Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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Amanda K. Dudley-Penn





















              I would like to thank my beautiful daughter Isabella and my oldest daughter and one of the models of this book, Constance Dudley and my handsome son, Joshua.   Thank you for standing by me during the writing of this book.  Also, I would like to thank my mother, Kaye Hirjak and step-father, Paul Hirjak and my mother in law, R. Bell Penn and my father in law, Lee Roy Penn.  I would also like to thank my daddy, Eric Ray Dudley.  I would like to thank my siblings, James Matthews, Josh Matthews, Michael Dudley, Kara Wallace, Amber Dudley and Rosa Dudley.  I would like to thank my sister in laws, Carolyne Graves, Roxanna Matthews, Amanda Johnson-Penn and Corie Matthews and my brother in laws, Carl Penn, Harold Fuller and JoeWallace.  I want to give my thanks to my adopted brother, Robert Sanders and adopted brother in law, Alvin Craig, my adopted sisters, Sandra Pressley, Chrystal Ambrose, Hopi Craig and Connie Sanchez.  I would also like to thank my aunts, Connie Sekulich, Vickie Edwards, Karen Williams, Peggy Martin, Leigh Sherrill-Patterson, Peggy Russell-Englant, Amy Russell and Becky Dudley and my uncles Jason Russell, Anthony Russell, Terry Russell and Gary Dudley and David Dudley.  I would also like to thank my cousins, Rebecca Grieshaber, Brian Russell, Lisa Anderson, Traci Coble, Catareena Taber, Michelle Baltimore, Valerie Russell and Buffy Russell, Shae Hill, Christel Metcalf, Mariah Bryant and Jesse Bryant and of course, one of the models for this book my beautiful cousin, Lacy Bryant and also, my friends, Charlie Matchett, Anthony Harris, Malik Narves, Anthony Criss, Melanie Morris, Leanna Morris, Sonya Erdman, Ladaysha Cassanova, Mandiey Hill, Hannah Dyer, Mendy Millner, Alexis Millner, Anna Marquez, Robert Harry, Bob Ramirez, Nikki (Jeanne Craigmile), Cindy and Jason Fryman, Mckenzie Zandi, Alexis McGregor and Ann Harry and also my niece, Tami Fleurle.  I would also like to give a special thanks to my little ones teachers, Mrs. King, Mrs. Crow, Mrs. Gorman, Mrs. Terry, Mrs. Lambe and the aides, Mrs. Yaniselli Davis, Lana Ruthart and Larry Dantic.    Thank you all so much.





















              I dedicate this book to my husband, David Wayne Penn.  Thank you for loving me and being there for me as I reached for my dreams.  I love you so much.
























I inhaled sharply as a frigid blast of air hit me in the face.  The smell of ash and earth drifted within it, traveling up my nostrils.  I frowned as my mind jumbled.  I couldn’t make sense of the smells around me or the darkness which cloaked me so thick that I couldn‘t see anything.               

I tried not to panic as I realized that I didn’t know where I was or how I came to be there.   I trembled in fear as I curled my sweat dampened hands into fists.  Vaguely, I wondered how I could sweat when I was so cold.  It didn’t make sense.  Nothing did and that frightened me more.

I raised my hand to my chest, trying to calm my pounding heart and inhaled again, searching for some clue which would tell me where I was.  The scent of smoke assaulted me almost making me cough.  A thrill of alarm slid down my spine as my mind cleared.                 In that instant, I realized I was outside near the campfire we had started the night before. I had been walking in my sleep toward the man who had been insistently calling me since my eighteenth birthday a week before.  I had been walking toward my father.

My heart jumped in my chest as I struggled to open my eyes, resisting the impulse to go to him.  The very thought of being in his presence frightened me.  After all, he had raped my mother and I had been the result. 

“Lilly,” my name whispered through the air and then, reverberated through my mind.  I shook my head, causing my long dark brown hair to fly around me.  I could sense him losing his grip on me and I stepped back but my eyelids remained closed. 

“No,” I said as tears burned my hazel eyes, “I don’t want this.” 

A stinging slap across my face was the only answer I received but it was enough to finally break my father’s grip on me.  A tingling awareness swept through me as I opened my eyes. 

Tears flowed down my cheeks as I looked into a face that was so similar to mine but so different because the woman before me would tell you she wasn’t a monster like me.  She wasn’t a werewolf.  She was human which made her better.  It didn’t matter that I had never transitioned.  She knew I would and that was enough to gain her hate.

“Momma?” I said, raising my hand to the stinging skin of my cheek. 

She said nothing to me.  She only stared at me with disgust in her eyes.  My gaze shifted from her face, uncomfortable from the hate.  Instead, I watched the strands of her wheat blonde hair blow around her in the wind. 

Finally, I met her eyes again.  There was no longer any emotion in them and for a moment, I pretended that she loved me but it was only a moment because the hate and anger flooded her eyes once again, reminding me that she would never love the spawn of her rapist.  I swallowed over the bitter reality that I had only been allowed to live for money. 

“Did he call for you again?” she asked, causing me to wince at her tone. 

A single tear released from my eye as I nodded my head.  Shame filled me because I wasn’t strong enough to resist him, “I’m sorry, Momma,” I whispered.

She raised her hand to strike me again and I winced in anticipation but her progress was halted by strong, thick fingers wrapped tightly around her wrist. 

My eyes traveled up a long, muscular arm and shoulder to the familiar face of the only person in the world who loved me…my step-father, Ion Hawker.  He had married my mother so that he could keep me safe.  Their marriage had been part of the deal with Sophia.  It would end when we returned to my birthplace of Timbly Mountain, Colorado.  Still, he claimed me as his daughter, giving me his last name.  That would never end.  He had always assured me that I would always be his daughter.  Of course, it was easier for him to look past the monster that twisted within me.  He was a werewolf too. 

His silver eyes met mine and I saw sympathy in his handsome face just before he turned to my mother in anger.  His long black hair whipped around him as he narrowed his eyes. 

“That’s enough, Tanya,” he said in a deep, booming voice, “You will not hit her again.”

She raised her chin, meeting his gaze as she jerked her arm from him, “Of course, you’d defend her,” she hissed, “You’re just like her.  I’ll be glad to be rid of both of you soon.”

He raised his brow and smiled with such bitterness that I trembled, “Well, your wish is granted.”

My mother frowned and my heart stopped in my chest as I looked at Ion, trying to understand what he was talking about. 

“What do you mean? “ My mother sneered.

He didn’t look at her as he said his next words.  Instead, his eyes met mine, “We’re leaving for Timbly Mountain as soon as the sun is up,” he said and then, faced my mother, “Lilly will be married by the end of the week and then, you will be rid of both of us and we will be rid of you.”

She nodded once and then, turned whispering, “Good riddance,” under her breath as she went back inside the motor home, leaving me and Ion alone. 

Ion studied me for a moment and then, sighed, “Lilly, I’m sorry about your mother.”

I shook my head, “Honestly, I can’t let what she says hurt me anymore,” I said dejected.  I knew I was lying but it still felt good to say.  Slowly, I met Ion’s eyes deciding to change the subject, “We’re going to Timbly Mountain early.  We aren’t due there for another month.”

Ion sighed heavily, “I don’t think you’ll be able to resist the summons of your father for that long and when I called Sophia, she agreed.  We won’t risk you.”

I nodded, knowing that my fate had led me to this point.  I had only lived because Sophia had stopped my mother from getting an abortion by offering her money in return for my life and a contract of marriage, “So, we’ll be in Timbly Mountain tomorrow?”

Ion shook his head, “We’ll be there tonight.”

I swallowed hard as my stomach knotted.  I had less than a day to prepare myself to be introduced to my new family but most importantly, I would meet Marco Brazil for the first time and by the end of the week, he would be my husband.  I looked back at the motor home that had been both my home and my prison for eighteen years, hoping that I wasn’t trading one prison for another.






















Chapter One



I did not know how much time had passed as I gazed out of the passenger side window of the motor home.  I only knew it was too quiet, leaving my mind to play through all the scenarios that could go wrong upon my arrival in Timbly Mountain. 

My heart trembled as the most obvious circumstances came to mind.  Marco and I might hate each other but even if we did, it wouldn’t matter.  We would still be expected to marry.  Still, it wasn’t the worst thing that might happen.  There was the possibility that he may hurt me like my mother often did.   If he did, I wouldn’t be able to live with it.     

I turned to look at Ion sitting in the driver‘s seat next to me, wondering if he would help me if that happened.  I believed he would.  He had already helped me so much with my mother. 

I studied him for a long moment taking in his familiar face.  I realized that I wouldn‘t be in his presence as much when I married.  My eyes moved over his wavy black hair which reached past his shoulders.  His silver eyes were clouded with worry as he looked at the road.  Usually, he looked so young but his brow was creased, making him seem older.  I frowned as I wondered if he was as concerned as I was about meeting the family.

He must have sensed me staring at him because he faced me.   His eyes looked so haunted that it startled me, causing a tremble to creep down my spine in warning. 

“Ion, is something wrong?” I asked as my heart froze in my chest. 

He opened his mouth as if to say something but instead he nodded his head and sighed.  After a glance at the road, he looked back at me. 

“I don’t want you to ever doubt that I love you,” he said, sounding tortured, “You’re my daughter…no matter what.  I have only wanted to protect you.” 

I nodded as I licked my lips, “I would never doubt that, Daddy,” I whispered calling him the name I could only use out of my mother’s presence. 

He nodded, “But there is something I need to tell you,” he said, glancing at the road nervously, “It’s something your mother would forbid me to tell you even though you‘ll find out in just a few hours.”

I frowned, “What do you need to tell me?”

He swallowed hard as he looked at the road again.  Then, he released a shuddering breath and returned his tortured gaze to me.

“You have heard how you were conceived,” he said, softly. 

I nodded trying to hide the hurt on my face as he mentioned the crime against my mother that resulted in my birth, “My father raped my mother,” I said in desolation. 

His brows drew together and he swallowed, making it obvious that he hated to bring it up when it hurt me so much.  He sighed and then, continued, “Your mother wasn’t the only one raped by your father.”

My mouth opened in shock, “What?” I said, finally pushing the word from my mouth.

He turned gazing out at the road, unable to face me, “The other woman he raped was named Fiona Anderson.  She was the first one,” He said in almost a whisper, “Your father became obsessed with her.  When he saw your mother, something about her reminded him of Fiona…Maybe it was her hair color or body shape.  We don’t know but he did rape her because of that resemblance.”

Tears burned my eyes and for the first time, the pity for my mother wasn’t clouded by guilt.  Instead, I felt complete horror at how evil my father truly was.  Still, I looked at Ion wondering why he had to tell me when it would hurt me more.  My mind could conjure only one explanation. 

“Are you only telling me this because someone would have told me and you didn‘t want it to come as a surprise?” I asked in a broken voice.

His face fell and he shook his head, “You would have found out but that’s not why I’m telling you,” he said, looking at me again. 

“I don’t understand,” I said confused.  I gripped my hands together as I waited for him to speak.  On some level I realized what he said next would hurt even more. 

“You remember who Aurora is, don‘t you?” He asked, shifting nervously in his seat. 

I nodded, “She’s Andre Brazil’s wife,” I said, struggling to understand what Ion was trying to tell me. 

He swallowed again and then, ran his hand through his hair.  Slowly, he met my eyes, “Aurora’s maiden name is Anderson.”

“Fiona is her mother?” I asked in shock, “My father raped Aurora’s mother?”

He nodded but remained silent as everything else clicked in place in my mind “Are you saying that Aurora is my-”

His eyes darkened further as he finished my question,” Sister.  Aurora is your sister.”

My body began to tremble as my entire world tipped on its axis. 



I couldn’t speak.  Instead, I found myself staring at my reflection in the side view mirror, wondering whether Aurora shared any resemblance to me.  I lifted my hand and touched my wavy chestnut colored hair and then, my pale freckled cheek.  Slowly, I met my hazel eyes, surrounded by long, thick lashes.  I realized that no matter how much I stared at my reflection, there was no way to discern whether we shared any resemblances until I met her. 

“Lilly, I’m sorry,” Ion said after minutes passed in complete silence, “I should have told you sooner.”

I turned to him with a frown, “Why didn’t you?” I asked, narrowing my eyes. 

Ion sighed, “I told you that your mother didn’t want you to know.”

My eyes narrowed, “Why would you listen to her?” I asked, shaking my head, “She’s never done what is right for me and you’ve always went against her wishes before.  I don’t understand why this was different.”

“Because if I told you, she would have used Aurora against you,” he said as his eyes clouded with pain.

“How?” I asked as I felt the sharp knife of anger and betrayal slam into my chest, “How would she have used her against me?”

Ion sighed and rubbed his hand across his eyes as if wiping away tears, “If we had told you earlier, she would have used the time to make you believe that Aurora wouldn’t love you…even if she is your sister,” he said, sadly.  He looked at me and I saw the full force of his regret, “I didn’t want her to hurt you.”

I bit my lip and shifted nervously, knowing that he was right.  My mother would have used Aurora against me.  Slowly, I nodded my head believing him, “Does Aurora know about me?”

I saw the guilt intensify on Ion’s face, “She does now,” he said, forcing himself to look into my eyes, “Sophia told her yesterday.”

“Why did they keep it from her?” I asked, annoyed.

“From what I understand her mother, didn‘t tell her everything and Sophia is never sure how she‘ll accept what she tells her,” Ion said and shrugged, “But she is looking forward to meeting you.  She has had a rough time lately.”

“Why?” I asked frowning suddenly concerned for a woman I had never met, “Is she sick?”

Ion shook his head and he looked at me, troubled, “No, it’s her mother,” he said, and then, sighed, heavily, “Emilian blood bonded with her…forcibly.   Fiona ran away from our family to be with him.”

“Oh no,” I whispered, hoarsely as I realized how evil my father truly was.  There were three ways to bond with a werewolf….marriage, intercourse or the blood bond.  Out of the three, the blood bond was the strongest.  It created a bond so strong that one would not be able to live without the other.  

“Is there any way to break a blood bond?” I asked, hoping that there was. 

Ion shook his head, “If there is, we haven‘t discovered it,” Then, he looked into my eyes, pleading for me to understand, “As you can tell, she needs someone who is related to her…just like you do.  She needs her sister.”

I nodded but still, fear trembled through me.  What if Aurora turned away from me disappointed?  What if Marco hated me too?  I took a deep breath as I looked out of the window realizing that we were crossing the state line from New Mexico into Colorado.  Sadly, I could only hope that a sister’s bond was held together by blood because it was the only thing we had.



It should have been impossible to fall asleep after my discussion with Ion but I did.  The secrets must have been too much, causing me to give into the sweet release. 

Only my name whispered in my ear woke me from my slumber.  I sighed softly, thinking that Ion was trying to wake me.  It was only when I heard my name once again that I realized that the tone of the voice was deeper.  I sat up and opened my eyes in alarm as terror slid down my spine because I had realized who spoke my name…my father. 

My hand rose to my throat as a tremble worked through me.  I looked around, realizing that I no longer sat in the passenger seat of the motor home.  Instead, I found myself in a valley.  The mountain peaks reached above me toward the sky.   Darkness surrounded me except for the full moon which shined with surprising strength. 

“Lilly,” my name came to me once again.  I narrowed my eyes as I looked around again seeing nothing but the valley and the peaks above me.  Still, I sensed his presence near.  

My hands fisted, grabbing handfuls of soft green grass kissed by the dew of the early morning.  Fear shook through me as I turned slightly to take in more of the area. Finally I found something a few feet from me.  I moved as cautious as possible toward it until I realized that it was the slumped form of a female.  Slowly, I crawled toward her, finally, reaching her side.  Her form was much smaller than mine, causing me to think that she was a child at first but as I moved closer I could see that she was a full grown woman.   

Hair, black as a raven’s feathers, spilled over her pale arm which was bent at the elbow.  Her head rested on her hand.  Her face was turned from me but she wore a dress with a white bodice and a black, flowing skirt.  I blinked in shock as I looked down, seeing that I wore the same dress.  
Where had I gotten it?

I shook my head.  There was something more important than my clothing.  I had to make sure this girl was alright and then, we had to leave before my father arrived.  Slowly, I reached forward and touched her gently.  She sighed, turning over giving me full view of her face.  I found her to be beautiful with flawless skin and high cheekbones.  She had a long, straight nose over full lips.  I reached forward again and shook her.  Her eyes opened, revealing silver eyes the same color as Ion’s. 

Her eyes widened when she saw me and she sat up in surprise, looking around much like I had.  Finally, she faced me with her full lips opened in an o of surprise. 

I frowned.  Familiarity swamped me.  It was an awareness that caused me to want to protect her.   

“You’re her,” she stated.  I raised a brow as she continued, “You’re my sister.  You’re Lilly.”

My eyes widened as I took in everything about this girl again.  I took in her small frame, stopping on the slight bump of her stomach, showing her pregnancy.  Finally, my eyes traveled down to her toes and back up to meet her silver eyes.  I could find no resemblance but that familiarity told me that she spoke the truth.  She was my sister. 

“Are you Aurora?” I asked, swallowing over the strange lump in my throat as I searched her face, looking for any resemblance again.

She nodded, turning to look behind her before facing me and groaned as if annoyed.  She looked back at me and rolled her eyes, “Do you know where we are?”
              I shook my head, “No,” I whispered as tension crept back up my spine. 

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