Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (14 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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Fiona frowned and then, raised her chin, “You girls can stay here until your father arrives.  He‘ll want to speak with you both.” 

I blinked in shock as she closed the door.   I could hear the lock turn.  With that action, I was officially imprisoned in my father’s home. 

Aurora turned to me, her eyes full of sorrow, “I’m so sorry, Lilly.” 

“Don’t be,” I said, looking toward the door again.  I inhaled and I knew we were finally alone.

“I don’t know how we’re going to get out of this,” she said, frowning as she twisted her hands in front of her.

“I do,” I whispered, “Inhale.  Tell me what you smell.”

Her frown deepened but she did as I asked.  Her eyes widened as she looked at me…really looked at me.   

“Are you about to transition?” She asked with wide hopeful eyes. 

I nodded, “When I do, we will escape.”

Aurora’s eyes widened further as she swallowed, “Well, you better do it quick before Emilian gets home.”






















Chapter Sixteen

Casualties of Escape


It had been an hour and the pain of my transformation was almost unbearable.  It felt as if every muscle in my body was tearing away from bone.  Heat as hot as flames traveled through my blood stream.  Every nerve ending pulsed as if electrified. 

Only the coolness of Aurora’s hands on my forehead soothed me enough to where I would not cry out.  Still, tears burned paths down my cheeks as I struggled not to break a part. 

Suddenly, everything became too bright.  I blinked against it.  Every heart beat in the house came to my ears becoming louder and louder.  My skin tingled so much that I began to vibrate with the force of it.

Aurora rose backing away from me.  Her eyes were large as sympathy crossed her face, “It’s happening now,” she said, backing into the corner away from danger. 

A moment later, the pain became so intense that I screamed as loud as my vocal chords would allow me.  My bones stretched painfully as the muscles wrapped around them to accommodate my new form.  Dark brown fur burst from my skin as another scream burst from me.  My clothes lay in tatters around me. 

I stood no longer in pain but taking in everything around me as if I had never seen the world.  It was as if I had been blind.  I could see every grain of the wood.  The walls seemed to pulse with light.  I turned toward Aurora seeing how beautiful she truly was.

The door opened and I saw Fiona enter.  A howl burst from me as rage filled me.  How could she have done this to her flesh and blood?  She needed to pay for it.  She needed to bleed.  Only Aurora’s voice stopped me from attacking her. 

“She’s my mother,” Aurora said, stepping beside me, “Don’t hurt her.  She doesn‘t realize what she‘d doing.”

I stared at her, trying to control myself.  I was trying to control the rage.  Fiona moved aside, terrified of me.  Aurora walked beside me as we stepped from the room and walked out of the house.  We moved into the street which was beginning to fill with werewolves.  In that moment, I remembered what I should do.  I raised my head toward the steadily darkening sky and howled, calling for help. 


A yelp from Aurora broke through the air as the echo of my howl fell from the sky.  I turned finding her struggling to be released from Katie‘s hold on her wrist.  I could sense others from Emilian’s family coming and I could feel Andre close.  His brothers had arrived…all but Marco.  His mother was keeping her promise to keep him out of danger.

I stepped toward Aurora and Katie intending to just pull Aurora away but Katie raised her hand smacking her across the face so hard that it caused her to fall to the ground.  The sound of the smack reverberated in my skull and I had to close my eyes against it.  Anger bubbled over as I opened them finally, faced Katie.  Aurora scrambled away noticing the danger as I stalked forward grabbing her by the throat. 

I could see her beginning to transition and I narrowed my eyes as the beating of her heart reached my ears.  I wasn’t able to think.  I could only do what instinct told me that I must do.  A roar burst through me as I punched a hole through her chest and grabbed her beating heart, before pulling it out into the open air.  Aurora’s eyes widened as I dropped her body unceremoniously to the ground.   

“Lilly, we have to go,” Aurora said, as Andre ran up to her, embracing his wife.  His brothers were behind him all in wolf form fighting Emilian‘s family.  His eyes widened as he saw that I held the heart of his ex-girlfriend.  I looked at it mesmerized by the blood dripping down my arm.  The metallic aroma reached me causing my mouth to water.  I licked my lips wanting a taste.

“Lilly, drop the heart,” Aurora ordered in a stern voice.  I turned to her, seeing how terrified she was and dropped it, backing away. 

I followed Aurora and Andre to the forest.   Werewolves fought with each other, surrounding us as we neared the entrance.  It wasn’t until a shot rang out through the air that I turned back to the crowd.  I found that Emilian was back and he stood with the gun trained on Aurora‘s stomach.  I stepped between them and his eyes widened. 

A smirk crossed his face as he aimed the gun again except this time it was aimed at my chest.  A roar rumbled up through my throat as I launched myself at him.  My teeth clamped onto the arm extended in front of him, causing him to drop the gun.  A howl of pain pierced the air as he fell backwards. 

My claws were on his chest and I looked down at the man who had raped my mother and had caused me so much pain.  He wouldn’t stop trying to hurt me or my sister.  He wouldn’t stop trying to harm my husband. 

I raised my hand ready to do to him what I had done to Katie.  I never wanted to have to worry about him again.  Aurora’s scream pierced the air. 

“You can’t kill him!” She screamed, “It will kill my mother.  They’re bonded.”

I looked down at him and growled as I slammed my fist into his temple, knocking him out.  In that moment, the fighting ended and I looked around to find that every one of my father’s family laid on the ground either moaning in pain or unconscious. 

Only Fiona stood staring at us in horror.  Her eyes were narrowed on me and I could feel the anger coming from her in waves. 

“You nearly killed your father,” she said, indignant. 

“And he nearly shot your pregnant daughter,” Andre said, shaking his head, “Has this bond made you so crazy that you can’t see anything that he does wrong, Fiona?”

She winced and looked at Aurora, “You’re lying,” she said, shaking her head, “He would never hurt our daughter.  He would never hurt our grandchild.”

“Momma, you are crazy,” Aurora said, shaking her head, “Do you even remember that he raped you?  Do you remember that he forced the bond on you?  You were once terrified of him.”

She continued to shake her head in complete denial.  Pity slammed through me as I backed away from my father.  In that moment, I realized what Marco had saved me from.  He had saved me from being linked to Eli forever.  I would have become like this poor, sad woman.  I looked back at Aurora, realizing that she had truly lost her mother. 

I walked to Aurora who had tears flowing down her face, “I hope one day you’ll come out of this,” Aurora said, choking back a sob, “I hope one day you’ll remember that I love you and you love me.”

Fiona looked up at her confused, “I do love you,” she said, frowning, but then she looked down at our father, “But I love him more.”

Aurora shook her head as tears flowed down her cheeks, “I won’t give up on getting you back,” she whispered and then, she turned and walked into the forest unable to deal with the pain of her mother’s obsession anymore.  Every werewolf from our family followed her, leaving the sad woman to her mate.





















Chapter Seventeen

Facing Marco


              I had transitioned back into my human form.  Thankfully, Andre had clothes for me and I would not have to make the trek back naked.  Aurora was helping me to wash Katie’s blood from my hands with water from a creek which flowed through the forest.  After transitioning back to a human I remembered the thirst for Katie’s blood and shivered.  I pushed the thought away, disturbed.   

Aurora took a piece of her dress and began to dry my now cleaned hands.  She looked up at me with tears in her eyes, “Thank you for coming for me.  I know that you didn’t have to,” she said, shrugging. 

I frowned, “Of course, I did,” I said, smiling, “You’re my sister.  I love you.  I really don’t think I could make it through the days without you there.  I need someone to protect me from Mirella.”

She smiled suddenly proud, “That’s the first time you’ve told me that you love me.”

“Mark it on the calendar,” I said, rolling my eyes, “I don’t say it that often except to Ion.” 

“You will,” she said, laughing, “I think you were just waiting to have a family to love you back.” 

“Maybe,” I said, looking down the path toward our homes.

“Of course, I know how you feel about Marco,” she said, raising a brow, “I’m assuming it’s the way I feel about Andre.” 

“Yes, it‘s exactly like that,” I said, feeling dread sink into my soul, “I’m not sure how he feels about me though.”

She smiled her secret smile, “I think you’ll be pleasantly surprised.”

I shrugged refusing to get my hopes up, “Do you think he’ll be mad that I left?”

“Oh yeah,” she said, grinning, “But he’ll forgive you.”

“I hope so,” I said as she finished drying my hands. 

She clasped them in hers, “You’re clean.”  

I smiled, softly.  Andre walked over to us, “Well, I called Marco,” he said as he grimaced, apologetic, “He said, he wants to speak to you when you get home.”

I nodded swallowing as panic raced through me, “I’m guessing he was mad.”

“Furious would be more like it,” he said and sighed, “And not just at you.  I’m not his favorite person right now and neither is Garridan.  Mom and Mirella are on that very long shit list too…right above the rest of our brothers and our father.  The holidays should be wonderful this year.”

“Lovely,” I breathed as I stood. 

“Did you get all of the blood off of your hand?” Andre asked, frowning. 

I looked at it and then, nodded before glancing up at him with a shrug, “I’m sorry I killed your crazy ex.”

He winced, “its okay,” he said, shifting uncomfortably, “I really wish it would have been different but she chose to be that way.”

I nodded as I watched him pull Aurora into his arms.  He smiled at me, “By the way, thanks for saving my wife and my daughter.”

“Don’t thank me,” I laughed as we began to walk down the trail toward the mobile home park, “You may have to save me from your brother in trade.”

He nodded, “Maybe,” he said, laughing.

I smiled, hoping that Marco wasn’t as angry as I thought he was.



              I had chosen to walk home by myself even though there were plenty of people who would have walked with me.  I needed to do this on my own.  I had to face Marco no matter how angry he was. 

I walked into our motor home, not finding him in the living room.  I frowned as I walked toward the bedroom, not finding him there either.  Fear and confusion slammed through me.  Maybe he had decided to leave.  Tears burned my eyes at the thought as I turned to find him standing right behind me. 

I sighed in relief until I looked into his face.  His eyes were narrowed and so intense that I backed away from him.  He stepped with me until my back hit the wall.  I felt my heart in my throat as he studied me in silence for a few moments. 

He was close…too close for me to ignore his presence.  His smell…His energy was all around me.  A tremble slid down my back as he placed his hands against the wall on either side of my head blocking me in.  Still, he did not break his gaze. 

“I’m glad you came back,” he whispered hoarsely.  His eyes were still narrowed, studying me.  I still could not tell if he was angry or not. 

Still, I blinked in shock as I looked up into his silver eyes.  I tilted my head as I watched them shift from silver to a light grey.  I bit my lip nervously.  Anger was there but so was something else…something feral and possessive.   

I realized that my fear of an argument would not happen.  I frowned as I tried to remember when he had looked at me with such intensity.  I couldn’t dredge up the memory not because they weren’t there but because his closeness was causing my brain to jumble. 

“I’m sorry for being so confusing over the last few weeks,” he whispered and his voice was tender and kind, “I know you think I don’t want this…that I don’t want to try, but I do.  I really do.”

I closed my eyes knowing that he was right.  I didn’t think he wanted this.  I didn’t think he wanted me.  I still wasn’t sure he told the truth.  I sighed warily as I opened my eyes, gazing up into his face. 

My breath caught as I took in his anguished expression, “Marc, It’s just hard to believe after…everything.  I wonder if the tender moments are because of the bond.  The truth is that I’m not sure that I ever believed you wanted this marriage.”

His eyes darkened and he frowned, “I do want this marriage.  I want you.  It has nothing to do with the bond.”

“How can I know that?” I asked, frowning, “You can wake up one morning and realize that the bond is making you act this way.”

He leaned closer, “I swear everything I feel is true,” he whispered as he leaned his forehead against mine, “The way I feel has nothing to do with the bond.  I know that because I felt it before then.  I was just too afraid to realize it.”

My eyes widened, “Is that true?”

“It is.  You’re forever in my soul, Lilly,” he whispered, caressing my face, “I will never find anyone else.  It’s only you.  It will only be you…always.”

My heart jumped as I wondered about his words.  Was he saying he loved me?  I wasn’t sure but it sounded like it.

He inhaled deeply, “You’ve broken me,” he whispered, softly, “I wanted to be strong for you but I’ve failed.” 

I held his gaze, “I don’t understand,” I said, forcing the words past the lump which had formed in my throat. 

He moved until his lips were a hairsbreadth from mine, “You don’t understand?” he asked, caressing my cheek softly, he inhaled again, “Lilly, I love you.  I have from the moment I saw you.” 

I inhaled deeply as tears burned my eyes, “You do?” I asked, brokenly. 

He pulled back from me, but still caressed my cheek, “I do,” he said as tears flowed down my cheeks.

I swallowed as I stared at him.  His face fell and my heart broke as I realized he didn’t believe I felt the same way. 

My mind screamed and I wrapped my arms around him and pulled him to me.  His scent surrounded me further, sinking into my skin and I breathed him in just before my lips meet his. 

“I love you too,” I whispered against his lips.

I felt him smile, “I am yours.  I will always be yours.  I will never leave you.  I want to be the only man you dream of and dream with. 

I kissed him again before whispering, “You already are.” 

“Don’t leave me again,” he whispered, “I will die if you do.” 

“I won’t,” I said, softly, “I am yours…always.”

“You are my only one, Lilly,” he said leaning in to kiss me once more, “You are my mate.”







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