Trouble (5 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              “Thank you for the ride. Oh Lannie for what it is worth. You are special, especially to me.” He gets out shutting the door. That moment sent me over the edge I broke down, and cried while listening to Lighting Crashes by Live all the way home.





              The rest of Sunday didn’t go as well as I had hoped. Ashley and I mopped around the house about being stupid. I told her about the phone conversation and now she was even more ready to go with me Saturday. Now it is Monday morning. I hadn’t texted no body yesterday although Mr. Jones and Brandon both were texting me. I figured I would text them today, but yesterday was shut the world out. I decide on wearing white shorts, a flowing tank top, and sandals. I take extra time on my makeup and hair. I look different than I did this weekend, but I look hot as hell.

              “Ready bitch? Damn you are hot as hell.” Ashley whistles at me. We make our way to the car and I silently pray it won’t be awkward.  We get to school to see Catrina hanging all over Evan by his truck. He looks at me and smiles causing that skank to turn towards me. She whispers something in his ear causing me to go towards her.

              “Hey whore. Got something you need to tell me?” She looks over at Evan who holds his hands up and walks back.

              “No I don’t speak dog like the bitch you are.” It takes five point three seconds for me to slam her face into Evan’s door and to connect with her nose. It takes almost a minute for me to step back and laugh. Everyone in this little group who witnessed would have my back.

              “Maybe next time the little whore should watch where she is walking. Next time you rat my ass out to the principal you may want to think of who really has your back. According to the reports no one does. Not even Evan.” I wink at him as he smiles at me. I grab Ashley’s hand walking off laughing the entire time to class. I tell her bye and I will see her in homeroom. I walk into first period a little early and see John lying on the desk. I walk up to him and poke him.

              “Rough weekend?” He moans before raising his head to meet me and has blood shot eyes. I laugh.

              “How in the hell do you do it? Every weekend and walk in here Monday preppy and beautiful?” He leans back on the desk. I can’t help, but laugh even more.

              “Well I usually get plastered and then sober up before dawn. Or I don’t drink that much. Whichever you prefer.” He lifts his head as the bell rings and I see him cringed as it probably echoed through his ears.

              “Damnit Lannie. You are a saint I swear. You don’t do nothing wrong. Or have a bad day. So how was the frat parties this weekend?” I barely smile. I hear Mr. Jones talking to another student about the project due today. I don’t dare glance down there.

              “I am not a saint, but thanks honey, I will keep that in mind when I need a buddy. Also it was pretty good. Met a couple of guys who were awesome.” He laughs and grabs his head.

              “That’s good that you met a few guys. These high school boys are a waste of your time. Also definitely keep that in mind I have heard I am great listener.” He winks at me and I hear Mr. Jones start coughing. I laugh he probably heard it all. I pick up my project; well I decided to do an essay. I glance at the front of the room noticing his eyes were on me. I wink and it makes him blush. I sit back and listen to him go on and on about History and then one by one people starting presenting their project. The bell rings before I have time to present mine, he informs us we will tomorrow. I stay seated in my chair taking the opportunity to text Brandon back.

Me: Sorry about not responding rough Sunday. How are you doing today? I am much better even though I didn’t get laid this weekend. It is okay though I plan to today. Met a new “Friend”

ME: J, sorry about Sunday and my mom’s conversation on the phone. I am strong because of that and do not wish to have your pity. Anyways, maybe we should distance ourselves? This weekend was nice, but we are getting too close for confront. XOXO

              “Oh my god La. That teacher I swear has no damn soul.” I laugh because no one else was in the room and Mr. Jones didn’t say shit he was actually looking at something in his lap. Oh my text.

              “Why what happened?”  She proceeds to tell me that she got detention, because she said she would screw some boy right in front of the teacher all, because Mrs. Bean asked if she cared to tell the class her conversation with Joe. Now Joe is one that I have screwed a lot and will go back for more. He doesn’t do the girl friend thing and likes to have fun. Win win for me. Then Catrina walks into homeroom and is supporting a black eye and bruised nose. I smile as Ashley glances at her and laughs. Mr. Jones turns his attention to her and his eyes go wide all while Ashley and I laugh our asses off causing people to look at us and laugh as well.

              “Miss. Sanchez what in the world happened to your nose?” Mr. Jones spoke as if he cares. I wait as well as the others to see what she comes up with. Evan walks in just as she answers him.

              “I ran into a door. I wasn’t paying attention this morning, and next thing I know I’m on my butt bleeding.” She lowers her head and once again Ashley and I bust out laughing to where we can’t control it. Evan is laughing as he decides to sit in the back with us. I get it together enough to speak my smart mouth sentence.

              “Maybe you should get your head out of your ass, and watch where you’re going. Looks like you have been dumped by Evan too. Don’t worry we are making a fan club with females who have been burned by Evan.” She looks back at me with tears in her eyes, Evan glares at me, and I wink at him.

              “You know why I cheated on you? Cause you are nothing but a cold hearted bitch.” I stand in my seat about to punch him, when Ashley catches my arm.

              “That is enough, both of you out in the hall right now.” I jerk out of seat purposely hitting Evan on the head with my book and walk out into the hall. We stand there by ourselves for a minute or two.

              “I am a cold hearted bitch, because men like you treated me like shit.” I slap him than seconds later Mr. Jones is out in the hall looking at Evans face.

              “Did you slap him?” I cross my hands over my chest refusing to look at both of them.

              “No she didn’t that was from the door. I ran into it.” I couldn’t help, but start laughing. Evan looks at me as a smirk breaks out across his face. Mr. Jones just stands there thinking we are crazy.

              “Why are these kids walking into doors?” I shrug before waiting to see if we get into trouble.

              “Both of you have detention after school from three to five. Or you can go explain to the principal why you are down there.” He glares at us.

              “But sir I have football practice.” He glares at Evan.

              “Not my problem.” We nod our heads as we return back into the class.

              “So?” Ashley speaks.

              “Detention. Looks like we get to fuck with Mr. Hottie for two hours.” I laugh.

              “YES!” Ashley yells.

              “Ladies care to discuss with the whole class what you are talking about?” Ashley looks at me, and then back to him.

              “With all due respect sir. Last time I did I got detention for being honest.” I laugh, and he rolls his eyes.

              “Never mind.” He says looking down at his lap. Just then my phone vibrates. I am still staring at him when he looks back up. He cocks his head downward, and I look down at my phone in my lap to see he texted me. I look back up to see him reading on his desk.

J: You can try, but remember that I am in control at school. See how easy it was to get you to spend two hours with me? I could get you suspended for you punching Catrina and slapping Evan. Then I couldn’t stare at you. So what is the deal with Evan and you? Just wondering don’t really care. Oh by the way. I like this feeling I am getting.

              I stare at my phone in disbelief. I nudge Ashley and she looks at me. I hand her my phone before Mr. Jones can see me.

              “Oh my god La.” All eyes turn towards us even Mr. Jones who arches his brow.

              “Sorry, I accidentally elbowed her.” Mr. Jones just shakes his head.

              “La, what in the hell does this mean?” I shrug. Just then the bell rings, and I was almost to the door when Mr. Jones spoke.

              “Don’t forget Mr. Edwards and Miss. Clark detention three pm and no later, or that will be another detention.” We nod before leaving the classroom.

              “You owe me details. See you after detention. I have it with Bean. Ugh.” We say bye as I go towards her class. This day has been good, but bad.

              The rest of the day goes okay. No more fights, or arguments. Now I was heading to Mr. Jones class for detention. I see a sign that said go to room 408, which was Mrs. Bean’s class. Awesome I get it with Ashley. I walk into Mrs. Bean’s class and see her talking with Mr. Jones. She looks at me and rolls her eyes.

              “Mrs. Clark like I have said over and over again the past few years. You cannot be in here,” I shrug, and turn to walk away.

              “No, she is here, because she has detention from my class.” Mrs. Bean’s glaring at him. I walk towards Ashley and sit next to her.

              “Oh no you don’t. You get to sit in the back row you, on the other end.” I laugh as I make my way over there and point, and she nods as I flop into my seat.

              “Why would you give her detention when the other has it?” I hear Mrs. Bean mumble to Mr. Jones. He laughs and pulls out a book and begins reading. I hear the ding on my phone, and look to see who it is.

Brandon: Oh well I am glad you were rested enough for school. So I thought that you looked stunning today. It was hard to pay attention when I saw you. What are you up to tonight?

Me: I wish you would tell me who you are. It’s a little creepy. Oh well, I am in detention. Apparently outburst in class are not allowed. I am meeting up with this boy John and hopefully getting laid. You?


              Ashley: So this blows. At least you can text and fuck with Mr. Hottie. Right?

              Me: Oh yeah. I am having fun texting the mysterious Brandon.

              Ashley: How is that going btw? Figure it out?

              Me: No I thought it was Mr. Jones until I got his number now I’m confused.

              Ashley: yeah, I have no clue either. Gym? Tonight.

              Me: Yeah after I fuck John. He’s hot and I need to get laid.

              Brandon: This John guy, he must be a very lucky boy?

              “Oh my god. John? Like John?” I laugh as Mr. Jones glares at us.

              “Ladies, is there something you need to discuss?” Mrs. Bean states to me. Did she not learn her lesson?

              “If you want to know. I was just was telling Ashley that I was going to go to the gym with her after I screw John. Is that okay Mrs. Bean?” She shakes her head and then we all hear a snapping sound like something breaking. We look at Mr. Jones who has a coffee cup in his hands broken. Did he just do that bare handed?

              “Sorry I was so focused on my book that I got sucked in. It made me mad. I will clean it up.” He walks out slamming the door causing Ashley and I for the first time to read our text books. I wasn’t sure what Mr. Jones problem was. He returns moments later and this time he whispers something to Mrs. Bean she nods her head and leaving.

              “Looks like it will be just us for the remainder of the hour. If you want you can listen to music while you study.” He looks at Ashley who’s beaming now up. He plugs his phone into the docking station. Moments later I feel the burn of my tears. I never mentioned to anyone why this is my favorite song, but it hit the heart. I close my eyes as I listen to the Live- Lightning Crashes. It was okay, I need the pain to come this time to prove I am human. I sit there, and let the tears roll down my eyes. I never once look up at him. I glance at Ashley who was staring at me. Her eyes looked like she were about to cry, not because of the song, but because of me. She knows what this song means to me, she mouths asking if I am okay, and I nod. She glances up to the front and back to me motioning for me to look. I didn’t though. I grab my book, binder, and phone, and all but ran out of the classroom. I didn’t care. I would do detention another day. I make it to my car and cry my heart out. I pick up my phone and dial my mom’s number.

              “Baby is everything okay?” I start to sob, she stays on the phone with me until I am done.

              “Mom, why does this happen to me? Why did this happen to me? I was only fifteen momma. Why? It wasn’t my fault you have to believe me that it wasn’t my fault.” I cry more, I hear my mom’s voice break into a sob.

              “Baby, it isn’t your fault. I promise you. It’s just something that had happened, and nobody not me, you, your father, or Ashley could do anything about it.” She mouths something in the back ground I hear shuffling, and then my dad’s voice.

              “Honey, where are you?” I control my sobs as the next song by Live play in the back ground.

              “At the school Ashley and I got detention and then I ran out, and now I am waiting for Ashley.” He sighs.

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