Trouble (19 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              “My name is Lannie, not girl first off. Second that other girl is Ashley my best friend. Also I am young as hell don’t be pissed off at me, because your dumbass choose the wrong brother and now you can’t have him. No offense Chase, but I can’t stand here, while not only is she practically trying to fuck my boyfriend, flirting with him with you here. I mean right here, but she is now making fun of my age.” Jake and Chase laugh as she glares at me.

              “Jake are you going to let her be rude and disrespect me?” He looks at me with the kindest smile,

              “Well maybe you should be a bit nicer. This one right here doesn’t play nice with others when there treating her like shit.” He grabs my hand and we walk into the kitchen which looks like a damn restaurant kitchen.

              “So how was meeting Carly and Chase, Lannie?” I try to hold the laughter in afraid of being too mean,

              “Mom, you should have seen Lannie go off on Carly I have never seen her speechless and helpless. I wish I would have recorded it.” I am dumbfounded.

              “Dang it Jake. Why didn’t you?” They start laughing and I realize that nobody likes her.

              “Hey guys what are we talking about?” We all turn towards the door to see Carly standing there smiling all nice and fake.

              “Nothing dear. We were just finishing up dinner. Lannie was being such an angel and helping me. You can go tell the others that it’s time for dinner, and to get washed up and ready.” She looks over at me and then at Jake who was leaning on the counter with his feet crossed              “Of course Lilly.” She walks out and we bust out laughing. I can’t help it.

              “Lannie sweetie don’t make her think you are easy to mess with. We are waiting on the day that he leaves her. I knew it was doomed when she said she was pregnant.” Gasping as I look at her.

              “Oh Jake didn’t tell you? Chase was like him. Never going to commit until one day she shows up pregnant. The DNA test confirmed that she indeed was carrying a Houston baby. He thinks she did it on purpose. I did not at the time. After the years I now see it. She thinks if they end on his terms she will get something, but she won’t get nothing. Pre-nup won’t allow her too.” She grabs the dish and walks away.

              “Sorry, mom doesn’t like gold diggers or Carly. Don’t worry baby she loves you.” I nod.

              “Where is Ashley?” He shrugs I have no clue either. I walk into the dining room see everyone, but Ashley. Wonder if she is okay. I sit down next to Jake and Chase and then Ashley walks in with a weird expression on her face. Wonder what that is about. I glance at the clock and notice it’s nine at night.

              “Everything okay Ash?” She looks at me and then I know she knows something.

              “Yeah, I will talk to you later okay?” I nod now I am worried. We began eating and laugh my ass off at the way that Chase and Jake act. Just like brothers. They argue over dumb crap and laugh over the fun things. I miss Mark. I hope he is okay.

              “So La, how old are you?” I look over at Carly who is sitting across from Chase.

              “Seventeen.” She gasp as well as Chase. I am guessing his brother doesn’t know my age. Jake laughs as his mom smiles and winks at me.

              “Seriously Jake? That girl is going to get you arrested. What kind of parents do you have to allow you to date a man almost ten years older than you?” I was about to open my mouth. I was fuming.

              “That is enough Carly. I will not have you disrespect Lannie in this house or you can leave. Your kids are sitting right there and wonder why they won’t listen to you after you talk to her like that. This is my house and I said enough.” I look over at Sean who is pissed.

              “I don’t mind answering that Sean. I am serious.” His kind eyes look at me and nod.

              “First off Carly, I have never lied about my age to Jake. I was honest and he is the one who continued it. As for the parent comment, I don’t have any. That is what kind of parents I have. They died back in October in a car wreck. So no he isn’t worried about jail, because I have no one to turn him in. Also, I think that it is a little weird that you are married to Chase, but act like you are with Jake. So let’s get something clear. Jake is not yours or ever will be. Chase is yours. If you don’t act right you soon will have no one. I can be a mean person you can ask the flight attendant.” She sits there not able to say anything, I did get the pity look, but I am use to it.

              “Well then let us eat.” I laugh I can’t help it. His parents are more laid back then I had ever expected. We ate and talked about life everything from where I will be going to school, to living, and Ashley was quiet. I was starting to get scared. I saw her excuse herself as she answered her phone. I know something wasn’t right, but I couldn’t pin point it.

              “Sorry, but will you guys excuse me? I need to go check on her.” I glanced towards Jake who has a smile like a kid.

              “Sure dear. We were just finishing up anyways.” I nod as I walk towards the front door. I open it and see Ashley sitting down, but never glance at me. I close it easy so she won’t hear me.

              “Yes Gage I know. I will tell her I promise. It’s just right now isn’t the best time. Besides it’s not like she needs to know this freaking second. I can’t believe he did that. When are they planning it?” She pauses as I assume Gage is talking. Wonder what is important that he knows, but not enough that I don’t need to know right now.

              “I know Gage. Look she already knows something is wrong with me. I am trying to keep my cool, but I am really pissed at him. I know he is your best friend, but shit. I know I will tell her before you see her. Like I said I have to be the one to do it. Look I have got to go. Love you.” She hangs up and stands up. As soon as she turns around she jumps.

              “How much did you hear?” I know something was killing her. I grab her hand and go a little past where the car is parked. We sit on the paved driveway like we did when we were kids. We were the only ones out here.

              “Tell me. Don’t sugar coat it you know I hate that. Just like a bandage, pull it off.” She shakes her head back and forth before talking.

              “Brandon asked Rhonda to marry him tonight. That isn’t the worst part of it. She wants to do it on July ninth. That is only a few months. I suspect it’s because she is pregnant. I know it isn’t true, but I just hate that it is on your birthday. So there is that. It gets worse. She wants us as you and me to be her bridesmaids.” Okay so he isn’t ever going to be with me. I am okay with that. He is marrying her on my birthday. They don’t know that’s my birthday so I’ll let that pass. But bridesmaids? Hell no.

              “Wow. Well I guess we have a lot to talk about when we get back, but for now let’s enjoy the fact we are in New York and can see our condo.” I stand up, grab her hand and we walk hand in hand inside.

              The rest of the evening went good. We ate dessert which was amazing. We talked, played games. At one point Carly told Chase she was tired and he looked at her telling her she could take the car that he would get home some other way. Shocked everyone. Lilly pulled me away from everyone telling me this is the first time in a long time that Jake and Chase actually got along and for some reason I am to thank for that. Carly left, but kids stayed as they fell asleep already. It was a perfect evening. Around one in the morning we left and headed back to Jake’s place. Ashley was nervous because of the sex part, but I promised that I wouldn’t have any tonight. That wasn’t true we just were really extra quite. She stayed in one of the guest room across the house. Now I am laying here watching Jake sleep so peacefully. It would be easy if I could fall asleep, but I can’t. I am happy. Truly happy, but part of me is crushed about Brandon. I don’t want to be, like really I want to be excited for him, but I can’t. I don’t get why I can’t get this feeling out of me. I slowly move out of bed and walk to the balcony to have a cigarette I glance at my phone and see a missed call. I debate to call it or not. I hit the dial button and realize what time it is five in the morning. Shit.

              “Hello?” I hear his voice.

              “I am stupid and didn’t realize that it was so late or early I mean in the morning. Sorry you can go back to bed.” I wait, then I hear a small chuckle.

              “I take it you are just noticing that I called?” Whew not mad that is good.

              “Yeah sorry. If this is bad time I can call you tomorrow.” I hear the small faint sound of a female in the background.

              “Nope, just got out side now you have to talk to me until I finish my cigarette.” I light up another one. Why not?

              “So why did you call me? Is everything okay?” I waited afraid that he fell asleep on phone.

              “I wanted to tell you that you are right. I propose to Rhonda. She said yes. We set it for July ninth apparently she wanted the fourth, but I said no. So she choose that day. She wants you as a bridesmaid, I am not sure why I feel as it is a scheme.” Yeah trust me I know.

              “Yeah about that though. I can be a bridesmaid that is no problem, but there is something you don’t know. My birthday is July ninth. So yeah.” I pause waiting.

              “No your birthday is July thirtieth, Ashley’s is the ninth.” He was backwards should I even mention that?

              “No you are backwards.” I hear him saying shit.

              “Well I guess I can’t forget now huh?” Hey that is a valid point.

              “Look, I am happy for you guys. Ashley told me and that is amazing.” I am not sure if my voice was normal.

              “I am happy as I can be Lannie. Well you have a good week with Jake and I will see you at school.” I hang up a little bit happier, but not completely as I go and crawl into bed with Jake. The man that I can be with forever and be happy with. I am his princess as he is my prince. I chuckle as I turn into him and fall into a blissful sleep.





              I stare at the wonderful picture that hangs right above my bed. It was the first picture my mom bought me that wasn’t stupid. It was the sunset behind a wonderful ocean. I love looking at it thinking about Florida. It has been a month since I packed up my things along with Ashley and Gage and we drove up to NY. I decided on not selling my home giving me little vacation spot when I visit Mark. I couldn’t sell it even if I wanted to. I need that security that it will be there if something happens here. Once I returned back from New York after spring break the months flew by. Before I knew it I was walking across the stage and accepting my diploma and my key to getting into the school. It was wonderful time. I wasn’t Valedictorian because let’s face it, they would never get into trouble. I had a party at the frat house, it was graduation/goodbye to us and Gage. It sucked to leave the one place that we knew as home, but we were doing it together and not alone so that helped out. Jake and I have been great. He came down for our graduation and even took some boxes back with him that way I didn’t have too. He even escorted the delivery guys into my condo so they could make it perfect. Even though since I have been here I haven’t spent much time home. Now I’m ready for college to start. I cannot believe that Brandon is getting married. It’s so crazy. I have tried on fifty dresses and finally settled for a pink dress that flares out at the knees with silver pumps. I asked if glitter was okay and of course she said yes. Later Ashley told me the reason behind all the dresses and whatever was ever time I put one on she thought I was prettier than her and by all means that isn’t happening.

              “Hey bitch, you ready to go out? The guys are waiting, this is our last night here and it’s Thursday night which means ladies night.” I laugh as I straighten my red hot dress and my black pumps.

              “Coming. I can’t believe we have to go to this damn wedding. Jake isn’t even able to come. He had a work issue come up and I am lucky I got him out tonight. He’s been stuck at the office all week with work late too.” She frowns at me. I know she thinks he is cheating on me because it’s weird that he can’t even escape to call.

              “La, we are going to talk about this on the way down there tomorrow. You know that right?” I nod as we head out. I’m just in denial, because I’m worried that she is right.

              “I know I know lets go.” Tonight I was drinking for more than one thing. We arrive at the restaurant first and I couldn’t help, but feel the pull in Jake and me. It wasn’t the same one that got us together, but the complete opposite. You would think he be attacking me since it has been a week, but nope he is checking his phone constantly. I sit there in silent as Gage and Ashley talk about his new business deal that is closing soon. Actually he works for Jake and I wonder if he knows something I don’t know since Jake is CEO and he got Jake a job as a major accountant at the company which was really nice, but Gage was able to come home as he was not.

              “Hey baby want a drink? Wine?” I shake my head and think about the question. Why does it have to be what he wants me to have?

              “No thank you. I want a Gin and Coke please.” His eyes flash with anger as I change what he was going to order me.

              “What is wrong?” I smile kindly as the waiter walks over and Gage and Ashley look at me as Jake barks at me.             

              “What? Maybe I don’t want wine. I have wine at your parents, at the restaurants you take me when you are able to that is. I can order my own drink.” I hiss at him.

              “You’re not even twenty one yet sweetheart so I think I get to decide. So what is wrong with you?” The card he just played was a low ball.

              “You. I don’t get why you are even here. You been checking your phone since we got into the car, I mean either you want to be here or you have somewhere else you’d rather be.” I slam my hand on the table pushing my chair out from the table. I grab my phone and cigarettes heading for the balcony. I cannot believe this happening. Something so great is going down the hill real quick. I knew the age difference was going to come into play soon just didn’t think this soon. Who do you call when your life is crumbling and you don’t want to hear the “I told you” or the fact that your best friends’ boyfriend works for the douche bag. I jump as my phone starts ringing.

              “Hello?” I look and see it is from an unknown caller.

              “Hey it’s Brandon. I sort of ran over my other phone so had to get a new number and everything. I was calling to give it to you.” Why is it anytime I am in trouble or a problem even miles away he is still there?

              “Lannie?” I sigh as I realize I need to speak.

              “Yeah sorry. I have been distracted. Well I will save this.” I hear him mumble words in the back ground probably to her. The luckiest woman. Wow did that just cross my mind?

              “Lannie, what is going on?” I laugh at the irony this is.

              “I don’t know. Bunch of crap. I love New York, but since I have been here Jake has been busy with work. He says an issue came up at work and he is trying to fix it, but Jake is home every night and he won’t even call me until the morning. Just started last week. Now we are out and suppose to have a fun time, but he is checking his phone constantly and snapped at me when I ordered Gin and Coke because in reality I loath wine. I am scared that Ashley is right.” The more I think the more I believe she is right.

              “Oh Lannie as a guy it does sound fishy. But look you will be in Florida and relaxing and going to my wedding. You guys will have a mini vacation and it will be amazing and you will let go of this doubt.” I forgot to tell him shit.

              “He isn’t’ coming. Turns out the issue isn’t fixed and he has to miss it, but he will make it up to me when I return Wednesday. I doubt it, but we will be there. Alright?” He mumbles shit under his breath and I know that he too thinks he is cheating, but why can’t I accept it?

              “Well I guess you get to have fun without him and he will miss you and realize what has been going on and change. I’m sure.” I’m silent, but he remains on the line knowing I am still there. I can’t believe that I am the one who pushed him towards her. Now I will never have the happily ever after with him, but with a douche.

              “I guess I better get back to table before I get a search party sent out. Thank you Brandon. I needed this more than you will ever know.” I hit end before even letting him respond. I make my way back to table to see Jake gone. I smile at Gage and Ashley, but there isn’t a smile on their faces.

              “Work?” Ashley nods and I get up and leave. I let her know that it is good to have a night out with Gage and that I will see her in the morning. I walk outside to catch a cab, but am very unlucky. I sit on the bench and stare into the bright light sky that was dark. Why can’t I just be happy? I am eighteen or soon to be, but I need to live my life. I dig out my phone debating on actually calling a cab.

              “Penny for your thoughts?” I look over to see this black hair girl sitting next to me on bench. She looks like she been through hell just as much as me.

              “Just one fucked up night.” She laughs. I got up and started walking towards the condos. There not that far from here. I feel the vibration in my hands going off. I check to see Jake calling, but I hit ignore. Let him think a little longer before I notice a black town car following me. Shit am I being stalked? I was about to call Jake when it stops a few feet ahead and he gets out of the car. When the hell did he get a town car? He starts walking towards me, but I ignore him.

              “Lannie please stop and let us talk about things. Or at least in the car.” I stop, anger flies through me. What he got his fix and now he wants to be calm and talk.

              “No, you are the one that is having problems. Snapping at me, not calling me, being a jerk. Go find someone else.” I turn away and walk away. He stops me.

              “Baby I know. You don’t understand this issue is huge. It can cause me to shut my business down and I can’t do that. Baby please don’t be mad. I’m sorry I am and I promise once you return back to New York it will be fixed.” I want to believe him, but I just can’t. I wasn’t going to let him know. I hop into the car and he gets in. Car sex is always great especially when its anger and make up sex. We pull up to the condos and I am staring out the window. I know we are slipping away, I know that this will come to an end. I haven’t heard an "I love you" from him in so long that I long for the three little words that at one point would light up my world that was crashing down on me. He sighs and it’s so quite that I am almost certain I didn’t hear it.

              “Penny for your thoughts?” I laugh, I can’t help, but laugh. How is it in the matter of leaving dinner two people have said that to me?

              “What?” He slides closer to me we are still in the town car and I have a feeling this is where I get dropped off and he goes back to work.

              “It’s nothing really.” He doesn’t believe it so I give in.

              “It’s just when I left the restaurant I sat on the bench and a lady sat down asking the same question. It kind of made me have Déjà vu you know?” I look from the window to him. In that spilt second I see something in his eyes that where a mixture between anger, shock, and scared. Something about his facial expression tells me he is indeed hiding something from me. I will find out.

              “Wow talk about a small weird. So thoughts?” Oh no he doesn’t.

              “Yeah and you know now that I think of it you have never said it to me before. You asked me what I been thinking, but never that specific phrase. So who rubbed it off on you?” I’m calm because for some reason my mind believes that this lady and he know each other. My heart on the other hand is shattering and building a protective wall up around it just like it did after Evan, Chad, and Brandon, but Jake had to be the one who obliterated it. Now I want to build it again, but it’s so far gone that I am not sure if that is even possible. I feel the liquid in my eyes. I keep chanting that I refuse to cry for a man who is about to crush me in more ways than one.

              “Oh the new VP at work says it to all of us. Even Gage. It must just be something that caught on. Look I am supposed to go finish the outline of these documents, but I’d rather just crawl into bed with you. So how about you choose?” I want more than anything to do that, but I need to know. I have to know. I need the worry that Ashley stuck in my head to be removed.

              “How about the documents? That way when I return we will have just us and not a makeup day at the office?” He kisses my forehead. A gesture at one point meant so much, but now it doesn’t. I step out of the car and move slowly towards the door. I reach for the handle and pause for a second. What is happening to me? I use to be the biggest disaster there was, not be in the disaster. I look behind me and see the car still there not moving as I’m not moving, I feel the tears slide down as I walk into the lobby.

              “Good Evening Miss. Clark. There is a package for you at the desk.” I nod as I make my way to the desk and pick it up. I make it up to my door before I finally sink to the floor. This has been one fucked up night. I open the package and I cry. I cry for the best gift inside. Adoption acceptance papers. I mentally thank myself and tell myself to call him. He didn’t tell me anything about the approval, but am glad that he at least gave me the best early present. I barely stand as an arm helps me up. I’m hoping it is Jake, but when I get up off the floor I see that it is indeed not him. Actually I am not quite sure who this is. I stare into his eyes, there so blue that I feel as though I’m in an ocean. I smile at the thought of the ocean. He’s tall, and muscular and tanned. He looks like Jake in the jaw line, but I know his brother and this isn’t him.

              “I thought you may need a hand. You look a little lost.” I try to smile, but the fact that he just pegged me dead on makes me even sadder that I am so easy for him to figure out, but not Jake. I wasn’t even aware that I was crying until he handed me a handkerchief.

              “Thanks, I’m not lost. This is my place. It was just a strain of the day catching up to me.” I unlock my door and nod at him as he leaves. I shut the door and think of how I’m so damned messed up. I crawl onto the couch and turn on a movie and fall into a sleep.

              “Gage, we have to tell her. That is my best friend we are talking about. I can’t keep this from her.” I still feel tired. I feel the heaviness of not able to open my eyes, but I am coherent sort of.

              “Ash, baby, I get it I do. I am not asking you to keep it from her. I am just asking that you wait until we get back. The last thing I need is for this to get to Brandon. You know that if he knows not only will go crazy, but he will call off the wedding.” I hear the understanding sigh in Ashley throat as I sit up off the couch.

              “Hey Lannie. I was about to wake up. We have to leave for the airport in two hours. So get ready.” I glare into her eyes and she knows that I know something.

              “Yup, I’m going to go get ready.” I make my way to my room and plop onto my bed. I glance at my phone and see nothing. No text or call from him. Of course not.

              Exactly two hours later we are in the lobby waiting for the taxi to arrive. It was rush hour so it was going to take a little longer than normal, but Jesus it has been over an hour since we called him. I’m a little upset at the fact that he hasn’t even came to say goodbye to me or anything. I should have known. We see the cab and walk out and shut the door to the car and enjoy this crazy ride to the airport. Once there we go through all the procedures of security and checking in before we are finally sitting on these stupid benches. Or chairs. I spot a Starbucks and remember that I need energy. I excuse myself as I walk up and order a Carmel Frappuccino before I pay I feel hands on me hoping it was him, but turning to see Ashley. I frown at her.

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