Trouble (17 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              “Well now that is a great present. I will see you tomorrow. Night Jake.” He whispers to a woman and I hear the word mom. I wonder if he told her about me.

              “Lannie my mom says hi and is dying to meet you.” I smile knowing that we must be on that next step.

              “Before you go quick question don’t get mad. Are we like official?” he chuckles.

              “Baby, we were official when I first met you. Now we are going tell everyone its official. Night Lannie.” Wow who knew simple words could make you wet. Damn he is good,

              “Night Jake.” I hang up and hear a knock on my door and Mark comes walking in.

              “Hey buddy. You want to go with me to the airport to pick Jake up tomorrow morning?” He lights up. He has heard of Jake and has actually talked a few times on the phone with him. He seems to like him, but I know the actually meeting will be different.

              “Yeah I have to ask Brandon though.” He frowns and I get a little irritated, because no he really didn’t have to.

              “No, I will tell Brandon that you want to go and you will go. You are my blood not his. Okay?” He smiles and nods.

              “I came to tell you goodnight.” He hugs me and goes to bed, I get up to find Brandon. I look everywhere and find Rhonda in the kitchen cleaning up.

              “Hey Rhonda want some help?” She pauses.

              “Sure, you can unload the dish washer please.” I nod going over there.

              “So Jake is coming in tomorrow earlier than planned. I have to pick him up at eleven. Mark wants to go so I was letting you know we are leaving around ten.” She stops and turns towards me.

              “Don’t you think you should have asked us first before deciding he was going with you?” She snaps at me and here I thought she would have been the rational one.

              “No, he is my blood brother not your son or Brandon’s he wants to go and so therefore is going. If you or Brandon don’t like it than go get your own damn kid.” I slammed the dishwasher as she glares at me.

              “What is going on in here?” We both turn to see Brandon standing by the back door.

              “She just told me that this Jake guy who we never met is coming in town early and Mark and her are leaving around ten tomorrow morning to go get him. She didn’t even ask us she told me that this is what is happening. It’s bullshit Brandon. We are the guardians of him not her.” And the real Rhonda comes out.

              “Umm first off get the facts correct. Brandon is his guardian not you. You just popped in and are not his mother. He had a mother and now he has me. Second, Brandon we agreed that if and when he wanted me or to do things with me that he could and you were not going to stop him. Do I need to apply for a new guardian? I will if it comes down to that. Oh and Rhonda you just showed up as well and you don’t see me bitching about you living here with my brother after being with Brandon what a week or two if that?” Brandon stood there defeated.

              “Excuse me missy, but we were together for a year before some bitch slept with him ruining it all. Some stupid firecracker.” Brandon eyes shot up and I couldn’t contain the laughter. She didn’t know.

              “Oh trust me I know. I know more than you think. So with that Brandon are you going to tell me no?” He shakes his head before the light bulb went off on Rhonda’s head.

              “You are the firecracker aren’t you?” I glance up and smile.

              “I have no idea what you are talking about. So I will see you bright and early. You guys have a nice night.” I walk outside smiling. I can’t wait for tomorrow. I hear the bickering going on inside and I finish my cigarette and return back in the house with the kitchen clean and them to be nowhere in sight. Great make up sex for them. I go into my room and see Brandon sitting on the bed looking sad.

              “You had to open your damn mouth? Was it worth it?” I lean against the door frame and think about the question. Yeah it was.

              “Yup, because she needed to know that he is my brother, not her son, not anything, but my brother and when it comes to him I trump all you. Maybe the guidelines that we came up with need to be discussed with her, because I didn’t even have to let you guys know what was going on, but I did because I knew you would have liked to know. Also she isn’t going to talk crap about Jake and think that he is some weirdo.  He is there for me when everyone else has a life. Look he changed his plane ticket, because I was miserable. How many other people would have done that? I will wait,  think about it.” He looks up and I see the hurt in his eyes.

              “You are right. I need to go over them with her so she can understand what the arrangement is. She didn’t tell me you were being nice before shit hit the fan. At least try to fake it around her. Whether you want to believe it or not she isn’t going anywhere. I do love her. I am the one who fucked up years ago not her she is the one who saved me this time and so please if you plan on being around us with Mark try if not for me, but for Mark.” He stands up and starts walking towards the door, but pauses before leaving and turning to me. “For what it is worth I would have. I would done anything to be there for you. Goodnight Lannie.” He walks out and I close the door before plopping down on the bed screaming into my pillow. It’s official! I’m a stupid asshole. Not for the Rhonda thing, but for the other comment.

              The next morning was better believe it or not. Rhonda did apologize for not understanding the guidelines and even invited Jake for dinner. I was shocked, but Mark wants me here and so I agreed. I just hope Jake is okay with it. Now I’m waiting on his damn plane, it was delayed.

              “Lan, how will I know it is him?” I smile as I saw Mr. Tall, dark, and handsome.

              “There that is him.” Mark eyes go wide as he stares at him.

              “Hey buddy you must be Mark or Lannie has a handsome new man.” Mark laughs.

              “Yeah my name is Mark Clark and you are?” Mark tries to be the grown up, but it was cute.

              “Oh by all means I have lost my manners. Jake, Jake Houston.” I smile at them exchanging handshakes.

              “How old are you Mr. Houston?” He looks at me I just shrug.

              “Well I am twenty six, almost twenty seven years old. I own my own company and jet, but I choose the regular planes this trip.” Mark eyes shoot open.

              “You own your own company and jet? You’re only twenty six? Lan, this man is amazing. Brandon’s only twenty four and doesn’t have that.” Jake smiles and leans in.

              “Want to know a secret? I was actually eighteen when I opened my own company. It just took a few years for me to be successful.” Mark was beaming.

              “Okay boys, Rhonda and Brandon are waiting on us back at the house. We have to do this Christmas dinner thing before we can head to my house. Apparently dinner is at three on Christmas?” Jake pretended to be shocked as we got into the Audi.

              “You have an Audi? Nice.” Jake said getting into the car.

              “No I have a brand new baby blue Range Rover only a year and half old. My dad had the Audi.” He gave my hand a squeeze looking at me and giving me a kiss. I look back to see mark watching a movie. This could be my life. Mark and Jake. I knew in this moment that this was the right move. I am so thankful that he talked to me.  The drive home was spent with us discussing the fact that his mom wants me to come out there for spring break she will have Jake get me on the jet so I don’t have to do the whole drive thing. She’s excited that her son has found a girl. I laugh She sounds like she really wants to meet me. Then he explained that he did one night stands, never committed until I pop into his life. I smile knowing I was the one that changed it all. We pull into Brandon’s driveway just a little after one. We did a small detour through Miami to give him the Lannie tour. He got out opening up Mark and my door. Once I step out I see Rhonda and Brandon standing on the porch. He has a fake smile, but she had the “oh my god” eyes. She’s eye fucking my boyfriend with her boyfriend right here. I have to admit though in looks Jake trumps Brandon. Jake leans in close to my ear and whispers.

              “Should I be worried that crazy lady is eye fucking me?” I laugh as we walk up the porch,

              “Brandon and Rhonda please meet my boyfriend Jake Houston. Jake this is Brandon and Rhonda.” They reach out and shake hands before something registers in Brandon.

              “The Jake Houston? The one that owns Houston Enterprises? Started his company right out of high school and is the second successful man? That one?” Rhonda eyes lit up more than I thought possible, bitch back the fuck off.

              “Yes sir that is me. The Jake Houston. Why? You heard of me?” Brandon smiles turns real.

              “Heard of you? Shit I did my college paper on you. How in the world did you meet Lannie?” We walk in the house and I think that this isn’t going to be weird in the way I thought.

              “Well it was by luck. Same hotel when she came to New York and then ran into her again that night looking so incredible that we went back to her room and umm talked.” I laugh great cover up since Mark is like right here.

              “So dinner is cooking and will be ready in about an hour and half. Jake help yourself to any drinks. Mark you can go play with your toys from Santa than after we eat we will open presents.” I roll my eyes at her while Jake puts his arm around my waist. I smile.

              “Thank you Rhonda. Lannie and I have to go get something at her house real quick. She has a surprise for Mark, if he can have it before dinner?” I smile, but have no clue what he was talking about.

              “Oh of course.” He grabs my hand and leads me out the door.

              “Which way is your house.” I smile as I point to the right. We walk down there and go into my house once the door is shut that was I was pressed against the door and our lips were connected. Damnit if this wasn’t the hottest thing ever. He picks up leading me to my room. I point to my door as we enter he lowers me onto the bed. He begins to slip off my boots, then pulls my leggings down. He pulls up my dress and I let him. I need this.

              “We don’t have long before they realize what is really going on. I hate it, but I need you bad so it will be quick.” I smile and nod as he undid his zipper and once he pulls out a condom, I stop him.

              “You don’t have to worry about that I promise.” He smiles before throwing it on the ground and inserting himself in me instantly taking me over the edge. He goes hard and fast.

              “Damnit Lannie, I don’t get how you are always so fucking tight. Sweet God.” He goes harder and I was close to becoming undone.

              “Oh my god Jake.” That was it. It may have been a quickie, but damnit it was still fucking amazing. He lays next to me kissing me, making me giggle.

              “So you are on the pill?” I frown and shake my head no. His face went scared.

              “No I mean I am sort of on a permanent birth control. I can’t have kids. When I was fourteen I had a hysterectomy to prevent me from getting cervical cancer. When my test came back saying I had some so it was that or chemo and there was still a chance it would have come back. So I made the decision to end it before it started.” I lean my head back because other than Ashley no one knows that.

              “I’m sorry baby. Well luckily if you want kids you can adopt.” I smile at him and just get over with Lannie.

              “I don’t want kids. I love my brother, but I have never been the kid wanting person. I don’t want them ever.” He smiles and laughs.

              “Oh thank god. Sorry that sounds bad, but I don’t want them either. My brother uses his as a pawn to keep his wife with them and yeah they get what they want, but there not happy kids. I refuse to do that.” I smile. Yup he’s defiantly the one for me.

              “So what is Mark’s surprise that I do not have?” I pull my legging and boots back on while he does his pants. He’s wearing blue jeans and a button shirt. He looks sexy. First time I have seen him not in a suite and he still looks amazing.

              “Come on. It’s in your car.” I laugh as we hurry back to Brandon’s and Jake pulls out this box from his bag. It wasn’t the biggest of boxes and has me confused. He grabs my hand and we go inside together to see Mark and Brandon watching some stupid Christmas show. UGH! Even the shows are annoying.

              “Hey buddy Lannie and I have a surprise for you.” He shoots off the couch and runs towards us taking the box from Jake. I wanted to see what it was too. Jake was just staring at it and me too. He looks over at us and I was just as clueless.

              “You told me once that Luke Bryan was your favorite band. Well I called him up and he told me he was doing a show in Orlando Saturday so I talked to Lannie and we decided to make a weekend of it. Go down there stay at one of my resorts and go see Luke Bryan Saturday and then Disney World which ever park you want to go too or we can stay longer and you can go to them all. It’s up to you and then come back. Of course if that is okay with Rhonda and Brandon.” I have tears coming down my face. This is by far the nicest thing that someone has done. All eyes turn to Brandon.

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