Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (12 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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“I told you that you’re not leaving,” he said, taking the suitcase from me.  I backed away, feeling his panic and my anger twist within me.  It was overwhelming.  I swallowed hard and backed away from him realizing that he wouldn’t let me leave with my clothes. 

I could pretend that it was because he cared but I knew better.   It was the bond making him act this way.  The thought broke my heart further and I knew in that instant that I loved him.  Still, the revelation did not make me want to stay.  It only made my resolve to leave stronger.  I could not be with him, knowing that he would never love me back.  It hurt too much. 

He was frantically, putting my clothes away as I pulled the ring he had chosen for me from my finger and laid it on the end of the bed.  Then, I backed away, looking at him once before turning to walk toward the front door.  My hand was on the knob, when he grabbed my wrist, turning me to face him.  In a second he had grabbed the other hand, placing my hands above my head. 

His face was an inch from mine.  His eyes burned, “I won’t let you kill us both,” he said and in that moment, I felt his strength dissolve.  I gasped as his mouth slammed into mine in a bruising kiss.  Tears mixed with the taste of him.  Even if I had wanted to push him away, I wouldn’t have been able to.  The bond and the love I felt for him was too much.

He released my hands slowly and for a moment I thought I could resist him but his arm snaked around my waist and pulled me to him.  My heart slammed into my ribs as he pulled me away from the door and backed me through the living room and kitchen.  I realized that he was taking me to the bedroom but I didn’t care.  I needed this.  I needed to pretend that he could love me even if it was for only a short period of time. 

He pulled the hat from my head as he plunged his hands into my hair, grasping it almost painfully, causing me to gasp.  His tongue plunged in intertwining with mine. 

We were in the bedroom when he pulled away from me.  His breath fanned across my face as he looked into my eyes.  His fingers found the buttons of my coat, undoing them before dropping it to the ground.  He frowned as he searched my face with molten gray eyes.  His breathing was ragged but he didn’t move.  My mouth parted as I realized he was asking for permission.  Slowly, I reached forward and began to pull his tee shirt from the waist of his blue jeans.  He helped me to pull his shirt over his head. 

I gasped as I saw the beautiful man in front of me.  My hand rested on his toned abs.  His olive toned skin was pulled taut over rope after rope of muscle.  I blinked as I realized how fit he was.  I swallowed suddenly nervous. 

He kissed me again as he grabbed my sweater dress.  He broke the kiss only long enough to pull it over my head. 

His eyes heated as he looked at me, “You are beautiful,” he whispered against my lips, pulling me against him again.  I gasped as my skin touched his.  The buckle on his belt was cold against my skin causing a shiver to run through me.  I felt his hardness just beneath it.  My hands trembled as I unbuckled his belt and pulled it through the loops before dropping it to the floor. 

My fingers traced the waistband of his jeans and he moaned as I unfastened his jeans, unzipping them in the process.  He stopped long enough to untie his boots before taking off his socks and pants.  Then, he had me in his arms again, kissing me as we fell onto the bed.  He pulled away, as his hands traced down my cheek to the side of my neck.  He kissed me gently on the lips as his hands moved from my neck down to my breast, gently rubbing before sliding his hand behind my back and releasing the strap. 

I inhaled sharply as air hit skin.  A tremble shook me as his hands raised, caressing the nipples, pinching them lightly as he kissed my neck.  My stomach flipped pleasantly as a moan escaped me.  I could feel a tremble in his hands as one traced my belly stopping at the waistband of my panties. 

Fear and lust mixed as he began to kiss my neck, my shoulder and my breasts.  His hand slipped inside my panties and touched that bundle of nerves there, causing my back to bow off the bed with the force of need.  He trembled as he kissed my stomach, moving down the bed to pull my panties from me. 

He lay back beside me, “Are you afraid?” He asked as his eyes burned into mine. 

I nodded only able to breathe one word, “Yes.”

He caressed my face as he leaned toward me, “So am I.”

“Why would you be afraid?” I asked, frowning. 

“Because I’ve never done this either,” he said, swallowing visibly. 

My mouth opened in shock and he kissed me again, “I thought you might want to know,” he said, with his forehead against mine, “I don’t know what to expect but I will try to be gentle.”

My heart swelled as his lips met mine.  The thought that no one else had enjoyed this man, made me love him even more.  My arms encircled him tracing my finger tips down his back as he placed himself at my entrance.  He leaned up as he reached forward and caressed my cheek. 

“Look at me,” he whispered and my heart clenched as my eyes met his.  His voice was desperate, “I want you to know who you’ve given yourself to.”

My eyes stayed steady as I felt him begin to enter me.  I could feel the fullness of him as he began to get closer and closer to the proof of my virginity. 

He caressed my cheek again as he looked at me almost lovingly.  Desperation filled his voice as he pleaded, “Don’t try to leave me again,” he whispered. 

I didn’t have time to reply as he moved forward, piercing the proof of my virginity.  I moaned feeling the pinch.  I bit my lip as I looked up at Marco, shocked to find a tear falling down his cheek.  I reached up and wiped it away with my thumb before bringing him down into a kiss. 

Slowly, he began to move again as the lust built.  I could hear his breath come quicker and quicker.  There was a building deep within my body as I began to move with him harder and faster.  Every muscle in my body clenched as he began to kiss my neck again.  His teeth began to nip the tender skin there and then; the muscles began to release causing an explosion of warmth to spread through my body.  I screamed out my release as he began to pound even harder within me.  He groaned as I felt his hot seed pour deep inside me.  He kissed me until we both were spent.  Sweat poured from both of our bodies as I laid there beneath him. 

Tears welled in my eyes as I realized that it was over.  I had given myself in every way possible to the man I loved and he had given himself to me.   The only problem was that I was the only one who felt love.  He only clung to me for his survival. 






















Chapter Fourteen


I awoke feeling warm and safe.  For the first time in weeks, I did not feel the need to cry.  Images of the night before played in my head and I smiled as I pretended that they meant more for Andre than they did.  I sighed softly, content as I waited for the numbness of sleep to lift.    

It wasn’t until I opened my eyes that I realized I was laying on Marco’s chest.  The steady beat of his heart echoed in my ear.  His arm was wrapped so tightly around my waist that I couldn‘t move from the bed. 

  I raised my head to look up into his face, finding that he was watching me.  His eyes darkened as he traced my cheek with his fingertips, “Good morning,” he said looking at me warily. 

“Good morning,” I whispered back suddenly anxious. 

He frowned as he studied me.   I could feel his nervousness as he asked in a voice that was broken with worry, “Are you okay?”

I nodded as he loosened his hold and I was able to sit up, “I’m fine,” I whispered, feeling a strange awareness wash over me.  I closed my eyes as I sensed him staring and I suddenly realized what I was experiencing.  I was experiencing his panic. 

I looked at Marco, studying his face again.  Dark spots were under his eyes and he looked pale.  I narrowed my eyes, almost positive that he hadn’t slept at all.  My stomach twisted in guilt because I realized that I had done this to him. 

He searched my face again, “Are you still going to leave?”  He asked.  My eyes widened as I realized I was right.  He’d stayed up all night to make sure I didn’t run away. 

Worse, his panic rose with every second that I didn’t answer him and I frowned.  What he was feeling was torture and it was torture that I caused.  I reached forward and caressed his face before kissing him, briefly, hoping to dispel all of his dark emotions.

“No,” I whispered, knowing that I could never leave him.  It wasn’t just the bond and it wasn’t what it would do to him.  I wouldn’t leave because I loved him.

He smiled but uncertainty still invaded my emotions.  I caressed his face.  How was I ever going to make him understand?  I sighed again.  I supposed it would take time. 

“I need a shower,” I said, wrapping the sheet around me and rising as I looked for my clothes. 

He chuckled, “You do realize that I’ve already seen you naked.”

I blushed crimson, “Yes,” I said, shifting uncomfortably, “I remember very well but I’m not one to feel comfortable running around naked.” 

He laughed and I felt some of the darkness of his emotions lift, “It’s a shame,” he said, grinning, “It really is.” 

I raised a brow, “I’m glad you think so.”

He shrugged as he rose from bed, unabashed.  I rolled my eyes.  Of course, he wasn’t ashamed.  He didn‘t have one out of shape muscle in his body.  I shifted beneath the sheet as I suddenly felt self conscience.  Though I was far from being a large woman, I hadn’t been one to work out.  As a result, I was softly rounded in certain areas.  Still, I had to admit that he seemed to like it.

I sensed him behind me as I put on my robe and turned to him as I tied the sash.  He was studying me again with his eyes dark and sensual.  He grinned as he caressed my cheek with the back of his fingers, “Do you need company in the shower?”

My stomach flipped again as he kissed me, pouring every promise of what he would do to me into the kiss.  I leaned into him as I wrapped my arms around his neck.  He moaned as his arm wrapped around my waist, pulling me closer to him.  It would have gone further if a knock hadn’t sounded at the front door causing us both to groan in annoyance.   

He scowled at the door and then, sighed, “Well, I guess you’ll have to take that shower by yourself after all,” he said and then, grinned, “But one day I will see what you look like with water cascading over you.”

My knees weakened at the thought.  He kissed me quickly and then, pulled on pajama pants before going to answer the door.  I grabbed my clothes and went to shower with images of things yet to come in my head. 


              I could hear Andre in our living room when I exited the bathroom.  I paused just inside the little room which housed the bunk beds as his voice boomed through the motor home.  I frowned as I detected his panic and my heart clenched in fear.

“I don’t know how it happened,” he said, desperate, “I only know that when I woke up she was gone.”

My eyes widened as the panic in his voice slammed through me. I walked into the living room realizing the only person he could be talking about was Aurora. 

I could feel my heart nearly skid to a halt in my chest as I found Andre sitting on the couch with his head in his hands.  Tears were streaming down his face.  Marco was pacing frantically in front of him. 

“What’s happened?” I asked as both of them turned to look at me.  I was hoping they would say anything else but what I feared had happened. 

Andre was shaking as he gazed up at me, “Have you seen Aurora?”

I frowned and shook my head as dread settled further into my chest, “Not since last night during the bonfire,” I whispered. 

A sob tore from Andre’s throat and I turned to Marco, “What’s happened?” I asked as fear slammed through me. 

“She’s missing,” Marco said as I crossed my arms over my chest.  I began to tremble uncontrollably,

“When did you see her last?” I asked as tears fell down my cheeks.  I swallowed convulsively.   

“When we went to bed,” he said, shaking his head, “She’s been restless since the pregnancy so when I woke up and she wasn’t in bed, I thought that she had gotten up.” 

“Maybe she’s with Mirella,” I said, knowing that the hope that she was, was a weak one at best, “I’ll go talk to her.”

Marco grabbed my arm as I headed for the door, “I’ll walk with you,” he said, frowning, “If it is your father, he’ll be after you too.”

I nodded as I remembered what Eli had done during the short time I was alone on our wedding night, “Okay.”

“I’ll get dressed,” he whispered and went into our room.  A few minutes later, he returned in jeans and a tee shirt.  Work boots covered his feet.  He grabbed my hand as we walked out of the door with Andre on our heels.

We walked quietly to Sophia’s house, finding Mirella outside reading a book.  She looked up at us as we approached.  Instantly, she frowned as she took in the somber expressions on our faces, “What’s wrong?” she asked, looking from me to Marco.

“Aurora is missing,” I said, feeling the worry increase at the look of fear on Mirella’s face.  I didn’t have to ask if she’d seen her.  I could tell she hadn’t.

“Did your father take her?’ She asked, looking at Marco and then, Andre. 

I began to shake as tears fell in torrents down my cheeks.  My soul hollowed as all hope was lost, “I think so,” I sobbed. 

Marco took me into his arms, rubbing my back trying to soothe me, “We’ll find her,” he whispered, “I promise.”

I nodded against his chest.  He looked at Mirella, pleading with his eyes and his voice, “Can she stay here?” He asked and I straightened as I looked up at him and shook my head but he frowned, “Lilly, we’re going to look for her but we can’t be worried that he’ll take you while doing that.”

“She’s my sister,” I said, crying. 

“I know but we all love her,” he said, caressing my face, “We’ll bring her back.  I promise.”

I sniffled as he kissed me quickly, “Stay here,” he said, frowning, “Don’t be by yourself.”

I nodded as he gave me one last fear filled look.  Then, he was gone. 


              Sophia had decided that we should go to Andre and Aurora’s home to look around in hopes of finding some clues.  As soon as we walked in, I inhaled taking in the smell of a werewolf.  I inhaled again and I knew who had been there.

“Do you smell that?” I asked, frowning. 

Sophia sniffed and then, her eyes widened, “Your father’s family has been here.”

“No.  Eli has been here,” I said, narrowing my eyes.  I followed his scent to the chair where Aurora often sat reading late at night.  A pile of blankets covered it.  I picked up the top one and frowned as a piece of paper fell from it. 

My lips pressed tightly together as I read with Mirella and Sophia reading over my shoulder.



If you want your beautiful wife back…Send Lilly to come get her.



              I looked at Mirella and Sophia with my decision already made.  The only problem was convincing them that it was the right thing to do. 

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