Read The Fantasy Factory: Edgy Role Play Online
Authors: J.D. Grayson
Exiting the vehicle, Vicky and Ace approached the waiting man. Shaking hands with the smuggler, Ace asked, “Did he show?”
“I have conformation, he’s there with the money,” the smuggler said.
Ace nodded, as the smuggler opened the car door. Vicky got in the backseat, expecting Ace to join her. He didn’t move. She gasped, heartbroken. “You’re not coming.”
“No,” he answered in a grave tone.
She stepped out of the vehicle, approaching him. “Why not?”
Before she finished her words, headlights appeared in the distant desert. “That’s why,” Ace said.
“They’re gonna kill you!” she shouted. “Come with me! To safety! Why stay here? Why die?”
“They can live with losing one of us...not two. My capture...guarantees your safety. If we both get in this car...they’ll follow.”
“Then we’ll take that chance! You saved me...let me save you too! We’ll hide together! We’ll go to the out a deal!” She grabbed his arm, attempting to pull him in the car. Unable to budge the muscular man, she gave another hard tug. Instead of moving his body, she was pulled into his arms.
He wrapped her in a thick hug, squeezing her tightly. She broke down in tears, as he kissed her head again. “You have to go now.”
“Then do one thing for me, at least,” she begged, gazing into his blue eyes.
“Tell me...why you came back for me? It had to be more than guilt. What was different about me...than the others?”
Staring deeply into her eyes, he grabbed the back of her blond head. Pulling her into him, he said, “
.” The muscular man kissed her passionately, recapturing the feeling from their first night. It was the one force that balanced her fear, fueled her sexual fury.
Deep and hot, they kissed like their last day on earth. For one of them, that was likely the case. Their tongues danced, absorbing each other. Ace forced himself away, wanting more, but knowing he had to let her go. If he didn’t emotionally detach, he couldn’t have walked away.
Hurrying Vicky into the vehicle, he shut the door tightly. Ace banged on the car, then it quickly sped away.
As the car was absorbed into the dark mountain tunnel, Vicky looked back. She watched Ace get into his car. Instead of speeding away in safety, he did exactly what she expected. He drove towards trouble, sacrificing himself for her good.
The distant scene faded away, as her hero went to his fate.
After shedding a sea of tears, the long trip through a dark underground ended. The car arrived well inside the American border. As the door opened, a man awaited her. She gasped, saying, “Ace!”
As the man turned around, it wasn’t Ace, but her husband. “Gavin?” she asked in shock. Hurrying from the car, she ran into the safety of his arms. He was shaken, looked stressed. Squeezing each other tightly, they kissed like they hadn’t in years.
“Money,” the smuggler interrupted.
“Right,” Gavin handed the man an envelope. “It’s all there.”
The transporter removed the cash, saying, “I’ll confirm that, if you don’t mind.” Counting it out, all 5000 was accounted for. Nodding, he returned to his car, driving off.
Gavin and Vicky stared at each other in silence. They had so many questions, yet so few answers. They wanted to call the cops, though the story was so surreal, no one would’ve believed it anyway.
“Take me home,” Vicky said.
Gavin took his wife by the hand, leading her towards the car. The two of them drove off, as Mrs. Lane looked back at the tunnel one last time. She hoped Ace would come speeding out, showing he’d changed his mind.
He never came.
Upon arriving home, Vicky looked at herself in the mirror. Examining the branding mark on her ass cheek, she was surprised to see it fading.
I thought they stayed forever...burned into my skin?
She silently asked herself.
Putting all questions aside, she crashed to sleep in the safety of her marital bed. The couple held each other through the day and night. By the next morning, both of their phones beeped, awakening them. Checking their text messages, both received the same one. It was an address.
“I’ve had enough mystery for one lifetime,” Gavin said. “Do we go?”
Vicky exhaled. “At this point, what else could happen?”
They arrived at a typical office building. Entering inside, they were met by the silver-haired man who originally signed them up. “Welcome to the fantasy factory...where fantasy comes to life.”
“You son of a bitch”! Gavin shouted.
“Mr. Rogers?” she asked, remembering his name.
“Hello, Mrs. Lane. I hope you’re thoroughly satisfied.”
Gavin got in Fred Roger’s face. “We got a refund! You closed down! What’s the meaning of all this shit! You promised her a fantasy!”
“And I delivered. Step into my office, please,” the silver haired man said.
After studying the new office door sign, Vicky entered the room. She gasped deeply. “Oh my God!”
Gavin ran in to join her, seeing a random group of people. He didn’t know any of them, though she recognized them all. “Who the hell are they?” he asked.
Mrs. Lane hugged Bonita, the Latina slave first. “
Hola,” Bonita greeted her blond counterpart.
“I was so worried about you!” Vicky shouted.
“I’m well,” Bonita said in English.
Moving down the line, Vicky saw the smuggler, who brought the money back to the company it was
from. Then came the kidnappers and customers. She even hugged the nasty boss, Robert Wolf. However, there was one man missing.
“Hello, Vicky,” a familiar voice said from behind.
She turned, as relieved joy crossed her lips. A smiling Ace stood in front of her. Vicky’s face lit up, as she threw her arms around him. “You’re alive!”
“I am,” he said, returning the hug.
Fred Rogers watched from afar, seeing another satisfied customer. Vicky Lane asked to be pushed to the edge of reality, plucked from real life into her darkest fantasy. From Hollywood sets to groups of actors, her money was spent on authenticity. Having gotten her wish, she’d gladly keep it in her head from then on.
Mr. Rogers turned his gaze towards Gavin Lane. Vicky’s husband looked jealous, seeing his wife in the hands of a handsome young stud. Of course, when the couple got home, they’d reconnect in a lust they hadn’t known in years. Once unspoken and shamed, their edgy fantasies were finally free to be discussed, enacted with each other.
The silver-haired man smiled. He knew that the happy ending would belong to the couple alone.
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