Trouble (14 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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Sally: I was just seeing if maybe you wanted to get lunch later today if you had no plans. I really enjoyed our evening together.

              Unknown: Brandon, it was really good seeing you late Friday and Saturday morning. I am glad that I was able to help you through your stuff. Please don’t ever feel the need not to call me. I love you and am here for you. XOXO R.

              Unknown: I was wondering that maybe since we had amazing time that you may want to catch dinner together. Like a date. I know that you have a kid to raise now, but maybe one night he can go stay the night with the sister. XOXO R.

              Unknown: Are you okay? I haven’t heard from you since yesterday just seeing if everything is okay. Please call me today. XOXO R.

              R? This is why he was late to my parent’s funeral. But it doesn’t make sense who is R? Oh my, could R be Rhonda? I sit the phone down and slip on my shoes. I grab his phone and dial my number. I hear a faint ringing downstairs and go to it. I see it on the kitchen counter, but no sign of Brandon. I sit his phone down and pick mine up. And leave. I send him a text telling him I have plans with Ashley. It’s not for another hour or so, but he doesn’t know that. I open the door just as he is about to walk in with Mark.

              “Hey where are you going?” Brandon gives me a look.

              “I didn’t realize the time. I’ve made plans with Ashley for lunch and I am not even near being ready. Oh before I forget can Mark come hang out with me tonight and I will drop him off at school tomorrow?” He has a puzzling look on his face, but between me leaving in less than 6 months he needs to be with someone his own age. If I just start distancing myself little by little he will never know, he is a guy after all.

              “Yeah I will drop him off after we get back with Gage at the fair that is in town.” I nod as I give Mark a hug and rush home. He will know something though, because I am the dumbass who left his phone on the stupid kitchen island. I walk in my house and feel the emotions that at one time this was a happy place. Now it is full of sadness knowing that my parents won’t ever be able to come through the door, sleep in there bed, or even cook me breakfast. I remember back to a time that had me happy. When I was in junior high my mom decided that she would cook breakfast every morning. That was good and bad. She could only cook one thing right and that was French toast so we had it every morning until my dad started going on these business trips with her and then they begin to fade. 

              I jump into the shower and feel the toll of the past few days as I sink into the shower and cry. I just want my parents back. I could care less if they travel all the time. I finish up and step out. I hit play on the docking station and Say Something booms through the speakers as I fix my hair and makeup. I grab my sandals and head for the door. I see that I have a text from Ashley and Brandon. I only check the one from Ashley.

Ash: Hey hoe I’ll be there in five minutes so come on with it.

              Me: OMW!

              I glance at his house as I’m in my car and see him at the mailbox. I wish that he would be just some random guy. What is with these two Jones boys? I feel more for him then I have ever felt for Chad. For once when I think of Chad and at a memory I smile. It was so funny hearing him talk about his brother.

“Lannie I wish you had an older sibling so you could understand how frustrating it is for me. My brother is a total jerk.” I laughed as I sat on the swing while Chad walks up.

              “What happened now?” He sat down and looked at me. His light brown eyes sparkled.

              “He freaking told me that he was going to ground me. I mean really? He can’t do that. He has his life with his girlfriend meaning he can’t keep up with me forever.” I smile at him. This moment was like we were a couple. Wow did I just refer to us as a couple.

              “Well we all can’t be tied down like him. He sounds boring.” He arched a brow.

              “He is anything, but boring. He drags me to these frat parties that he has and oh La if you went to one you wouldn’t want to ever leave. They party like no other. Only issue is you have to know a frat member to get an invite.” I nod a little sad that he’s been around college woman.

              I snap back to reality as I realize that this whole time messing around with Chad he talked about his brother a lot and I still had no idea who he was, when I ran into him the first day of school. I cannot wait till Thanksgiving. I pull into the saloon and hope that this is what I need.


              An hour later we are walking out feeling relaxed. We decide lunch is needed. We head to this pizza parlor down the road and instead of driving and trying to find parking, we walk. It’s a bit chilly, but I love the cold. We go in and order and then take our seats and eat.

              “La, what is going on? You seem down.” I’m in mid bite when I snap my eyes up to her. I mean I want to tell her, but then again I don’t want to sound like a freaking record player stuck on the same crap.

              “It is nothing I can’t handle. What is going with Gage and you?” She smiles and I know that just opened up a gate that will get me out of the zone for now.

              “We are doing great actually. I was going to see since you plan on getting either a three or four bedroom condo, could he maybe move in with us? We talked about it and he can help with bills even though I know you don’t need help, but he could chip in and if it doesn’t work out he says that he can take over the rooms. I know I have sort of been neglecting you by being with him a lot. I’m sorry.” I love her. She is worried about neglecting me when all I have done is caused her drama with my problems and I hate drama.

              “You are fine Ash I promise. Look, that is fine with me if you guys are sure that you want that, than by all means let’s do it. So I hate to do this, but I can’t get this out of my head.” She narrows her eyes at me.

              “I knew something was up. What did he do?” I smile she knows me to well. I give her the run down about going over there last night, because he said he was going to quit his job all the way up to when I met her at the saloon.

              “Well La, I know that it is your decision, but maybe this R person isn’t Rhonda I mean what then?” She could be right.

              “Well it is obviously someone that is interested in him and is my key to getting him to move on, because he said it himself once I go to New York we are done.” She nods her head as we finish our lunch. I look at my phone and see that it is already three. Ugh this day is going by too quick. Luckily there is only two more weeks until a break.

              “Oh so are you going to go with me to New York Thanksgiving break to look at condos?”  She looks down.

              “I can’t. I asked my mom and she told me that she wouldn’t mind, but we will be gone the whole break and apparently we are going to my aunt’s house for Thanksgiving the same one whose daughter slept with my ex-boyfriend and now they are together. Yeah I’m pissed. So I have to go to that and luckily Gage is going with me, because it would be awkward otherwise.” I nod.

              “It’s cool. Maybe I will find a rich guy my age who sweeps me off my feet.” We laugh as we head towards the car. On the way home I hear the chime of my phone in my purse. I debate whether to get Ashley to check it. I decide against it. I get home and Ashley tells me that Brandon texted her saying that he will drop Mark off around six or seven. It’s already five. I wonder what we are going to do.

              “Movies.” Ashley shouts as I wonder if I said it out loud or not.

              “It is the only time we can watch kids shit and not get made fun of.” True. I go into the kitchen and start making a bowl with candy, and another one full of popcorn, and finally getting the ice bucket and sodas. I was almost done when the door opens and Mark comes walking in.

              “Hey buddy are you ready for a fun filled night of movies?” He smiles and motions to the door. I look up to see Brandon standing in the doorway dressed in nice pants, shirt, and dress shoes. I am thankful he took this R person up on their offer.

              “He had a lot of sugar and junk at the fair. So if he gets sick I’m sorry. The kid is hard to say no to.” I nod because believe me I know.

              “Well thank you. You look nice. Have plans tonight.” He looks back to the curb and I look around him noticing his jeep parked there and I can see a figure in the passenger seat.

              “Actually I do.” He blushes a little.

              “Well tell R... I mean have a great night.” He was about to walk out when he turns around and is now angry.

              “I knew I didn’t set my phone on the island before I left. It was you.” I thought he would have known that already, but dang it I was wrong.

              “Well bye Brandon, have fun.” I push him out of the doorway and shut the door. I hear him mutter shit before walking away.

              “What was that about?”  I sigh.

              “Nothing let us begin the movie marathon.” Mark jumps over the couch making me laugh, because he would never get to do that if our parents were alive. I am scared to tell him about dad only being his dad. I haven’t decided if I am going to go search for that envelope in the office yet.


              It was around midnight when I finally made Mark go to bed. Gage arrived around twelve thirty to get Ashley. Now I’m sitting here watching this damn P.S. I Love You movie that freaking Ashley put on. Ugh, now I am a crying mess. My phone chimes and I decide that maybe I should just check it. I look at it and see that there are six messages from him.

Brandon: Hey you ran away to quick that I never got a chance to see what time you wanted Mark to come over. Text me back.

              Brandon: Lannie is everything okay?

              Brandon: I have plans tonight can I drop him off around seven?

              Brandon: I am sorry.

              Brandon: It isn’t what you think Lannie.

              The first five texts where a normal reaction now the last text I read had me staring at it forever. I believe that this one was not intended for me.

Brandon: Thank you for a wonderful evening. You were right it was just what I needed. Maybe we could do it again soon. Goodnight.

              Stupid, how do you accidentally send the wrong text to someone? Whatever. I sit there staring at it before thinking of an evil plan. I am evil. I hit reply.

Me: Well hello there Brandon. I would say that I enjoyed the evening as well, but I am not the one who you had the night out with. I did however have a wonderful evening with Mark and Ashley. So it was what I needed. Have a goodnight and I hope that you send the right text to her before she thinks that you didn’t have fun. See you tomorrow Mr. Jones.

              I hit the send button and make my way upstairs. Counting down the days till I can spend a week in New York.

              “Lannie, wake up. We have to leave for school in ten minutes or I am going to be late.” I hear Mark tell me as I shoot up out of bed. Crap. I run into my bathroom and hurry up and reapply yesterday’s makeup, throw my hair into a pony tail and throw on pants, my converse and my awesome green Hanley t-shirt. Record time I do believe. We are out the door in ten minutes exactly. I make it to Mark’s school just as the bell rings. He jumps out and I hurry to my school which is five minutes away. I get to the classroom door just as the tardy bell rings. I make my way to my seat to see Jax staring at me.

              “Rough night?” I nod as I take my seat. Just as Mr. Jones starts the lesson. We are watching some history movie this week and doing a report over it. I can’t focus on the movie at all. I have seen the movie before. It’s not like I won’t be able to rent it and watch it and write a report before Friday.

              “Hey what happened to your face?” I snap up and look at Jax who is pointing to my cheek. Shit I can’t believe that I forgot about my damn face. Ugh. Maybe I should go to Traci’s office and tell her I’m not feeling well and get her to send me home.              

              “Just a misunderstanding.” He don’t look too pleased.

              “Miss. Clark and Mr. Hastings could you please refrain from talking during the movie?” I don’t even bother looking up I just nod while Jax says yes. I lay my dead down on the desk and just think that in two weeks I will be in New York for a whole week and then after that just six months and I will be moving there. I pick up my phone to tell Brandon that I am going to be gone for Thanksgiving. To make sure he didn’t have anything planned before I left.

Me: Hey just wanted to inform you of my plans for Thanksgiving break. I am going to be heading to NY to go condo hunting over Thanksgiving break for the whole week. I was making sure before I made hotel plans whether or not you needed me to take Mark. If so it is fine. Just let me know.

              I hit send as I lay my head back down and cover my head up with my hoody. Moments later I pass out.

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