Read The Fantasy Factory: Edgy Role Play Online
Authors: J.D. Grayson
“Can you please explain how this happened? I mean, I signed up for an abduction fantasy...not a career in prostitution.”
“I guess, it doesn’t matter at this point. The Fantasy Factory was just shut down by the government. They tried for years...finally decided to made their own rules. The feds seized the owners money, assets in the name of fairness. They went belly up.”
“What does that have to do with me?” she asked.
“The owner also had his hand in brothels. He needed capital quickly. So, he sold his remaining accounts to us...fled the country.”
Panic crossed her face, as a tear rolled down her cheeks. She shook, having not actually believed it before. “You mean...this really is real? I’ll never see my husband again? My dog? My house? My life?”
Pain filled Ace’s eyes. He felt sympathy, a dangerous emotion in the trafficking business. A daring thought flashed in his mind, one of escape. The blue-eyed guard quickly dismissed the deadly idea. He had enough liability on his own. He didn’t need another life to worry about.
He removed a capped syringe from his pocket. “I’m supposed to move you now. It’s time to sleep again.”
The helpless blond went limp, submissive. Malaise filled her. Even though she was suspicious before, there was still hope within. It quickly vanished, leaving her empty. Ace rolled her over on the side, exposing her round butt cheek. After swabbing the sensual zone, he placed the spear’s tip against the skin.
“Wait,” she said. “Can you at least tell me...was my husband hurt? Is he OK?”
“He’s alive.”
“Can you get word to him...that I said goodbye. That I’m sorry for any trouble I caused? That I love him.”
“I can’t do that...I’ll be tracked, killed.”
“OK,” she said, shutting her eyes.
Right before administering the injection, Ace said, “I’ll tell him.” The needle was entered, plunger emptied.
A last whisper escaped Vicky’s breath. “Thank you, Ace.” Her eyes rolled upward, and she was asleep.
Rolling her back over, he studied her beautiful face. He said, “You’re welcome, Vicky Lane,” proving he knew her name. She didn’t hear it. Ace leaned in towards her lips, lifting his mask. He kissed her. The act only increased his desire to help her. The danger to his life increased with it.
Vicky awoke in darkness. She wasn’t in a trunk or vehicle. The air was exterior, though stale. A warm, dusty draft entered her nose. She was bound at the wrists and ankles. Driven in a utility cart, she was stuffed in the open back bed.
Seeing a ceiling crack above, it became apparent she was in an underground tunnel. Having been asleep, she assumed the journey was ending. As the motorized cart stopped, two Mexican
federale officers approached the vehicle.
Vicky saw the sown patch upon their vests. It was a badge with the word,
. On the sides of their arms was the Mexican flag. Seeing an opportunity for help, the blond captive shouted, “Help me! I’ve been kidnapped!”
The two men ignored her words. Instead, their hands paid attention to her body. One roved and squeezed her
breasts, the other explored her vaginal lips and asshole. Then, the two men switched places.
Oh no, they’re part of this too!
She silently realized. Having heard of the country’s sex trade, her heart pounded. Although she’d heard stories of the corruption, she never really believed it.
If the police are bad, who’ll save me? I’m screwed.
The masked leader exited the passenger side, blue-eyed Ace stayed at the steering wheel. Each officer was handed a wad of pesos. After counting the money, the
federales nodded, “Avanzar,” they said, instructing them to move along.
muchachos,” the leader said, returning to the cart. Ace drove onward.
In moments, they exited the tunnel into a moonlit desert. Looking around, Vicky could see open fields and distant mountains. After a while, they arrived at a van. The
leader transferred her inside.
Two other men
waited, bagging her in a full shroud. She gasped, tied shut. She didn’t kick or fight. Instead, her mind focused on Ace.
He promised he wouldn’t let them hurt me.
She also thought of her husband, Gavin.
What could he be feeling right now?
Is he organizing a rescue? He’s probably still thinking this is a role-play.
Then, her mind shifted to an unknown future. The only certainty was sex. As hot as it was to be objectified in fantasy, reality was turning out a bit different.
After a
twenty-minute drive, the car came to a stop. The van was opened. As Vicky was freed from the suffocating bag, she gasped for air. The two Mexican nationals lifted her out. Loud sounds and busy sights crowded her senses. No longer in California, she’d entered Tijuana.
Brought into a large building, it was much nicer than the surrounding landscape. Whoever owned it was much wealthier than their neighbors. Vicky looked around for Ace, panicking when she didn’t see him.
He broke his promise,
she told herself.
She was taken into a room with other nude girls. Placed on her feet, there were no other blonds. Tanned, dark haired Latinas joined her. All the slaves were curvy, naturally sexy. They didn’t stare or speak, per instruction.
The girls were lined up at a door. Loud speaking and music sounded from the next room. As the door opened, bright red lights filled the captives’ eyes. Led forward to a stage, they faced a crowd of drunken horny men.
Jeers and catcalls began. The announcer spoke in Spanish. Although Vicky didn’t understand it, the highest bidders would win one night with their girls. It was a common practice before the slaves were moved to the higher-priced brothels. Anything was on the table but snuff.
Each man was invited on stage, allowed to examine the offerings. All 50 customers made their way down line. The first Mexican man kneeled, burying his nose inside a spicy Latina’s sweet spot. Placing his hands upon her thick ass cheeks, he sniffed deeply. Licking and tasting her, the young slave jittered, feeling her clit suckled.
Not used to the incredible sensation, the tanned virgin pulled away. Embarrassed by the pleasure she felt, she reacted by pushing the aggressive man further. Before she knew it, a belt lashed her curved ass cheeks. She cried out, immediately returned into submission. The angry customer moved on.
Arriving at Vicky, he aggressively sniffed her. Nearly nose fucked, she felt the man’s stubble sting her shaved snatch. She was both bothered and aroused. His liquored lips teased her tender flaps.
Sliding up her soft stomach, rough hands traced her crescent hips. Grasping her pale breasts hard, he watched her face stiffen. Each nipple was twisted, pulled, and sucked upon. A low
moan trickled from her lungs.
The next man pushed the current customer aside, hungrily dropping to his knees. He buried his face into the curvy
blonde’s snatch. After feasting on her juicy fruit, he turned her around. With her ass facing him, he smacked it hard. Spanked in front of the entire club, Vicky was embarrassed and aroused. Her pale skin turned bright red, stung by endless blows. Spreading her round cheeks, he rimmed her savory star.
With each customer, they only got more aggressive. She also crept closer to orgasm. Slowly, each girl around her broke down, moaning with sounds of forced pleasure.
Vicky didn’t want to cum in front of them. Looking around, she desperately wished the blue-eyed man would save her. Although she didn’t know much about him, it didn’t matter. His presence made her feel safe, which meant everything in that moment.
Ace is gone. He sold me, did his job. He’s not coming back,
she reminded herself.
She was the last to avoid orgasm, appearing she might even make it. As the rough line was spent, the last man arrived. He slowly kneeled at her slit. Moving towards her with caution, his lips gently kissed her pink palace.
A gasp exited her lungs, feeling his passionate breath cool her sizzling flesh. The customer bathed his face in her feminine waters. His tongue entered her velvet vortex. Pumping with passion, he made love to her with his mouth.
All fear eroded, as she was forced to let go. Shivering in sensation, Vicky bit her bottom lip. Having never cum from oral before, the feeling was different than a cock. It was tenderly pleasing, yet teasing.
The man slid upward, sticky red flesh clung to his nose. He skied through her breasted valley. Arriving face to face, Vicky inhaled her sweet scent on his breath. The handsome customer backed away, coming into full focus. He was Caucasian, had dark gelled hair, strong jaw line.
He’s hot,
she thought to herself. However, his looks weren’t the most surprising thing about him. A massive gasp exited her lungs, as she looked into his eyes. “Ace!” she said, seeing the telltale blue stare back.
Placing a finger to her full lips, the unmasked man quieted her. Moving down the line, he played the role, sniffing and groping potential partners. As the sampling finished, the announcer walked up on stage. In Spanish, he began the bidding on each girl. One by one, the girls went off with their nightly buyers. Coming to Vicky, a fierce bidding war began.
The exchange rate was 15 pesos per 1.00 U.S. dollar. Starting at 10,000 peso (about $650 U.S.), Ace held up his hand. Five more bidders jumped in. Hitting the 50,000 peso mark, Ace remained confident. The volley continued, forcing one of the five men to drop out. At 60,000 pesos, another dropped. As 70,000 was reached, yet another fell.
As the number increased to 100,000 pesos, only Ace and a rough looking man were left. From the shrapnel damage to the competitor’s face, it was clear he’d seen violence. It wasn’t near the violence he enacted on prostitutes.
For the first time that night, Ace started to sweat. He was well beyond his pocket cash, having to resort to plan B. The war continued on, reaching 200,000 pesos. The crowd buzzed, as Vicky’s face went cold. Hard to see through the bright lights, the bidder’s tone was not one of warmth. It was obviously not Ace. The scratchy throat sounded like nails in a garbage disposal.
Expecting the auction to be over, the auctioneer called a final count down. “Uno, dos...”
“20,000 U.S. dollars!” Ace called out, causing the room to explode in cheers.
Anger painted the com
petitor's face, as he gave up.
Ganador!” the auctioneer shouted, declaring Ace the winner. Handing over a credit card, Ace signed quickly.
Since prostitution is legal in Mexico, paying with credit is commonplace. With illegal acts, such as breeding, the company just uses a laundering business to charge it to. Therefore, it appe
ars to be for another product.
Luckily for Ace, that wasn’t an ID-checking type of place. He grabbed the card, h
urrying off to claim his prize.
Vicky whispered, “How’d you afford that?”
“I didn’t. Robert Wolf did.”
“My boss.”
Taken to a flashy room, pinks, yellows, purples, reds, and leopard-print decorated it. A massive, round bed awaited them, covered in silk. Mirrors lined the ceiling and walls. The attendee pointed to the bed. She addressed Gavin in accented English, “One night only. You leave by morning...she stays here.” He nodded, as the woman exited the room.
Once the room was clear, Vicky said, “I’ve never been see a pair of eyes in my life. You’ll never realize how they saved me.”
“They haven’t saved anything
“Yet? Is that what you’re doing save me? Then why did you let them take me in the van? Why didn’t you save me back there?”
“You want me to leave? There’s still time for a refund,” he said.
“No! I just...thought you were done. You said I was being sold. Do I belong to you now?”
“For the night. After that...we’ll need to get creative.”
“Is your boss
masked jerk who slapped me? Does he know you used his credit card?”
“What’d you think?”
“Spending 20,000 dollars on a girl he kidnapped for free...probably not. So why’d you do it then? We don’t even know each other. I’m nothing to you.”
He sat on the bed in stressed worry. “Many reasons.”
“I’ve got all night to hear them,” Vicky said, sitting beside him. Her nude body brushed his, arousing everything within him.
“I’ll tell you one of them. I took this gig for money, five years ago. Moved marijuana before that...figured trafficking people was no different. I was wrong. Seeing such pain, world’s destroyed...I wanted out. When I asked to leave, I was warned...the only way out is death.”
The curvy blond gasped. “That’s horrible! So, if you’re caught...they’ll kill you?”
“You’re going to run though...far away...right?”