Read The Fantasy Factory: Edgy Role Play Online
Authors: J.D. Grayson
A smile crossed the buyers’ lips, as they continued to test the merchandise. Satisfied with her breeding dimensions, they were ready for the bidding to begin. A few more customers pushed their way forward, craving a feel. Vicky shut her eyes, trying to imagine anything but being forced bred.
I can’t let them impregnate me. I promised Gavin I’d do it...someday. Maybe I shouldn’t have waited so long,
she thought, feeling guilty.
These people will take my baby away!
The hands continued their conquest, making her feel uncomfortable. Keeping her eyes shut, the touching was reduced to one pair. That particular touch was different, caring,
almost familiar. She opened her eyes. “Ace!” she said in delirious excitement.
Shhh! Are you nuts!” he whispered.
“Sorry,” she said. “I’m so glad to see you. Can you afford me?” she asked.
“No,” he said, flashing the credit card from his pocket. “We better hope Mr. Wolf has a fucking line,” he said quietly, winking at her.
A comforted smile crossed her face. For the first time since arriving there, she felt hope. The bidding began, as a fierce war was held over the curvy blond captive. Unwilling to be defeated, the blue-eyed man spent $500,000, winning his prize.
Each man was called to his breeder, the microscopes were removed.
Remaining in the stirrups, Vicky anxiously awaited escape. The couple expected to head for their birthing suite. Mr. Sosa had other plans. A man of ritual, he announced, “The winners will christen these breeders with a seeding. Right here...right now, in this sacred room.”
Vicky and Ace stared at each other in disbelief. The blond bombshell silently wondered,
I think I’m ovulating! He’ll get me pregnant!
After studying his pleasant face, she thought,
I guess there are worse things in life.
Exhaling deeply, Ace knew he had to perform. If he denied the act, red flags would be raised.
The credit card would eventually be approved by Tito Sosa himself. When the name Robert Wolf appeared, Ace’s plan would be destroyed. He planned on being gone by then.
Connecting in a blue stare, the two were ready for each other. As much as Vicky hated to admit it, she’d desired Ace ever since her dream. He’d craved her since the passi
onate, forced kiss on her bed.
Ace removed his shirt, revealing a hard body beneath. Cut like chiseled stone, he was a specimen of perfection. Dropping his pants, a 9-inch monster was released. He was thick and throbbing.
Vicky’s mouth watered, as her gaze remained locked upon the bulbous baton. He moved between her stirrup spread thighs, gently parting her pink angel wings. Dropping to his knees, he buried his head inside her sex. Attacking her like an inmate to a last meal, he ingested her womanhood.
Feeling the passion in his tongue, it was even better than her dream. Although he hadn’t touched her on that sleepy night, it was as if they’d made spiritual love. Drowning in her sticky-sweet nectar, he licked and sucked her feminine fruit.
Mrs. Lane’s legs tightened in the stirrups. Her thighs trapped Ace’s face in a vaginal vice, drowning his cheeks with clear wine. He continued to drink her, suddenly remembering why he was there: it wasn’t foreplay.
Quickly standing, he was the only man not currently breeding. Those women weren’t purchased for pleasure, but purpose. Tito Sosa had his eyes on the blue-eyed man, suspicious of the uncharacteristic oral kindness.
Placing his mushroom cock-head at Vicky’s slit, Ace jumped into action. With a slight push, he slid into her haven. Wetness seduced his spear, smothering it with the force of a thousand feathers. The blonde’s human glue marinated the prime meat.
He’d wanted to sample the sexy specimen for so long, he swelled with a sea of cum. Fighting a creamy eruption, he aimed to holdout forever. Gripping her curved hips, he crashed into her, letting his big balls
spank round cheeks.
Reaching for her swaying D-cups, his hungry touch massaged her
mammaries. First he tugged on her erect nipples, then inverted them. The stimulation made Vicky boil like erotic water. However, it was something else which made her cum.
She connected with the blue-eyed stare, absorbing the element that saved her life. There was such desire and care for
her, it pushed Vicky over the edge. Crying out in the song of Aphrodite, high-pitched tones floated like fireflies.
Female pleasure was rare in that room. Tito Sosa was quite surprised. He pulled over a guard, whispering in the man’s ear. Clearly, if a customer cared about a slave enough to make her cum, he’d also care about her wellbeing.
None of that mattered to Ace. Feeling Vicky’s velvet vice tighten upon his cock, he grunted loudly. A spray of white life filled her unprotected womb. Seeping and sailing deep into her, Mrs. Lane no longer feared possible conception. In fact, she welcomed it.
Pressing into her fully, the blue-eyed man fired streams of sperm inside her. Vicky’s soft curves shook with sparks and spasms. Her feet pressed the steel stirrups with strength, absorbing every aftershock.
Ace crashed down upon her breasts, huffing and puffing. The blonde’s breath met his, tempted to repeat the first night’s kiss. However, Tito Sosa’s unwelcome presence quickly stopped them.
Mr. Sosa approached. “Your slave’s been seeded. You’ll spend tonight with her in the breeding suite while we process the payments. It’s just to verify your identity...avoid fraud. I’m sure you understand,
“Wolf,” Ace said, hoping his first name wasn’t asked.
“Very well...Mr.
. After your payment’s approved, background check’ll be free to come and go at your discretion,” Tito said, staring the blue-eyed man down.
As night fell, they were led to the breeding suite. The girls would be confined to the assigned rooms until conception occurred. Each customer had a key, returning as much or little, as they liked. The payment delay was expected, though the background check was not.
The door was shut, as Ace turned to Vicky. “Before the sun rises...we’ll bust out. It’ll be the lightest guard presence, the least expected time for an escape. The background check usually takes 24 hours. Though...with the connections he’s could be
me. Can’t we just...leave after they check you? I’m yours now, right?” Vicky asked.
“I only rented your womb...they own your body. You’re a breeding machine...kept until you stop producing.”
“Which...we’ll be long gone for.”
“That’s the plan. But understand...although Tito Sosa doesn't know me...he
damn well knows Robert Wolf. Are there two Robert Wolf’s in existence? Sure. Though not in the breeding world. One phone call...we’re nailed. By now, my boss already knows I went AWOL. The hunt’s begun.”
Worry crossed Vicky’s face. The two climbed in bed, too distressed to have sex. Instead, the sensual blond rested upon Ace’s strong chest. A million thoughts crossed her mind.
Will we get caught? Will I get sold again to someone worse...killed? Will this be Ace’s last night alive? It’ll be my fault!
She wondered, staring up towards his face.
The comforting blue-eyes stared back. They connected gazes again. She wanted to ask why he returned, since he was hesitant with his past answer. Though, she just couldn’t do it. Instead, she said, “I just want to say...thank you. For
.” She shut her eyes, basking in his chivalry.
Wrapping her in his arms, Ace leaned in, kissing her blond head. It brought back memories of her husband. On
their wedding night, he promised,
“I’ll always lookout for you, would die for your safety.”
He’d kissed her head in the same way.
Vicky realized she never thanked Gavin for that. In fact, she began to
realize she hadn’t thanked him for anything. Even the small things like open doors or put the toilet seat down.
Just like he’d stopped complimenting and desiring her, they’d both stopped appreciating each other.
We took each other for granted,
she silently thought.
If I ever get the opportunity, I’ll tell him. I’ll try harder to make us better than before, better than ever.
Early morning darkness filled the air, as the two crept through the building. Expecting a guard presence, Ace drew his gun. To his shock, no one was around. Exiting the interior, there was no one on guard either. “Something’s not right here,” he said.
“What’s wrong?” Vicky asked nervously. “Everything seems quiet...seems perfect to escape.”
exactly what’s wrong,” he said. Having no choice but to move forward, they made their way to the guest vehicle lot. Arriving at Ace’s Hummer, the truck-base vehicle had an extended iron grill, bulletproof windows and thick tires.
Quietly entering the solid vehicle, Ace started the engine. As the roar sounded, their secret was no longer. “Buckle up!” he warned. “I get the feeling...this ride could get rough.”
“Really?” Vicky asked.
Putting the car in drive, the blue-eyed hero revved forward. Pressing the gas pedal to the ground, he raced towards the locked complex gate. Made of thick wood, it would take full acceleration to put a dent in it.
“Brace yourself,” he warned.
Vicky gasped, “We’re really going
“I’d ask permission...but the gate guard’s on vacation,” he sarcastically said. Vicky rolled her eyes as Ace raced towards the gate. At 150 miles per hour, the steel vehicle rammed the wooden structure.
The front iron grill cracked the gate’s base, shattering the wooden blockade. Their vehicle burst through the barrier, immediately met by a line of SUV’s. Jamming his foot on the brake, Ace halted their progression.
Sliding in the sandy soil, they came within inches of the enemy. Robert Wolf and his team came to collect Ace’s resignation. They came to collect his life. Ace put the car in reverse, gaining some space between the two. He didn’t get very far as Tito Sosa’s security pulled up behind him. There wasn’t enough room to maneuver a drive around. The only escape was through his old employer.
“What’d we do?” a frantic Vicky asked.
“You tell me. Do I give up...or go through him?” he challenged her.
“Since when did this become a choose your own adventure?”
“We’re running out of time!”
“Fine...go! Do it! I’m not going back there!”
“My kind of girl,” he said, revving the engines strong. Ace knew the SUV’s weren’t near the power of the Hummer. Slamming the gas, the car raced forward. Hitting the center vehicle head-on, his acceleration pushed it backward. By the time the enemy driver could rev forward, their SUV was flung into a ditch, flipped over.
“That was amazing!” Vicky shouted excitedly. “Like a movie or something!”
Ace smirked, slamming the gas pedal. Peeling out, the car raced down an isolated dirt road. The other vehicles trailed him closely. Tito Sosa’s men followed behind that.
“Oh no...they’re following us!” Vicky yelled.
“They’re not the quitting type,” Ace proclaimed.
The windows in the trailing cars opened. Men leaned out the side, aiming guns at the car. They fired, sending smoky blasts upon the hardened glass. Luckily for them, the bulletproof windows didn’t shatter.
Vicky unleashed a high-pitched scream. “What’d we do? We’ll never lose them on this empty road!”
He paused, letting the tension build. “Who says we’re taking this road?” he asked, quickly breaking, skidding the vehicle in reverse. The oncoming vehicles quickly stopped. “Should we give ‘em a scare first? A shot of revenge for all the shit they put you through?”
A wicked look crossed Vicky’s face. “Do it!”
Putting the Hummer in drive, Ace raced directly towards the vehicles. Heading at top speed, he clearly wasn’t going to stop. Having seen him already smash their brethren, the SUV’s peeled off one by one. Swerving off the road, the vehicles landed in side embankments.
Clearing the last car, Ace drove down the road. Seeing the side ditches end, he turned off road into the desert. Using GPS, he zoned in on a distant spot.
“What’s out there?” Vicky asked.
“Your ride,” Ace said, slamming the gas. He kept peering into the rearview mirror, nervousness covering his face.
Seeing his unease, Vicky said, “They’re stuck in those ditches...we’re OK now, right?”
“Sure,” he said unconvincingly. His increased speed indicated otherwise.
The dawn sky began to show. Brilliant tones of orange and red burned the clouds alive. They arrived at another car, coming to a stop. “Do I have to ride in the trunk this time?” Vicky asked.
“No,” Ace said. Removing his long shirt, he clothed her naked body in it. It was the first time she hadn’t been nude in weeks. “Let’s get you home.”