt over his head and tossed it aside before Aiden rolled toward him and threw him back onto the pillows.

Aiden’s lips and tongue lapped, nibbled and sucked on Lane’s neck as his hands quickly pushed Lane’s sweatpants down his legs. Lane kicked them away as Aiden worked his way down Lane’s chest. He was very thorough, bathing Lane in licks and bites as he feasted on his body. The insides of his elbows, the backs of his knees, his ankles… Aiden’s lips and hands were everywhere, demanding and relentless as Lane writhed restlessly beneath him. Aiden was determined to reclaim every inch of Lane’s body, saving the most sacred parts for last. By the time Aiden’s tongue glided up the length of Lane’s cock, he was grinding his teeth and swearing profusely.

It was going to be one of those nights, Lane realized. Aiden either blocked out Lane’s pleas or didn’t hear them as he took Lane deep in his throat and sucked hungrily. He wasn’t going to be rushed and his need would be nearly insatiable. His lips and tongue bathed Lane in fire as his hands and fingers kneaded, stroked, probed and squeezed. Lane pulled a pillow against his face to smother his moan as Aiden’s tongue swirled and flicked at his hole as his hand wrapped tight around Lane’s shaft and tugged slowly.

“I think I’m going to die,” Lane slurred as Aiden sucked at his soft, puckered flesh. There was a soft shushing sound from Aiden as he laved the spot under Lane’s sack before he pulled one of his balls into his mouth. “Jesus!” He gasped as Aiden’s fingers slipped past the tight ring of his ass and reached deep. Lane became as taut as a bowstring as Aiden slowly fingered his ass and swallowed his cock. His long, clever fingers found Lane’s prostate and a heavy, throbbing pleasure pulsed through his groin as everything became tighter. He chanted Aiden’s name as heat and pressure surged into his shaft but Aiden continued to push Lane toward deliriousness. “I’m about to come!” Lane cried as his fingers twisted in the sheets and his shoulders came off the bed.

Aside from a soft hum of approval, Aiden showed no sign of awareness. Lane knew Aiden was lost in his own need. At the moment, he needed to drain Lane of every shred of his sanity as he forced his release from him. Pressure exploded in his groin as his nerves ignited and his muscles tensed as come rushed up the length of his erection. Aiden drank greedily as he milked every drop from Lane’s prostate until he was sobbing hoarsely.

Lane knew Aiden was just warming up and fought to catch his breath as Aiden crawled over him. He groaned as Aiden’s lips covered his and the taste of his come spilled onto his tongue as Aiden’s swept through his mouth urgently. It was so much more than hunger and lust. Aiden’s hands and lips blessed every particle of Lane’s being as he committed all of him to memory. There were traces of fear and loss, as if he sensed something dreadful was about to befall them. Lane prayed for some way to soothe Aiden, to reassure him and resurrect his trust as he submitted to the unrelenting, driving pleasure Aiden skillfully forged with heat and pressure.

Aiden’s eyes were fragile as he rose and reached for the lube. Lane whispered words of love and forever as his hands glided over Aiden’s chest. His fingers caught on the tattoos and he traced them as Aiden coated his cock with lube. Slick fingers dipped into Lane’s passage before the head of Aiden’s erection pressed against his entrance. Lane stretched toward Aiden’s lips as he pushed back and wrapped his arms around Aiden as he slowly filled Lane’s tight heat. Pleasure pooled in Lane’s groin and he arched and moaned as Aiden rolled his hips. Lane clenched and Aiden snapped. It was like holding onto a lightning bolt. Aiden was hot and electric, flickering and determined as he drove into Lane. They became slick and frantic as they clawed and clung to each other until Aiden raised his head and gasped for air.

Weak, shaking curses filled the room as Aiden sat on his heels and filled Lane with deep, grinding thrusts and firmly stroked his cock. Lane begged. God, did he beg. He undulated on the mattress and fisted his hands in the bedding as he begged Aiden to let go. Once again, he was too far away for Lane to reach him. His eyes were fixated on the cock in his hands and where his body joined with Lane’s. He was still trapped in his need. Lane sensed Aiden’s need to feel their bodies merge and somehow become one. When Aiden was buried deep within Lane, it almost seemed possible.

Pleasure spiraled and skipped along Lane’s nerves and through his veins as his lungs locked. He shattered and crashed upon the bed as Aiden fell forward and braced his hand next to Lane’s shoulder. Aiden hooked Lane’s leg around his waist as he thrust hard and Lane’s eyes rolled as his body jumped and jerked through an aftershock. Aiden’s hips slammed against Lane’s ass steadily, effortlessly filling him with thrust after thrust. Time stopped. It could have been moments or an hour as Lane babbled and lolled on the bed. Aiden paused to re-coat his shaft with lube and Lane swore as his fingers raked through his hair and twisted.

There was nothing to do but hold on as Aiden rode Lane. He drove him across the bed and the sheet ripped as Lane’s fingers clawed and gripped to hang on as his head hung over the side. Aiden grabbed the edge of the mattress and used it to pull himself into Lane’s now wrung out and insensate body even harder. Gentle waves of pleasure cascaded through Lane as Aiden’s hips pounded against his ass. He drifted, enjoying the smooth slide of Aiden’s cock deep within his passage and was startled when Aiden gasped his name and froze above him. Lane held his breath and smiled drunkenly when Aiden bucked hard and cried. He clenched tight and shut his eyes, savoring the moment when Aiden’s erection contracted then pulsed just before liquid heat flared deep within his ass. Tears flooded his eyes as Aiden twisted and shivered and panted his name. Aiden’s chest heaved as he fought to catch his breath and he swayed drunkenly above Lane, his skin shimmering in the moonlight.

“Come here,” Lane said as he grabbed Aiden’s arm and pulled. He collapsed on top of Lane with a long, satisfied sigh then raised his head and frowned as he looked down at Lane.

“This isn’t comfortable for you,” he said as he pushed off the bed and Lane laughed. He was perilously close to falling off the bed but he didn’t care.

“I would probably mind if I could still feel my body,” he said as Aiden took his hands and pulled him back onto the bed. They drug themselves to the pillows and crashed in an exhausted tangle of limbs. “You’re an animal,” Lane murmured as he pressed his chest against Aiden’s then sucked on his lower lip. It pulled as he smiled and hummed in agreement.

“Technically, I am. I did feel like one for a while too,” he admitted and Lane wrapped an arm around him and savored the hot, slick strength of Aiden’s body and the soft pounding of Aiden’s heart against his chest.

“Want to take a shower?” Lane asked softly and Aiden shook his head.

“I’m tired. We can take one in the morning,” he mumbled as Lane’s fingers lazily swirled between Aiden’s shoulder blades. He kept his touch light and soothing until Aiden exhaled loudly and his body became relaxed and heavy next to him. The crease between Aiden’s brows disappeared and his lips curved softly and Lane suspected he was slipping into a very pleasant dream.

“We’re going to be ok,” Lane whispered against Aiden’s temple. Lane shut his eyes and prayed he was right.

Chapter 17


It was all very
Silence of the Lambs
but pale grey and sterile as Aiden was escorted through numerous controlled doors by two guards. The warden was supposed to meet Aiden at the “lobby” but he learned she had been called away on an emergency when he arrived but was assured she would meet with him before he left the prison.

“It’s a circus out there,” one of the guards said as they waited for a heavy door to click before he pulled it open and Aiden understood that he was referring to the media presence in front of the prison.

“I’m sorry,” Aiden murmured as he followed and the second guard laughed.

“It’s always a circus when Langley gets a visitor, it’s just worse because it’s you. I had to park and walk up from the back lot,” she explained and Aiden assumed that was a longer distance than she was used to when she laughed. “If you make this a habit, I might lose a little weight!” She added and Aiden shook his head.

“I don’t intend to,” he said and both guards blinked at him.

“Of course you don’t,” she returned and he realized he missed a joke. She nodded at the camera as they waited for another door to open. As soon as it swung wide and Aiden followed the guards through he wanted to turn around. Gavin Langley was pacing excitedly and the only thing separating them was a thick layer of plexiglass. “We’ll be on the other side of the door,” the guard announced and Aiden’s eyes were wide as the door shut and he was left alone with Langley.

“Dr. Aiden Sharp! I knew you’d come!” He said as he pressed his hands against the glass and his eyes swept slowly, lovingly over Aiden, absorbing every detail. Aiden did his best to appear calm as he turned and inspected the room. There was nothing but a bench bolted to the floor and he let out a loud, impatient sigh as he sat.

“I wouldn’t have but you know how people get when there’s a victim’s body to be recovered,” he murmured as he leaned against the wall and crossed his legs. “Where is he?” Aiden asked as he looked around and did his best to appear bored as his eyes quickly cataloged every detail about Langley’s appearance. He laughed and shook his head as he rested his shoulder against the glass.

“I didn’t go through all the trouble to get you here just to spit out an address or coordinates,” Langley said and Aiden snorted.

“Withholding Stewart’s location until it would get you what you wanted wasn’t exactly difficult,” Aiden pointed out and Langley shrugged.

“No,” he agreed. “But it was at considerable personal cost,” Langley said and Aiden raised a brow the way Lane might.

“Were you holding out for a room with a pool view or a conjugal visit?” He teased and Langley grinned as his eyes clung to Aiden’s lips.

“Was that an offer?” He asked. “I’m sure I could arrange for us to be more alone and in the same room,” Langley said and Aiden waved dismissively and snorted.

“This is more than close enough,” he said and Langley frowned.

“Why do you keep denying there’s something between us?” He asked and Aiden didn’t have to pretend to look confused. “You keep telling the media you don’t care about me and that I was never that interesting but you know those are lies,” Langley insisted and Aiden shook his head.

“We’ve only actually met the one time and it was in passing during your trial. You’re just another case to me, Langley,” Aiden explained. “You’re nothing but a series of crime scene photos and reports to me…” he managed to not jump as Langley’s hand slapped against the glass.

“Stop!” He screamed. “You’re lying! You said I had a brilliant mind and was one of the greatest challenges of your career,” Langley said and Aiden nodded.

“I did. I said you had a brilliant mind but it was corrupted by your pathological need to prove its superiority and your inability to understand right from wrong. You’re a sociopath and a narcissist. Kind of negates the brilliant part, doesn’t it?” Aiden asked and Langley shrugged petulantly.

“We all have flaws,” he mumbled and Aiden snorted again.

“True. You might have been interesting and you
the greatest challenge of my career until your need for recognition and attention got the better of you and you allowed yourself to be captured.”

“By you!” Langley yelled. “I waited for you and
you find me so we could meet!” He said and Aiden laughed softly.

“That was stupid,” he said. “And a tremendous waste on your part. You should have at least checked to see if I was available and interested,” Aiden said and Langley’s head tilted.

“Of course you’re interested,” he said as he grinned and Aiden stifled a pretend yawn.

“Is there anything less interesting than a man motivated by things as basic and banal as sex and love?” He asked and Langley’s jaw fell.

“I let myself be caught so we could be together, I was nearly flawless,” he clarified and Aiden laughed.

“That’s completely incorrect and unfortunate,” Aiden said. “You perpetrated a string of crime scenes to hide one crime scene. You planned to murder Dr. Kemper and created a shell game of sorts to hide the one crime that was actually personal to you. Kemper was your lover and ended your relationship and you couldn’t live with him existing if he no longer worshiped you,” he stated and Langley rolled his eyes.

“Yes. But it was all brilliantly executed and I wouldn’t be here if it weren’t for you,” he said. “I didn’t have to let you catch me,” Langley added and Aiden gave him a pitying look.

“And you thought I’d go for all of this?” He asked as he waved around him. “I struck you as so desperate and lonely that I would jump at the chance to sit on a bench and make eyes at you through a wall of shatter-proof glass? Did you imagine I would enjoy being searched and relieved of my phone and any sharp objects so we could press our palms together once a week? Am I the sort of man that gets turned on by jumpsuits and laceless shoes?”Aiden asked and Langley shook his head faintly.

“Don’t be ridiculous,” he said and Aiden sat back and crossed his arms over his chest as he waited. “This is temporary,” Langley promised and Aiden ignored the reflexive churning of his stomach. Aiden discreetly watched as Langley inspected the glass wall. Langley didn’t resemble Aiden as much as he had almost two years earlier in the courthouse. He put on approximately ten pounds and it was all muscle. The steady diet and exercise offered in prison agreed with Langley, apparently. His hair was cut short and his face appeared harsher, almost jagged. He was still a handsome man but he looked more threatening and imposing. The gentle, charismatic scholar was transformed into cunning, animalistic grace. Aiden was more than capable at hand-to-hand combat but he was no longer sure he could defend himself against Langley. He was still charming and harmless with the media but he was allowing Aiden to see that he was stronger and more capable of physical violence. Did he think Aiden would find him more attractive? Aiden considered Lane. He was broader and more athletic, more obviously muscular.

“I would appreciate it if you would put away or cover certain photos during your interviews,” Aiden said dryly as he pretended to study his fingernails.

“But I love my pictures and I’m so proud of them,” Langley pouted and Aiden gave him a flat look.

“I’m not
proud of my body. I don’t enjoy knowing millions of people have seen it,” he countered and Langley grinned mischievously.

“Oh, that’s my very favorite picture! All those tattoos and your body…” There was an exaggerated shiver as Langley pressed his hands against the glass and leaned. “I never imagined you’d be so muscular beneath your clothes. There’s not a bit of fat on you,” he purred. “I’ve studied that picture for so many hours.” His eyes locked on Aiden’s as his tongue stretched past his lips and spread against the plexiglass. He moaned softly as it slid between his hands. “I can practically taste you,” he whispered excitedly and Aiden’s nose wrinkled as he looked away.

“That’s unlikely,” he mumbled.

“Are you strictly a bottom?” Langley asked intently and Aiden’s head swung back toward him.

“I’m not discussing that with you,” he said and Langley’s eyes narrowed as he licked his lips. He shook his head and smiled.

“You’re not!” He announced as he pointed at Aiden. “There’s this delicious tactile physicality just beneath the surface. You’re very assertive and give as good as you get when it’s your turn,” Langley said and Aiden kept his expression even and relaxed, refusing to let Langley into that very personal, private part of his life. He’d already stolen so much with his pictures and manipulation of the media. Langley’s eyes twinkled and he winked suggestively. “I bet you’d be a lot of fun. You can do what ever you want to me,” he whispered seductively and Aiden gave an exasperated sigh as he rolled his eyes.

“I’m still not interested,” Aiden said. “Tell me about Stewart or I’m leaving,” he threatened and Langley’s eyes focused.

“You never connected him to me,” he said and Aiden held up his hands.

“Your success had always been in the randomness of your targets, methods and accelerants. He wasn’t found at any of your crime scenes so he wouldn’t have been counted among your victims. You don’t like to directly confront your victims. You let the fire do that,” Aiden said and Langley smiled as he waited for Aiden to work through it.

“It’s so much neater if the fire kills them and destroys the evidence,” he agreed.

“So, why kill someone away from a structure you could burn? Why didn’t you let the fire take care of him?” Aiden asked and Langley became still. “Ah,” Aiden nodded as he rose. “He was a mistake. Did he catch you in the act and get away or did he confront you?” He asked and Langley’s lip curled.

“He tried to blackmail me,” he grumbled as he chewed on his thumb. “What’s more pathetic than being motivated by greed?” Langley asked and Aiden tilted his head in agreement. “All I had to do was arrange to meet with him in the right place and he was no longer a problem. The only thing he was smart about was not meeting me anyplace I could set on fire,” he admitted and Aiden’s eyes bounced as he started weighing probabilities. He could find Stewart without Langley’s assistance.

“How unfortunate for him,” Aiden said as he turned for the door.

“Where are you going?” Langley asked and Aiden raised a shoulder.

“I don’t need to be here anymore,” he said and Langley pressed against the glass.

“I haven’t told you where he is!” He said and Aiden’s eyes flicked upwards.

“I’m confident I can find him now,” Aiden explained and Langley shook his head.

“It could take you weeks,” he argued and Aiden’s brows pulled together.

“The result would be the same and I won’t have to spend more time in here with you,” he said and Langley laughed and it made Aiden’s skin crawl.

“Don’t worry, I won’t be here for much longer,” he said silkily and Aiden’s eyes narrowed as he looked back at Langley.

“You’re having a hard time separating reality from your delusions,” Aiden explained and Langley’s smile grew and his eyes slid to the door.

“Dr. McCarthy!” He said warmly just before the door opened and Aiden turned to find a petite, middle-aged woman eyeing him hostilely before she smiled dreamily at Langley. Her eyes dimmed as they returned to Aiden.

Aiden Sharp,” she said as she offered her hand. “I’m the warden here. I’m sorry I wasn’t able to greet you but we’ve had an outbreak of a terrible virus and I was called to the infirmary to oversee the transport of a prisoner to the hospital,” Dr. McCarthy explained and Aiden felt sicker.

“I’m done here,” he announced and her eyes slid to Langley as he became agitated.

“No! We’re not done until I say we are,” he demanded and Aiden shook his head.

“I’m leaving. I don’t need you to tell me where Stewart is,” he said as he grabbed the door handle. It wouldn’t turn and Aiden stared up at the camera anxiously as sweat covered his body. “Let me out,” Aiden said firmly and he heard a faint click and the handle turned.

“You can’t go!” Langley called and Aiden ignored him. “Stop him, Janet!” He commanded and Aiden heard her heels clicking against the cement as she rushed after him.

“Don’t you think you should hear what he has to say?” She asked and Aiden shook his head as he waited for the next door to unlock.

“There’s nothing he could say that I could possibly be interested in,” he said and she snorted.

“Then you’re an idiot,” she said and Aiden turned to her as he grabbed the next handle and waited for it to turn in his hand.

“I suspect that you’ve listened to far too much, he’s told you quite a bit,” Aiden said and she suppressed a snarl.

“I don’t know why you’re considered to be such a genius if you can’t see the obvious,” McCarthy countered and Aiden breathed easier as the last monitored door opened and he rushed into the hall that led to the main reception area.

“I can see you’re a lonely, sexually frustrated woman of average intelligence,” he said and she gasped.

“You don’t know anything about me!” She hissed and Aiden nodded as he waited for his phone and wallet.

“You’re divorced or unhappily married. You’ve spent more time with Langley than you should and he’s either fulfilling your sexual needs or has promised to in exchange for more freedom and privileges. You’re easily manipulated and he would have no trouble gaining your trust,” Aiden said then sniffed as he leaned closer. “From your perfume, I’d be willing to wager that you’re at least alone with him and close enough for him to notice you’re wearing it,” he stated and she gasped as she stepped back.

“I don’t know what you’re talking about,” she protested as her eyes flared and avoided the guard’s guiltily. Aiden’s eyes ricocheted across her face and down her body as she blushed.

“Your skin is irritated from beneath your ears to the collar of your shirt and the inside of your wrists,” he pointed out and her hands wrapped protectively around her throat. “You didn’t wear it before. There was never any need,” Aiden stated then nodded at the guards before he turned for the last door between him and fresh air.

“You think you’re so clever!” McCarthy accused as she rushed after him and grabbed his arm. Aiden raised a brow in shock as he looked down at her hands. They were shaking as they pulled at him. “He didn’t say you could go,” she whispered nervously. “I don’t know why he believes you’re necessary but he does. You have to go back,” she urged and Aiden jerked his arm free and grabbed her shoulder.

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