Read The Fantasy Factory: Edgy Role Play Online
Authors: J.D. Grayson
She was wrapped up in the sexually soiled sheet, concealed from outside eyes. Continuing to flail, the strong leader lifted her curved body over his shoulder. As he made his way to the door, he leaned into Gavin. “You’ll hear from us soon. Until then...I’d stay quiet if you ever want her back.”
Gavin was left soaked in his own cum, watching his wife get stolen. The blue-eyed captor freed one of Mr. Lane’s wrist ropes. The remaining freedom would depend on the tied husband himself. By the time he’d achieve that goal, his sexy blond wife would be long gone.
Exiting the Lane’s home, the five masked men rushed Vicky to their car. Her shrouded, curved form wiggled around. She felt the California night air seep through the sheet. The sound of a turned key entered her ears. Creaking steel hinges followed. She silently thought,
A trunk! Oh...that sounded so hot in my head...though shit! In real life...I’m claustrophobic!
Before she knew it, the captive was stuffed into a tight space. With another clanking of steel, quiet darkness engulfed her. Her breath picked up as she tried to wiggle free of the sheet. No luck.
The sound of a starting car filled her ears, motion rumbled her body.
Continuing to maneuver, she rolled around the space. Her heartbeat sped. After a
15 minute struggle, Vicky managed to free her head. To her fear, a dark trunk was revealed.
How long will I be kept in here?
She wondered, sucking air harder. In a panic, she kicked at the steel with soft bare feet. A chorus of distant laughter was heard from the car’s inner passengers.
The tied, nude blond curled into a ball. Although struck with fear, the mere helplessness made her wetter than ever. Her thighs pressed together, as a mixture of feminine juice and captor cum seeped from her vaginal smile. A sexual stain spilled onto the trunk carpet.
As a full hour passed, her will to fight slowly faded. She had to submit or lose her mind. That’s when the car stopped. Outer doors were heard opening and closing. A key jiggled the trunk’s lock. It crept open.
Seeing the masked men again, a new energy surge filled Mrs. Lane. Her bound feet kicked them. They laughed, catching her in mid-flight. Lifting her curved body from the steel prison, she was placed over the leader’s shoulder.
Vicky was carried to a white van. Upon closer look, it was an ambulance.
What could this be?
She wondered. As the back doors opened, a salt and pepper haired, white-coated doctor appeared. He sat beside a gurney bed.
Snapping on latex gloves, he gazed upon her. “Just as promised...desirous beauty. Now...we’ll see how much she’s truly worth.”
Strapped into the medical gurney, Vicky was imprisoned on the mobile bed. Four black bands were locked in place, holding her body down. One strap was buckled above the breasts, another directly below, one at her waistline, and the last below her knees. Escape from the ambulance would be impossible.
“What’s this for?” she shouted into the empty night air.
The leader pointed at one of his masked men. “Stay with her...she doesn’t leave your sight! If she misbehaves...beat her.”
“Yes, sir,” the masked man said, entering the ambulance. The leader exited, shutting the vehicle’s back doors. A panicked Vicky turned towards the added bedside guard. She gasped, noticing compassionate blue-eyes peering at her. A gas mask was secured over her mouth and nose.
She stiffened again, feeling puffs of scentless air invade her airways. The doctor said, “Just inhale,
don’t fight it. This will help you relax. You’ll stay conscious...feeling every sensation deeper.”
Her heartbeat slowed with each new breath, softening.
An inner warmth came over her body, every muscle relaxing. Glowing with lustful light, she suddenly welcomed the coming medical exam.
Dr. Ray’s gloved hands started at the D-cup breasts. Gripping one breast with both hands, he pressed upon the massive
mammaries with two stiffened fingers. As lightheaded as the blond captive felt, every touch boldly affected her. Nerves were awakened that were previously undiscovered. He jabbed each bulb with his latex grasp, poking every sensitive gland.
Sliding down to the nipples, he squeezed each
aureole. Strangling the puffed red bases, tiny nipple ducts widened. Taking a thin tube, he slid it inside the tight space. Vicky’s curvy body lazily wiggled in the strapped restraints, breathing increased in the gas mask. The doctor continued without pause, inserting the second tube in the opposite nipple duct.
Although drugged, she felt every pressured sensation. It stung, yet stimulated the red darts with sexual fire. To Vicky’s surprise, she felt a gloved hand secretly hold hers. She slowly returned the blue-eyed man’s grasp, feeling a small wave of security return.
Dr. Ray attached a full syringe to the tubes. Pressing the plunger downward, clear liquid emptied into the nipple ducts. Vicky squeezed the blue-eyed man’s hand harder. Her aureoles swelled with each injection. The tubes were removed, leaving the captive’s nipples puffed three inches. Her ducts remained gaped.
The doctor pinched the
aureoles with his thumbs and index fingers. He squeezed hard, firing a stream of fluid into the air. Even sedated with drugs, Vicky’s body flailed at the odd, warm sensation.
“Her ducts are operating perfectly for breastfeeding,” he declared.
Why’d he say that?
She groggily wondered.
Reattaching the strap above, he freed the leg strap next. He added stirrups to the gurney’s end, putting her feminine ankles up into them. Spreading her wide, he witnessed a sea of white still seeping from her previous bedroom activity. “We’ll have to clean you out. Though first...we’ll have to shave you clean,” he said, tugging on her blond pubic hair.
Lathering her with a puff of shaving cream, he covered her abdomen and vaginal lips. He slowly carved her landscape, shedding all pubic hair in his wake. Crossing her with precision, his strokes were artisan perfect. Each lip was cleared, continuing into her asshole.
Washing her clean, shining perfection stared back. “Look’s good enough to eat...doesn’t it?” the doctor asked the blue-eyed man. He nodded,
then looked away.
With her vaginal cavern already slippery with sperm, he inserted a douche nozzle inside her. Totaling a quart, he squeezed the salty spray. Flowing freely, it filled her tender tunnel like a roaring river.
Her breath visibly fogged the mask, picking up speed. Feeling her insides swell, she stiffened in the straps and stirrups. The doctor pinched the pink lips closed, stopping any leakage. In the process, he squashed her clitoris, causing further arousal. With each moment, more water pressure stimulated the G-spot gland.
Once the velvet valley was flooded, water trickled through her cervix and womb. Her belly swelled, body naturally pushed outward. As the bottle neared empty, the doctor squeezed her folds harder. The patient’s clitoris throbbed, timed perfectly with the crowded treasure gland within.
Reaching saturation point, the bottle emptied. As the nozzle was removed, Dr. Ray placed a finger inside her. He plugged the exit, simultaneously squeezing the creamy chamber tight. Vicky’s lips were sealed.
Realizing relief wasn’t coming, Mrs. Lane tightened up. She felt her orgasm building. Fighting the sedative gas, she squirmed hard, removing her legs from the stirrups. Kicking at the doctor, Dr. Ray shouted, “Stop her!”
The smirking blue-eyed guard secured Vicky’s legs. He forcefully yet gently returned them into place. Feeling him touch her skin, it pushed her over the edge. She burst into her second orgasm of the late night. Her body quaked like an angry fault line, stimulated by a liquid phallus and flattened clit.
Held-still throughout, water boiled in her ovary oven.
A few cloudy drops snuck out from her forceful orgasmic push. However, it was nothing compared to the ocean swirling inside.
As she finished coming, her legs began to kick again. The blue-eyed man turned to her, whispering, “The quicker you relax,
the quicker this ends.”
Hearing his truthful tone, she went limp again. There was something trustworthy about the man, his tone sincere. True to his promise, the cleansing would end. The doctor placed a plastic sample cup below her cheeks. Unplugging his finger, he released his hold upon her imprisoned lips. “Expel,” he ordered.
Suddenly, she fought to hold it in. The doctor forced it out, pressing down on her abdomen. She couldn’t fight the heavy urge. Finally defeated, a cloudy waterfall spilled from her depths. Spent liquid-sex gushed out. She looked over at the blue-eyed captor’s watchful eyes. His cock rose. Humiliation cooked her, yet so did erotic sparks. Being forced to do such dirty things was her ultimate fantasy.
As the last drop exited, the specimen cup was removed. Dr. Ray leaned into her spread lips, inhaling. “Sweet as cherry pie. Smell her,” the doctor told the masked man. Following orders, the blue-eyed guard leaned in, sniffing her. Vicky gasped, feeling the man’s heavy breath tease her wet flesh. The sharp edges of his mask scuffed her, adding a touch of pleasurable pain.
The blue eyed man stayed at her slit, moving closer by the moment. In a trance of temptation, his tongue reached for a taste. Dr. Ray forced him away. “That belongs to paying customers,” he said. “I have an examination to complete.”
Vicky remained confused, as the doctor unveiled a speculum. With her feet still in the stirrups, she was spread wider. A glob of lube was squirted along her slit, lubing the vaginal entrance.
With each click of a lever, she was stretched open to a width of 2-inches. Next, the doctor placed his finger to her asshole. Waiting for her anal wink, he entered deep into the dark tunnel.
She gasped, inhaling more gas. Relaxed by the sedative, the anal tension was looser than normal. Entering to the knuckle, Dr. Ray spun his finger along her cavern walls. Each twist further stimulated her stinging anal nerves.
With the speculum still in her vagina, the double penetration made her stiffen. Keeping his latex finger in the butt, the doctor grabbed a bristle brush swab. Aiming it inside, he swirled her satin walls. Sliding down to her cervix, he rimmed the small round ring. Easing it inside, he forced a sample of her cervical fluid to seep out.
Her hand tightened upon the blue-eyed man’s. He rubbed her arm with his glove. The deeper the doctor went, the more fluid flowed. Muffled moans sounded from within the gas mask. After a few more inner swirls, he removed the vaginal swab and anal finger. Then, he sealed the probe in a bag.
“Now to the final exam,” he said, guiding a handheld scope into her stretched slit. It had the look of a periscope with a thin tip at the inserted end. The opposite end featured an illuminated microscope. Sneaking through the soaked hole, he journeyed into the pristine pink cavern.
Feeling the 4-inch circumference, the curvy blond shifted in her straps. As the thin tip was inserted into the cervical ring, her feet pressed the stirrup bars. Vicky gripped the blue-eyed man’s hand harder. His thumb tickled her skin.
She felt his bare hand, realizing he’d removed the glove. It offered her warmer comfort. His eyes met her gaze, as they remained fixated upon each other.
Dr. Ray examined her cervix and ovaries. “No children, Mrs. Lane?”
“No,” she muffled through the mask.
“Ripe for breeding,” he announced
“Huh?” she huffed. “What do you mean by that? You’re gonna try to get me pregnant?”
With one press of a button, a new gas was added to the mix. Feeling a gustier rush of air, the curvy captive tried to escape. She felt dizzier, eyes slowly rolled into her head. Turning towards the blue-eyed man, she slurred, “Don’t let him.”
“Shhh,” he said, running his fingers through her blond hair. Next, he gently shut her eyelids, watching her drift to sleep.
A loud gasp exited her lungs, as she awoke inside the dark trunk again. She wondered in worry,
Did they inseminate me? Use me while out?
Pontificating was useless. Instead of kicking, she calmly shut her eyes. It appeared, the forced submission had started to grow on her.
Even in her grogginess, the helplessness made her drip with lust.
She was so turned on, she reached between her legs. Rubbing her clit in frantic circles, Vicky’s lust matched her pulse rate.
Before she could orgasm, the car stopped. She suddenly remembered the doctor’s cryptic phrases,
Breeding and breastfeeding. I didn’t pay for that! That stuff only happens in movies and eBooks anyway.
The trunk opened, revealing the masked leader. “Let’s go, bitch!” he shouted, roughly hoisting her from the trunk. Tossing her nude body over his shoulder, he hurried through thick woods.
Vicky’s heart beat faster with every inch. She passed two men digging holes with shovels. A chill spanned her spine, afraid she’d be tossed inside it. Instead, she was tossed into a pair of strong arms.
Caught in a cradle carry, she locked eyes with the blue-eyed man. He secured her tightly, safely. She wrapped her feminine arms around his neck, smelling pricy cologne.
Odd for a captor in the middle of the woods,
she thought.
The masked leader addressed the blue-eyed
man, “Lock her in the safe house. The other girl will be moved...after one last pit stop.”
Another captive? Where will they move her? What’s a
pit stop?
Vicky silently wondered.
This is getting more real by the moment. I’m starting to believe I’m actually a sex slave,
she thought in nervous arousal.
No, it can’t be. This has to be fake!
“Yes, sir,” the blue-eyed man said. He turned away from the leader, carrying Vicky towards a small, seedy cabin.
Still groggy from the sedation gas, Vicky lay her head upon the strong man’s chest.
I wonder what he looks like under that mask,
she thought.
They arrived inside the dark cabin. Spray paint covered the walls, five mattresses dotted the floor, and a toilet decorated the room’s center. An exotic nude beauty was on a makeshift bed, her wrist cuffed to a floor chain. The captive had mocha skin, thick curves, and dark hair. She was Latina as her language soon proved.
“Ayuda!” she shouted. “Ayuda!”
“What’s she saying?” Vicky asked.
The blue-eyed man hesitated to speak. After a few moments he whispered, “She’s begging for help.”
Vicky gulped, seeing fear in the attractive girl’s eyes. Carried-in by the blue-eyed man, the blond captive tightened her grip around his neck. She didn’t want to let go. He gently lay her down. A chain was staked to the floor, cuffed at its free end. He reached for it, asking, “Use the toilet before I chain you?”
She stared over at the exposed toilet. As much as she had to pee, she didn’t want to go in front of him. “I’ll hold it.”
“I understand,” he said, locking her wrist into captivity.
Vicky lay her head down submissively, her golden blond hair spilled off the mattress. She realized,
those are the first words I’ve heard him speak. His voice is as kind as his eyes.
“Can I ask you a question?”
The blue-eyed man paused. “You can ask...I just can’t answer,” he said regretfully.
Ignoring his words, she said, “Is this part of the abduction fantasy I paid for? This is fake right? I mean...I’m not really a sex slave, am I?”
He stood, ignoring her question. Instead, he exited the shack. The two girls were left alone, as the Latina begged Vicky, “
The blond captive sighed, saying, “I need help as badly as you do. What is this place? Did you sign up for the abduction fantasy too?”