Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series) (2 page)

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Authors: Amanda K. Dudley-Penn

BOOK: Summoned (The Brazil Werewolf Series)
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Aurora looked around again, “Don’t worry,” she said, raising her brow as if she knew a secret, “You didn’t walk in your sleep again.  Our father has now decided to visit us in a dream.”

“What?” I asked, confused as I looked around, finally seeing him in the distance. 

“It’s something he does when he can’t get us to come to him in our sleep,” she said, narrowing her eyes, “Though he hasn’t tried this since my trip to Timbly Mountain.  As a matter of fact, he hasn’t tried to speak to me since I threatened him.”

My mouth popped open in shock as Aurora rose to her feet.  My eyes widened as I realized that she was a few inches shorter than me.  I gazed at her in awe that she had threatened a man who terrified me.

“You threatened him?” I asked, as our father stopped in front of us. 

              She nodded and then, faced our father.  In that moment, I knew where Aurora had gotten her looks.  She shared the same black hair and silver eyes as he did.  Their lips were full and not as wide as mine.  They both shared high cheekbones and long, straight noses.  I shifted as I found myself grateful that I did not look like him but for some reason, I felt guilty for thinking that. 

His eyes shifted to me and he smiled, “Lilly,” he whispered, “My beautiful Lilly.” 

I shifted again, uncomfortable but Aurora’s voice broke the spell, “Why did you call us here?”

His eyes narrowed as he looked back at her, “Because you are my daughters and there are two things that interest me…Lilly and the child you carry.”

Aurora’s hand touched her stomach and then, her eyes narrowed dangerously, “You will not touch my child and you won‘t touch Lilly either.  I won‘t let you.”

“We shall see,” he whispered but his voice was dangerous and threatening.

“If you come near us, you
lose your pack,” she said angrily.

In an instant, our father changed into the wolf and lunged to attack Aurora.  My eyes closed as a scream ripped from my throat.  A moment later, a hand closed around my shoulder and I screamed again. 

“Lilly, wake up!” I heard Ion’s voice.  My eyes burst open and I looked up into his silver eyes.  I blinked as I realized that they were the exact shade of silver as my father’s.  A tear fell down my cheek and he reached forward and wiped it away with his thumb. 

“Its okay, Lilly,” he said, softly, “Your nightmares will end now.  You are safer than you’ve ever been.”

I frowned as I looked up at him, not believing him for the first time in my life, “But my father-”

“Can’t touch you here,” he finished, “We are home.  We are in Timbly Mountain.” 

I nodded my head as I sat up and gazed out of the window at my new home. 





















Chapter Two

Unfamiliar Territory


I twisted my hands in front of me as I gazed out of the window, taking in everything that I saw.  Unfortunately, it was nearly dark and most places were already draped in shadow but what I did see I drank in, desperate to become familiar because this would be my home for the rest of my life. 

I forced a deep breath into my lungs and moved my eyes away from the scene trying ignore the shaking in my hands.   I swallowed, fighting the need to run away from my father, from my marriage….from everything.  I closed my eyes and took a deep breath as I realized that I just needed to be alone for a while.  I turned to Ion, desperate for understanding.    

“I think it would be a good idea to shower and dress before meeting everyone, “I whispered, hoping that he would agree.   

I bounced my knee, trying to calm my nerves.  He tilted his head as he studied me and then, nodded, “It would probably relax you.”

I smiled as I stood and turned but he grabbed my hand grasping it slightly.  I looked into his eyes and immediately my heart squeezed.  They were wide with sympathy and worry as he studied my face.

He sighed heavily as his eyes darkened, “Lilly, I know what you’re going through is hard,” he said, softly, “But I am here.  I’m not leaving and I promise you that it will be better.”

              I patted his shoulder and nodded, “I know, Daddy,” I whispered. 

He gave me a small relieved smile and released me, allowing me to go to our small bathroom to shower. 

As the water ran over me, I was finally able to give into the tears I had been holding back.  All of the fear and worry overwhelmed me.  I allowed the shower to stretch until the water became ice cold and I wasn‘t able to stay beneath the water any longer.  I dried and curled my hair and put on make-up, hoping that I would be acceptable to my new family but still, my hands shook so badly that I had to grip them in front of me to get them to stop shaking. 

An hour later, I stood staring into a mirror which hung above the small sink.  There was nothing else I could do to extend the time any further.  I bit my lip nervously as my stomach twisted and turned in knots. 

“You’re beautiful,” I whispered, repeating what Ion frequently told me as I tried to convince myself that the statement was true.  Somehow, my mother’s voice over-powered him, causing me to shake my head.  I looked at my reflection scrutinizing my face.  Could I be as unlovable as she said?  My heart pounded harder as I closed my eyes.  I found it too easy to believe her. 

“Lilly, come out now!” My mother yelled through the door, pounding on it with her fists.  I jumped; putting my hand to my chest I took a deep breath and released it before taking one last glance at the mirror before opening the door. 

I discovered my mother waiting on the other side with her arms crossed over her chest. Her nostrils flared as she narrowed eyes at me, “I suppose that’s as good as it’s going to get,” she sneered and then, laughed cruelly, “Hopefully, Marco won‘t run away in terror.”

My heart trembled as I looked toward Ion, feeling panic rise in my chest, “Don’t listen to her, Lilly,” he said, softly, “You’re beautiful.”

I swallowed hard.  Why was it so hard to believe Ion, who loved me and so easy to believe my mother, who hated me?  I shook my head.  He walked over to me and took my hand and squeezed it gently in encouragement. 

beautiful, Lilly,” he whispered again.  I looked up at him and smiled but my smile died as a knock sounded at the door.  My eyes widened in alarm. 

My mother smirked as she walked toward the door to answer it, “I don’t want
in here,” she said, loud enough that the person on the other side of the door would be able to hear, “We’ll meet them outside.”

I winced as she opened the door and stepped through.  The voice of a woman came to me then both familiar and enticing.  It was sultry and strong in a way I could not explain.  Slowly, I walked toward the door with Ion close behind me, stopping just before the owner of the voice would be able to see me. 

“Its okay, Lilly,” Ion whispered behind me, “It’s only Sophia.”

My heart jumped in my chest.  Sophia was the reason I hadn’t been aborted.   It was because of her that I had lived.  My eyes stung and I had to blink a couple of times to relieve the burn. 

Slowly, I raised my foot and took the last step needed to be seen from outside.  I frowned as I took in the scene before me.  I stood within a motor home park.  A large field stretched in front of us with picnic tables scattered here and there.  A huge pit sat in the middle, charred from bonfires.  Lights placed at even intervals around the pit illuminated the field.  People of the motor home park socialized within it even though cold air mixed with snow swirled around them. 

Finally, I faced the women before me.  My mother stood with her arms crossed over her chest as she looked around the park with disdain.  Her hazel eyes narrowed as she faced another woman displaying the absolute hatred that she carried.   

My eyes traveled to the woman, who obviously did not care for my mother either.  Her arms were crossed over her chest as if to keep from striking out.   I was surprised to see that she was only a little older than my mother with curling hair of the darkest black and eyes that were caramel in color with striations of sea green.  She had long, curving lashes that reached nearly to her brows.   Her mouth was pulled back into a strained smile, flashing perfectly white teeth which seemed only whiter because of the olive tone of her skin.  She wore a white sweater which hugged her curves and small waist and a brown skirt.  Her feet were covered in boots the same shade of brown.  My eyes traveled back up to her face as she finally realized that I stood in her presence. 

“Lilly,” she said as her eyes widened and this time she bestowed a real smile, “I am so glad that you are home.”

I blinked in awe as I stepped down the sidestep and walked closer to her, “You’re Sophia, right?”  I asked, as I looked at the woman who had saved my life.  

Her smile widened but her face remained gentle and kind, “Yes, I am,” she said, tilting her head as she studied me, “I used to care for you when you were a baby.  I have been waiting for you to return home for a long time now.”

I nodded as I looked around again, “Is Aurora here?” I asked, clasping my hands in front of me to keep from twisting them.  

Sophia’s smile widened even further, “We will take you to see her soon,” she said, “She’s been waiting for you too.”

My back stiffened as I heard my mother exhale, exasperated, “Of course she‘s waiting for you,” she said, rolling her eyes, “I just wonder which form she‘s waiting for you in…a human or a dog.”

My mouth fell open in horror.  I was used to her anger but my mother had not saved her nastiness for only me.  I turned and took a step toward her, embarrassed, “Momma, you shouldn’t…”

Her eyes narrowed and a warning whispered through me, “Don’t tell me what I should or should not do,” she hissed as she raised her hand.  She slapped me hard across the face.  I raised my hand to my cheek as a tear released from my eye. 

An instant later, I was pulled behind Sophia so forcefully I nearly fell.  A male’s voice blasted through the air, “You will not touch her again or I will rip you limb from limb.  Do you understand?” He growled. 

I blinked astonished that someone besides Ion was protecting me.   I peeked around Sophia and looked toward the man‘s voice, studying the owner.  He wasn’t facing me but I could see that he was tall and muscled.  His hair was a bit long and the same shade of black as Sophia’s.  I frowned as I watched my mother tremble and then, nod her head. 

“I understand,” she squeaked.  My mouth opened in shock.  I had never seen mother frightened and she was frightened of this man. 

He backed away and then, turned toward me.  Anger still reddened his face but it softened as he stepped closer.  My heart jumped in my chest as I studied his face.  He was easily the most handsome man I had ever seen with a square masculine jaw.  His silver eyes burned and I noticed as he walked closer that they had lines of white within them.  His nose was straight over lips as full as Sophia’s and he also shared her olive toned skin. 

“Are you okay?” He asked, looking right into my eyes. 

I inhaled sharply and nodded my head.  My lips parted and I had to force myself to speak.

“Y-Yes,” I said as he gently grabbed my chin and examined my cheek.  I blinked in shock as I wondered who he was and why he was so worried about my welfare. 

Sophia must have seen my distress, “You haven’t introduced yourself,” she said, quickly and he stepped back.  His eyes swept over me again.

He tilted his head and then, sighed heavily, “I would have introduced myself but I couldn’t let your mother do that to you,” he said, gently and then, shifted as if embarrassed, “I’m Marco Brazil.” 

The air left my body as I looked into the eyes of the man who would be my husband in less than a week. 


              I didn’t know what to say.  I just stood there, staring and making a complete fool of myself.  Minutes passed before I was able to tear my eyes from his handsome face. 

“Lilly,” Sophia said, softly, capturing my attention, “Are you okay?” 

I nodded as she stepped in front of me.  She raised her hand and I flinched, causing her to frown.  Slowly, she swiped my hair from my face and inspected the spot where my mother had struck me.  I frowned, not expecting the gentleness of her hand tilting my face by cupping my chin as she looked at the redness of my cheek. 

Finally, her eyes met mine, “You will not be harmed again.  I promise,” she said before turning to Ion, “I realize that to you she is your daughter so I am sure that you will agree that there is no longer any need for her to be in the presence of her mother.”

Ion glanced at me and then, nodded, “It is past time that she is out of her presence.” 

“Pack her things.  She will be staying with Aurora,” Sophia said as she gave Ion a gentle smile, “And you are more than welcome to stay with me and Gavriel until we have finished preparing your home.”

He nodded and without another word he turned, disappearing into the motor home I had lived in my whole life.  I breathed in and out slowly as I looked at my mother, hoping to see that she would miss me but instead I saw only the hate she had harbored for me for my whole life. 

My mother stepped toward the door and Sophia blocked her, “You aren’t going in there until he finishes.”

“I don’t want him taking
things,” she sneered. 

Sophia smiled in such a way that it sent a shiver down my spine, “Your
will be safe.  We are only retrieving the possessions of Lilly and Ion,” Sophia’s eyes narrowed as she leaned closer to my mother, “By the way, if you deny Lilly one thing that is hers, my son’s threat will seem mild compared to the torture I will put you through.”

My mother’s eyes widened, “All of you are monsters,” she said in a trembling voice.

“Perhaps,” Sophia said, “But we have good souls.  Yours is evil.  You couldn’t manage to love a daughter who is a blessing.  Only a soulless person could do that.” 

She turned then and moved beside me.  Slowly, she took my hand, “Don’t worry, Lilly,” she said, softly, “You will receive the family and love that you’ve always wanted here.” 

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