Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (10 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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              I must have dozed off because Mirella had to nudge me to get me to open my eyes.  Somehow, she had managed to do not only my make-up but hers and Aurora’s too.  Aurora was dressed in a soft lavender dress of silk which matched Mirella’s.  They both had their hair pulled back in sleek buns.  Baby’s breath fanned around the buns. 

“Sit up,” Mirella said, picking up the curling iron, “We have to do your hair.” 

I sat up straight as Aurora began to gather my hair, pinning it in place.  Mirella was beside her curling the strands into thick curls.  I saw Aurora begin to pick up baby’s breath and place it here and there.  Finally, they stepped back and looked at me.

Aurora nodded her head as tears came to her eyes, “It’s time for the dress.”

“I’ll go get it,” Mirella said, clapping her hands, excited. 

A few moments later, she brought a dress bag, zipped to the top.  When she took the dress out, I stared at it.  It was the same beautiful dress with the chapel train from the dress shop but still, it seemed different knowing that I would be getting married in it.  I reached out and touched it gently. 

“It’s beautiful,” Aurora said, softly, “It will be beautiful on you.”

I smiled opening my mouth to reply but Mirella interrupted.

“Strip and put these on,” she said, throwing the underwear that I would wear beneath dress at me.  My eyes widened and I shook my head.  I couldn’t dress in front of them. 

“You do realize that we are all girls,” Mirella said and then, rolled her eyes when I shook my head again, “Fine.  We’ll close our eyes but you will have to let us see you in your underwear so we can help into your dress.”

I blanched but some coverage was better than none, “Okay,” I said as they closed their eyes.  I quickly changed; still feeling oddly exposed even when I was done. 

“Alright,” I said, looking down as I fought the need to cover myself.

“Don’t worry,” Aurora said with sympathy in her eyes, “This won’t last that long.” 

Aurora pooled my dress on the floor so that I could step into it.  Then, she handed me a blue garter and smiled, “It’s something blue,” she said, softly. 

I smiled back and then, took it from her as I slipped it up my leg stopping at my thigh.  She took my hand and helped me step into the center of the dress.  Once there, Aurora and Mirella slipped it up my body and began to tie the corset top.  A few moments later, they stepped back and smiled. 

“Do I look okay?”  I asked shifting uncomfortably. 

Aurora smiled and took my hand, “Better than okay,” she said in a reverent whisper, “Come with me.”

She led me to her bedroom and pointed at a full length mirror.  I walked over to it with my head down, afraid to look.  Everything that my mother had ever told me ran through my head and I shook it away, determined not to think of her words as truth anymore. 

Slowly, I raised my eyes.  The dress fit perfectly accentuating the curves.  I ran my hand down my waist in awe.  My eyes rose further to the neckline and I blushed.  I had never shown cleavage and even this modest show made me shift.  My eyes rose further, to look directly into the reflection of my face and I gasped.  There was no doubt that I was beautiful.  My hair was pulled upward but curls cascaded down my back, shining and thick.  Tears burned my eyes. 

“Now, don’t cry,” Aurora said even though a hint of moisture coated her eyes, “You’ll ruin your make-up”

I nodded as she turned and picked my veil up off of the bed and fastened it to my hair so that the gauze and lace lay perfectly around me.  I looked back into the mirror as Aurora grabbed my shoes and placed them in front of me.  A tremble worked through me and she looked up. 

“Is something wrong?” She asked, frowning.

“No,” I whispered, “This is just the first time that I have truly believed that I am beautiful.”

Her smile widened, “Then, never let go of that belief.”

I nodded, “Never again.” 





















Chapter Ten



I trembled as I stood beside the big double doors of the chapel.  Mirella and Aurora were lined up in front of it.  I swallowed as Luc and Tamas stood beside them getting ready to walk them down the aisle.  I knew Andre was with Marco at the altar doing his duty as his best man and I couldn‘t help but to wonder if one of his duties had been to calm Marco‘s nerves.  Surely I wasn’t the only one to feel anxious.  I felt Ion shift as he stood beside me grasping my hand, which was hooked into his elbow.  He looked at me with tears in his eyes. 

“Don’t cry,” I whispered in a trembling voice, “You’ll make me cry.”

“I really can’t help it,” he said, “My little girl has grown up.”

I smiled at him as my heart swelled, “I will always be your little girl.”

He looked down at me and I felt all of the love he had for me, “Yes, you will.”

I opened my mouth to answer but the music began and I straightened as I tried to swallow over my fear, “Please don’t let me pass out,” I said and Ion laughed. 

“You won’t,” he said, raising his chin determined, “I promise.”

I nodded and then, took a deep breath as the doors opened.  I watched as Mirella and Tamas made their way through the door.  A few moments later, Aurora and Luc exited.  Then, the doors were closed once again.  I was nearly hyperventilating as Ion pulled us in front of the door. 

“Lilly, don’t worry,” he whispered, “I’m here.  I will always be here.”

Somehow, those words calmed me and I was able to breath.  I looked up at him, relieved, “Thank you, Daddy.”

His eyes teared up again, “You’re welcome, baby girl.”

I heard the preacher’s voice through the door, “Will everyone stand in honor of the bride?” He asked and then, the doors opened. 

Everyone from the park was there.  It was overwhelming and I found it difficult to fight the need to run.  I looked around the church, seeing the beautiful chandeliers and the stained glass windows which cast light of different colors around the room.  The aisle that I stood on was covered in red and the preacher was dressed smartly in a black suit.  Mirella and Aurora were standing to the left side of the altar.  To the right stood Andre, Luc and Tamas.  Finally, I looked toward the center of the aisle, allowing my eyes to run rise until I faced the podium, finding Marco standing in front of it.   My breath caught.  His long hair had been trimmed and was combed back from his handsome face.  His eyes rested on me and his mouth was opened in shock.  I almost stopped but then, he smiled and I could not help but to go to him. 

Ion kept pace beside me stopping just before reaching him as the preacher asked, “Who gives this woman to this man?”

“I do,” Ion said, choked with emotion.

He stepped in front of me and pulled back my veil.  Marco gasped and I met his eyes, terrified that he didn‘t like what he saw.  

“You’re beautiful,” he mouthed as if in awe. 

Ion kissed my cheek and then, brought me to Marco, placing my hand in his.  Ion gave me one last look before sitting in the pew next to Sophia and Gavriel.  I turned back to Marco and gasped at the intensity in his eyes.  My heart picked up speed as the preacher began to speak again. 

“We are gathered here to witness the union of Marco Enrique Brazil and Lillian Nadine Hawker,” The preacher said but he failed to capture my attention.  Something about the way Marco was looking at me caused my knees to weaken.  I could not pay attention to what the preacher was saying.  I was shocked when I realized that he had begun speaking to Marco. 

“Do you Marco Enrique Brazil take Lillian Nadine Hawker to be your wife?”  He asked and my breath caught in my throat. 

He smiled, “I do.”

A tremble swept through me as the preacher turned his attention to me, “Do you Lillian Nadine Hawker take Marco Enrique Brazil to be your husband?”

I took a deep breath and then, nodded, “I do,” I said, a little above a whisper.

Marco gave me a crooked grin as the preacher asked, “Marco, do you have the ring?”

He nodded as Andre stepped forward and gave him the ring he had chosen for me.  My eyes widened as I saw it.  It was a large diamond encased in delicate golden lilies.  I looked up at him as tears filled my eyes.  It was obvious that he had designed the ring.  My heart melted as he slowly, placed it on my hand and said his vows, “I, Marco Enrique Brazil, take you, Lillian Nadine Hawker, to be my wife, to love, honor, protect and cherish, for richer or for poorer, through sickness and in health, in happiness and in sadness for as long as we both shall live.” 

I swallowed because the way he said every word, sounded as if he meant them.  My heart had clenched and for a moment, I could forget that we had only vowed friendship and that we were participating in an arranged marriage.  I could almost believe he loved me.  Only the preacher’s voice broke through my fantasy. 

“Lillian, the ring,” he said. 

I turned to Aurora who brought the ring.  My eyes widened as I saw it.  The ring was a band of golden lilies with their stems intertwined.  I turned to him and he looked at me shyly. 

“They’re beautiful,” I whispered and he sighed in relief. 

“Lillian, repeat after me,” the preacher said. 

I placed the ring on Marco’s finger as I met his eyes and said the words which would bind us together forever.   He smiled as I said the last few words, “as long as we both shall live.” 

The preacher clapped his hands together and nodded his head at Marco, giving him a large smile, “Marco, you may kiss your bride.

“Gladly,” Marco said and a moment later he had pulled me to him as his lips found mine.  I leaned into his kiss, feeling my stomach flip pleasantly as applause sounded throughout the church.  I blushed as he pulled away from me and we turned toward the crowd.  I saw Ion with tears flowing down his cheeks. 

The preacher’s voice rang throughout the church as he said, “I would like to introduce Mr. and Mrs. Brazil.”

I took a deep breath as I began my life as Marco‘s wife. 





















Chapter Eleven

Sealed in Blood


              Marco helped me into the limousine which was parked outside of the church.  It was strange to be alone with him after our nuptials.  I was shy and I didn’t know what to say. He tilted his head as he turned to me.  The silence stretched as my stomach continued to flip. 

I was shocked when he took my hand in his.  He was still studying my face, taking in every aspect of it, “You are absolutely beautiful,” he said almost as if in awe.  He reached up and caressed my cheek with his free hand. 

I blushed as the warmth of his approval sank into my soul, lighting it from within, “I’m glad you think so.”

He grinned, “I’ve always thought so,” he said with a raised brow.

I smiled as a grin lit my face, “Is this how you treat all of the girls?”

He frowned and then, shook his head.  Still, his eyes remained on me, “This is how I treat my wife,” he said as he leaned forward and whispered, “Besides, there hasn’t been another girl for a long time.”

I smiled, pleased that he confirmed what Aurora had told me, “I know.”

He narrowed his eyes, “You do?” He asked and then, laughed, “Have you been asking questions about me?”

I pursed my lips, blushing, “Of course,” I said and then, raised my chin, “I had to make sure I wasn’t marrying a psycho.”

He laughed, “Are you convinced that I’m not.” 

“Fairly,” I said, laughing, “I haven’t gotten a list of people you’ve murdered.  I’d say that’s a good sign.”

He laughed again, “You know, you’re funny,” he said, amused. 

“Sometimes, I guess,” I said with a grin.  

His eye narrowed again, “Now, why is it that you didn’t ask me?”

I shrugged, “I don’t know,” I said and then, sighed, “I only wondered after Aurora told me that Andre had a crazy ex.”

He winced and then, nodded, “Katie,” he said, narrowing his eyes, “She lives with your father’s people now.”

I frowned as I wondered how that had happened.  I would have to ask Aurora about her.  Marco caressed my cheek again and I met his eyes. 

“I know there’s a lot that you don’t know,” he said and then, smiled, “But I would like if you would ask me.  I won’t lie to you.  I promise.”

I nodded, “Okay,” I whispered. 

He leaned forward and kissed me gently on my lips before leaning back.  The limousine had stopped and Marco grinned wickedly at me, “I hope you know how to dance.”

I frowned, “No,” I said, alarmed.

He opened the door, “Well, you are about to learn.”

My eyes widened as he pulled me out of the limousine laughing.


              I was dizzy as we stopped dancing.  A grin of pure happiness lit my face.  I sighed as I walked to the table with my sister while Marco talked with Andre.  Aurora hugged me tightly as I finally sat down.  She handed me a flute of champagne and smiled.  Already, I felt more than a little tipsy from the champagne but still, I drained the glass. 

I could feel the heat in my cheeks from the mixture of alcohol and exercise.  However, I was pretty sure that joy was also a contributor.  I fanned myself with a napkin and grinned. 

“You look tired but happy,” Aurora said, grinning.

I nodded, “I’m also hot.  I think I’ll go to the restroom and splash my face with a little water.”

She nodded, “Be careful of the make-up,” she said, grinning. 

“I wouldn’t want to ruin this work of art,” I said, laughing as I rose, “I’ll be right back.”

She nodded and waved at me as she sat in a chair and rubbed her bulging belly.  I walked out of the room and down the hallway of the community center which Sophia had booked for the reception. 

I was half-way down the hallway when the lights above me went out.  I shivered as fear slid down my spine, causing me to stop walking.  I narrowed my eyes in the dark and inhaled.  Instantly, the smell of a wolf hit me.  I inhaled again and I knew this was not one from my family. 

I backed away toward the door where my family was.  I swallowed as I narrowed my eyes trying to see down the hallway.  I froze as my eyes adjusted.   In the shadows, I saw the red orbs of werewolf nearing transition.  I trembled as the knowledge of who watched me entered my mind. 

“Eli,” I whispered as my body quaked uncontrollably. 

I took a couple more steps backwards and then, I turned to run, screaming as I did.  Tears burned my eyes as I prayed that I would reach the door.  I was three steps from it when Eli hit me from behind and turned me over.  He still hadn’t transitioned but his eyes were bright red.  I tried to move but couldn’t. 

“Stay still, “he growled, moving so quickly that I did not see the knife until it was too late.  There was no way to fight as he slammed it into my stomach. 

I screamed again as the smell of blood saturated the air.  Pain radiated through every part of my body as I watched him cut himself.  Complete horror washed over me as I realized what he intended to do.  He was going to create the blood bond whether I wanted it or not.  He leaned up and panic gave me enough energy to kick him with all of my might, connecting with his stomach.  The air burst from his lungs as he fell backwards. 

I scrambled to my feet, holding my stomach and opened the door, stumbling through as I did.  Darkness blinked in front of me as I took a few steps.  Aurora’s scream pierced the air. 

Pain slammed through me again and again as I sank to the floor, “Who did this?” I heard Andre ask as my hearing began to fade.  Someone slapped my cheek gently, reviving me just enough to speak. 

I opened my mouth and pushed his name from my between my lips, “Eli.” 

Then, all was dark and I slipped into a painless abyss. 


              Pain is what woke me.  It pulsed through every part of my body.  Tears ran down my cheeks.   I could hear Sophia above me.

“She’s going to die,” she said as she caressed my cheek, “You know what you have to do.” 

I heard Marco gasp, “She’ll be bound to me,” he said, “I’m not sure she wants that.  I’m not sure
want that.”

“You promised to protect her,” she said, and I could tell she was angry. 

I felt Marco caress my cheek.  His hand trembled as it brushed across my skin, “She’ll hate me.”

“No,” Sophia said, “She won’t.  I promise.”

A few seconds ticked by and then, I heard him sigh so heavily that his breath moved across me. 

“Get me a knife,” he said, stiffly. 

A moment later, I could hear him inhale through his teeth.  I frowned as I felt his skin on my mouth.  Then, metallic liquid began to flow down my throat.  I inhaled sharply as I realized that Marco had cut himself and was blood bonding with me.  I swallowed, unable to help myself as the liquid hit my tongue.  Shame pierced me.  I knew he didn’t want this.  He was only doing this because of his vows. 

Still, I couldn’t stop sucking the blood from his wrist as the strength returned to me and I healed.  My eyes burst open as the sounds around me slammed through me.  Lights became brighter and brighter until I had to close my eyes.  I screamed and screamed and screamed.   

Then, everything settled and I could only hear two heartbeats beating in the same rhythm.  The pain was gone to be replaced with only the sound of those heartbeats. 

Slowly, I realized that Marco had pulled away and I opened my eyes.  Sophia leaned over me, caressing my face.  Tears were falling down her cheeks.  Slowly, I sat up and looked down where Eli had stabbed me.  The bodice of my dress was ruined and stained but there was no puncture.  I was healed.  I was alive.  I was…bonded.

I looked around, finally finding Marco.  He had sunk into a chair.  His face was buried in his hands but slowly, he lifted his head to look into my eyes.  I shivered as I saw the coldness that rested in them.  My heart sank.  Somehow, I didn’t think we were friends anymore.  I swallowed as I realized that my marriage was doomed before it had started.

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