The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined (38 page)

BOOK: The Life of Anna, Part 2: Entwined
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“Hello, Zach,” she said quietly.

He raised his eyebrow. “Aren't you going to invite me in?”

“Oh, of course,” she said nervously and stepped back so he could enter.

She closed the door after he walked through. Without warning, he slammed her up against the door, face first, and pressed against her.

“I've been thinking about you all week, Anna,” he said into her ear. He pressed his hard cock against her rear. “My girlfriend isn't nearly as adventurous as you are.” He brought his hands up to cup her breasts over her tank top and groaned. “God your tits are fantastic.” He squeezed them hard and she gasped in pain. “Where's your bedroom?”

She pointed behind him. He turned her around, grasped her right nipple and pulled her down the short hall into the guest room, which was the first room he came to.

She stumbled slightly as he pushed her to the bed.

“Take off your clothes,” he growled.

She nervously pulled at the hem of her tank top.

“Turn around so I can see.”

She did as he said and then pulled her top over her head. She pulled at the ties of her pants and slipped them off, then stood nervously as he stared at her naked body and caressed his cock through his jeans.

He took two long strides to stand in front of her, then grasped her hair and pushed her to her knees. He unzipped his pants and pulled out his cock. He was not a Brother; he had no piercings.

He grabbed her hair again and shoved his cock into her mouth. He pressed in deep, shoving himself down her throat. He moaned as he fucked her mouth and throat.

Anna gasped for breath when he pulled out, but that was it. He didn’t care about her need for oxygen.

“You suck good cock, honey,” he said with a wicked smile as he looked down at her.

She did her best to make sure he enjoyed himself. She hoped that he'd take his blowjob and leave, but no such luck. He yanked his cock from her mouth.

“Get on the bed and show me your pussy.”

She crawled on top of the bed and sat with her legs spread, knees near her chest. She bit her lip nervously as Zach removed his shirt and stroked his cock. Taking a deep breath, she calmed herself long enough to read what he wanted: he wanted a struggle.

Anna didn't want to play that game tonight. She was worn out from the day, both physically and emotionally. But if she didn't give him what he wanted, he would call Devin and then anything that Zach might do tonight would be a picnic compared to Devin's punishments.

Anna stared at Zach and started to back away. His grin confirmed her initial read of him. She continued moving backwards slowly until he lunged at her, grabbing her hips and pulling her back to him.

She tried to push him away, but he was much stronger and it did little to stop him. He flipped her over onto her belly and held her hands above her head. He reached down between their bodies and positioned himself at her asshole.

“No,” she begged. “Please don't.”

Zach laughed. “You’re not really in a position to decide what we do, are you?” He pressed forward and she struggled to get away, which turned him on even more. His hard, dry cock pressed against her hole and breached the opening, causing Anna to scream in pain.

“Don't. Please don't.” She sobbed as he continued pressing forward. Her hole burned and her insides resisted the harsh entrance.

But he continued his brutal invasion until he was seated all the way inside. He grasped her upper arms and squeezed as he began to plunder her tight hole. In and out he moved, groaning with pleasure as she cried in pain.

His thrusts quickened and he moaned loudly as he emptied himself into her ass.

He lay on top of her when he was done, breathing heavily. Anna whimpered, hoping he would get off her so she could take in a full breath.

After a few minutes, he pulled himself out of her and sat up. He spread her ass cheeks apart and chuckled appreciatively.

“Beautiful,” he murmured, then slapped her cheeks, causing Anna to yelp in pain.

He stood and dressed. Anna lay on her stomach, hoping he was dressing to leave.

“I'll come see you again soon, sweetheart,” he said after he was fully dressed, then left the room and the apartment, closing the door behind him.

Anna stared at the back wall for a long time. She felt so alone. She wanted to call Aaron. For him to come over and hold her.

But she couldn't. They weren't allowed to see each other. Everyone else wanted her for sex and she didn't want sex. She To be held and cared for.

It occurred to her to call Wilhelm, but it was only six in the morning in Germany. Too early to call.

Alex came to mind, but Alex scared her. Though she could likely trust him to not try anything sexually. But it didn't seem right for a slave to call her Master for comfort. Besides, he was probably with Kirsty.

. She would have to face tonight alone. Like she’d done when she lived with Jack. Why did it seem so much harder now?

She dragged herself out of bed and into the front room to turn the TV off, then stumbled into her own bed and went to sleep.




Anna awoke after a fitful night of sleep, still exhausted. Zach had been cruel to her and she ached all over. She hated that he had done that to her.

Why did what he did bother her so much? It wasn’t as if she hadn’t gone through that before. How many times had men come through that black door of her guardian’s garage to do similar things? Jack kept it unlocked for precisely that reason.

She dragged herself into the shower and felt slightly better after she was done. Her ass still hurt, but had mostly healed and she was confident she'd be able to dance.

As she dried off, she caught sight of bruises on her arms and sighed. This was why she always wore long sleeved leotards: to hide the bruises she inevitably wound up with. She wondered if Patty would let her wear her dance sweater during class. She would be hot, but at least the bruises would remain hidden. Maybe she'd ask Isaak before she went into class.

She tried to push away the ache in her heart as she dressed. She missed Aaron terribly.

After breakfast, she drove to the studio and went straight to Isaak’s office.

“Hello, Anna,” Isaak said, standing and walking to her. He put his hands on her upper arms and she winced. “What's wrong?”

Anna looked at the floor. “I...rough night,” she answered lamely.

Isaak put his hand under her chin and raised her face to his. “Who hurt you Anna?”

“Nobody you know. Just...someone who lives in my building.”

“Anna, you can't....” Isaak sighed. “I thought things would be better since you moved out of Jack’s place.”

She shook her head. “Devin controls me whether I live with him or not.” She looked back at the ground. “As I understand it, many men know where I live,” she said softly, then looked back up at him. “Can I wear my sweater during class?”

Isaak’s eyes were sad. “Let me see the bruises.”

Anna slipped off the wrap-sweater that she wore over her leotard.

Isaak frowned. “Oh, Anna,” he said softly with a sigh. “You deserve so much better than this.”

“They'll be better tomorrow, I'm sure,” she said, trying to change the subject.

“I'll walk with you and speak with Patty.” He walked to the door and opened it. “I understand you did well yesterday
,” he said, changing the subject as they walked down the hallway.

Anna nodded. “I think I did. I really enjoyed it,” she added with a bright smile.

Isaak beamed at her as they approached the studio. “I think you'll be in the advanced classes in no time.”

They walked into the studio and he went immediately to Patty. Anna dropped her bag at the side of the room and began readying herself for class. She watched as Isaak spoke with Patty, who nodded and glanced sympathetically over at Anna.

Isaak turned and headed towards the door, nodding at Anna before he left the room.

She glanced at Patty as she walked over to the
. Patty watched her with sad eyes. Nicole and Jackie greeted her brightly and they chatted for a few minutes before class began.

The morning technique class went as well as the previous day. Anna decided to go to lunch with Nicole, Jackie and a couple of the other girls in the class.

As they walked downstairs, Anna saw Aaron coming out of the studio. They both stopped and stared at each other for a moment, and then Anna gave him a sad smile and turned and walked out the studio door with her dance mates.

The other girls whispered excitedly about seeing the Company dancers. When they started talking about how cute Aaron was, Anna could barely keep the tears out of her eyes.

At the deli, Anna played with the french fries on her plate and leaned her head on her hand, trying to ignore the conversation around her. She knew she should eat, but she had trouble swallowing over the lump in her throat. Seeing Aaron had opened up the healing wound in her heart.

Suddenly the girls got very excited and Anna looked up. She looked to the doorway and saw several of the Company dancers walking in, including Aaron.

He looked at her and she stared back. He got a determined look on his face and walked over to the table where Anna and the others were sitting.


Aaron walked determinedly to the table where Anna sat with the younger girls. He could hear the giggles and whispers as he approached. He didn't want to cause undue attention or questions for Anna, but he had to know that she was okay.

He'd called Alex to find out where she'd gone to lunch and Alex had happily obliged him, after eliciting the promise that Aaron would call and let him know how she was.

“Anna,” Aaron said, hesitating at the giggles and looks he got as he stood there.

Anna stared at her food. She didn't answer him so he knelt down next to her, glad she was sitting at the end of the table.

“Anna,” he repeated. “I need to talk to you.”

She looked at him with tired and hurt eyes. Yeah, she looked like he felt. He'd barely slept the previous night and it looked like she'd suffered the same.

He took her hand. “Please,” he said, standing and pulling her to her feet.

She didn't resist and for once he was thankful at her docile nature. The whispers from her table increased as he led her away to a table in the corner. Fortunately, they were there before the lunch rush.

He pulled out a chair for her and she sat, albeit reluctantly.

“Aaron, we shouldn't be together,” she said softly.

“Isaak said we couldn't date. He didn't say we couldn't be friends.”

“Friends?” Anna's head snapped up with a surprised look on her face.

It was obvious she hadn't considered the possibility of remaining friends. But why would she? Aaron was certain the only interest most men had in her was sex, and if there was no sex, why would they bother with her?

“Yes. Friends.” He looked her directly in the eye, wanting her to know he meant it. He still loved her. God, how he loved her! And she'd be in the Company soon. Then they could pick up where they left off.

She studied his face for a long moment then gave him a tentative smile. “I'd like that,” she whispered.

He leaned back in his chair, relieved that she seemed somewhat comforted. Her eyes regained some of the sparkle that he loved, though not completely.

“Anna, did you think I would abandon you completely, just because we can't date?”

She looked down at her hands clasped in her lap and nodded. She looked up a moment later with teary eyes. “I missed you last night. I alone.”

His heart ached at her words. “I missed you too.” He gave her a wry smile. “I could hardly sleep.”

She nodded again, then started to push her sleeves up on her sweater. She seemed to notice what she was doing and quickly pulled them back down, blushing and looking away.

His heart squeezed with a premonition. Why would she wear a sweater on such a warm day?

“Why don't you take your sweater off? It's rather warm in here.”

She shook her head and gave him a nervous smile. “No, I...I'm okay. Little chilly, actually.” She rubbed her upper arms to emphasize her words, but winced as she did so.

Aaron leaned over and untied her sweater and pulled it off her shoulders. He hissed when he saw the finger sized bruises up and down her upper arms. She pulled away and pulled her sweater back up quickly.

“Anna, what happened?” he asked angrily.

“I'm okay...really...,” she mumbled, not looking at him.

He put his index finger under her chin to make her look at him. “Did someone come over last night?”

She blinked several times, then nodded. “Someone I met at the banquet.”

Aaron leaned back in his chair and ran his hands through his hair. “Did he hurt you? Other than the bruises?” The bruises were enough, but he had a feeling there was more.

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