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deeply than it has been for many decades. However, to the extent that the

reforms under way are being animated at the top, the lack of a strong national

structure means that there may be only minimal influence that the top leadership can exert in constructing a genuinè`social movement,'' if indeed that is what it would be willing to unleash.

While the institutional elements necessary for reforming the labor movement

are being put into place, the one lesson that American labor can surely learn

from the French example is that the revival of the labor movement hinges on the

revival of the myth of the labor movement. This requires both the visual and

tangible expressions of militant solidarity in collective action (as a counterweight to existing society) and an autonomous and committed myth-making apparatus

that can ``name'' that which has been virtually unmentionable for the past half

century. Ultimately, it is on these two acts that everything else will depend.

Appendix: Data Resources on the

World Wide Web

Kathryn Harker

High quality social science data and resources are increasingly available on the Internet.

The purposes of this appendix are to aid sociologists and other social scientists in their search for data and resources, and to promote international, comparative, and interdisciplinary research.

Most web sites listed have been developed and are maintained by major research centers and government agencies. They were selected for inclusion because of the quality of their data, clear documentation, usefulness to researchers, and the likelihood of their long-term stability. However, as the Internet is constantly changing, the permanence of these web sites and their addresses, as well as the comprehensiveness of this listing, cannot be guaranteed.

This appendix is divided into three sections: (a) resources and locators that provide general information and links to web sites; (b) specific databases, archives, and data sets listed alphabetically by country (or Europe and international); and (c) an alphabetical listing of web sites by topic.

Helpful Resource Lists and Locators

American Sociological Association (ASA), Data Resources for Sociologists

American Sociological Association (ASA), Sections

DATA and Program Library Service, Internet Crossroads in the Social Sciences

Family Sociology Resources

ICPSR, Other Social Science Data Sites

Internet Data Archives for Social Scientists

Data Resources on the World Wide Web


Internet Resources for Sociology Students

Law Enforcement Agencies on the Web

Research Resources for the Social Sciences

Scholars' Guide to WWW

Sites Related to Demography and Population

Sociosite, Social Science Data Archives (SSDA)

Statistical Data Locators

Statistics Sweden (SCB), Other Statistical Sources

UCSD, Social Science Data on the Internet

United Nations WWW and Gopher Servers

Voice of the Shuttle: Gender Studies Page

WWW Virtual Library, Demography and Population Studies

Alphabetical by Country


Statistics Algeria

The National Office of Statistics is a public establishment in charge of collecting, processing and diffusing socio-economic statistical information. From this webpage, users can download statistical information and offical publications.


Australian Consortium for Social and Political Research, Inc. (ACSPRI)

ACSPRI is an organization of 35 universities and nine research organizations whose objectives are to collect and facilitate access to Australian and overseas machine-readable data. ACSPRI is administratively fused with the SSDA, which handles the Australian national membership in the ICPSR Archives.

Social Science Data Archives (SSDA)

The SSDA, financed by the Australian National University, has collected and preserved data relating to social, political, and economic affairs in Australia and New Zealand since 1981.


Kathryn Harker


The SSDA is a member of IFDO (International Federation of Data Organizations) and the ICPSR Archives. Any researcher in an Australian academic institution has access to data through SSDA.Fees areminimal,withcharges ofapproximatelyUS$60per datasetrequest.


WISDOM (Wiener Institut fuÈr Sozialwissenschaftliche Dokumentation und


WISDOM, established in 1984, collects and disseminates Austrian and German social science data. The data archive is a member of CESSDA (Council of European Social Science Data Archive) and the IFDO (International Federation of Data Organizations). Data are available through WISDOM on a cost-recovery basis. Discounts are available to students.


Belgian Archive for the Social Sciences (BASS)

Affiliated with the Universite Catholique de Louvain, BASS collects and disseminates Belgian and European social science survey data and statistical files. The Archive contains over 400 data sets in the fields of political science, sociology, social medicine and mental health, history, demography, and economics. A catalogue of the Archive is available; US$28 paperback, $10 floppy disk.


Centro de Estudos de OpiniaÄo Publica (CESOP)

CESOP is an interdisciplinary initiative located at the University of Campinas-UNICAMP Brazil. Its objective is to gather and organize survey data, provide consulting services to researchers, and develop research projects and training programs in public opinion methodology and quantitative analysis. CESOP organizes the National Survey Data Bank on Public Opinion, which includes Brazilian surveys on behavior, attitudes, and opinions. This data bank has raw data, questionnaires and research reports and is accessible to the public. CESOP serves as the Brazilian link to the Roper Center (University of Connecticut) and the ICPSR Archive.

Pesquisa Nacional de Amostra de Domicilios [Brazilian Household Surveys]


PNAD provides statistical data regarding Brazilian households. It is located in the ISSR

Data Archives at the University of California at Los Angeles. However, use of the data may be restricted to individuals associated with the university. Contact information is made available in the description of each individual data set.

Data Resources on the World Wide Web



National Statistical Institute of Bulgaria (NSI)

The NSI collects and disseminates statistical data, for which it develops, maintains, and applies unified national nomenclatures and classifications based upon international standards. Surveys include economic, demographic, and social information and indicators. The NSI also provides analyses and forecasts for social, economic, and demographic processes and trends in Bulgaria. The annual Catalogue of Statistical Publications is provided free of charge in both Bulgarian and English versions.


Canadian Centre on Substance Abuse (CCSA)

The CCSA is a non-profit organization that provides information about the nature, extent, and consequences of the use of alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs and assists organizations dedicated to dealing with these issues. This website provides statistical information, as well as links to discussion papers, the 1997 National Household Survey on Drug Abuse (SAMHSA), and summaries and highlights of many Canadian studies

covering alcohol, drugs, gambling, and AIDS.

Canadian Election Study (CES), 1997

The CES, a nationally representative election study, is conducted by the Institute for Social Research at York University. This site provides access to the 1997 election data frequencies and allows researchers to download questionnaires, documentation, and survey data, in either French or English, in SPSS format.

The Canadian Legislator Study

In June 1997, the Canadian Legislator Study surveyed over 550 legislators about the role of government in health promotion, specifically with regard to smoking and tobacco control. The study's web site provides highlights of the national findings and brief summaries of survey results for each territory of Canada.

Central East Health Information Partnership (CEHIP)

CEHIP collects and disseminates data sets related to health planning, research, and education to the partners. These data sets include information regarding both Ontario and the nation as a whole. CEHIP also provides community health status indicators for all public health units and district health councils in the Central East Region of Canada.

These indicators are freely available via this web site.


Kathryn Harker

Centre for Research on Work and Society

The Centre, located at York University, Toronto, promotes research on work and labor, provides resources to researchers, and organizes working groups. The Centre's web site provides access to working papers, and comprehensive lists of links to other work-related research centers and government departments (federal and regional).

Centre for the Study of Democracy, Queens University

The Centre's objective is to promote and conduct research on democratic development and stability. The Centre's web site provides a link to the Canadian Public Opinion Data Archive and to the Archive of Ukranian Public Opinion Data. Data from these archives are available via the Internet.

``Challenge'' Canadian Research Information Database

Thè`Challenge,'' established by the Humanities and Social Sciences Federation of Canada, is an information resource for researchers, policy-makers, journalists, and students. Challenge provides short descriptions of current Canadian research in the humanities and social sciences. This site, available in both English and French, contains a listing of current research projects and information regarding how to post descriptions.

Data Liberation Initiative (DLI)

The DLI provides Canadian academic institutions with affordable access to Statistics Canada data files and databases. Under the DLI, universities acquire data that are available at the institutional level for a set annual fee. Public use microdata files (from surveys such as the General Social Survey, the Census, and the Survey of Labour and Income Dynamics), Census profiles, CANSIM time-series data, and trade statistics are all available from the DLI via FTP.

Data Resource Center (DRC)

Based at the University of Guelph, the DRC acts as a central repository for statistical and social science data and provides user support to researchers. It includes a web-based retrieval system that allows access to Canadian census files, statistics, historical information, climate data, World Bank files, and the ICPSR data archive. Additional data are under restricted access, and available by CD-ROM. The DRC also provides links to other external data sources and resource centers.

Institute for Social Research (ISR)

The ISR at York University, Toronto houses the largest university-based survey research unit in Canada. Survey data collected by the ISR and other major Canadian surveys (e.g.

The Canadian Election Study, The Canadian Legislator Study) are kept in the data Data Resources on the World Wide Web


archive. These studies include major national election, quality of life, and attitudinal surveys, and are available in SPSS, SAS, Excel, Access, and dBase formats. Those not affiliated with York University are charged a fee for each data set. This web site is available in both English and French.

National Archives of Canada

The National Archives preserve, store, and provide access to Canada's archival heritage through publications, exhibitions, special events, and reference and researcher services.

The archives include millions of records, texts, photos, films, maps, videos, books, paintings, prints, and government files. These resources are available to the general public, and access to them can be arranged for non-local researchers.

Ontario Ministry of Health

The Ontario Ministry of Health web site contains information regarding health programs, research developments, and community contacts. The site also provides links to Ministry of Health publications and a useful set of links to other health-related Canadian web sites.

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