Trouble (18 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              “I don’t see why not. Just let me know how long you will be gone.” I wipe the tears off my cheek as Mark runs up and hugs Jake and me.

              “I have to go tell my friends. Oh wait there are four tickets here. Who is the fourth person?” I look over at Jake.

              “That one is for whoever you want to come.” Mark starts screaming.

              “I’m going to go ask my friend Nathanael. Oh I hope his parents will let him.” Mark runs off upstairs and I turn to Jake and mouth thank you. He grabs me pulling me into a hug and whispers.

              “I will do anything for you baby.” Rhonda comes in, she looks to be crying.

              “That was so sweet Jake. I thought I wasn’t going to like you, but I was wrong. I am sorry Lannie for doubting your choices, you are right.” I smile as she walks up and hugs me. I need a smoke.

              “I’m going to go have a cigarette. You want to come or no?” He looks over at the couch where Brandon hasn’t said shit. He looks back at me. He knows everything between Brandon and me... It warms me that he didn’t get jealous.

              “I’m going to stay and see if I can get him to warm up to me.” I nod kissing him before walking towards the back. This was the best feeling possible to feel. I couldn’t wait for dinner to be over and be able to cuddle with Jake in my bed for the first time. I hear the door open and peak over to see Brandon stepping out.

              “Wow you’re not in the hammock. Now that is a first.” I laugh. I thought about it, but I was really wanting to go back to be with Jake.

              “I know crazy huh?” He chuckles as he lights a cigarette up.

              “So Jake is the real deal. He successful, smart, wonderful with Mark and you. I am happy Lannie that you found what we all search for.” I nod at him. I was too.

              “Hey you too. I mean Rhonda has stuck around after knowing that the girl who ruined your guy’s relationship is always around because you sort of adopted her younger brother and had a thing with her. Now she is a defiantly a keeper. Well if she will stop eye fucking my boyfriend.” I laugh because it’s true.             

              “Yeah you notice that too? Got to hand it to her though because he is sure damn good looking man. Do you even know his age?” I nod people may say it’s crazy nine years, but damn he looks so much younger and in bed acts like a pro, but last forever.

              “Brandon, look I want to be happy. I want you to be happy. Rhonda makes you happy, but Jake makes me happy. This is the part in our lives where we remain amazing friends and enjoy the person who is in our lives. I’m going to be in New York in five months and you know what? Jake lives in New York. We have to be apart going back and forth, but if we last these four months than we will last awhile and I will know he is in it for the long run.” He smiles at me then pulls me into a hug.

              “I hope he is all he seems to be.” I nod walking back inside to see Jake sitting at the bar drinking a beer while Rhonda is chatting up a storm. He looks over at me mouthing help. I chuckle a little.

              “Oh hey Lannie.” She says as I grab Jake and take him to the living room.

              “Oh my god that woman can talk.” I laugh as we turn on a movie.

              The rest of the day went great. Brandon and Jake talked about Jake. Mark told us Nathanael couldn’t come, but he asked his friend JC and he was able to come. I was excited for him. We ate and Mark opened his presents before Jake and I left for my house. I told Mark I would be back Friday to get him and we said goodbye, and headed to my house. Once I pull the Audi into garage we got out and went straight to my room where we showed each other just how much we missed each other through sex of course before passing out linked together.

              “Hey beautiful want to open your late present?” My eyes shoot open as I sit up happy.

              “I thought that would get you up. Now the issue is what do you get a woman that has it all?” He hands me a big square box. I open it up to see a diamond Mark Jacobs watch, I almost cried it looks just like the high heels my mom gave me.

              “Oh Jake. It’s beautiful.” He turns it around and I read the scripture on the back.

Whenever you feel down or apart from me just turn it over and see how much I am truly here for you. Love Jake.

“Oh Jake you don’t know how much this means to me.” He leans over and kisses me.

              “I thought you would like the glitter, what girl doesn’t like diamonds, and I notice the red glitter Marc Jacobs heels that led us together so of course it was the same maker.” He didn’t even know the half of it.

              “Those were the first heels my mom gave me. Told me it made any black dress pop, same heels I wore to my first frat party, and there funeral. This means the world to me. Damn my gift is stupid.” I pull out the box in my night stand and hand it to him. He opens it up and pulls it out with a confused look. I laugh.

              “What do you get a billionaire who has it all? So I made a collage of our photos. So when we are apart from each other you have this. Also the back ground is a picture from the Plaza. Can I ask you an honest question?” He looks at me with a scared look.

              “Depends. Is this the talk?” I shake my head no and his face goes to the carefree one. He nods.

              “What made you talk to me that night by the elevator?” He grins and I couldn’t wait to hear it.

              “Don’t freak out, but I sort of lied to you. Or bluffed. I saw you looking around waiting on Sam to finish your check in. At first I was thinking that you were just going to be a fling. I never asked a girl to a dinner function that wasn’t even near dressed for it. Boy you in leggings, hoody, and boots that was so under code. I couldn’t help it though our time was ending soon and I needed to see you again. I went back to the party and all I could think was whether or not you were going to show. I went up front multiply times asking if they see you. Finally the last time I saw you walking, well sort of walking out of the bar towards the elevator. I was in awe. At first I swore my mind was playing tricks no way where you the same woman from before. Complete one eighty. I told everyone I was leaving. Headed to the elevator and found you leaned against it. Once you looked at me after I spoke and I realized it was indeed you I knew in that moment there was no going back. You were different and was going to be trouble. It was just my luck that you were hardly able to walk. Once in the hotel room and your shoes went flying I kind of thought you would have been on me right then, not offer me alcohol let alone straight vodka. That blew me away. What woman shoots straight liquor? Again I was knocked off my feet and then the sex. Wow was all that came to mind. I never stay the night with a woman. I did with you. I didn’t leave until seven that morning. And I was still late to my meeting. I was hoping to see you during the week just run into you, but never happened. I finally gave up then I saw you walking out with the realtor telling her you would take it. I had to make my move before it was too late. I just didn’t think that I would fall for you so soon. I never done this before, well in a long time and I can’t believe it’s with you. When you told me your age I was shocked you seem more grown up than after you told me all about what happened and what you went through it made sense. I know it’s crazy, but I have already fallen in love with you.” That is the most romantic thing I have ever heard.

              “Wow, Jake that’s just wonderful. I love you too Jake.” He kisses me and it feels like heaven.

              “So want to go eat? I am starving and need food.” Is it me or is he great?

              “Yeah let me get dressed.” He arches a brow.

              “Only if you promise to wear legging and those damn boots.” I nod before going into my bathroom and showering and changing. When I walk out I was shocked. He looks good. Wearing faded blue jeans, dress shoes and a dress shirt. Damn he could wear nothing and get away with it.

              “Ready?” He grabs my hand and we leave.




              The months flew by in bliss. Jake’s time in Miami was incredible. We went to dinner and a movie. Walked the beach. Friday we took Mark and his friend JC to Orlando and had a wonderful weekend. Mark got to meet Luke Bryan and Disney world was amazing. Ashley begged Gage enough to where they switched their plane tickets early and came home two days before Jake had to leave. We did a double date and Ashley approved and Gage well I am certain they have a bromance going on. They made plans for when we move out to New York. School has been going wonderful. The boys sure quickly learned I was off the market and they were upset. I don’t mind it though because Jake is worth it all. I even was the bigger person and apologized to Catarina. That was funny she swore I was up to something. I took my SAT and passed of course and Ashley passed because I made her study even Gage helped her out. I see Brandon and Rhonda for dinner night once a week with Ashley and Gage of course Mark is there with his girlfriend Lexi, they are too cute. Brandon had to have the talk with him and I laughed the entire time he was telling me. There hasn’t been any more tension between us it actually been going pretty smoothly. Now its spring break and I am freaking out waiting for this dang car to pick us up and take us to the stupid Jet on standby that Jake insisted I take. Mark got offered to go, but he is going camping with Lexi’s family and I am afraid that I have lost to him for a girl.

              “La, the car is here are you ready?” I look in the mirror at my outfit. It wasn’t fancy, but it was warm now so shorts, a flow tank top and sandals were it for me. Jake’s mom and I have talked on the phone. She is a little shocked about my age only because I seem too grown up. I am thankful she approves. We will arrive in time for a family dinner where his brother will be there. I am nervous, because he is a big flirt apparently. Ugh. I grab my bag and head down to the car. Locking up the house and hoping that this isn’t the biggest mistake of my life.

              “Ash I am not sure I can do this. I have never met the parents unless it was at one of them functions that my mother dragged me too and I happened to screw one of the mother’s sons. This is different.” She reaches over and grabs my hand.

              “Honey, it will be fine. You have me there to intercept and plus your mom was a snooty, look at her like that.” I laugh, because it was true. Oh my god what if she knows my mom? That would be weird.  We arrive and I am in awe at this jet. It was more like a mid-size plane. We loaded in and waited for takeoff. I hate flying. The jet is amazing, it has seating for two and three rows of them and then in the back has a bench seat. It has a bathroom and little room with a bed in it. It’s pretty big.

              “Ma’am we are taking off in five minutes can you take your seat please?” I turn around to see a blonde bimbo staring at me who looks a little pissed. I nod as I sit in the back and Ashley sits in front of me.

              “That woman is a rude ass.” I laugh as Ashley speaks to me. She is pretty damn rude.

              “I know right? Wonder what crawled up her butt?” Ashley shrugs as the lady comes back.

              “Would you ladies like a drink? Maybe milk?” I arch a brow. Wonder if she’s mad because Jake is off the market and I’m the one who did it.

              “What else you have doll?” I say in the sweetest voice I can mask up.

              “Well we do have an alcohol list, but I’m not sure you are even of age to drink. Are you?” I pull out my phone and text Jake asking if I have to be of age to have a drink. While I wait she speaks again.

              “You are going to have to power down your phone. You do know that right?” I was about to respond when the text came in. I smile as I speak.

              “Well I would like a Gin and Coke.” She puffs before speaking.

              “I am not serving you liquor. I will lose my job.” She is feisty.

              “Well let me quote this exactly so there is no mix up…“La, baby, Ashley and you can have whatever is on my plane. You know that I do not care. Tell Mindy to get her head out of her ass and serve you guys before she gets fired as soon as I see her in New York… So want try this again?” Her mouth just hangs open as Ashley starts laughing. Giving me a glare, she trots her little ass back there and makes me my drink.

              “Holy hell La she is going to spit in your drink.” I shrug it off as she brings me my drink. I look at it and then her.

              “You take a drink first.” She is shocked. Her face says it all.

              “No, I can’t drink on the plane especially since I am on the clock.” She goes to walk off and I grab her hand.

              “Oh no you will take a drink of this or I will call Jake now and tell him that you spit in my drink. Now are you going to take a drink of this or am I going to have to go make my own drink?” She grabs the drink and takes a gulp of it before handing it back to me.

              “Thank you. Now where is the liquor so I can make my own drink? I don’t trust you.” I follow her into the mini bar set up and make Ashley and me a drink before saying one last thing.

              “Oh and I am not going anywhere and by the way that text sounded like you won’t be Mrs. Jake Houston anytime soon. Thank you doll.” I sit back in my seat to see Mindy’s face red as hell glaring at me. I wave and sit back and enjoy the flight.

              Once we are clear to exit the plane I jump up undoing my seat belt and run toward the exit. I look up and there he is leaning against the car with his suite and sun glasses on. He was on the phone and didn’t notice me as I took off running towards him almost knocking him on the ground and crashed my lips into his.

              “Mom we will be there. They just got here. Love you bye.” He hangs up and stares at me.

              “Hi baby. I take it you’re happy to see me?” I smile as he pulls me into a hug.

              “That’s fine leave a bitch behind to deal with the snooty flight girl.” He lets me go as he turns towards Ashley.

              “Mindy isn’t always like that. I’m not sure what got into her, but I will be with you on the flight home. I’m going to stay a few days before my trip in Miami.” I smile at him.

              “Damn boy, just when I thought you couldn’t be even sexier you stand there looking like sex on sticks.” He chuckles and I blush a little.

              “What about Gage?” His voice booms as we get into the car. I look to see that he is driving a BMW special limited edition.

              “Gage? Oh shit Gage. Yeah well he knows that you are hot so it’s okay.” I laugh as he shakes his head and starts the car and drives towards his mom’s house. The closer I feel that we are getting the more my stomach is turning. He puts a hand on my thigh and I relax on just the simple contact. I love that he can do that.

              “Baby, she is going to love you.” I nod, but that doesn’t mean I’m still not freaking out. He turns towards a gate and punches in a number. Oh she lives in a gated community of course she does. The gate opens up displaying a long driveway. We get closer and I notice two things right off. It’s not a gated community and she lives in a freaking castle. Seriously? Looks like it came right out of a book. I’m doomed.

              “La, calm down baby.” I am calm, I am calm, and I am calm…Nope I’m not calm at all.

              “La this is nothing compared what your parents would take you too. Think of that.” I look behind as Ashley tries to calm me. We get up there and it has the flowers lining the walkway all the way to a massive door. We get out and I must still be gaping because Ashley closes my mouth.

              “Calm down baby.” I nod again trying to convince myself I am. Right on cue I see a woman in her mid-forties step out with sandy blonde hair in a bun and an older man next to her with black hair with her smiling at me. Oh shit this is his parents. Calm down Lannie. We start walking as Jake says stuff to me, but I am too busy not being calm, but trying to appear calm. We reach them as Jake gives those hugs and turns to me. Ashley grabs my hands as I wait.

              “Mom, dad, this is the wonderful Lannie. Lannie sweetie this is my parents. Lilly and Sean.” I smile as I reach out to shake their hands, but Lilly pulls me into a hug and then Sean does the same. I look at them and smile. Why am I freaking out again?

              “Mr. and Mrs. Houston this is my best friend Ashley.” They narrow their eyes at me and now I am back to freaking out.

              “We are Sean and Lilly. Or mom and dad. No Mr. and Mrs. Okay?” I nod my head as I smile. They really are amazing. It has me thinking if my parents were alive would they be here with me? This is there crowd so I know the age thing wouldn’t matter. We step inside and the foyer alone is the size of my whole downstairs. It has one of those two sided stair case with a table in the middle that supports a vase full of roses. I smile at the fact that my mom pops in my head. Her name was Rose, but she would rather have dandelions than roses.

              “Are you okay dear?” I snap out of it as I realize that I am being talked to. I look up to see a concern look on Lilly’s face. I nod as she leads me to a living room that has no TV or anything, but couches and chairs. Oh she must actually have a living room and a family room. Of course.

              “La, are you okay?” I look over to see Jake addressing me.

              “Yeah it is weird that this is the most in one standing that my parents flash in my mind and they won’t stop.” I take a few deep breathes as I hold back the tears. He pulls me into a hug and kisses my forehead.

              “La, what is wrong?” I look to see Ashley coming back from somewhere.

              “It’s nothing I promise. Let’s just get through family dinner.” She smiles and then I hear something that I hadn’t heard in years. Kids. Not like Mark’s age, but actually young kids.

              “Uncle Ja. We’ve missed you.” I look up to see two kids running towards Jake as he kneels on his knee and is tackled down by kids who look to be around five and seven.

              “Uncle Ja, who are they?” He stands up and introduces to me.

              “Well this is Ashley and Lannie. Lannie is the girl I was telling you about. Lannie and Ashley these two little rug rats are Emily and Carson. My niece and nephew, Emily is seven and Carson is five.” I shake their hands.

              “Lannie, you are pretty. My mom says Uncle Ja doesn’t like girlfriends. So what is different about you?” I look up to Jake who shrugs then I remember the conversation on Christmas Eve about his lovely sister in law.

              “I am not sure sweetie, but maybe your Uncle can tell you.” She looks up at Jake and to say this moment kids didn’t flash in my mind would be a lie. He is so good with kids, but being with me is never going to work so I am glad. My mom’s voice booms in my ear.
“Lannie just because you can’t push a baby out doesn’t mean that you can’t have kids. Adoption is available and it will be amazing to give a gift to someone who wasn’t lucky enough to have real parents. If not than I bet you will be one hell of an Aunt.”
I close my eyes and take a few moments.

              “Are you okay?” I open my eyes to see Carson’s head tilted up.

              “Of course I am. I was just thinking that I’m sort of hungry.” His eyes light up and he goes running.

              “Carson Allen quit running through the house before Granny gets your butt.” I look up to see a spitting imagine of Jake right there. Only where Jake’s hair is sandy, his is pure black and his eyes are blue not green, but other than that, they are identical.

              “Hey man, it’s been a while what Christmas Eve?” Jake and his brother hug. Once apart his eyes are on me and I turn to see Ashley bailed out once again. Must have snuck off.

              “Hey man are you going to introduce me to this lady?” His smile grows bigger. Oh great this should be fun.

              “Oh right. This is my girlfriend Lannie. Lannie baby this is my older, but less handsome brother Chase.” I shake his hand. There is too many names.

              “Where is my wonderful brother in law?” I hear a voice more annoying than Mindy’s. Wow. Then I see her, the sister in law who wouldn’t leave him alone. She doesn’t notice me right away. She goes right up to Jake and hugs him. She is wearing a dress that almost goes to her knees, with ugly high heels there black and plain. Her hair is golden brown and flows straight down her back and when she finally notices me she instantly gasp out loud if I might add. Her face isn’t what I thought it be. It looks like a freight train hit her twice and backed up. Only because her makeup is like a clown with the black smoky look giving her the look as if someone hit her.

              “Oh we have a new help? She looks young guys. Lilly shouldn’t hire young ones around you men. Right Jake?” She laughs like a hyena and touches his shoulder. I glare and am getting pissed.

              “Now Carly don’t be a fucking bitch to Jake’s girlfriend. I told you that he was bringing her.” She looks a bit lost. Dumb ass.

              “Wait I thought that chick in the kitchen was his girlfriend. Who is that girl in there? And why does your girlfriend look young as hell? Older ones all taken?” She laughs before Jake and Chase glare at her.

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