Supernatural Enforcement Bureau, Book 1, The Dragon and The Vampire: Book 1 (14 page)

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As he placed them on the table, he quipped, “Here, this should keep you going for a bit,” before he turned, grabbed a woman and pulled her onto the make-shift dance floor in the middle of the room.

They stayed there for over an hour, as everyone present came to say hello, congratulations, or welcome. Ronan felt proud of his people and the greeting that they showed to his mate and he felt Starr eventually relax. Finally, they were on their own, Starr turning in her seat to smile happily up at him.

“So, you okay?” he asked, knowing how nervous she had been.

She nodded as she answered, “Yup, I sure am, Fang. I am pretty amazed at how friendly everyone’s been and I guess the bottle of wine I’ve just drank has helped too. So, wanna dance?”

Ronan pushed his chair back quickly, not because he particularly wanted to dance, but he definitely wanted Starr in his arms. As they were surrounded by a horde of people, this was the next best thing. She took his offered hand and he helped her up, his arm hooking around her as they moved onto the middle of the floor.

As if on cue the music slowed, as Ronan took his mate into his arms for their very first dance. Starr moved into his body, her arms around his neck, as they swayed to the love song being played over the speakers. A huge cheer went up as everyone watched, clapped, shouted, at the newly bonded couple.

Starr’s head moved around as she took everything in, her eyes filling with tears. Ronan moved a hand, gently cupping the back of her head and turning her face towards his. He lowered his mouth and gently kissed her to even louder cheers from the crowd.

Ronan dragged his lips from hers. “Why are you crying,
grá mo chroí

Starr gave him a lopsided grin. “‘Cause I’m happy, Fang. I’m happy.”

He pressed his lips against hers again, as they continued to dance, oblivious to everything and everyone around them. Even after the music changed, as people danced with abandon around them, they carried on, swaying and kissing for a very long time.

Ronan felt a tap on his shoulder and almost growled at the interruption, pulling his lips from Starr’s and turning his head slightly, to see Sam standing with a huge grin.

“Think you two lovebirds should go on home.”

Ronan half laughed, before bending to pick up Starr in his arms. She squealed as he turned and carried her from the room, cheers, clapping, and some very rude comments following their departure.

At the elevator Starr squirmed and giggled. “Put me down.”

Nope, I’m carrying you to our bed, so just relax, Puff. Oh, and by the way, you’re not getting out of the bedroom until Monday morning!”

Ronan laughed loudly at the shocked look on her face as the elevator doors opened and he carried her inside. “We’re spending the time from now ‘til then making love, having sex, fucking, whatever you want to call it, but that’s what we’re gonna be doing. Hope you’re up for it, Puff?”

Starr snuggled closer, her lips finding the skin on his neck and placing small nibbles there before answering. “Oh I’m up for it. Now, Fang, think ya can keep up?”

Ronan’s laughter echoed in the elevator as they continued up to their home.


Chapter 14


Ronan lay perfectly still, not wishing to disturb Starr, who was sound asleep in his arms. Sleep eluded him, this last night before they were rejoining the real world, no longer able to keep themselves locked up in their home. His fingertips gently caressed her arm as she snuggled on her side into his body. Skin on skin the entire length of them, as they always were in bed.

His mind just wouldn’t close down, his thoughts jumbling around like no other time he could remember. Ronan was always a ‘take charge’ person, especially now in his role as Director of the SEB. The thought that he could be potentially allowing his mate to venture into danger didn’t sit right with him. His need to keep his mate safe burning through him like an inferno.

He regretted saying he would allow her to accompany him on the hunt for the powerful Vampire and the Witch that the Vamp worked for. However, Ronan had told her he would let her go, or rather she hadn’t given him a choice, so now he lay worrying about ensuring her safety. How could she not just understand that it was his
to keep his love safe?

A sigh escaped him as he tried to stay calm, he had to stay calm to carry out this mission to the best of his ability. The better he did his job, the safer she would be. Ronan ran through everyone who was joining them, Sam, of course, would be at his side, then there was Serge, who was one of the best trackers he knew together with Drake, who would also join them. Ronan’s thoughts turned to the elite guards, the very best that they had, his first choice to guard Starr was one scary mother called Creed.

Creed was of unknown origin, his skin dark, his hair jet black, well that’s when he had any, mostly his head was shaved bare. He was only three inches smaller than Ronan and was one of the strongest, fastest, most lethal Vampires he had ever come across. Creed had a tattoo covering half his face but with his dark skin it was almost impossible to make out. His eyes were the most strange azure blue–bright, clear and as cold as ice. He had never told anyone where he came from, how he was turned, only showing up over fifty years ago asking to join the bureau.

Although Ronan understood the need for privacy, it rankled him somewhat that he didn’t have a full history on this man. He was deadly, dangerous and Ronan would’ve felt far more comfortable knowing a little bit more about his background. The only thing that mattered right now was that Creed was on their side and he and his team were the ones Ronan was entrusting with Starr’s safety.

Ronan knew that Creed wouldn’t be happy when he phoned him in a few hours, telling him he needed to pick two further elites to join him and his team of three. He was going to make damn sure there were enough elites around his mate to ensure her safety and he had already decided that six was the magical number. Creed had his own team but he would just have to shut the hell up and pick two more to join him and his men.

Ronan’s checked the time, still a few hours until they had to get up, closing his eyes he tried his damnedest to get to sleep. He needed to get some rest before the day’s hunting began.

Starr’s lips on his cheek woke him from his restless slumber, his body stiff with lying in the same position for so long. He opened his eyes and there she was, right next to him, placing small kisses along his jaw. “Morning,
mo chroí, hope you slept well.”

Starr placed a small kiss on his lips before jumping up and out of bed. “I did, but I’m pretty sure you didn’t and we’ve gotta haul ass, you’ve slept in, Fang!”

Ronan sat up, checked the clock and jumped out of bed. “Damnú air!” he cursed as he ran for the shower.

There was no time for any playing around as both of them rushed to get ready. Ronan in his combat gear while Starr pulled on a pair of new black jeans, t-shirt, leather jacket, boots and then finished it off with pulling her leather cuffs and choker out and fastening them on. Ronan winced as he saw her donning them. Starr looked up and only inclined her head as if to say ‘what?’ before she walked to the bedroom door.

“Come on, hopefully I can grab a coffee or something before we have to leave.”

Ronan followed her down the hallway. “The mission room has coffee and stuff to eat too. Wolves are  freaking hungry all the time so there’s always plenty of food for them. There’ll be juice ‘n other stuff too so you’ll have a chance for breakfast. When we get there just help yourself and take a seat. I’ll start the briefing soon after arriving. Starr, my love, please don’t embarrass me by interrupting or disagreeing with anything I say, okay?”

He tried to keep his tone light and friendly but as she turned her head to look at him, he saw a frown creep onto her face. She locked her eyes on his for a brief moment before briefly nodding her head stiffly.

He wanted to explain, and hoped he wouldn’t make things worse. “Starr, I’m the director, everyone listens to me, and when I finish,
someone disagrees, they put their point forward. However, I still have the final say, so if they say something and I don’t agree, then things are still done my way. I’m afraid in the mission room it’s not a democracy, things aren’t put to the vote, Puff. Sorry, that’s just the way it is.”

Starr made a ‘harrumph’ noise and he barely held in his snort of laughter. His mate sounded pissed off, as she stomped her feet, her ass moved from side to side, encased tightly in her jeans. God, how was he supposed to think rationally with her ass doing that in front of him?

Ronan tore his eyes from her ass and refused to let them stray there again, managing to get to the briefing room almost his usual self. As they entered he saw Starr’s eyes widen at the sight of Creed and his men. All large, dark, dangerous and deadly, her footsteps faltered as she watched them carefully. With a hand at the base of her back, Ronan guided her to the table set up with coffee and breakfast items.

Have something to eat. It may be a long day. I can’t say when you’ll next have the opportunity to get something.”

Ronan bent down, grabbing a spare mission pack from the end of the table. He unbuckled it, pulling out most of the items and placing them on the table. “Here check these out and see if you’re comfortable with anything, if you’ve never used something then don’t take it, whatever you choose you need to be at ease using. You might also want to wrap up some food and add it, with water ‘n stuff, though if we get on their trail you’ll be eating on the go so just add stuff that’s easy to get to and stuff in your mouth.”

Starr looked up at him, seeing the twinkle of laughter in his eyes so she poked him hard in the ribs before whispering, “Hey, I need food, unlike you and your men, Fang!”

Ronan grabbed her finger before she could prod him again, holding it in his massive hand. “Not all of the men are Vampires, we have a few Wolves along, oh yeah, we’ve got a Witch coming too, one of Esther’s, who she says is pretty good and he can contact her quickly if he needs her through some kind of mind link spell. Have to admit that sounds kinda freaky, but, if it gets Esther to us when we need her then all’s good. Okay, you grab something and take a seat, the briefing will be starting shortly.”

He left her at the table and made his way to the front of the room, checking everyone that should be there was present. Ronan noted the way Creed was holding his body taut, as if he was upset, Ronan guessed the reason as he saw the extra two elite guards standing next to him.

He changed direction and walked over to Creed, stopping only a foot or so away, his eyebrow raised as he spoke quietly. “You have a problem, Creed?”

Creed’s dark eyes locked with his, no sign of emotion showing, “Why have I been forced to bring an extra two onto my team? You know my men and I work well together and adding people that we have not worked with before could be, at best problematic, at worst it could cause a mission failure. So...”

Ronan cut him off, his voice like shards of ice. “This isn’t up for discussion, Creed. Your part in this mission is very straightforward, you keep my mate safe. At all costs. That, and only that, is what you and your men are to do. Do you understand me?”

He moved in closer, crowding the slightly smaller man, his eyes boring into the black, inscrutable orbs, studying him intently. Ronan noted the tattoo on the other man’s face seemed to move, as Creed gritted his teeth, his jaw clenched tightly. It didn’t look as if Creed were going to back down, both standing toe to toe for long moments before Creed nodded. “Understood.”

Ronan took a step back, his voice low as he answered, his tone telling Creed all he needed to know. “Thank you, Creed. As far as I’m concerned, this is your most important duty to date. Nothing, and I mean nothing, can happen to her.”

Creed nodded again, the opposition completely gone from his stance and look in his eyes. Ronan felt himself relax somewhat, knowing that these six warriors would fight to the death to protect Starr. He felt as if he could focus on the mission knowing that he didn’t have to worry about protecting Starr from whatever they would come across.


Starr finished eating a Danish quickly, before wrapping up another couple in napkins, then placing them in the backpack. She added a few bottles of water and some fresh fruit, thinking that would keep her going for most of the day. She then looked at some of the weapons on the table, lifting and wielding a nasty looking knife before placing it in the bag too. There were other weapons, including a handgun, which she ignored, but she saw a small black leather wrap, tied with a cord, which piqued her interest.

Opening it, she saw a set of throwing knives, smallish, razor sharp and just her thing. She was excellent in throwing knives and she took them out of the wrap and placed them, in their sheaths, about her body. It had been some time since she lost the last of her own, so it felt good to have the welcome feeling of the weapons once more at her disposal. Her forte was placing the blade of a knife within the socket of an eye. Although gruesome and bloody it didn’t actually kill a Vampire, but it sure as hell slowed them down, a fact she had learned many years ago.

As she had been placing the knives where she wanted them, her eyes followed her mate, as he veered off course and headed towards the extremely dangerous looking Vamp on the other side of the room. She had seen him the moment she entered and she was loath to admit that he scared the crap out of her. No, she wouldn’t admit that, but she would admit he was the scariest mother she had ever clapped eyes on.

He was large, not quite as large as Ronan, but damn near it, with dark skin and hair. His eyes like black pools and she thought he had a tattoo on his face, but it was difficult to make out. She watched as Ronan stopped in front of him, clearly invading the man’s space, speaking down with a cold tone. Ronan’s voice was so low she didn’t quite catch the words but his body language and tone were clear; he was asking if the other had a problem.

She held her breath as this man stared into Ronan’s face, everyone in the room could see the tension in the man’s body as he held Ronan’s gaze. It seemed like forever before the confrontation passed, though she was sure it was mere moments, before the man answered in the affirmative to whatever it was her mate had said to him. She let out a breath she didn’t even realize she held, as Ronan turned around and saw her watching.

Starr frowned slightly, then raised an eyebrow in question of what the hell had just happened. Ronan didn’t respond, only making his way to the front of the room. Starr glanced at the man again and this time found him staring intently at her. A shiver ran through her body as his dark eyes continued to scrutinize her before he finally turned to the front of the room.

Who was he and what the hell just happened? Her attention was drawn to Ronan as he started to speak, her thoughts still on the dark man on the opposite side of the room.


Ronan took several deep breaths before lifting his head and addressing everyone. “We all know what we’re here for, we know what we’re after, so there’s not a lot I can add. Sam, is there any more intel on that Vampire?”

Sam stepped forward from his place against the wall. “Kind of, Serge thinks he’s closing in, it’s further out of the city, in some abandoned buildings that are surrounded by a small forest. He could clearly scent that Vampire and others in the area, but he says there’s dark magic there too. So, I would think this is exactly where we need to go today, we know the Vamps work with a Witch wielding dark magic, so everything points to this being where they’re hiding out. We can go in three vehicles and split up once we get there, come in from different directions, then hopefully, we’ll grab some of them.”

Ronan grew excited at Sam’s words. If they managed to get the Vampire that attacked them the previous week, he was sure he would get a ton of information from him. If they also managed to nab one of the Witches, then he was certain they would get what they needed, which was who the hell was actually behind this and what was going on in the Rockies.

Ronan agreed with everything Sam said. “Right, Starr, will come in one of the vehicles with me, Sam and Creed. The rest of you split up between the other vehicles. However, we’ll use four not three; if we manage to take any prisoners then we need the extra room to bring them back here. Okay guys, lock ‘n load.”


Starr kept her eyes forward, forcing herself not to turn and see if the man was watching her. Her ears focusing on Ronan, then Sam. It looked like they had a target area they were heading out to and that was just fine with her. The sooner this was over the better. She just wanted to live a normal life, not having to worry about being attacked almost every day.

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