Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (13 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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Chapter Fifteen

Facing the Family


              I watched as Sophia paced the floor.  She shook her head in denial as she glanced up at me. Mirella had left to get Andre and Garridan so we were alone. 

She stopped in the middle of the living room and studied me with frightened eyes, “You can’t do this, Lilly.  It will kill Marco,” she said for what seemed the hundredth time.

I breathed slowly, trying to control the panic consuming my mind.  Finally, I gazed back at her, “I have to do this, Sophia.  If I don’t Aurora will die.  Andre will die.  I know if I take Andre with me, we will all live.  He won’t let anything happen to Aurora or to me, “I said, swallowing and hoping I was right.

“Marco won’t let this happen,” Sophia said.  Her forehead creased as she frowned again.

“He won’t have a choice as long as you keep him here and keep him safe,” I whispered as tears filled my eyes, “Don’t let him follow me.  Emilian will kill him.”

Sophia tilted her head as she studied me, “You love Marco, don’t you?”

I smiled sadly as the weight of that feeling fully cloaked me, “Yes,” I whispered. 

“I was worried about the two of you,” Sophia said, sighing with relief, “Does he know?”

I shook my head, “No,” I said, raising my chin, “Honestly, I’m not sure he feels the same.”

Sophia smiled, “I’m his mother.  I know him,” she said, grinning, “I think he does.”

I shook my head in denial and she opened her mouth to say something else but Andre and Garridan walked in, followed by Mirella.  I frowned as my gaze landed on Garridan, wondering how he could help.   Mirella had insisted that he could because he knew the family better than everyone else somehow.  Andre seemed to agree because he gazed at Garridan as if he were his only hope. 

“Let me see the letter,” Andre said, turning to me with worry clear in his eyes.  Determination pulsed off of him in torrents. 

I handed him the piece of paper on which the note had been written.  He frowned as he looked over it.  Then, he glanced at me before shaking his head and handing the note to Garridan. 

“There has to be a different way,” he said, frowning, “I can’t put my brother’s wife in danger too.”

“You’ll have to if you want Aurora back,” Garridan said, glancing at me with sympathy filled eyes before turning his gaze back to Andre, “I lived with them.  If they don’t see Lilly, they’ll kill Aurora.  She’s the only one who can get her out safely.”

My eyes widened, “You used to live there?” I asked, confused.

Garridan gave a short bitter laugh, “I was your father’s chosen husband for Aurora,” he said, grinning when my mouth dropped open, “When he kidnapped her, I realized that she loved Andre and helped her escape in return for what I really wanted…release me from your father’s pack.”

“Do you think that’s what Eli wants from me?” I asked, hopeful.  If it was, I’d give it to him.   

Garridan shook his head, causing his black hair to hit him in the face, “No,” he said with a raised brow, “Eli is pure evil.  Even if you released him from your father’s pack, he would still follow him.”

I bit my bottom lip as I shifted uneasy, “Is there a plan?” I asked, as my heart picked up speed.

Garridan shrugged uncomfortably as he glanced around the room before his eyes landed back on me.  Guilt shadowed his face, “How do you feel about transitioning early?”

I winced as a sliver of fear slid down my spine.  I took a deep breath and straightened my back, “Will it save my sister?” I asked in a shaky voice.

“It will do more than that,” he said, but he grimaced, “There is one downfall.”

“What’s that?” I asked, frowning. 

“You do run the risk of killing someone,” he said, watching me carefully. 

I nodded, “If it gets my sister and my little unborn niece out of there, then I’m willing to take the chance.”


              We walked through the forest in silence.  My stomach churned from the shot full of wolf’s bane given to me in my jugular.  I didn’t ask Garridan how he knew it would cause my transition to happen sooner.  It didn’t really matter as long as it worked. 

I could smell the wolf’s bane running through my system, causing my senses to go into hyper drive.  Everything about it caused pain to slam through me.  It was seeping out of my pores.  I moaned as spikes of pain slammed through me causing me to tremble a little. 

“You’re feeling it aren’t you?” Garridan asked looking back at me.  His eyes were full of sympathy.   

I nodded, afraid to speak.  If I did, I might scream.  The pain felt as if it were ripping me a part, putting me back together and ripping me a part again.  A thin layer of sweat coated my body. 

“Just stick to the plan,” Garridan said, as we came to a slight trail, “If you need us, we’ll be here.” 

I nodded again as I saw the break in the trees.   A neighborhood of houses lay beyond it.   I frowned at the sight of it.  This couldn’t be my father’s home.  It was too…normal.

“We can’t go with you beyond this point,” Garridan said, distracting me from my thoughts.   Concern passed over his face.  It was hard to believe that he had ever been part of my father’s family. 

I glanced at him and then, Andre, “If anything happens, keep Marco alive,” I whispered, “Tell him that I love him.”

Andre shook his head and then, raised his chin determined, “You’ll tell him yourself.”

I forced a smile and then, turned, “We’ll be right here,” Garridan said, hiding behind the trees, “We’ll come out when it’s time.”

I nodded, “Thank you,” I said as pain gripped me again.

I forced myself to breathe through it and then, straightened my spine as I took my first step into my father‘s neighborhood.


              The town seemed deserted as I stepped onto the road which ran down the length of the neighborhood.  Still, I felt as if there were a dozen eyes watching every move I made.  I inhaled searching for Aurora’s scent.  She was nowhere close.  I walked further inhaling again and again desperate to find her.   Finally, I found a faint trace. 

I narrowed my eyes, resisting the urge to run toward her scent until I found her.  Instead, I kept my steps measured as I walked closer to my sister.  I gritted my teeth as pain slammed into my stomach causing me to inhale sharply.  I swallowed hard, taking a great gulp of air and resisting the need to cross my arms over my stomach.  I couldn’t let them know what was happening.

The hair on the back of my neck rose in warning and only a second later, I was amid company.  A woman with dark hair met me and for a moment, I wondered where she had come from.  I studied her slowly, wondering when she would attack but she never did. 

I inhaled again, realizing she was a werewolf.  It surprised me as I continued my study of her.  She didn’t look like she’d be comfortable in the wild.  She was beautiful but in a worldly way.  Her make-up and hair was perfect.  She wore a dress which hugged every curve of her body.  It was short enough to show every inch of her shapely legs.  Her eyes were a deep blue.  I narrowed my eyes realizing that she had been recently changed.  There was a chance; she hadn’t chosen to be a werewolf.

“I am to take you to your father‘s house,” she said, smirking.  As soon as the words came out of her mouth, I realized I didn’t like her. 

“And who are you?” I asked with narrowed eyes.  She smiled, flashing white teeth. 

“Katie Ward,” she said, smirking as I recognized her name, “I see that you know who I am.  Did Andre tell you?”

I pursed my lips, “I doubt that you’ve crossed his mind since before Aurora got here,’ I said watching her eyes narrow, “Aurora told me about you.  I felt sorry for you…then.”

Her face reddened as she looked at me but at least she was silent.  We came to a house at the very end of the road.  It was a nice two story abode, kept clean and cozy.  Anyone passing would not know that werewolves lived within it.  I narrowed my eyes as I inhaled again.  Aurora’s scent was stronger but so was Emilian‘s.   

I followed Katie up the steps until I came to a woman with wheat blonde hair.  Unlike Katie, she smiled kindly at me.  It was almost motherly. 

I frowned.  There was something about her that didn’t seem quite right though I couldn’t place it.  It was something that told me that she didn’t belong there. 

“Lilly,” she whispered and then, surprised me by hugging me, “I haven’t seen you since you were a baby.”

I frowned as I tried to place her in my memories, “I’m sorry,” I said, shaking my head, “I don’t know who you are.”

The woman smiled again, “I’m Fiona,” she said and my eyes widened, “I’m Aurora’s mother.”

“Where is Aurora?” I asked, almost frantic while searching her face. 

Fiona smiled almost joyous but it sent a chill down my spine,” Right through here,” she said, waving her hand into the house. 

I raised a brow and then, walked through the door.  I blinked, surprised as I took in the appearance of the house.  It seemed cozy with red overstuffed couches and chairs.  Brick a brack decorated the tables and a large television was playing a talk show.  The normality creeped me out. 

I followed her down a hallway which displayed pictures of her with our father and also, pictures of Aurora and some of me.  I frowned as I saw the most recent.  It was one of me and Aurora talking at my bridal shower. 

“I just got that one, “Fiona said, smiling proudly, “Eli took it for me.” 

I trembled as I realized that they had been watching us the whole time.  They were a bunch of stalkers. 

She led me to a door at the end of the hallway and opened it.  Relief hit me as Aurora immediately rose from the bed.  Her eyes widened as I stepped into the room, immediately hugging her.  Tears floated in my eyes as I looked into her face, noticing a large bruise there. 

“Are you okay?” I asked, pointing to the bruise. 

“It’s okay,” she said, smiling and nodding, “It’s the only bit of harm that I’ve received here.”

“Who did this?” I asked, looking into her eyes.  Pain was beginning to radiate through me again and I had to grit my teeth against it.  Aurora frowned. 

“Katie,” she said with a shrug as she continued to study me, “It didn’t hurt.”

I took a deep breath and the pain subsided.  I turned to Fiona, “And you let this happen.  You‘re her mother.”

“Katie was reprimanded,” Fiona said softly.  She seemed almost proud of the fact.  I curled my lip in disgust.  This woman was delusional.   

Aurora narrowed her eyes at her mother, “Yes, mother.  She was reprimanded but it was okay that she did it.  It was also okay to kidnap me from my husband and my home and then, threaten my life so that Lilly would come for me.  My God, you are totally brainwashed.”

Fiona frowned and then, rolled her eyes, “You should be happy that your father loves you both enough to want you in his family.”

My eyes widened and Aurora shook her head, “It does no good to argue with her,” she said, rolling her eyes again, “She won’t listen.”

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