The Marriage Pact (23 page)

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Authors: Dinah McLeod

Tags: #Romance, #Erotic Fiction, #BDSM

BOOK: The Marriage Pact
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“Do you like it?”

I closed my mouth and turned to him. “I was kind of craving a burger,” I deadpanned.

He arched an eyebrow, but even though he was trying to look stern, I saw his eyes glinting with laughter.

“Or we could eat here. You know, if you want.”

“Good girl,” he praised lightly, getting out of the car.

To my surprise, a valet stepped up to mine and opened it for me. “Thank you.”

Brody came around and offered me his arm. “My lady.”

I slipped my hands around his strong arm, giggling. “My lord,” I replied in my breathiest voice. If I didn’t know better, I’d swear I saw his pants tent, however briefly.

Even though it was a small restaurant, it was very impressive. All the floors were hard, shiny wood—I noticed Brody looking those over appreciatively—with a chandelier overhead and crystal glasses.

“Swanky,” I whispered with a smile. We were normally burgers and fries people.

From the moment we were seated—the plush cushions were heavenly; I was almost sorry I didn’t have a sore bottom for them to soothe—the wait staff took excellent care of us. We had our meals in record time; I’d ordered the swordfish and Brody had gotten the steak, both of which were excellent. The view really was incredible. We had coveted window seats, which took a two-month advance reservation to get. It was easy to see why; the lake outside was clear and glittering, surrounding an enormous oak tree that was strung with pretty white lights that bounced off the water.

“It’s beautiful,” I commented with a little sigh.

“It’s a tree,” he commented lightly. “

I giggled and shook my head at him, picking up the dessert menu. I was looking it over when I heard Brody clear his throat.

“I know it’s a few weeks early, but I brought your birthday present.”

“Really?” I asked excitedly, putting the menu down. To my surprise, Brody was kneeling in front of my chair, holding out a black velvet box. “Oh, my God.”

“Now just remember, you can’t say no. We have a pact.”

“Brody…” I could feel tears prickling my eyes.

“Will you marry me, Shana? Will you be my wife, my helpmate, the woman I grow old with?”

I was having trouble breathing. I was so amazingly surprised and touched.

“And just remember,” he said in a low undertone, “that saying yes means agreeing to follow my rules and accept my discipline.”

A spasm of electricity coursed through my body at the words. “Yes, sir.”

His smile widened. “Does that mean…”

“Yes. Yes, of course it’s yes, you idiot!” I laughed. Around us there was a smattering of applause and I turned my head, realizing the other patrons had stopped eating to watch.

Brody leapt to his feet, opened the box to reveal a white gold band encrusted with diamonds all the way around. He slipped it on to the hand I held out, beaming as he folded me into a hug. “Don’t think for a moment you’re not going to pay for the idiot comment.”

“If I thought that,” I whispered back, “I wouldn’t be marrying you.”

When I saw the flash, I realized that Brody had hired someone to photograph his proposal. I smiled warmly up at him. “You thought of everything, didn’t you?”

“It’s been in the works for a while.”

“Really? How long?”

“Since you moved back.”

“What?” I laughed. “No, really.”

“Really. The minute I saw you pull up in that taxi, I started making plans.”

I shook my head in wonderment. “You really are something else, Brody Patterson.”

“We’re a perfect fit, wouldn’t you say,

I bit down on my lip, trying my hardest not to cry as I looked into his eyes. “I would.”

At that moment, our waiter approached holding a covered tray. When he removed the cover and set it down in front of us with a flourish, I made out a heart-shaped chocolate cake garnished with whipped cream and raspberries.

“I already said yes!” I laughed.

“The cake was insurance,” he said with a wink. “We all know how big a sweet tooth you have.”

sweet tooth? What about you?”

“OK, you’re right. The cake’s for me.” He picked up the lone fork and gave me his signature panty-dampening grin. “But don’t worry, I’ll share.” He cut off a bite and offered it to me.

When my lips closed in around the decadent dessert, I truly was in pure heaven. Just when I thought the night couldn’t get any better, he ordered a bottle of celebratory champagne.

“Just one glass for you,” he teased, wagging his finger at me and making me laugh. When it arrived, he poured a glass for each of us and raised his for a toast. “To my beautiful bride-to-be. This has been a long time in the making—”

time,” I agreed.

“But now that it’s here, I couldn’t be happier. I think things happened exactly as they were meant to be.”

“I couldn’t agree more,” I said and we clinked glasses. After two glasses of champagne—Brody leaned across the table and whispered delicious-sounding threats as I sipped the second glass—I excused myself to the restroom. I hadn’t even made it to the door before I whipped out my cell, dialing Becky’s cell.

She picked up on the third ring. “Hey, Shan. I was just about to call you.”

“Really?” I beamed into the phone.

“Yeah, I’m sort of having this problem with my mother-in-law. Seth says she’s used to a different type of cooking, being that she’s from Ireland and all, but I say she just being a picky snob. Whatever, I—”


“I don’t really care about that.
the fact that she ate my last Butterfinger, even though she swears she didn’t. Or that she leaves the toilet seat up—for God’s sake, who ever heard of a

“Becky,” I tried again, bursting with my news.

“—leaving the toilet seat up? She does it for my father-in-law! What the hell is wrong with his hands, may I ask?”


“I just want her gone, Shan. And so, I sort of thought maybe you, my dearest friend, being a doctor and all, could tell Seth that I have an allergic reaction to his mother.”

I was pushed off topic despite myself. “What?”

“You know, say I’m allergic to her perfume or something.”

“Wouldn’t she just stop wearing the perfume?”

“Ha! If that woman would change anything for anybody, I’m sure we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”

“Becky, I’m sorry about your problems with your mother-in-law. Also, I’m going to be getting married.”

It took a few seconds to register, but when it did I had to hold the phone away from my ear to avoid being deafened by her squealing. “Really?

“Oh, about five minutes ago.”

“And you just let me go on and on? Why didn’t you tell me to shut up?”

I smiled to myself, thinking that
one told Becky to shut up. Well, except maybe for Seth, but he could only get away with it because she’d be sore if she didn’t listen.

“When’s the wedding? Are you going to elope? God, I wish we’d eloped. Are—”

“Whoa! Slow down! I don’t know any of that yet. Well,” I amended, smiling into the phone, “maybe one thing. Will you be my matron of honor, Becky?”

“Are you kidding? Of course I will! Oh, Shana, we’re going to have so much fun!”

We talked and laughed for the next five minutes until I told Becky I’d better get back to the table.

“OK, well, we’ll go out after you get off tomorrow and look at wedding dresses, okay?”

“Sure,” I laughed. “I’d love to.”

“Oh, and Shan?”


“About that allergy…”

“I don’t think so, Becky. You’re going to have to find a way to learn to live with her or tell her to leave.”

“Why?” she whined.

“Because I don’t think our bottoms could take the consequences when Seth figures it out and tells Brody!”

“But he doesn’t have to know!”

“Bye, Becky.”

She sighed heavily on the other end. “Fine. I’ll think of something.”

“Of that I have no doubt.” With a quick goodbye, I ended the call. I’d never been so happy and at peace in my life. I was pretty sure anyone who looked at me could see the glow emanating from me. I wasn’t sure that I deserved a second chance, but God knew I was so glad Brody had given me one. I checked my reflection in the mirror one last time before heading to the door, eager to join the man who’d held my heart in his hands for the last twenty years.



The End

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