Sun Sign Secrets (23 page)

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Authors: Amy Zerner

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Looking for Love

If a Sagittarian does not have a relationship, taking or planning a trip may very well bring one. Learning a language and going to the library or other places to learn would also expose a Sagittarius to new ideas and people. She might even find herself involved with someone who is foreign or different in some way, or whose family is from a different part of the world. A Sagittarius might be involved in broadcasting, publishing, travel, philosophy, or research, and those interests will lead her to meet a mate.
More often than not, Sagittarians do not consciously look for a partner. Instead, they purposefully put themselves in a variety of social circumstances where they have the opportunity to meet a great many interesting people. Many times a Sagittarian romance begins with friendship, which may be one of the reasons the people born under this sign have so many friends! Or, because they always seem to be surrounded by friends, it is natural that at times a Sagittarian is set up on a date by those same well-meaning friends. Occasionally this works out favorably, but sometimes it can backfire. Ultimately, Sagittarius is the best judge of whom he will find interesting.
A Sagittarius cannot live his life based on the opinions or the gossip of others. Keeping this in mind will bring awareness of influences for finding a mate that may be coming from newspapers, magazines, books, TV, radio, or other outside sources, and not just through people a Sagittarius actually knows.

Finding That Special Someone

Casual conversation has the potential to lead to true love for Sagittarians, since it is by sharing experiences and ideas that they are most likely to find their special someone. If Sagittarius is looking to find a partner, going on a singles cruise or even just taking a trip can lead her to her soul mate.

First Dates

Sagittarians don't really like “dates” in the traditional sense. They prefer spontaneous meetings. An afternoon coffee date can turn into a conversation that lasts till midnight. A Sagittarian can find love in the great outdoors. Taking part in or even watching sporting events is a favorable way for Sagittarius to find, maintain, and improve a relationship. A nature excursion or picnic would be great for a first date. Just going out for a walk together—especially to a library or bookstore—would make a Sagittarius happy.

Sagittarius in Love

Sagittarians enjoy the physical pleasures of love. They are inventive, very generous, and good-natured when they are in a relationship. Although affectionate and loving, Sagittarians are totally honest with their loved ones. Sagittarians are not apt to be too demonstrative: not much cuddling, showering of gifts, or gifts of flowers—a character trait that may be misconstrued as lack of warmth and consideration. However, they will make it exciting for their beloved in other ways—deep philosophical discussions and good intellectual compatibility.

Undying Love

Sagittarians see romance as an adventure, intellectually, physically, and emotionally. Any fears they harbor about falling deeply in love are because they feel they will give away a piece of their soul, or need to change more about their life than is comfortable for them. They rarely second-guess their choices in love, but because they are a Fire sign, the sparks may die down and Sagittarius may want to go back to being “just friends” again. They may feel wistful, but more likely they sense that this is a favorable experience that has simply come to an end.

Expectations in Love

Someone who shares her ideals, a sense of fun, love of ideas, and zest for life would be the right companion to make a Sagittarius feel secure in love. She expects her loved one to be open-minded, to stimulate, to amuse, and to give her freedom of movement, not tie her down. Sagittarius won't be attracted to someone who is not able to keep up with her pace and her desire to travel and explore.
Sagittarians are loving and playful people and actually make good parents. But, as risk takers and adventurers, they are often attracted to danger in their love affairs. They want a partner who enjoys spontaneity and who appreciates their honesty, courageous outbursts, and enthusiasm. They also want a partner who does not try to control them. Although passion is an important part of a romantic relationship, they also need to feel as if they are best friends with a lover. For them, friendship is the gateway to true personal intimacy and love.

What Sagittarians Look For

Sagittarians are not looking for a person to validate their attitudes or their views. But they are happiest when they can be with someone who is as intellectually curious as they tend to be. It is the intensity of someone's dedication to their own ideas and not the ideas themselves that excites Sagittarians. For example, it is not unusual for a Sagittarian to fall in love with a person whose political, religious, or philosophical ideas are quite different from their own views. This makes for lively debate, another Sagittarian fondness.

If Sagittarians Only Knew...

If Sagittarians only knew that they could find much of the happiness they are looking for in their proverbial backyard, they might not feel as if they had to go so far afield to find it. While they congratulate themselves on being able to see things from a wide perspective, they should know that it is the details of day-to-day life that actually make up most of the bigger issues.


The person who contemplates becoming the marriage partner of a typical Sagittarius must realize that Sagittarius values his freedom above everything. In return, the person who partners Sagittarius can expect honesty and plenty of creative ideas.
Frank and friendly, Sagittarius wants a partner who can love him for his outspoken charm, not get hurt by it. His words and actions always show what he is thinking and feeling, so a potential partner should be quite clear about articulating her opinions and feelings, as well. Sagittarians don't play games when it comes to love; they want a partner who is not weak and who does not retreat. In marriage, a partner must always ask—never tell—the Sagittarius to do something. Sagittarians do not respond well to authority.

Sagittarius' Opposite Sign

Quick-witted, mercurial Gemini is Sagittarius' complementary sign, and although there are some definite similarities between the two signs—intellectual curiosity and a love of conversation—there are also many things they can learn from each other. Gemini has an eye for details that helps broad-minded Sagittarius fill in the blanks. Plus, Gemini gives great parties and has a special talent for treating every conversation as if it is the best she's ever heard. Sagittarius' “no harm, no foul” attitude toward life teaches Gemini to be less anxious.

Pairing Up

In general, if people display the characteristics typical of their sign, intimate relationships between a Sagittarius and another individual can be described as follows:


Sagittarius with Sagittarius:
Harmonious; lifetime lovers and best friends
Sagittarius with Capricorn:
Harmonious, if Capricorn can learn to be more carefree
Sagittarius with Aquarius:
Harmonious; these two are made for each other in every way
Sagittarius with Pisces:
Difficult, unless Pisces can be less needy
Sagittarius with Aries:
Harmonious; a passionate partnership
Sagittarius with Taurus:
Turbulent, if Taurus attempts to control Sagittarius
Sagittarius with Gemini:
Difficult, but the partners have the ability to challenge each other
Sagittarius with Cancer:
Turbulent, because Cancer is security conscious
Sagittarius with Leo:
Harmonious, though Leo can be stubborn
Sagittarius with Virgo:
Difficult, since they are emotional opposites
Sagittarius with Libra:
Harmonious, with a shared enthusiasm for life and love
Sagittarius with Scorpio:
Harmonious, unless Scorpio makes too many demands

If Things Don't Work Out

Sagittarians need freedom and do not do well with a possessive, clingy, or emotionally demanding partner. Sagittarians are usually quite generous, and so dislike pettiness in others. These differences, more than any other, are likely to be the reasons for a breakup. Sagittarians don't often suffer through a dramatic parting; despite their winsome ways, they are really quite practical people. Even when they have decided to separate from a lover or marriage partner, they generally manage to remain friends.

Sagittarius at Work

When Sagittarians are required to act immediately, without having the time to think about what they are doing, they possess the courage to do anything they need to do. However, when they are allowed the luxury of enough time to think about what is required of them, they are inclined to be timid and cautious. It is important that Sagittarians not become so inspired by each new piece of wisdom they learn that they decide to put off the plans of yesterday to make yet another grand plan to change their life, and then cancel their plans tomorrow when new information becomes available.
It is also important that Sagittarians avoid their tendency to resist taking care of the details necessary to implement any successful plan. No sign is as fearless and broad-minded as Sagittarius is when it comes to encountering the new and the strange, yet Sagittarians need to develop tolerance for the necessary and the routine. By improving their education and job skills, especially management skills, they learn how best to delegate. Expending extra effort on studies comes back to a dedicated Sagittarius tenfold.

Typical Occupations

Professions that are good for a Sagittarius include travel, higher education, broadcasting, publishing, research, politics, motion pictures—especially documentaries—and writing books, as opposed to writing articles. Whatever Sagittarians do, they should approach it as a lifelong learning experience, rather than a job. They respond to the grand sweep of ideas and must have a career that allows them to share those ideas with others.
Sagittarians are versatile people. They are by nature teachers and philosophers. Nothing is better play to a Sagittarian than expounding on the moral principles, laws, and ideas that explain the universe. Through these traits they serve well as theologians or scientists.
They are also suited to the law, public service, or social administration. They do well in public relations, advertising, publishing, broadcasting, the Internet, as well as anything to do with the travel industry. Many Sagittarians are found in jobs that allow them to exercise their natural desire to see the world. Working outdoors, in sports or fitness, and with horses or other animals are ideal choices.

Behavior and Abilities at Work

In the workplace, the typical Sagittarius:
  • is versatile and multitalented
  • gets tired when bored
  • needs to do several things at once
  • may have to get outside
  • has creative ideas
  • needs physical and intellectual exercise

Sagittarius As Employer

A typical Sagittarius boss:
  • is generally optimistic
  • can market and sell anything well
  • may be quite blunt and expects people to say what they mean
  • thinks outside the box
  • may be hard to pin down
  • fights for what she believes is right
  • is broad-minded and thinks of the bigger picture
  • may overlook details

Sagittarius As Employee

A typical Sagittarius employee:
  • works best when allowed freedom
  • is cheerful and good-natured
  • lifts everyone's spirits with humor
  • responds quickly if his help is needed
  • needs to be appreciated
  • is usually a fast worker
  • is enthusiastic and interested
  • learns and expands his knowledge

Sagittarius As Coworker

Sagittarians do well working with others, as they tend to be very generous and tolerant. In this way, they gain their coworkers' trust and confidence. A Sagittarian's expanded awareness enables her to deal with any petty jealousies that may arise with her successes. A Sagittarius should have sympathy for and from those she might have envied at one time, but she should also extend her compassion to those who are not as fortunate.

Details, Details

Many Sagittarians think of details as boring necessities. If they can delegate these details, they do so, so that they themselves can concentrate on broader concepts and the creative end of projects. Sagittarians don't think small. They believe that it is best to think big, as if one owned the company one works for. It is important for them to break out of boring routines.
Sagittarians are better with details than they think. They remember names, birthdays, and other bits of information regarding the people they work with. They have a tremendous grasp of figures and can translate their meaning to more personal concepts. When they are told that they are good at these things, though, they may doubt the compliment.
Still, when they must deal with details on a regular basis, they have the potential to learn something vital. The process can teach them about timetables and how to stick to a schedule. Once Sagittarians understand that being good with detail-oriented matters does not interfere with their talent for big ideas, they are sure to become more amenable to working within smaller facets of a project.

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