Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (7 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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Chapter Six

When Bad Things Happen

I was horrified when Sophia called Marco to tell him about the attack.  He hadn’t slept much and I knew he wouldn’t sleep past hearing the news.  My heart ached for him.  He could not continue going without sleep because of me. 

I tried to convince myself that I could be wrong.  He could have returned to bed but my fears were realized when I arrived at Aurora and Andre’s motor home and found Marco sitting on the sidestep.  Worry creased his brow as he stood and walked toward me.  He was less than two feet from me when he stopped and studied me, allowing his gaze to sweep over me before he sighed as if relieved. 

“You’re okay?” He asked, still studying my face carefully.

“I’m fine,” I said, sighing heavily.  I looked at him pained, “You really should be resting.  You didn’t get enough sleep last night because you stayed up to watch over me.  You can’t just keep staying awake.  That’s unsafe for you.”

His mouth lifted in that half smile and something sparked in his eyes, “You’re worried about me.”

I blushed before shrugging, “Yes.  I‘m worried about you.  You‘re going to make yourself sick.”

It was silent for a few moments as he studied me further.  His brow lifted and that half smile still rested on his face.  He blinked and then, he looked at his mother.

“What happened?” he asked as his eyes clouded again.

Sophia rolled her eyes as if the attack had simply annoyed her, “Eli tried to kidnap her in the dressing room in much the same way that Aurora was almost taken…except Lilly had locked the door.  So he had to kick it in.”

Marco frowned as he looked at me again.  It was obvious he was searching for injuries, “Maybe we should elope.  I think it will be safer,” he whispered almost to himself.

Sophia shook her head, appalled, “You are not eloping,” she said, harshly, “I will not ruin our plans because of Emilian and his family.  We will have the perfect wedding for you and Lilly regardless of what he does and we will do it on the day we originally planned.” 

Marco looked at me and then, closed his eyes tired, “Mom, I don’t know about waiting.  It’s too dangerous.  I don‘t want her hurt.”

“He did the same thing with Aurora,” Sophia said, stubbornly, “I will not let him ruin this for you…or for her,” she said pointing at me, “This day is one of the most important days of your lives.” 

Marco nodded as he emitted a long sigh, “Fine, but I’m staying with Aurora and Andre until our wedding,” he said, frowning, “Except for the night before.  I wouldn‘t want to break tradition.”

Sophia narrowed her eyes, “It‘s not proper.”

Marco groaned, “Mother, this is not the seventeen hundreds.”

Sophia raised her brow and then, she narrowed her eyes,” You promise that you will not be alone with her until your wedding night,” she said. 

“Aurora and Andre will be there.  I won’t be alone with her,” he said as he groaned, “Mother, I’m doing this for no other reason than to protect her.  I told you that I don‘t want her hurt.”

Sophia studied him further and opened her mouth in what I was sure was a protest but Aurora stopped her. 

“Sophia, you know that we won’t allow anything to happen.  I wouldn‘t want you to think badly of Lilly.  This is the best way for everyone,” Aurora said, frowning as she looked at her, “You do trust
, don’t you?”

Sophia caressed her face and then, smiled gently, “Yes,” she said, nodding her head, “I do.”

“Then, he can stay with us,” Aurora said with a smile, “Besides; he’ll get more sleep this way.” 

Sophia nodded her head again as her shoulders drooped forward in resignation, “Yes, he can stay,” she breathed and closed her eyes, “I’m thankful that Lilly is the last one that we have to worry about this with.”

“You know I was worth it,” Aurora said, grinning, “Lilly is too.”

“Yes, you both are,” she said looking up at Aurora with a smile and then, turned to Marco, “I will bring some clothes for you later.” 

“Thank you, Mom,” he said, kissing her cheek before she turned and left. 

I sighed relieved but as I looked at him, my stomach began to flip pleasantly as I realized he would be near me much more. 


              I found that falling asleep knowing that Marco was sleeping less than thirty feet away was the hardest thing I had ever done.  I tossed and turned for hours finally falling into the complete darkness of sleep. 

The sound of my name woke me, causing my eyes to snap open.  I frowned as my heart picked up speed.  I could not place who had spoken it, even though I was sure that I had heard this person before.  I trembled equally sure that the owner of the voice was dangerous. 

“Lilly,” he whispered again and I sat up in the bed, frowning as I looked around.  He sounded so close but I found myself alone.  I blinked, confused as I rose and walked toward the living room wondering if the voice had come from there. 

I stepped into the living room and looked around, finding only Marco sleeping on the couch.  His face was relaxed in his slumber.  I stepped closer intending to study him while he slept but my name sounded through the room again, frightening me because I was beginning to grasp who‘s voice it was and why it sounded so familiar.  I swallowed as I thought of Eli in the dressing room.  I realized with a bone trembling realization that the voice whispering my name was the same that had come from Eli’s mouth.

“Marco,” I whispered, but he didn’t move so I said his name louder.  His eyes snapped and met mine.

He smiled for a moment as he studied me but the look on my face must have alerted him to the fear running through me. 

“Lilly, what’s wrong?” He asked, sitting up, exposing his muscled torso.  A frown marked his brow. 

“It’s Eli,” I whispered, “He’s saying my name.  He’s calling for me.”

Marco’s eyes narrowed as he looked toward the door.  As if Eli sensed that Marco was awake, something slammed into it, causing me to jump.  Marco stood and pushed me behind him. 

“Andre!” He yelled and a moment later, Andre entered the room. 

“What is it?” He asked, looking around wildly.  His eyes settled on Marco and then, me. 

“Eli is out there,” Marco said, urgently, “He tried to summon Lilly.”

Andre looked around frantically, “Aurora,” he whispered. 

“I’m right here,” she said, stepping into the room, holding a cell phone, “I’m calling Sophia right now.” 

I nodded as tension slid through me.  Goosebumps broke out over my skin as the distinct sound of a gun being loaded behind me broke through the air.  I swallowed as my heart picked up speed. 

Aurora looked at me, seeing the panic on my face, “its okay,” she said, stepping beside me, “Nothing bad is going to happen.  Marco and Andre won‘t let it.  Neither will I.” 

Something else slammed into the door and even though her words were brave, Aurora jumped the same as I did.  She looked at Andre with wide terrified eyes, “I can’t transition while I’m pregnant.  It’s too risky,” she said, looking at the door again.

“You won’t need to,” Andre whispered, holding the gun out to her, “Use this if you need to.  I promise if anyone needs to transition, it will not be you.”

She nodded as a howl broke through the air so loudly that it seemed to shake the motor home.   Growls of too many wolves to count broke through the air surrounding us as I grasped Marco’s hand.  He clasped it but still kept me behind him, “If they break through, run,” he said, glancing back at me worried, “Do not let them take you.”

I nodded but I wasn’t sure that I could prevent my capture.  I closed my eyes as the sound of paws against dirt drifted through the door.  I swallowed as the smell of blood tinged with the wild scent of canine and earth surrounded us.  Whimpers filled the air as the sound of more paws running away came to me. 

A moment later, a knock sounded, “Andre, it’s me,” Sophia’s voice came through the door.  I nearly sagged in relief. 

Andre stepped forward and opened the door.  Sophia stepped inside and looked at each of us with the worry dissipating on her face. 

“Was anyone hurt?” I asked with tears burning my eyes. 

She came to me and caressed my face, “No,” she said, smiling, “My boys are better trained than that and so are my husband and Ion.”

As if on cue, Ion stepped through the doorway.  He smiled in relief as he saw me, “Lilly, you are okay?”

I nodded as I ran to embrace him, “Yes, Daddy,” I whispered, “I am.”

He looked at Marco as he pulled away from the embrace, “I’m glad you were here,” he said, looking back out of the door, “They thought that they’d be able to get her and sneak in but they didn’t realize that you were staying on the couch and blocking their way.”

I frowned, “How do you know what they were thinking?”

Ion sighed, “There is one more secret you should know.” 

I tilted my head as my heart picked up speed, “What is it?”

He swallowed, “Lilly, I realize part of the reason you are close to me is because I raised you but there is another reason,” he whispered, shifting nervously, “I am your blood and I am Aurora‘s blood.”

“How?” I asked as Aurora stepped forward looking at Ion as if for the first time.  Her eyes widened expectant.

              “Your father…Emilian is my brother,” he said, frowning as both Aurora and I gasped in unison, “Because of that, I know what he is thinking.  By rights, I was supposed to be part of his pack but it also because of that fact that I was able to choose.  I chose Sophia’s family.  Also, I have used my connection with him, to protect you better while you were away from Timbly Mountain.”

“You’re our uncle?’ I asked, oddly happy. 

He nodded, “I still prefer for you to think of me as your father.”

I smiled, “Always, Daddy,” I whispered as I hugged him, feeling closer than I had before. 


              I knew that I wouldn’t be able to fall asleep after Sophia and Ion left.  I was too frightened that Eli would return or worse my father would pay a visit.  Plus, there was always a possibility that I would sleepwalk.  I didn’t want to take the chance.

Aurora must have felt the same way because she was curled up in Andre’s lap in the recliner.  He had his arms wrapped around her.  Her head was resting on his chest.                I swallowed as I began to pace in front of the couch as Marco watched me with a raised brow. 

“Lilly, you can’t stay up all night,” Marco said with a strained smile, “I promise I will protect you.” 

I pursed my lips as I stopped pacing and faced him, “By staying up yourself?” I asked and then, laughed, “You can’t go without sleep either.”

He gave me a crooked smile, “I guess that doesn’t make much sense.”

“No, it doesn’t,” I said, shaking my head.  He rolled his eyes as I began to pace again. 

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