Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (9 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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Chapter Nine


I moaned as the light hit my eyes.  Pain slammed through me as I rose.  I could still feel Aurora holding my hand as she whispered softly to me. 

“It’s okay,” she said, though worry made her voice quiver, “They didn’t take us but I need for you to wake up.  We have to get out of here.”

Growling and the sound of flesh ripping reached my ears.  The smell of blood saturated the air as I forced my eyes opened.  Aurora helped me to sit up and I was able to see the scene before me. 

Blood was splattered here and there.  Hair was scattered amongst it.  Werewolves fought in broad daylight amongst the humans of the motor park. 

“They will see,” I said, alarmed.  Still, my voice was groggy.

Aurora shook her head, “They already know.”

I looked at her in shock.  Finally, fully conscious, “What?” 

“They are humans that Sophia and Gavriel have helped,” she said, pulling me to my feet, “They know and they don’t care.  They know we aren’t evil.”

I scanned the park, finding Ion among the wolves but I could not tell who the others were, “Is Marco out there?” I asked, frightened. 

Aurora nodded as she pulled me toward the door, “They all are,” she said, obviously worried.  I looked toward them again but Aurora faced me, “We have to go inside.  If we don’t, they could get hurt because they will be distracted by us.”

I nodded, swallowing down my fear as she opened the door and pulled us through, locking it behind us.  A whimper pierced the air and I jumped. 

Aurora winced, “Don’t worry,” she whispered, pained, “One of ours isn’t hurt.”

I frowned, “How do you know?”

“The blood bond allows me and Andre to be linked.  I would feel it if he was upset over one of ours being hurt just like he could feel that we were in danger,” I nodded, feeling some relief right before it was taken away by another whimper.  Aurora blanched. 

“Did that whimper come from one of ours?” I asked, feeling my heart in my throat.

She nodded as a tremble worked through her, “It did but I don’t know who.  I only know that it wasn‘t Andre.”

I swallowed as the sound of paws running away came to me.  A few moments later, a knock sounded at the door, “Aurora, let us in,” Andre yelled through the door, “And hand me two pairs of my clothes.”

“Okay,” she said, going to her bedroom and returning a moment later.  Tears slammed into my eyes as I waited for her to open the door.  She handed Andre the clothes and a few minutes later, I heard Gavriel say, “I grabbed these off of the line.”

“Okay, Dad,” he said, “Will you grab his feet.  Be gentle.  They mauled him pretty good.”

I blanched as they carried a familiar figure through the door.  All of my breath left my body as the tears finally released and fell down my cheeks, “Daddy,” I whispered as they laid him on the couch.

“I’m okay,” he said, wincing as he looked at me.

I sighed, relieved that he was talking, “You don’t look okay.” I said, frowning.

“It’s just a bite,” he said, forcing a smile, “They’ll bandage it and I’ll be walking you down the aisle tomorrow.” 

I nodded though my heart pounded even harder in my chest as I looked up at Andre, “was anyone else hurt?’

He grinned, “Just Emilian,” he said and then, laughed, “Marco tore into him after he attacked Ion.  If it wasn’t for Marco, Ion would be much worse off.”

My heart squeezed, “Is Marco okay?”

“Not even a scratch,” he said, smiling, proudly. 

I sighed relieved and then, looked at Aurora, “I wish I could thank him.”

“Oh no,” she said, shaking her head, “You can’t see him before the wedding.  It‘s bad luck.”

My heart sank as she sighed at the look on my face, “But he can come to the door and you can talk to him through that.”

I smiled, “Thank you.”

She rolled her eyes and walked to the door, “Stand here,” she said, pointing beside the frame and opened the door.  She called for Marco as she stepped into the yard.  I could hear them talking just before she returned, leaving the door open just a bit. 

She pulled me closer to the gap and gave me a stern look, “Don’t open it all the way,” she said, grinning, “It’s not even a full 24 hours before the wedding and we don’t want your marriage cursed.”

“You do realize that’s a superstition?” I asked, rolling my eyes. 

She grinned, “We’re werewolves,” she said, laughing as she walked away, “We are a superstition.”

I nodded because she was right and then, rolled my eyes again.  I looked at the door, really wishing that I could talk to him face to face.  The temptation to open it hit me.  The only reason I didn‘t was because I didn‘t want Aurora mad at me.

“Marco,” I said through the door. 

“I’m here, Lilly,” he said with concern lacing his voice, “Are you okay?”

“I am,” I said, “Are you?”

“I wasn‘t hurt at all,” he said, sounding relieved, “I promise.”

I swallowed over the lump in my throat, “I wanted to thank you for saving my dad.”

“Lilly, you don’t have to thank me for that,” he said, “I really wish I had gotten there sooner.  Is he okay?” 

I looked toward the couch where Aurora was threading a needle and winced.  He had sat up and was looking skeptically at it, “It looks like he’ll have some stitches but I think he’ll be okay.”

“Good,” he said and then, laughed, “I was so worried about you.”

“I was worried about you too,” I said, placing my hand on the door. 

It was silent for a few moments and then, I heard him sigh, “Is it weird that I miss you.”

I grinned, “No,” I whispered, feeling suddenly warm, “I miss you too.”

“I’ll see you tomorrow?” He asked, sounding nervous and my heart nearly melted. 

“I’ll be there,” I grinned.

“Good night, Lilly,” he said and then, he was gone. 

I turned back to the living room where Ion was smiling at me.  I blushed as I ignored his raised brow and went to help Aurora tend to his injuries. 


              I was exhausted by the time I laid down.  Ion still slept on the couch and his wounds had already begun to heal.  Even if he was injured, his presence made me feel safer.  I realized that it was simply because my daddy was near.

As soon as I was comfortable in my bed, I closed my eyes.  Sleep came easier than it ever had and with it came a dream so strange that I could not remember one that matched it. 

As it unfolded, I found my mother standing in front of me.  We were in the same valley where Aurora and I had met Emilian in the dream.  I was shocked because I realized I had barely thought of her since she left.  I raised my chin, experiencing pride in her presence when I never had before. 

I knew the reason.  In less than a week, this new family had truly filled the void that had been in my heart my whole life.  Still, upon the first sight of her, I wanted her to see me as they did.  I wanted her to see me as worthy. 

“Momma,” I whispered and she turned to me.  For once, she wasn’t angry.  She only looked at the mountain tops above us. 

“Lilly,” she said almost kindly as she turned to me.  I frowned as I looked into her eyes seeing only peace and the love I had always wanted there, “You have to choose.” 

I frowned still studying her, “What are you talking about?”

She pointed into the darkness and I turned to see what she was trying to show me.  I blinked in surprise.  Both Emil and Marco were walking toward me.  Both stared intently at me, paying no heed to each other. 

I looked at Marco, feeling my heart swell, “I’ve already chosen,” I said, frowning but she shook her head. 

“Not really,” she said and then, surprised me by turning and gently touching my face, “You have to choose fully, Lilly.”

Then, she was gone and so was the dream.  I blinked open my eyes, trying to understand the strange dream.  I trembled as the meaning eluded me. 

Slowly, I got out of the bed, looking out of the window in the room where I slept.  It was still dark outside, but I was sure it was early morning.  I knew that Aurora was awake.  I could hear her in the living room.  I swallowed as a deep foreboding hit me.  Instead of listening to it, I pushed it away as I listened to my sister.

‘Oh no, Mirella,” she said in a loud whisper, “I told you that you are not doing that to her.  I made sure that her wedding wasn’t until noon so she could rest.”

“Rest!” Mirella said as if it were the most absurd thing she had ever heard, “She doesn’t need rest.  She needs to be beautiful on her wedding day!’

“Mirella, lower your voice,” Aurora said obviously annoyed, “You’ll wake her.”

“That’s what I’m trying to do,” Mirella said clearly amused, “Besides, I told you this was going to happen.  I told you that Andre would let me in.  It’s not my fault if you didn’t listen.”

I walked into the living area and they both turned.  Aurora glared at Mirella and then, turned back to me, “Oh Lilly,” she said, shaking her head, “I’m so sorry.”

I smiled, “its okay,” I shrugged, “I was already up.”

Mirella pursed her lips with a smug look on her face, “See,” she said, sweeping her hand towards me, “Not everyone wants to sleep late on their wedding day.”

“You better hope you don’t,” Aurora said, grinning, “Because I will make sure that you are up at four in the morning.”

She shrugged, “You wouldn’t get up that early.”

Aurora groaned and Mirella turned back to me with a grin, “Don’t worry,” she said, ignoring Aurora‘s glare, “I’ll do everything.  You just sit back and relax.”

“While you do that,” Aurora said, rolling her eyes, “I’m going back to bed.”

Mirella nodded, “Just know that when I’m done with her, you’re next.”

She gave Mirella another glare and then, walked back to her room.  Mirella grinned, “She is not a morning person.”

“Yet, you still showed up before daylight this morning,” I said, frowning. 

She grinned and then, wiggled her eyebrows, “She’s funny when she’s mad.”

I shook my head and laughed before looking at her, “I’m glad I’m a morning person, otherwise you‘d be dead.”

“I doubt it,” she said and then, rolled her green eyes, “Now just relax and let me do my magic.”             

              I nodded and allowed Mirella to lead me to the recliner.  She smiled as she leaned it back, “Don‘t worry,” she said, grinning, “I promise that you’ll be beautiful and you can sleep while I do your make-up.   After all, we don’t need bags under your eyes.  You’re getting married today.”
              My heart jumped in my chest as I took a deep breath, “Yes, I’m getting married today.”

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