Trouble (13 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              “I gave you a warning back in Nevada. I told you that if you ever laid another hand on her that I was going to make you regret it. She is a fucking girl first off and she isn’t’ even seventeen. Also she is your god damn niece and not a freaking rag doll you can beat the shit out of.” Brandon fist went right into my uncle’s nose causing him to stumble back and fall. He then turns to my aunt.

              “You may want to get your piece of shit husband and go to the hospital before I kill him. I am a trained fighter and if I want him dead it would take one blow. He is lucky. Don’t bother ever coming back as well. Anyone else who wants to freaking bash Lannie please feel free to leave now. This is her parent’s funeral and she doesn’t deserve this shit.” My uncle stands back up punching Brandon back in the eye.

“You better say goodbye to Mark, because of this little outburst I am going to make sure he gets taken away from Lannie and you.” Brandon shoves him before he walks away heading towards his house as I stand there watching my aunt and uncle leave. I watch as family that I have never known tell me they were sorry and they kept handing me numbers telling me to stay in touch. Then Ginger walks up lastly before leaving with her dad, my other uncle.

              “I’m sorry about Uncle Tim. I grew up with them hating you, because that was what everyone was suspected to do to get Grandma’s approval. I didn’t know that he beat you or did that. I will make sure that he can’t take Mark from you. My dad is a lawyer and by the looks of it, he is disgusted with his brother. Let’s stay in touch, I know you don’t know me, because of a stupid decisions we never got to know each other, but now we can. You’re very lucky to have Brandon there for you. The whole time outside he couldn’t shut up about you. Don’t let him go.” I smile at her, a true smile.

              “We aren’t together. He’s just a good friend, but we defiantly should stay in touch.” She looked as though I was joking, until she realizes that I‘m not.

              “Well sweetie you better snag him before it’s too late.” She hugs me before leaving. I sigh as Gage comes outside with Mark.

              “Mark wants to head over to Brandon’s. I will check on him. Mark is a little scared by what happened. He doesn’t want to be taken away.” I nod as Ashley follows with Gage. I walk inside and start cleaning up. I cannot believe that Brandon beat the shit out of him for me. Oh my god what if Traci saw? Could he get fired? I pick up my phone, but before I can type anything I see a pair of DC shoes that I would recognize anywhere, on the floor. I look up to see the sorrow painted all over Brandon’s face. He has a bruise forming around his eye. I reach up and touch it he flinches a little, but then welcomes my touch as he leans his head into my hand.

              “I am so sorry Brandon. I didn’t want you to know. Now I may have caused you your job, Mark, and I made you get hurt.” He laughs a little.

              “Baby, you didn’t get me hurt. This is nothing, I have had much worse. Now I should be the one apologizing for what I may have just caused you.” I lean into him.

              “Don’t worry. I have a feeling that if he does try to get Mark removed than I have back up, I’m not going to let it happen. Worst case scenario we go to court. I have witnesses that he hit me. Plus a phone.” He smiles as he pulls me closer. He stares into my eyes before grabbing the back of my neck and making our lips connect. I know that this is so wrong, but it feels so right. How is that possible? I feel his tongue go into my mouth and that makes me melt right here making a moan escape my mouth. He grabs my legs, lifting me up on the counter and sliding my panties off as I undid his pants. I gasp at how big he was. He was surly not a boy or even close to what I have had.

              “Like what you see?” I grin as I make our lips connect again. He slides in me and I swear there are fireworks going off behind us as he slowly pushes back and forth.

              “Baby, you are going to need to go harder and faster. I like it rough.” He yanks me down, bending me over the counter and begins slamming into me. It takes everything I have to not go right at that moment. I have dreamed about this for months, but this is by far better than I could ever imagine.

              “Damnit Lannie, you are so fucking tight. You feel amazing.” Just as I am letting lose I hear a voice.

              “La, where are you?” Our eyes shoot up as I realize, I am the only one who has clothes on. I try not to laugh.

              “Damnit.  Ashley always ruins shit.” I laugh as I pull my dress down and head out into the living room.

              “Hey Ash, what’s up?” She look at me confused.

              “Umm where is your phone? I have been trying to call you for the last thirty minutes.” I try to keep a straight face as I think about where my phone is. I look down by the couch and spot it.

              “Oh here it is. Huh wonder how it got down there.” She watches me as I bend down and get it. Sure enough there’s missed calls and text from Ashley.

              “La, why are you acting funny.” Just then I feel him behind me before he spoke,

              “I didn’t think she was acting funny. We’ve been cleaning up the kitchen.” Brandon speaks so freaking calm. Seriously? I am a mess here.

              “Right. So Brandon you missed a button there.” I lost it after that I can’t help but laugh my ass off. Ashley smirks as Brandon’s face turns red as hell.

              “So Ashley, umm want to help clean up the house?” I turn to Brandon who is trying to hide his face.

              “I don’t know. If cleaning is what you guys were doing, than no I am good. Don’t worry my lips are sealed.” I wink at her as she grabs the trash bag.

              “I’m going to go hang out with Mark and Gage. I will call you later tonight. Okay?” I nod as he kisses my cheek and walks out the door. I know Ashley’s twenty question are coming.

              “So bitch how was it with Brandon?” I laugh I can’t help it.

              “You are a cunt. I freaking didn’t get to finish we barely got to the good part when your ass came in yelling my damn name.” Ugh I hope we can finish soon.

              “Oh shit, I am sorry just after the little fiasco that happened here and then not being able to get a hold of you I freaked a little. Sorry. So what does this mean?” I honestly don’t know.

              “I am unsure. Oh well maybe I can find out tonight, right?” She nods as we finish cleaning up. I make it to the kitchen before she did and thank goodness, because my red thongs were right there on the floor. I grab them and slip them on just in time as Ashley walks in with Gage beside her.

              “La, you okay there?” I nod.

              “I’m going to head out okay? I promised a nice alone dinner with Gage. So I will see you tomorrow. Want to get our nails and toes done?” I hug her agreeing to meet up at the same saloon as always. She leaves and I go and take a hot bath. Relaxing is defiantly what I need. I slip into the hot bath water and grab my phone. I see that Brandon has texted me around six and it’s now seven. I can’t believe that this day has gone by so dang quick.

Brandon: Whatcha doing?

              Me: Hmm I am not sure if I should tell you.

              Brandon: Don’t be mean. I care a great deal about you and want to know.

              Me: Okay, I am taking a bubble bath relaxing.

              Brandon: Shit you were right I didn’t need to know. How is your face feeling?

              Me: It is fine. I am more worried about your eye and oh I don’t know your job?

              Brandon: Don’t stress it. I will worry about it. I talked to my lawyer today. Your uncle can’t take Mark. The judge signed off today. He is officially mine.

              Me: Oh thank god. That makes me feel a whole lot better.

              Brandon: Can I come over after Mark falls asleep. I just want to talk and be with you.

              Me: I don’t know. I don’t want you to risk your job for me.

              Brandon: I will quit then.

              Me: No I won’t allow it.

              I wait and wait for a response, but nothing. Shit. I jump out of the bath and throw on shorts, a tank top and my hoody before slipping on flip flops and hurrying down stairs. I lock up my house and run to his house. I stand there debating whether to knock or not. I’m about to knock when I hear his voice. Where was it coming from? I walk to the side of the house and into the back yard to see him lying on the hammock on the phone. I hate ease dropping, but damnit I couldn’t walk away. I tip toe closer hoping I can make out what he‘s saying.

              “Yeah, oh she did? Well that is awesome. Yeah. Wait no you didn’t tell me that. Wow. Talk about game changer. Nope no clue. Look I am let you go. I will see you tomorrow for sure. Oh Mark will be with us I hope that is cool. Awesome. Yeah we are a package deal, the kid is growing on me and I’m kind of liking him. Alrighty see you tomorrow. Bye.” I smile I can’t believe that he loves Mark. I see him typing something on his phone and then hear mine chime. Shit. He hears it too.

              “Are you going to stand in the dark all night or come join me?” I laugh as I walk towards him slipping off my flip flops and crawling into the hammock with him. I crawl into him, resting my head on his chest. I want to discuss about the text, but this moment right here I want to cherish it. We can talk later. I lay here staring at the sky as his fingers start stroking my damp hair relaxing me. I feel my eyes getting heavy, but I can’t stop them and I close them while I’m still coherent, Brandon starts talking.

              “Lannie, you are going to be the undoing of me. I feel the pull that we have when we are near or with each other. It is unlike anything that I have experienced. My father was a great man. You would have loved him. He always told me that when I found the one I would know. It would be the best, but worse feeling in the world. I stopped believing in love, but it seems that our paths always cross in the past, present, and god I want them to be crossing so bad in the future. To say I am not scared is a lie. I am terrified that I’m going to get fired, lose my license, but like I said what is it worth if we didn’t at least risk it. If we just gave up from the beginning. I know that you are worried, but baby I can protect you, save you, and guide you to where the right path is heading. I just need these months before you leave. Once you leave I am not sure if we will have a chance. I couldn’t protect before, but I can now. I promise that I will.” He leans down and kisses my forehead, before I daze completely into a deep sleep and have the most peaceful sleep I’ve had in months.


              I wake up to the sun beaming through the window. I turn over to throw the covers over my head, but am stopped when I see a sleeping Brandon next to me. I look around and notice I am in his room. Oh wow. I must have been out of it. I study him. He sleeps so peaceful. His face is relaxed his chest is so wow, man this guy should sleep with a shirt on. I look closely noticing a small scar on his chest. It’s so faint as if it has been there a long time. I run my fingers over it and hear him moan. I lift my finger off it and he settles. I touch it barely when he grabs my arm and I almost jump looking up to his dark eyes.

              “Don’t please.” I almost want to cry. Whatever happened to him he is really hurt by it. I nod my head as I turn back around and close my eyes to hide my emotions. Moments later I feel him press against me.

              “I’m sorry I snapped. It’s just a painful memory that still hurts to touch, literally. You are very pretty to wake up next to.” I laugh, but it is the fakest laugh. I really want to know what happened. But I don’t pry. I don’t like it when people get into my business so why would he. I turn to face him and he kisses me so soft and sweetly that it instantly brings a smile to my face.

              “Lannie want breakfast?” I nod as I climb out of his bed to go pee. I sit on the toilet waiting for the damn pee to come. I hate that it takes it time coming. I get done and flush the toilet. I start to wash my hands and glance over to see a picture of a female. I walk closer and notice that this woman is stunning. Than it registers that this is Rhonda the same one that I told off a few years ago and the same one that Gage says was with Brandon. I can’t help but wonder why he would still have this photo in here. I shrug it off as I make my way out of the bathroom and once I am back in the room I see that Brandon must already be downstairs. If I snoop in his room, is that wrong? I mean other than some random people that we know the same, ex boy thing begin the brother, and him my teacher. Do I really know him?  I hear the chime of my phone and head over to the bed searching for it. I can’t find it. I than hear the chime again and realize that it isn’t coming from where I slept, but yet from where Brandon slept. I walk over there and then the chime goes off again. I look and see its Brandon’s phone. Do I really need to check it? I mean like really? I ponder, but when yet again it chimes I decide that I am going to it could be important. I pick it up and see three text messages displayed on the screen. I look at the door and then back at the phone. It is so wrong for me to do this. I set it down, but I hear the chime again. Shit. I pick it up and unlock it showing that there are four messages. I click the message button and up pops a number. I open it and am confused at first. I read them.

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