The Loneliest Alpha (The MacKellen Alphas) (26 page)

BOOK: The Loneliest Alpha (The MacKellen Alphas)
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she lay on the bathroom floor with a twitching stomach and cold sweat making
her skin clammy.

she groaned.

steps came into view as Gavin leaned heavily onto the doorframe. “Food

shook her head in denial. “No way. Nothing I used was bad. It couldn’t have
been. I made the simplest dinner and dessert ever.”

He nodded
to the toilet. “You done?”

God, she didn’t ever want to see a toilet again.

helped her up and that was good because she wasn’t sure she could move on her
own. Only through his strength was she able to walk. He guided her out of the
bedroom and back toward his room.

started shaking her head as the words came out. “No way. No playtime tonight.
Not after that.”

close to a laugh came out of him. He shook his head. “No, sweetheart, I just
want you close. Something smells funny here.”

my breath probably.”

garbled laugh. “Nah, it’s not that. I mean, something’s wrong. What was in that

started listing off ingredients. “Potatoes, butter, milk, strawberries, cream,
sugar, steak---”

there,” he said. He hoisted her onto his bed then stepped back, pacing with his
head lowered and cocked to the side.

is it? I’m telling you, milk, butter and cream. I sort of tried it all before I
used it, as any good cook does, mind you, not because it tastes good. And it was
all good.”

eyes landed on hers. “The steak.” A flash of pain ripped across his face.

about it? I thought it tasted good.”

mouth opened, but before he could say a word, he flew from the room. The
bathroom door slammed closed and a moment later she could hear his pain.

winced and yelled another apology. All she got in return was a grumble.

toilet flushed and the sink turned on and off before he came back. He braced
himself against the wall with one arm slung across his stomach, the other
across his forehead.


to push, but what were you saying about the steak?”

shook his head as if to clear it. Once again, his eyes turned hard. “I bought
it at the butcher.”

that’s bad or something?”

Graham’s brother, Harry, works there.”

don’t really think he had anything to do with this, do you?” He gave her a
look. “I mean, what could he have done, put poison in it?”

stomach chose that moment to remind her she’d been poisoned too. She flew off
the bed and emptied more of her stomach’s contents as he politely waited for
her to finish until he spoke. Such a nice man, she thought.

he could have.”

would he want to do that? I thought Marcus was the one that hated you.”

does, but the one thing that stays consistent in the Graham family is their
loyalty. They’d do anything for each other.”

rinsed out her mouth and turned to face him. “What would they get out of this?
Is it all some sick joke just to make us miserable?”

grew as he considered it. Then, slowly, he said, “To get rid of you.”

eyes flew wide. “Me? Why me? I’m no one.”

eyes settled on her. “You’re everything.”

funny feeling steeled near her heart making her fidget. “No, that can’t be. I

lips quirked into a smirk. “Come on, let’s get into bed.”

grabbed her hand and started pulling her to the bed. She dug her feet in as
fear crept in. “You mean together?”

eyed her as if she was crazy. “How else?”


eyebrow cocked as if to say
but what

bit her lip, unable to express it aloud. Sure, she’d been ready to jump into
bed with him and share some skin privileges, but that had been when the heat of
the moment took hold of her. Now she was vulnerable. To go into that bed right
now would mean to go into it in a non-sexual function. To do it because they
wanted to be close together tonight. Because she wanted to be there for him and
to have him there for her. Almost like they were lovers in a relationship, two
people who cared about each other.

He must
have seen her hesitance because the look in his eyes gentled, cracking some
wall inside her. A wall that had been erected for a steely purpose—to keep
those out who might hurt her. And he shattered it with those warm eyes like
taking a hammer to an ice cube.

was no going back if she did this. This was bigger than sex or some orgasm in a
kitchen. This was her heart and her emotions on the line. The question was:
could she trust Gavin MacKellen with them?

saw the patience and understanding in his scarred face and in the softness of
his eyes and had her answer. She’d had her answer when he told her he’d sent
those other girls home, and when he’d come for her the night of the accident,
and when he’d forgiven her for searching his mystery box.

had her answer all along.

she stood up on her toes and kissed his cheek and went to sleep with Gavin





awoke and could have died a very happy man in that moment. He was in his bed
with the woman he wanted to mate with asleep in his arms. She had her arm
thrown over his chest and one leg tangled around his.

closed his eyes and thought back to when the last time was he had a woman
sleeping his bed. Had to be Jane. Damn, how long ago was that? Six years? Had
it really been that long since he’d found a woman he wanted to be with? Must

hated to have to move, but after being sick as he was last night, he had to get
into the shower, pronto. Slowly disengaging himself, he tucked the covers
around her, pressing a kiss to her temple. Her beauty was incredible. Truly,
she was a stunning woman, but her strength and humor and kindness made her
almost unreal.

into the shower, he grabbed his toothbrush and got to work erasing all traces
of last night’s sickness. The water heated up creating a comforting billow of
steam around him. The hot liquid crept over his body, loosening his muscles and
wiping away the clammy sweat from last night.

was spitting out the last of the toothpaste in his mouth when he heard the
shower curtain pull open behind him. Like they did every time he was around
her—his primitive urges sprung to life.

Guttural words spoken from a dry throat.

was naked. Completely. Holy fuck—his gaze fell down over bare, beautiful
breasts that made his mouth water and cock lunge to a stand, and even lower
over soft belly and
Really naked. Completely naked. The dark
thatch of curly short hairs that framed the juicy piece of her made his balls
pull tight.

he choked, chest pumping to suck in air.

flush covered her cheeks but there was a wicked glint in her eyes. He had the
distinct realization he was screwed.

morning, Gavin.” She climbed into the shower—every naked, golden-skinned inch
of her.

couldn’t stop from reaching for her. It was an automatic response just like
plants reached toward sunlight for energy. He had to slip his hands across the
browned skin, feel the slippery wetness of it. A growl vibrated from deep in
his chest as he slipped his fingers across her hips. Wet, warm and softer than
his mind had imagined it to be.

you mind passing that,” she pointed to something behind him.

an idiot, it took him several extra moments to comprehend that she wanted him
to look at something behind him. Fuck that, his gut growled; everything he ever
wanted to see stood right before him like a water nymph.

toothbrush, please.” She smiled a damned

a growl, he handed it to her. She got busy on her teeth, all the while not
touching him. Not even looking at the massive erection he sported. If biggest
cock-stand was an Olympic sport, he’d win gold.

could she be so relaxed, even going so far as to hum softly as she swished that
toothbrush up and down and round in her sweet little mouth. She looked so nonchalant
with one arm slung underneath her breasts and other propped on top of it as she
brushed. Even one hip was cocked out to the side.

she have any idea what she was toying with? After tasting her for the first
time last night and feeling her slick channel squeezing his finger, he’d nearly
been undone. It had taken all of his strength not to join her, not to rip open
his jeans like he’d wanted to and slam inside, pounding away at her like a
rutting animal.

deserved better than that though. She didn’t deserve having their first
time—because there would be a first time soon—drilled into her as he bent her
over the kitchen table. That just wasn’t how a man took his would-be mate for
the first time.

wanted to do it right. With the lights off so she wouldn’t have to look into
his face and a soft mattress beneath her. God, was his shitty mattress even
good enough? He made a mental note to buy a new one ASAP.

low rumbly noise sounded and he leaned back as his beautiful woman squeezed
past him to rinse out her mouth. Then, holy hell, she took his breath away.

really did that?

seen it in movies and commercials before but something about it had always felt
staged. This did not, however and it made him hard as stone. She tilted her
head into the water as her eyes slowly closed and the showerhead drenched her
in steaming hot water.

lean back arched into it, neck elongating, hair turning slick and wet to hang
down her back as she ran her fingers through it.

must have made a sound because her eyes fluttered open. Then it was like she
finally realized he’d been in the shower with her this whole time. A small,
sweet smile curled over her lips and her sleepy eyes blinked at him.

morning, honey.”

He was doomed, he realized with stunning clarity. This woman had him clutched
by the heart and the balls. He’d do anything for her, anything, so long as she
stayed here and loved him.

strange twisting sensation stirred around his heart. If she stayed here and
loved him…yeah. He wanted that. So fucking bad it hurt to think of her leaving.
Did that mean what he suspected it meant—ah yeah, it did. His breath became
charged as raw emotion hit him.

knew deep in his gut before that he’d wanted her here with him, that she’d make
him happy, that he could possibly make her happy, and that together they’d be a
great match for the alpha and queen of the pack. With her strength, kindness,
and creativity she’d get along perfectly with the women.

this was more. This was something different and unexpected. He didn’t just want
her here because they fit together like two puzzle pieces. No, he wanted her
here with him because he loved her. Loved her with so much desire it hurt. Made
his heart ache with a heavy feeling.

he said, unable to stand it anymore.

sleepy eyes smiled at him as he took her into his arms, and her soft lips
opened to his as he claimed her mouth, not as an alpha or as a lykaen, but as a
man who loved his woman.

kiss was deep and slow and heartracing. Everything it should have been and

didn’t end so much as gradually fade like the last chord of a beautiful song.

rocked in his arms unsteadily. “Wow. Never been kissed quite like that before.”

neither.” Little did she know just how much he meant his words.

a slow smile she opened her eyes. Heat smoldered there like the beginning
sparks of fire. Her eyes dropped and muscles in his pectorals and abdomen
squeezed tight at her perusal. Then her hands flattened over his pecks,
wreaking havoc with his senses.



she have no idea what she was playing at? “I’m barely reining it in here.”

like the sound of that.”

damn, why did she have to be so cute and playful in the morning? Why couldn’t
she be grumpy and mean? At least then he wouldn’t have wood—maybe.

know what I think when I see you here all wet and naked?” she asked.

groaned as she played with his nipples. “What?”

wet mouth surrounded his nipple. “That I want to eat you all up.” She bit down.

he growled.

let loose inside him.

BOOK: The Loneliest Alpha (The MacKellen Alphas)
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