Tears on My Pillow (15 page)

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Authors: Elle Welch

Tags: #Literature & Fiction, #United States, #African American, #Romance, #Urban, #Genre Fiction

BOOK: Tears on My Pillow
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January 24




     The past two weeks have been hell. Qia is still in a coma so me, her mother, sisters, and even Chandler, have been taking turns sitting down here with her. The doctor’s say that they will give Qia another two weeks to wake up and if she doesn’t, at that point we will have to start weighing other options. I know in my heart she is going to come back to me. There is no other option. I am never going to agree to pull the plug because that would mean that I have given up on her; that is something I will never do.

     I still haven’t heard anything from Lance about that dumb ass investigation. I really want to fuck both Kelly and Azia’s shit up because if it wasn’t for their trifling asses I would have been at work two weeks ago. That would have meant that the situation with me and Qisha would have never happened. At this point, Qisha and I try to act normal around each other since we are the only ones that know what happened. She has apologized to me for her role in the situation and I forgive her. We have no idea what we are going to do when Qia wakes up but we both agreed that we would worry about that when the time comes.

     I look over at Qia and smile. Her bruises and lacerations have healed up nicely. I stand up and walk over to her bed and hold her hand for a few minutes. I bend down and give her a kiss on her forehead when I feel my phone vibrating in my pocket. I check my notifications and I see that it is a text from Chandler. He wants to know if there has been any change. I sit down in the chair next to Qia and text him back.

No she is still the same.

What are the doctors saying? It has been two weeks.

They are giving her another two weeks before reevaluating her situation.

Do you need anything?

I would appreciate it if you would come down here and sit with me.

On my way.

     I am flipping through the channels that are available on the TV and shake my head when I have to settle on some cartoons because there isn’t really anything better. I lean my head back on the chair and try to relax as I wait for Chan. Just as I close my eyes for a brief moment, I hear some shuffling. I open my eyes and look around but I don’t see anything out of the ordinary. I am getting ready to lean my head back again when I see Qia’s fingers move, slightly. I sit up straight in the chair thinking that I was just seeing things. My heart beat sky rockets and my eyes bulge out of my head. My eyes start darting up and down her body. I am watching her feet, legs, hands, and arms desperately hoping that what I thought I saw was real. I wait for what seems like an eternity and nothing happens. I begin to slouch in my seat and I can feel my eyes well up from disappointment.
“Just calm down, J,
’ I think to myself. I am just about to lean back in my chair again when I see her fingers twitching as if she is trying to move them. I stand up, unable to move, unable to talk, unable to do anything in that moment but watch my wife’s fingers.

I say softly looking down at her face as I gently pick her hand up and hold it in between both of mine.
“Qia baby I am here.”
As I watch, I see her eyes begin to flutter and slowly open.
“Yes baby come back to me! Oh please, please come back to me! Yes!”
I am shaking and trying to keep from jumping up and down and screaming, but my heart is doing backflips in my chest. The slanted eyes that I love so much are finally fully open. I bend down to give her a kiss on the forehead, but she moves her head away. Her eyes are studying me like I am an alien from outer space. I hit the nurse call button and let them know that her eyes are open.

     The nurses come flying into the room, pushing me aside and telling me to step back. I reluctantly let go of Qia’s hand and move back against the wall. The nurses are buzzing around Qia like bees. One of the nurses tells me to go ahead and step out into the hallway. Of course I want to punch her dead in the mouth, but they say that once the evaluation is complete and her feeding tube is removed I will be allowed back in. I leave out the room and go and stand in the hallway a smile plastered on my face.

     I sit down on the bench that is outside of her room for a second, but I am so excited I get right back up. I pace up and down the hall, trying to contain myself, while I wait for them to allow me back in the room. A nurse comes out of the room and I stop her asking,
“What’s going on?”

     “She is just being evaluated so that we can see if she is ready to have the feeding tube removed. And being assessed to see if there is any other damage that we were unaware of because of the coma. Relax sir; as soon as she is in the clear we will let you back in there.”
The nurse disappears down the hall and I continue to pace. I pull out my phone and text Chan.

Qia’s awake!

What the fuck! I am still thirty minutes away but I will be there as soon as I can.

Cool! I am so fucking happy!

Me too!

     I finally get tired of pacing back and forth so I make myself sit down on the bench. I can’t stop my legs from bouncing up and down. I can’t wait to talk to My Baby, My Queen. I close my eyes and pray, thanking God for bringing her back to me and giving us another chance.

     I am going to pass out my damn self if they don’t let me know something soon. I check my watch and see that it has been forty five minutes and I’ve haven’t gotten any word yet, no updates no nothing. Dr. Watson went into the room about thirty minutes ago but he has not come back out yet.

     My frustration level is just beginning to peak when Dr. Watson steps out the room. I stand up and damn near run him over, trying to get to him before he can fully exit the room.
“She’s okay right? She woke up so she is okay and will be able to go home soon, right?”
My heart beat is going so fast and beating so loud I am surprised that I can even hear what he is saying.

     “Mr. Roberson I know you are excited and you should be but she is not out of the woods yet. I have done her initial evaluation and we were able to remove the feeding tube. She can speak a little, but her throat is very sore so she may choose to write instead of talking until her throat begins to feel better. That can take a few days to happen, but it will happen. Our initial concern at this moment though is that your wife seems to have amnesia.”

     “Amnesia? What do you mean?”
I ask hastily.

     “Right now your wife doesn’t remember her name, what city she was born in, her birthday, the President, her age, or even the fact that you two are married.”
My legs turn to rubber and I fall back against the wall. Dr. Watson grabs my arm to help me steady myself. He guides me over to the bench so that I can sit down.
“I don’t want you to get upset; this is really common with head injuries like the one that your wife suffered in her accident. Add to that the fact that she was also in a coma for two weeks. We still have some evaluations to complete and some additional tests to run over the next week or so, but I have high hopes for your wife’s full recovery.”

     “Do you know how long this memory loss can last?”
I look up hopefully at the doctor.

     “Unfortunately we just don’t know right now. But you can go in and spend some time with her now. My staff and I will have more information for you tomorrow. But keep in mind, she doesn’t remember much at this point so don’t get frustrated with her. Answer her questions, because a lot of times that helps to jog the patient’s memory, and be there for her.”
He pats me on the back of my shoulder as I stand up. We shake hands briefly before he walks off down the hall.

     “Thank you.”
I slowly open the door and peek my head in the room. Qia looks over at me and just stares at me with this blank look on her face. I walk over to her and say,
“Hey baby. I’m glad you’re awake. I am your husband, Jakari. How are you feeling?”
It feels so strange to have to introduce myself to her that way.

     I place my hand on top of hers and she moves her hand away. My heart breaks a little at the thought of her not wanting me to touch her, but our last conversation didn’t really go well so I’m not surprised. Maybe it means that she does remember something.
“Dr. Watson said that you are experiencing some slight memory loss right now but we will get through this.”
I see Qia’s eyes dart over to the door and as I turn around, I see Chandler coming in the room.

     Before he even gets his coat and hat off, he says
“Hi Qia! I missed you!”

     “Hey man, the doctor’s say that she doesn’t remember much of anything or anyone. And she can’t talk yet,”
I explain to him. As I see the smile lighting up his face, I turn around to look back at Qia and see a matching smile on her face.

     “Hi…ummm…I…don’t really…remember… you….but I think I’m in love with you,”
she says looking into my brother’s eyes.


To Be Continued……

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New series
Cutty Buddies: I Can Never Love You
will be released soon!

Check out my
I Never Said I Was A Good Girl
series. Parts 1, 2 and 3 are available on Amazon now!





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