Summer Vows (Arabesque) (24 page)

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Authors: Rochelle Alers

BOOK: Summer Vows (Arabesque)
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However, it had been different with Webb. His younger brother had been their mother’s pride and joy. Although she hadn’t married Webb’s father, because he, too, was a married man, at least he stuck around, giving her money and buying her nice clothes until he was killed in a hit-and-run. By this time Basil had moved out and began hustling. He took orders from those in the neighborhood, stealing everything from clothes and jewelry to electronic equipment. One thing he refused to do was get involved in narcotics and instead of wearing flashy clothes or buying an expensive car, he saved his money. His goal was to become a successful businessman. Hard work, determination and years of sacrifice had paid off when he opened Slow Wyne in a small building in a rundown section of L.A. All of that changed once he signed artists whose first albums went gold weeks after they dropped. He moved Slow Wyne from the ghetto to a downtown high-rise, becoming a major player in the music industry.

“What do you think now, brother?”

Webb rolled his head on his neck. “You should’ve never threatened her. She’s scared, Basil. And that means you can’t trust her.”

Sitting on the corner of his desk, Basil swung his imported leather-shod foot. “She’s not going to mess up.”

“I just hope you’re right.”

“I know you want me to drop this, but I can’t. And I do need your support.”

Stretching out his legs, Webb crossed his feet at the ankles. “Where is this coming from, Basil? When have I
supported you?”

A beat passed. “You’re right. I’m sorry.”

“Don’t apologize. Just get rid of the bitch.”

West Palm Beach, Florida

David Cole had to pry the cell phone from the hand of the young woman with a gun pointed at her head. He glared at her before setting it on a table out of her reach.

Her lower lip trembled. “Please...please tell him to put the gun down.”

David nodded to the man who’d pressed the barrel of a small-caliber automatic at Charlene Brook’s head. The threat to kill her if she didn’t call Basil had worked. However, what the duplicitous woman didn’t know was the gun wasn’t loaded.

“Can I go now?” Charlene asked.

Martin Cole rose from a chair where he’d sat in the shadows of the library during the telephone conversation. As patriarch he’d convened all adult male family members to discuss Ana’s exile. Missing were Joshua’s son-in-law federal circuit judge Christopher Blackwell Delgado, FBI special agent Gavin Faulkner and CIA special agent Merrick Grayslake. These three had taken an oath to uphold the law and what the men cloistered in the West Palm Beach library planned to do was break it.

He gestured to the man who’d held the gun on Charlene. “Get her outta here. And make certain at no time she’s left alone.”

Charlene panicked. “I want to go home.”

Martin’s expression became a mask of stone when he glared at Charlene. The talented sound engineer had everything going for her with the exception of self-esteem. Tall, curvy with a flawless café au lait complexion, chemically straightened, shoulder-length auburn hair and catlike light brown eyes, Charlene had been seeing Basil Irvine and her treacherous actions were unforgivable.

“My niece also wants to come home, but she can’t because of you. How twisted can you be that you set up Ana to be killed when she was nothing but good to you?” He waved his hand in dismissal. “Get her outta here,” he said to the P.I.

“What do we do now, David?” Timothy asked his uncle.

Light from a floor lamp spilled over David’s face, highlighting the thin scar running along his left cheek. “We wait. Ana’s in good hands with Jacob.” He frowned at Diego. “I still don’t like that she was forced into an arranged marriage.”

Joshua affected a smile. “Just think, little brother. If she decides to stay married, then you’re ahead in the wager.”

“Very funny, Josh,” David drawled. “You wait until you’re damn near close to ninety to become a flipping stand-up comic.”

” Joshua said in a quiet tone. “Martin’s closer to ninety than anyone else sitting in this room.

Diego laughed, then sobered. “I don’t know what you old heads are talking about, but let’s get back to why we’re here. Ana being married to Jake is not an issue. I asked him to take care of her because I trust him with my life, Vivienne’s and S.J.’s. This has been hard on all of us, the women in particular. Even though Tyler’s home from the hospital, there is still the strain on Dana of having to take care of him and the children in her condition. Martin, I know you want them to stay here, but I’m willing to offer my house on Jupiter Island. I’ll also arrange to have a nanny and housekeeper to help Dana with the kids.”

Martin’s expressive eyebrows lifted a fraction. “You’ll have to talk to Parris about it. You know she loves having the grandkids around.”

“May I make a suggestion?” Matthew Sterling asked, speaking for the first time.

David stared at the man who’d been former army special forces and a professional mercenary. Matt had not only saved his life, but also Joshua’s. He’d cemented his tie to the Coles when his stepson married his niece. “Sure, Matt.”

Gold-green eyes shimmered in a face deeply tanned from the New Mexico sun. “I agree with Diego about sending Tyler and his family to Jupiter Island. But you should also consider sending Parris and Serena along with them. That way they can become Dana’s support group. You don’t want her to have that baby before its due date.

“And we already know Irvine was sleeping with that girl whose body was found in the desert, and also who has been feeding him information as to Ana’s whereabouts. The next thing is springing the trap, and we all know when it goes down Slow Wyne may end up with a few casualties.”

“I don’t care who lives or dies in the carnage,” David snarled. “I just want my daughter home.”

“When and where do you want me to hold the press conference, Dad?” Jason asked.

“Right here, tomorrow afternoon. We’ll schedule it for noon.”

Jason looped one leg over the opposite knee. He missed his twin more than he could’ve imagined. There were times when they didn’t see each other for months, but he’d always been able to pick up the phone and speak to her. That had all changed because of a man and woman bent on revenge. Although he’d always eschewed violence he’d begun carrying a concealed firearm and wouldn’t hesitate to use it if it meant protecting his sister.

“When’s D-Day?”

All eyes were trained on Martin. “The last time I spoke to Simon he told me as soon as his people are in place he’ll let me know.”

“Let’s hope it’s soon, because Jake only has another three weeks before he has to return to work.”

Martin nodded. “I’ll let Simon know that.”

All conversation came to an abrupt halt with a soft knocking on the door. David walked across the room, opening the door. He spoke softly to the woman. “Thank you.” He closed the door and then turned to the occupants. “The caterers just sent word that everyone’s waiting for us to join them for supper.”

One by one the men stood up and filed out of the library where they’d sat earlier that year wagering which one of their children would marry first.

* * *

The heat and ocean breezes coupled with the gentle rocking of the boat lulled Ana into a state of total relaxation. She and Jacob had decided to go on a dinner cruise with ten other couples. The yacht, with a crew of eight, had set off late afternoon and was expected to return to Cannamore Cay around midnight.

It was the third week in July; five weeks since she hadn’t slept in her own bed and with each passing hour she felt as if she were losing a piece of herself. If it hadn’t been for Jacob Ana knew she would’ve gone completely stir-crazy. He’d helped her perfect her golf swing and whenever she was able to knock the ball into the hole it was cause for celebration. They’d traversed every mile of the island either on foot, by golf cart or jitney. The lagoon had become their private swimming hole, the beach the perfect place to read or picnic under a beach umbrella.

Shifting on the deck chair, Ana turned her back to Jacob. Without warning a wave of sadness swept over her. She missed her family, her home and the annual Fourth of July family cookout. There were so many things she missed that she’d lost count. She went still when she felt a hand on her back. “Yes?”

“¿Es bueno, querida?”

“I’m just a little tired,” she lied smoothly.

Jacob pushed off his chair and came around to sit next to her. “Are you sure you’re okay?”

Ana adjusted her sunglasses and then turned to face him. She couldn’t see his eyes behind his dark lenses. “Yes. Why?”

Wrapping an arm around her waist, he kissed her ear. “You’ve been sleeping a lot lately. Is there something I should know?”

A smile trembled over her lips. “If you’re asking if I’m pregnant, then the answer is no.”

His eyebrows lifted. “Are you certain?”

“Quite certain.”

A beat passed. “If you were, would you tell me?”

There came another pause. “Of course I would tell you, Jacob. Why wouldn’t I?”

He blew out his breath. “I don’t know. You’ve changed, Ana. You say you’re too tired to make love, and when I suggest you see a doctor you claim you’re okay.”

“You don’t trust me, do you?” Ana asked.

“Of course I do,” Jacob countered.

“No, you don’t. If you did then you’d believe me when I say I’m not pregnant.”

He cradled her face in his hands. “I’ve been entrusted to take care of you, and that means I have to make certain you remain healthy.”

“I am healthy.”

“You’ve lost weight you can ill afford to lose,

“It’s the heat.”

Jacob gave Ana a long, penetrating look. She had an answer and/or comeback for everything. He hadn’t lied when he said she’d changed. When he’d first met Ana she reminded him of a helium-filled balloon. If he hadn’t held on to her she would’ve floated away. But now the air was slowly seeping out of her, leaving a mere shadow of the lively, feisty, teasing woman with whom he’d fallen in love. She may have looked the same outwardly, but something had transformed her. Lifting her effortlessly, he shifted her onto his lap.

He smiled when she curled into the curve of his body. Jacob realized this was the closest they’d been in weeks. They’d continued to share the same bed, yet it appeared as if they were separated by an invisible wall. Even their lovemaking had changed. It was more mechanical than natural, lacking in passion and spontaneity.

Combing his fingers through her hair, he pulled a curl. The shafts of sunlight played on the raven strands with reddish highlights. “What’s bothering you, baby?”

“What makes you think something is bothering me?”

“Don’t answer my question with a question, Ana. I know something is bothering you. We’ve spent practically every minute of every day of the past five weeks together, and I believe I know a little bit more about you than I did the day you walked out of that airport and into my life. So please,
don’t insult my intelligence pretending you don’t know what I’m talking about.”

“I want to go home.”

Jacob felt pain similar to what he’d experienced when shot with the pellet gun. He didn’t want to believe Ana wanted to go home and put herself in the line of fire. “Can’t you wait a little longer?”

“How much longer do you want me to wait? It’s already been more than a month.” Her words were monotone.

“A week.” He knew he was buying time, but it would give those in Florida time to execute the plan they’d concocted to ensnare Irvine in a trap of his own choosing.

“You promise?”

He shook his head. “I can’t promise, but let me contact Diego and ask if it’s safe enough for you to return, but with restrictions.”

Tilting her chin, Ana stared up at Jacob. “What restrictions are you talking about?”

A smile tilted the corners of his mobile. “House arrest.”

Her smile matched his. “Will I have to wear an ankle monitor?”

“Yeah, baby. Me.”

Ana tilted her head, dimples winking with the smile spreading across her face like the rising sun. “Thank you,
mi amor.

“You’re welcome, baby.” Jacob angled his head, brushing his mouth over hers. He held her closer, tighter, praying he wasn’t being premature in his promise to take her back to the States in a week. However, he would promise anything just to have the smiling, teasing, sexy, enchanting woman who made him look for the next sunrise.

It’d taken Jacob a while to conclude he and Ana had become friends without benefits before becoming lovers. They shared a bed, were able to talk about anything, disagreed to disagree and along the way he’d fallen in love with her. It was only when he communicated with Diego that he was reminded why he and Ana were together.

He glanced around the deck. He and Ana weren’t the only ones sharing a deck chair. Most the couples on the yacht were honeymooners unable to keep their hands off one another. The average stay of the resort’s guests was a week, while those with deeper pockets extended their holiday. Jacob didn’t know what Diego had told the resident manager but the very proper Brit was impeccably courteous at all times.

The sound of music flowed from concealed speakers, he recognizing the selection. “Dance with me,

Ana smiled. It’d been a while since Jacob had called her Princess. Now it was my love, darling, sweetheart or the Spanish endearment
She in turn had called him my love more than his name. And he was her love. She loved Jacob and
in love with the man who had become her husband in every conceivable way.

Moving off the chair, she floated into Jacob’s embrace. Sinking against his length, she lost herself in the man and the music. He’d promised her a week, a week wherein she would return from exile with a husband. So much for determining her own destiny.

Chapter 14

’m going to take a bath. Do you want to join me?” Ana asked Jacob.

He kissed the end of her nose. “No, baby. I’m going to take a shower.” The dinner cruise was nothing short of spectacular. The weather changed with rising wind and choppy waters and by the time the ship docked at the island the rains came, soaking everyone to the skin.

Waiting until she disappeared into the bathroom, Jacob pulled out his cell phone. He knew it was late, but calling was faster and less conspicuous than sending an email at this hour. Doubting whether Diego would be up past midnight, he decided to leave a voice mail.

“Hey, buddy. This is Jake. Ana wants to come—” There was a break in the connection, then Diego’s baritone.

“What’s up, Jake?”

“What are you doing up so late?” he asked, buttoning his damp shirt and dropping it on the floor. His shorts followed.

“I was on the phone with our people on the West Coast. Why the call and not IM?”

“Ana wants to come home.”

There came a pregnant silence before Diego asked, “Can you stall her?”

“One week, Diego. That’s all I can promise. After that all hell is going to break loose down here.”

“Has she gone off on you?”

Jacob shook his head, then realized Diego couldn’t see him. “Not yet. I have to admit she’s been pretty cooperative, but I’m not certain for how much longer. She’s changed, and it’s not good.”

“My cousin is a sweet girl as long as you don’t get on her wrong side. Someone should’ve warned Irvine before he went after her.”

“I’m hoping he’ll pay for it.”

“Don’t worry, Jake. He will. I know it’s a long time for Ana to be cut off from her home, so I’m going to call our folks and tell them to push up the timeline for D-Day. Start packing and keep your phone charged. I’ll call you before I send the jet to bring you back to the States. If I’m not onboard, then Henri will escort you to Ana’s condo. I’d like you to stay there with her until it’s over.”

“I’ll have to stop at my place to pick up my firearm.”

“That’s not a problem. You know the Coles owe you for taking care of Ana.”

“No, they don’t. We Joneses take care of our own.”

“So, you weren’t kidding when you said you love your wife.”

“I adore her, Diego.”

“Does she feel the same about you?”

Diego’s question gave Jacob pause. Despite all of the endearments, Ana had given no indication she was in love with him. That no longer mattered. They were married and he had the rest of his life to get her to love him as much as he loved her.

“I think so.”

“You think so? Don’t you guys talk?”

Jacob smiled. Of course he and Ana talked, just not about their innermost feelings. “We have our own method of talking.”

“Whoa! That’s too much information.”

“Well, you did ask,

“My bad,” Diego drawled. “By the way, Jason held a press conference where he revealed Ana was honeymooning with her new husband, and as a result of her marriage Serenity was not only relocating from its Boca Raton offices but also undergoing reorganization. Of course, there were a lot of questions he didn’t answer and that didn’t sit too well with the reporters. Gossip about the mystery man who’d gotten music’s ice princess to say ‘I do’ has become headline news.”

The realization of who he’d married hit Jacob like a bolt of lightning. Ana wasn’t only a member of one of the wealthiest black families in the U.S., but she was also high profile. He’d always lived his life under the radar and without mishap. He was a solider, a federal police officer and the husband of a very wealthy woman with a recognizable name and face. When had he ignored what had been so obvious from the very beginning? He and Ana were native Floridians that came from different worlds. The most pressing question was would she be willing to live in his, because he knew for certain given his career it would be almost impossible to live in hers.

“I’d prefer if my identity be kept off the radar.”

“No worry, Jake. Your name will not come up. And don’t forget to be ready when I call you back.”

“Copy that,” Jacob said, using his old military jargon. He ended the call, then stripped naked, pausing to pick the discarded clothing off the floor.

* * *

Ana rested her head on a bath pillow and closed her eyes, luxuriating in the pulsing water flowing over her body. She felt alive—more alive than she’d been all week, and she knew it had something to do with Jacob’s promise that he was going to take her back to Florida.

A smile softened her features. She was going home, home to where she would sleep in her own bed; home where she would prepare meals in her own kitchen, and home where she’d sit on the balcony drinking a chai latte while watching the sunset. Her eyes flew open when she realized she hadn’t thought about Serenity.

Had being away from the company changed her that much or was it because of the problems with Slow Wyne that had soured her on the music industry? Ana shook her head as if banishing the thought. She couldn’t walk away from Serenity, not when it was in transition. Jason had decided to relocate, but where? And would he reduce or increase the number of employees? She also had to decide whether to take a less than hands-on role, and if she did then could she convince Graham to leave ColeDiz and join Serenity.

Although Jason had decided it was best Serenity go on hiatus, Ana knew he would never dissolve the company. Like ColeDiz, Serenity was a privately-held, family-owned conglomerate. Music had been and still was her father’s life despite being a retired musician and former CEO, and she knew it would be the same with her.

Then there was the matter of she and Jacob. They’d decided to try and make a go of their arranged marriage, however, there was still the issue of where they would live. Boca Raton and Miami were less than fifty miles apart but would he expect her to move in with him, or would he be willing to relocate to live with her?

His apartment wasn’t in Key Biscayne or Coral Gables but in a neighborhood undergoing gentrification. She had to think of the time when they would eventually have children, and for Ana a quality education was definitely a priority. She didn’t want private schools to become a necessity, but an option. She and her siblings had attended Boca Raton public schools where they weren’t ferried to and from classes in chauffeur-driven limos or forced to join the social clubs that were so much a part of the lives of the affluent residents in their upscale neighborhood. Serena Cole’s mantra was that she wanted to have normal kids living normal lives.

Ana knew if she and Jacob were going to remain together the subject of parenthood and parenting would have to be discussed beforehand. She wasn’t certain whether she would be like her mother, establishing boundaries and limits when necessary or if she’d leave that responsibility to Jacob.

She wanted to raise her children the way she was raised with respect but also with enough independence to explore their gifts and talents. Ana was certain of one thing. She didn’t want her son or daughter to go into law enforcement, only because she would wear out her knees praying nothing would happen to them.

Get a grip, girl,
she mused. Why was she ruminating about children when she knew she wasn’t pregnant? Or was it wishful thinking?

Reaching for a bottle of scented bath gel she squeezed a generous glob on a bath sponge and began lathering her body. Jacob walked in, gloriously naked, at the same time she stood up and rinsed her body with a retractable nozzle.

Leaning over, he patted her bottom. “Hey, skinny mama.”

“Please hand me a towel.” Ana took the bath sheet from his outstretched hand, wrapping it around her body and tucking the ends over her breasts. “I’m hardly skinny.”

Jacob lifted her from the tub, setting her down on a thirsty bath mat. “You’ve been eating like a bird. Take tonight. You hardly tasted the soup, managed one forkful of the lobster and steak entrée, and even refused the key lime pie. You’ve been picking at your food for the past week, yet you tell me there’s nothing wrong with you.”

Sitting on a padded bench, Ana applied a light layer of scented body crème to her neck, shoulders and arms. “I always lose my appetite whenever I’m stressed.”

Jacob walked over to the free-standing shower behind a frosted-glass enclosure. “What are you stressed about?” he said over the sound of running water.

She removed the towel and continued moisturizing her body. “I told you before I want to go home.”

“You’re going home.”

Ana froze, her heart pumping wildly against her ribs. “When?”

“As soon as I get a call from Diego. Hopefully it will be either later this week or early next week. We need to pack, only leaving out what we’re going to wear for the next day.”

Pressing a fist to her lips, she whispered a prayer of thanks. “Thank you, Jacob.”

“You’re welcome, baby.”

She heard the sound of his mechanical toothbrush, followed by gargling. “I’ll be in bed waiting for you.”

* * *

“What took you so long?” Ana asked when Jacob got into bed and nuzzled her neck.

His hand rested on her bare hip. “What’s this? No nightgown.”

She giggled. “I thought I’d save you the trouble of having to take it off.”

“Are you trying to seduce me, Mrs. Jones?”

“Of course not, Mr. Jones. There’s never a need for me to seduce you because you’re always hard and ready.”

Jacob’s unrestrained laughter filled the bedroom. “She’s back,” he crooned. “I love it when you talk dirty.”

“That’s because you’re a dirty old man.”

“Dirty I’ll cop to. But not old. At least not yet. When I’m not able to get it up, then I’ll have to acknowledge that I’m getting older. Thanks to modern medicine there’re pills to counter erectile dysfunction, so that means I can keep going like the Energizer Bunny until I’m at least ninety-five.”

Turning over and facing Jacob, Ana pressed a kiss to his shoulder. “If you think I’m going to allow you to climb up on me when I’m ninety, then you’re as crazy as a loon.”

Jacob sobered. “Are you saying we can expect to celebrate a sixtieth wedding anniversary?”

She closed her eyes. “No, I’m not saying that. I told you before that I’m willing to give our marriage a chance. But there are a few things we need to talk about.”

“What are they?”


“What about them?” he whispered.

“Do you want children?” A swollen silence followed her query and Ana thought perhaps Jacob hadn’t heard her.

“Of course I want us to have children,” he finally said. “Do you?”

“Yes.” She’d noted he’d said children and not child. “Now that we’ve settled that, the next question is where are we going to live?”

“I’d like you to move in with me. I know it’s not as luxurious as your Boca condo, but at least you’ll be able to keep out of the spotlight.”

“Is your apartment large enough for the both of us?”

“I have a bedroom, living/dining area, a serviceable kitchen and I don’t have to share the bathroom with other tenants.”

A noticeable shudder shook Ana when he mentioned sharing a bathroom. “My condo has a manned gatehouse, semi-private elevators that serve only two residences per floor. I have a large bedroom with walk-in closets and en suite bath, gourmet kitchen, a living and formal dining room and another full bath. And because I have a corner residence there are gorgeous wraparound balconies with unobstructed ocean and city views.”

“If I move in with you, then it would mean I would have to commute to Miami.”

“And if I move to Miami, then I’d have to commute to Boca,” Ana countered. “What if we compromise?”

“Compromise how?”

“What if we move midpoint?”

There was another pause. “What do you consider midpoint?” Jacob asked.

“Fort Lauderdale. I’ll put my condo on the market and have my real estate agent look for something in Harbor Beach, Rio Vista Isles, Las Olas Isles or Bay Colony.”

Jacob felt himself withdrawing from Ana even though he hadn’t and couldn’t move. It was apparent she’d planned their future without his input. “I can’t afford to live in the communities you just mentioned.”

Placing a hand over his chest, Ana swirled the crisp hair around her finger. “Yes, we can, baby.”

He caught her wrist. “No, we can’t. I’m not going to pimp my wife.”

“You’re not pimping me, Jacob. We have enough money to live wherever we want.”

Jacob’s hold on her wrist tightened. “Wrong, Ana.
have enough money to live wherever you want. I don’t. I work for the government, and that means I fall into the ninety-nine percent category. You on the other hand can count yourself among the one percent—”

“Why are you turning this into a social debate? This is not about the haves and have-nots, Jacob. It’s about you and me and our future. And if we have to argue about money, then maybe we should live in separate residences.”

“That’s not going to happen until after they catch the person or persons who want to kill you. Until then we’ll live together.”

Ana’s temper rose quickly. “You may have the upper hand here in the Bahamas, but once I set foot on U.S. soil we’re done, Jacob.”

“That’s not for you to determine.”

“We’ll see.”

Pulling her hand from his firm grasp, she turned over, presenting Jacob with her back. She’d had enough. From the moment that bullet hit Tyler her life hadn’t been her own. She’d been held captive at her parents’ home, then at Long Key and Key West. And now it was Cannamore Cay where she was married to a man not chosen by herself, but others. Ana had believed she and Jacob were able to make the best of a situation in which they’d no input; a situation that had and would change them forever.

Ana was no different from her girlfriends who went on constantly about meeting Mr. Right. She wasn’t a serial dater, but she’d gone out with enough men to know what she expected from them and what she refused to accept.
No permita que nadie le defina ni determine su destino.
Never had her grandmother’s words rung more true than they did now. Her father had determined her destiny when he’d taken the keys to her condo and car; then Diego decided it was best she go into exile in the Florida Keys with a man who was more a stranger than family friend. Her exile was exacerbated when she and Jacob took up residence on a private island in the Bahamas as husband and wife.

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