The Singularity Is Near: When Humans Transcend Biology (10 page)

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Authors: Ray Kurzweil

Tags: #Non-Fiction, #Fringe Science, #Retail, #Technology,

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Thus improving a solution to a problem—which usually increases but sometimes decreases complexity—increases order. Now we are left with the issue of defining the problem. Indeed, the key to an evolutionary algorithm (and to biological and technological evolution in general) is exactly this: defining the problem (which includes the utility function). In biological evolution the overall problem has always been to survive. In particular ecological niches this overriding challenge translates into more specific objectives, such as the ability of certain species to survive in extreme environments or to camouflage themselves from predators. As biological evolution moved toward humanoids, the objective itself evolved to the ability to outthink adversaries and to manipulate the environment accordingly.

It may appear that this aspect of the law of accelerating returns contradicts the second law of thermodynamics, which implies that entropy (randomness
in a closed system) cannot decrease and, therefore, generally increases.
However, the law of accelerating returns pertains to evolution, which is not a closed system. It takes place amid great chaos and indeed depends on the disorder in its midst, from which it draws its options for diversity. And from these options, an evolutionary process continually prunes its choices to create ever greater order. Even a crisis, such as the periodic large asteroids that have crashed into the Earth, although increasing chaos temporarily, end up increasing—deepening—the order created by biological evolution.

To summarize, evolution increases order, which may or may not increase complexity (but usually does). A primary reason that evolution—of life-forms or of technology—speeds up is that it builds on its own increasing order, with ever more sophisticated means of recording and manipulating information. Innovations created by evolution encourage and enable faster evolution. In the case of the evolution of life-forms, the most notable early example is DNA, which provides a recorded and protected transcription of life’s design from which to launch further experiments. In the case of the evolution of technology, ever-improving human methods of recording information have fostered yet further advances in technology. The first computers were designed on paper and assembled by hand. Today, they are designed on computer workstations, with the computers themselves working out many details of the next generation’s design, and are then produced in fully automated factories with only limited human intervention.

The evolutionary process of technology improves capacities in an exponential fashion. Innovators seek to improve capabilities by multiples. Innovation is multiplicative, not additive. Technology, like any evolutionary process, builds on itself. This aspect will continue to accelerate when the technology itself takes full control of its own progression in Epoch Five.

We can summarize the principles of the law of accelerating returns as follows:

  • Evolution applies positive feedback: the more capable methods resulting from one stage of evolutionary progress are used to create the next stage. As described in the previous chapter, each epoch of evolution has progressed more rapidly by building on the products of the previous stage. Evolution works through indirection: evolution created humans, humans created technology, humans are now working with increasingly advanced technology to create new generations of technology. By the time of the Singularity, there won’t be a distinction between humans and technology.
    This is not because humans will have become what we think of as machines
    today, but rather machines will have progressed to be like humans and beyond
    . Technology will be the metaphorical opposable thumb that enables our next step in evolution. Progress (further increases in order) will then be based on thinking processes that occur at the speed of light rather than in very slow electrochemical reactions. Each stage of evolution builds on the fruits of the last stage, so the rate of progress of an evolutionary process increases at least exponentially over time. Over time, the “order” of the information embedded in the evolutionary process (the measure of how well the information fits a purpose, which in evolution is survival) increases.
  • An evolutionary process is not a closed system; evolution draws upon the chaos in the larger system in which it takes place for its options for diversity. Because evolution also builds on its own increasing order, in an evolutionary process order increases exponentially.
  • A correlate of the above observation is that the “returns” of an evolutionary process (such as the speed, efficiency, cost-effectiveness, or overall “power” of a process) also increase at least exponentially over time. We see this in Moore’s Law, in which each new generation of computer chip (which now appears approximately every two years) provides twice as many components per unit cost, each of which operates substantially faster (because of the smaller distances required for the electrons to travel within and between them and other factors). As I illustrate below, this exponential growth in the power and price-performance of information-based technologies is not limited to computers but is true for essentially all information technologies and includes human knowledge, measured many different ways. It is also important to note that the term “information technology” is encompassing an increasingly broad class of phenomena and will ultimately include the full range of economic activity and cultural endeavor.
  • In another positive-feedback loop, the more effective a particular evolutionary process becomes—for example, the higher the capacity and cost-effectiveness that computation attains—the greater the amount of resources that are deployed toward the further progress of that process. This results in a second level of exponential growth; that is, the rate of exponential growth—the exponent—itself grows exponentially. For example, as seen in the figure on
    p. 67
    , “Moore’s Law: The Fifth Paradigm,” it took three years to double the price-performance of computation at the beginning of the twentieth century and two years in the middle of the century. It is now doubling about once per year. Not only is each chip
    doubling in power each year for the same unit cost, but the number of chips being manufactured is also growing exponentially; thus, computer research budgets have grown dramatically over the decades.
  • Biological evolution is one such evolutionary process. Indeed, it is the quintessential evolutionary process. Because it took place in a completely open system (as opposed to the artificial constraints in an evolutionary algorithm), many levels of the system evolved at the same time. Not only does the information contained in a species’ genes progress toward greater order, but the overall system implementing the evolutionary process itself evolves in this way. For example, the number of chromosomes and the sequence of genes on the chromosomes have also evolved over time. As another example, evolution has developed ways to protect genetic information from excessive defects (although a small amount of mutation is allowed, since this is a beneficial mechanism for ongoing evolutionary improvement). One primary means of achieving this is the repetition of genetic information on paired chromosomes. This guarantees that, even if a gene on one chromosome is damaged, its corresponding gene is likely to be correct and effective. Even the unpaired male Y chromosome has devised means of backing up its information by repeating it on the Y chromosome itself.
    Only about 2 percent of the genome codes for proteins.
    The rest of the genetic information has evolved elaborate means to control when and how the protein-coding genes express themselves (produce proteins) in a process we are only beginning to understand. Thus, the process of evolution, such as the allowed rate of mutation, has itself evolved over time.
  • Technological evolution is another such evolutionary process. Indeed, the emergence of the first technology-creating species resulted in the new evolutionary process of technology, which makes technological evolution an outgrowth of—and a continuation of—biological evolution.
    Homo sapiens
    evolved over the course of a few hundred thousand years, and early stages of humanoid-created technology (such as the wheel, fire, and stone tools) progressed barely faster, requiring tens of thousands of years to evolve and be widely deployed. A half millennium ago, the product of a paradigm shift such as the printing press took about a century to be widely deployed. Today, the products of major paradigm shifts, such as cell phones and the World Wide Web, are widely adopted in only a few years’ time.
  • A specific paradigm (a method or approach to solving a problem; for example, shrinking transistors on an integrated circuit as a way to make more powerful computers) generates exponential growth until its potential
    is exhausted. When this happens, a paradigm shift occurs, which enables exponential growth to continue.

The Life Cycle of a Paradigm
. Each paradigm develops in three stages:

  1. Slow growth (the early phase of exponential growth)
  2. Rapid growth (the late, explosive phase of exponential growth), as seen in the S-curve figure below
  3. A leveling off as the particular paradigm matures

The progression of these three stages looks like the letter S, stretched to the right. The S-curve illustration shows how an ongoing exponential trend can be composed of a cascade of S-curves. Each successive S-curve is faster (takes less time on the time, or
, axis) and higher (takes up more room on the performance, or
, axis).



S-curves are typical of biological growth: replication of a system of relatively fixed complexity (such as an organism of a particular species), operating in a competitive niche and struggling for finite local resources. This often occurs, for example, when a species happens upon a new hospitable environment. Its numbers will grow exponentially for a while before leveling off. The overall exponential growth of an evolutionary process (whether molecular, biological, cultural, or technological) supersedes the limits to growth seen in any particular paradigm (a specific S-curve) as a result of the increasing power and efficiency developed in each successive paradigm. The exponential growth of an evolutionary process, therefore, spans multiple S-curves. The most important contemporary example of this phenomenon is the five paradigms of computation discussed below. The entire progression of evolution seen in the charts on the acceleration of paradigm shift in the previous chapter represents successive S-curves. Each key event, such as writing or printing, represents a new paradigm and a new S-curve.

The evolutionary theory of punctuated equilibrium (PE) describes evolution as progressing through periods of rapid change followed by periods of relative stasis.
Indeed, the key events on the epochal-event graphs do correspond to renewed periods of exponential increase in order (and, generally, of complexity), followed by slower growth as each paradigm approaches its asymptote (limit of capability). So PE does provide a better evolutionary
model than a model that predicts only smooth progression through paradigm shifts.

But the key events in punctuated equilibrium, while giving rise to more rapid change, don’t represent instantaneous jumps. For example, the advent of DNA allowed a surge (but not an immediate jump) of evolutionary improvement in organism design and resulting increases in complexity. In recent technological history, the invention of the computer initiated another surge, still ongoing, in the complexity of information that the human-machine civilization is capable of handling. This latter surge will not reach an asymptote until we saturate the matter and energy in our region of the universe with computation, based on physical limits we’ll discuss in the section “. . . on the Intelligent Destiny of the Cosmos” in
chapter 6

During this third or maturing phase in the life cycle of a paradigm, pressure begins to build for the next paradigm shift. In the case of technology, research dollars are invested to create the next paradigm. We can see this in the extensive research being conducted today toward three-dimensional molecular computing, despite the fact that we still have at least a decade left for the paradigm of shrinking transistors on a flat integrated circuit using photolithography.

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