The Watchers (57 page)

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Authors: Stephen Alford

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[Cecil, Robert.] 1586.
The copie of a letter to the Right Honourable the Earle of Leycester … with a report of certeine petitions and declarations made to the Queenes Majestie at two severall times, from all the lordes and commons lately assembled in Parliament. STC
6052. London: Christopher Barker.

[Cecil, William, first Baron Burghley.] 1583.
The execution of Justice in England for maintenaunce of publique and Christian peace. STC
4902. London: [Christopher Barker].

—. 1584.
The execution of Justice in England for maintenaunce of publique and Christian peace. STC
4903. London: [Christopher Barker.]

Charke, William. 1580.
An answere to a seditious pamphlet lately cast abroad by a Jesuite, with a discoverie of that blasphemous sect. STC
5005. London: Christopher Barker.

Digges, Dudley, ed. 1655.
The Compleat Ambassador
. London: Thomas Newcomb for Gabriel Bedell and Thomas Collins.

Eliot, George. 1581.
A very true report of the apprehension and taking of that Arche Papist Edmond Campion the Pope his right hand, with three other lewd Jesuite priests, and divers other Laie people, most seditious persons of like sort. STC
7629. London: Thomas Dawson.

Florio, John. 1598.
A Worlde of Wordes. STC
11098. London: Arnold Hatfield.

Foxe, John. 1589.
An abridgement of the booke of acts and monumentes of the Church: written by that Reverend Father, Maister John Fox: and now abridged by Timothe Bright, Doctour of Phisicke. STC
11229. London: John Windet.

González de Montes, Raimundo. 1569.
A discovery and playne Declaration of sundry subtill practises of the Holy Inquisition of Spayne
. Translated by Vincent Skinner.
11997. London: John Day.

Hanmer, Meredith. 1581.
The great bragge and challenge of M. Champion a Jesuite, commonlye called Edmunde Campion, latelye arrived in Englande, contayninge nyne articles here severallye laide downe, directed by him to the Lordes of the Counsail. STC
12745.5. London: Thomas Marsh.

Jugge, Richard. 1572.
A fourme of common prayer to be used, and so commaunded by aucthoritie of the Queenes Majestie, and necessarie for the present tyme and state. 1572. 27. Octob. STC
16511. London: Richard Jugge.

Munday, Anthony. 1579.
The Mirrour of Mutabilitie. STC
18276. London: John Allde.

—. [1581a.] [as A.M.]
The true reporte of the prosperous successe which God gave unto our English Souldiours against the forraine bands of our Romaine enemies, lately Arrived, (but soone inough to theyr cost) in Ireland, in the yeare .1580. STC
17124. London: for Edward White.

—. 1581b. [as A.M.]
A Breefe discourse of the taking of Edmund Campion, the seditious Jesuit, and divers other Papistes, in Barkeshire. STC
18264. London: for William Wright.

—. 1581c. [as M.S.]
The Araignement, and Execution, of a wilfull and obstinate Traitour, named Everalde Ducket, alias Hauns. STC
18259.3. London: John Charlewood and Edward White.

—. 1582a. [as A.M.]
A Discoverie of Edmund Campion, and his Confederates, their most horrible and traiterous practises, against her Majesties most royall person, and the Realme. STC
18270. London: for Edward White.

—. 1582b. [as A.M.]
A breefe Aunswer made unto two seditious Pamphlets, the one printed in French, and the other in English. Contayning a defence
of Edmund Campion and his complices, their moste horrible and unnaturall Treasons, against her Majestie and the Realme. STC
18262. London: John Charlewood.

—. 1582c. [as A.M.]
A breefe and true reporte, of the Execution of certaine Traytours at Tiborne, the xxviii. and xxx. dayes of Maye. 1582. STC
18261. London: [John Charlewood] for William Wright.

—. 1582d.
The English Romayne Lyfe. STC
18272. London: John Charlewood for Nicholas Ling.

Newberie, Ralfe. [1585].
An order of praier and thankes-giving, for the preservation of the Queenes Majesties life and safetie … With a short extract of William Parries voluntarie confession, written with his owne hand. STC
16516. London: Ralfe Newberie.

Norden, John. 1593.
Speculum Britanniae. The first parte. An historicall, & chorographicall discription of Middlesex. STC
18635. [London: Eliot's Court press.]

[Norton, Thomas.] 1583.
A Declaration of the favourable dealing of her Majesties Commissioners appointed for the Examination of certaine Traitours, and of tortures unjustly reported to be done upon them for matters of religion. STC
4901. [London: Christopher Barker.]

Nowell, Alexander, William Day and John Field. 1583.
A true report of the Disputation or rather private Conference had in the Tower of London, with Ed. Campion Jesuite. STC
18744.5. London: Christopher Barker.

[Persons, Robert.] 1582a.
The first booke of the Christian exercise, appertayning to resolution. STC
19353. [Rouen: Father Persons's press.]

—. 1582b.
An epistle of the persecution of Catholickes in Englande. Translated owt of frenche into Englishe and conferred withe the Latyne copie. by. G.T. STC
19406. [Rouen: Father Persons's press.]

Q.Z. 1584.
A discoverie of the treasons practised and attempted against the Queenes Majestie and the Realme, by Francis Throckmorton. STC
24050.5. [London: Christopher Barker.] [The Latin translation of
A discoverie, STC
24051.5, was printed by Christopher Barker in 1584.]

Sander, Nicholas. 1571.
De Visibili Monarchia Ecclesiae
. Louvain: John Fowler.

Sixtus V, Pope: see [Allen] [1588a]

[Southwell, Robert.] [1600].
An humble supplication to her majestie. STC
22949.5. n.p.

Windet, John. [1587].
A defence of the honorable sentence and execution of the Queene of Scots. STC
17566.3. London: John Windet.


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