Trouble (2 page)

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Authors: P.L. Jenkins

BOOK: Trouble
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              “Alrighty class, my name is Mr. Jones and this is homeroom period. I expect all of you to not act up in here or use foul language in my room. If you do I will write you up and send you to the principal’s office with no questions asked. Do you hear me? The little outburst with Miss. Clark was unacceptable and she has been warned. I am not some teacher who will sit back and let you do what you want and how. Also in here this is a free period as they call it to catch up on homework or any test that we will have issued by the state. I won’t assign anything unless you misbehave than I will assign you work. Got it?” Mr. Jones stands there mainly eyeing me during the whole time. I’m thankful that he gave me a pass, but that won’t stop me from beating her ass. Ugh!! I knew from the moment he stepped in this class that he would be a problem.

              “So La, what you got planned for after school?” Ashley was leaning towards my desk, but for some reason my eyes couldn’t stop staring at the damn teacher, I shake my head and go to paying attention to her.

              “I’m not sure. I have to pick Mark up around three after school, but since we get out at noon we have three hours, what are you thinking?” I love senior year, we get out early every day. If you have B lunch then you got to leave as soon as fifth period was over which we did. A lunch however you had to go to lunch then to fifth period before you get to leave. I was thankful I got B lunch.

              “How about we hit that new outlet mall they finished building a few blocks away from his school? I need to go shopping after this first day of school and you will need a stress reliever since it won’t be Mr. Hottie, might as well make it clothes, shoes, and purses!” She has a point, it has been about a few weeks since I have had sex and it was usually a reliever for me then I wasn’t too of a mega bitch, but it has been awhile and I do need a new purse.

              “Okay, we’ll leave right after fifth period; don’t forget to tell your mother.” I laid my head down on the desk since we have freaking fifteen minutes left I was going to get some damn sleep. I was jolted awake by Ashley shaking me, I hadn’t realized that I had actually fell asleep until I peeled my eyes open and then saw the class room completely empty. Shit! I shot up and grabbed my stuff running out of the class thanking Ashley along the way. I have less than five minutes to get to my next class which was downstairs and more halls over, there was no way I would be freaking on time. I was just about to make it in the room when the bell rang. I was upset because it was fucking Math and I have Mrs. Bean, she’s a total hard ass and I knew I was going to get a pink slip for tardiness she is the only teacher that I know that will write someone up for being seconds late. I slipped in a seat in the back hoping that she didn’t notice me being late.             

              “Miss. Clark this is your yearly warning, next time your late to my class I will write a pink slip.” Damn that cold hearted woman.             

              “Yes Ma’am.” I had begun writing the lesson plan for the week in my journal. I couldn’t help, but think of that damn teacher. I was going to have to go out tonight and get laid. Good thing about Mark is that he is old enough to stay home, but too rich for my parents to allow him to ride the bus home. So all I have to do is pick him up and drop him off. Most times I stay there make him dinner, help him with homework, get him ready for bed, before leaving for a fuck session as  my dad calls them. Oh well at least I make sure their son is happy, smart, and okay before I disappear unlike them.

              The rest of the day went by actually fairly smoothly. I went shopping thanks to mommy and daddy’s credit card they provided for me. Then Mark and I went out to eat at this New Mexican restaurant. Now I’m sitting here doing this damn Math homework. Who the hell assigns homework on the first day of school? See hard ass.

              “Lan, I’m not tired.” I look up from my bed and see Mark standing there rubbing his eyes. He was tired, but I knew that he hates it when mom and dad weren’t home.

              “Mark, you have to go to bed. School is yet again tomorrow and I don’t want a repeat of this morning.” This morning was torture. He refused to get out of bed due to summer long nights up and video games.

              “Fine, but can you at least try to call mom or dad and see if they will talk to me before bed.” I nod as I pull out my phone and dial there number waiting patiently. He has a cell phone, but rarely uses it to call them. Nothing, what the fuck is new.

              “Sorry bud, they didn’t answer. How about I come lie down with you until you pass out?” He nods his head before grabbing my hand. We walk down the hall towards his room. I climb into his king size bed and start rubbing his back.

              I must have fallen asleep because when I wake up it was around three in the morning. I slide out of his bed and pad my way back into my room. I see that I have a text from mother dearest. I open it up and read it.

Mom: Honey sorry that I missed your phone call. On the plane back home. Be home around five am. Don’t worry about Mark tomorrow I got him. Love you. Xoxo mom

              Seriously, I wasn’t even aware of her returning today. I throw my comforter over my head and pass back out. The night was filled of brown eyed teacher and sweater vest. I awoke to the sun shining in through my window. I assume that it was early since my alarm didn’t go off. I look at the phone and realize that it’s dead. Oh my god what time is it? Just then my mom walks through the door.

              “Baby, you are late. It’s after eight in the morning.” I jump up out of bed running into the bathroom to apply my makeup and brush my teeth. I walk into my closet settling for a pair of shorts, my favorite band Live shirt and my converse. I gathered my bags, homework, phone, and purse before kissing my mom on the cheek and running down stairs to my car. I grab a monster in the fridge before getting into my car. I love my car, or suv as some people call them. It’s a brand new range rover and it was my latest gift from my mother when she told me that she couldn’t do anything for my seventeenth birthday because she would be in Hawaii without me. My birthday fell during the summer so it wasn’t like I couldn’t go. I make it to school just barely nine and knew that I was in homeroom. I turn on my phone to see Ashley has texted me a few times asking where I was. I ran to the office asking for a tardy slip before rushing up stairs to homeroom. I walk in and notice that Mr. Hottie wasn’t in the room. I laid the slip on desk and found my way in the back with Ashley.

              “Where the hell where you?” She narrows her eyes at me.

              “Freaking parents got home this morning. I over slept because Mark. My dumbass didn’t charge my phone.” She laughs at me as I pull my eyes to the front to see Mr. Jones walking in with Ashley’s mom. Oh shit. We both look at each other scared. What the hell is her mother doing in here? She shrugs her shoulders answering my unspoken thought.

              “Good morning class. Today I was informed that Mrs. Rogers will be speaking to a few of you regarding a complaint that was turned into her from one of the students. The class is all yours Mrs. Rogers.” I sunk in my seat felling a little scared it was about the outburst yesterday. The number one rule was no suspension from my parents.

              “Thank you Mr. Jones. Just because I’m a mother of a student here does not mean I condole what went on here yesterday. It was the first day of school and I am hoping that it doesn’t happen again. With that being said I hate to do this, but Miss. Clark I need to speak with in my office.” All eyes turn to me and Catrina’s bitch ass sat there not daring to turn away. I stood up and looked at Ashley who knew that if I broke this rule it would be homeschool for me for the rest of the year.

              “Yes Ma’am.” I walk with her out the door, but before getting out side Mr. Jones stops us. He tells the class he will be right back inside.

              “Mrs. Rogers, can I have a moment alone with Miss. Clark regarding her missing first period?” Ashley’s mom nods and walks back into the classroom. I lean against the wall not believing that this girl turned me in or worse this dick head did.

              “Mr. Jones, I’m sorry about missing I over slept.” He ran his hands through his hair. He has on a navy sweater vest today and it made his dark brown eyes pop even more.

              “That isn’t what this is about. I want you to know that I didn’t turn you in. I told you I wouldn’t and I didn’t. I maybe a teacher, but I am a man of my word. I also spoke to Mrs. Rogers telling her that it was just a misunderstanding that you didn’t go crazy. So stick to that. You hear me?” I look at him with confusion. Why was he protecting me? Why did he risk his job to lie for me? I nod and he smiles before walking back towards the door pausing just before opening it.

              “You are a bright kid. GPA is a 4.0 and you are not like the others. Don’t go down that path. You’re special.” He winks at me before walking in. Moments later Ashley’s mom was escorting me to her office. I sit down in the chair that was directly in front of her desk waiting for the punishment.

              “Lannie, you are like my own daughter and I have told Ashley and you on multiple occasions to stop fighting. Now after talking to everyone including Evan, Catrina, and Mr. Jones I found out that it wasn’t as bad as Catrina made it out to be. Also Mr. Jones told me that you never left your seat which was what Evan who was sitting next to her, said as well. So you are not in trouble, but please let this be a good year. Now go on back to class you have about fifteen minutes left.” I hug her before making my way to Mr. Jones class. I was saved by Evan and Mr. Jones how weird is that. Two people who I never thought would do that, did.

              I walk back into the room and straight back to my seat next to Ashley. She was too busy eye fucking the new kid. That she didn’t even notice me. I lean down and snap my fingers in front of her making her jump and fall out of her seat. We both immediately broke out in laughter.

              “What in the hell are doing?” She throws her hand over her mouth just as Mr. Jones makes his way to us.

              “Is there something going on ladies?” Ashley shakes her head no. He turns to me and gives me another wink leaving Ashley and me speechless for the first time ever.

              “What in the hell was that Lannie?” She whispers in my ear making Mr. Hottie laugh all the way back to his seat.

              “You know Ash; for once I’m unsure, but trust me when I say I intend to find out.” She laughs as I sit there staring at Mr. Jones, oddly enough he was staring at me. Just then the bell rings. I stand up and am walking to the door when Mr. Jones stops me. Asking me to hold on a second he needs to give me first period’s homework assignment. I look towards Ashley with a disappointed look, I was really thinking that he was going to give me his number. She mouths sorry before leaving the room.

              “I want to say thank you Mr. Jones. For not getting me suspended. I promise to try, hint the key word TRY to not be a problem this year.” He leans on his desk standing mire inches from me that I felt the goose bumps run from my neck all the way down to my toes.

              “I’m sure you will be, but that is okay. I like a challenge. This is the project that is due in a week and will be counted for a third of the grade. But given your grades I’m sure that is no problem to you right?” I smile while looking through the packet. He stops me before I get to the last page.

              “Here is the note for second period, excusing why you were late.” I rip a piece paper out of my binder. I know it can get me in trouble, but oh well.

              “Here is my number if you ever get lonely.” He laughs as he throws it in the trash can. I walk out praying that he takes it back out. I make my way to second being late once again, but this time she was pleased with the note I handed her. I do believe that this year, is going to be the best year of high school.




              The first month of school is always the slowest but fun, because hardly any teachers assign work. Well other than Mrs. Bean and Mr. Jones, well not so much him. The next day he informs the class that the project is pushed back for a month. That it was due October 1
which is a little more than a month away. We still trade flirty glances that Ashley has started to notice, but she knows my obsession with him. The day that her mom called me into the office, well that night we went back to my house and watched movies and talked all about what has happened. I told her that I now more than ever want to beat Catrina’s ass. She tells me she will help with that. Now my mission is to keep scaring the shit out of her until she breaks. As long as I do not cuss her out, hit her, or do anything against school rules then it could be done. Which given the fact that Ashley’s mom is the principal I knew just the boundaries to push and not get in trouble. I am not sure what has gotten into my parents, but they been home more and letting me be a kid and not worry about my brother. I did however hear them talking about moving to California when I go off to New York. I wasn’t shocked. Now I am trying to read this packet while waiting on Ashley to get over here and help me with the finale details so we can go to the Friday night party.

              “Hey bitch, I have been trying to call you, but figures you wouldn’t answer since I can hear your stereo blaring down the hall. So how many pages of this project have you got done?” She throws herself on my bed. She looks wonderful. She’s wearing a mini skirt, with a short tank top and sandals. Her hair is in a ponytail with ringlet curls and her makeup, she has the smoky eye look that was grey with bright red lipstick. She always out did me.

              “I’m fixing to be on the last page hooker. Chill.” I flip to the last page and freeze. I turn to the page before it reading the last paragraph where it should have ended. I turn back to the finale page again. Ashley is eyeing me thinking that I must be lost on the project.

              “Umm La? Are you okay? You have flipped back in fourth and haven’t wrote or done anything. What is up?” I throw her the pack waiting for her to tell me I must be on crack because she doesn’t see anything. Nope. She is doing the same.

              “Is this what I think this is?” I nod before yanking the packet back and pulling out my cell phone and texting the number on the page.

Me: I am not sure whose number this is, but I saw it on a packet I was given.

              “Oh my god La. What if it is Mr. Jones? I know that you guys been eye fucking each other. Well I know you have, but the looks he gives you say something else.” I shrug because for the first time I have no clue who in the hells number this is. I decide that since I’m in fact done that I need to get ready and not let Ashley wait longer. I step into the shower and hurry up and shave everything, and washing my hair before stepping out and starting on my hair. My phone dinged indicating a text. I pull it up and was even more confused at the response of the unknown number.

              Unknown: Brandon… How are you doing Lannie?

              “ASHLEY!” I scream as I finish my hair. I start on my makeup as she runs into the bathroom I throw my phone at her and she starts laughing.

              “Who is Brandon? And why don’t I know him?” I gave her the weirdest look that I could do.

              “Umm Ash that is the problem. I do not know a Brandon. That I’m aware of.” I save the number and text back to maybe get some insight to who it is.

Me: Brandon? I am sorry, but I would say wrong number if you hadn’t typed my name. So apparently you know me, but I am sorry I do not know who you are.

I hit the send button and slip into a black mini dress barely covering my ass and throw on my red pumps. My mom walks in and whistles at us.

              “Now there is my beautiful baby girl. So where are you guys heading to tonight?” My mom was indeed beautiful with her tanned skin, long blonde hair, and blue eyes. She was my size and a few feet taller than me. Model looking is what I compare her too.

              “Thank you mom. So I’m going to be out late.” She nods before kissing Ashley and my cheek. We left and hop into my car. I don’t get why she don’t have a car yet. She has a licenses, but still no car.  We drive the fifteen minutes to Gage’s house. A college frat boy having a beginning of the year blow out. Also Ashley’s fuck buddy so it was mandatory that we come. He was twenty-one years old, and a junior at Florida state university. She has been having him as a fuck buddy since he was a senior and she was a freshman in high school. Now of course she looks hotter than she did freshman year. We have been going to these party’s for the last two years making this one the third. We walk in and are immediately swooped up into Gage’s arms.

              “There are my two beautiful bitches. I was thinking that maybe you weren’t coming.” He indulged Ashley in a kiss before retreating her back to reality.

              “Babe, you know we make a grand entrance. Oh my god Lannie found some weirdo’s number in a packet and has been having a conversation with him. He knows her, but she has no clue who he is.” he laughs as they walk off like they did every time. I dig out my phone after I get a beer and make my way towards the back yard to see if Brandon has text back.

              Brandon: I am sorry that you do not know who I am. I wish that I could tell you, but honestly, what fun would that be? Isn’t a little turn on? The being a mystery, I mean of course.

              Oh my god he is right. For some reason I feel a little turned on. Get it together Lannie Ann Clark you are better than this. Well a little sexting isn’t really hurting anything is it?

Me: You know, you are right. It is a huge turn on. The only issue is that I have not seen you. So I am afraid that you are some weirdo. Sorry to have to go, but I am enjoying this frat party more because I can actually pick a hot guy, know he is hot, and screw his brains out. Goodnight Brandon.

              I’m really glad that I had a beer first. It is one thing knowing the person and being this way, but the fact I do not know him and he could be a major creep is a little risky. I hear the phone ding one more time, but chose that moment to ignore it.

              Three hours later I was starting to feel the effects of five beers and too many damn shots to even count. The party is dying down, but there were still the few that refuse to acknowledge that they are wasted so they stay up drinking. I know where Ashley was, she was asleep or fucking in Gage’s room. I usually sobered up by this time and was able to drive home, but I for some reason couldn’t stop drinking. I sat on the couch and decided to see what Brandon said. I pull out my phone, my vision a little blurry, but still managed to read most of it.

Brandon: if I wasn’t chicken shit of showing myself to you than I would of revealmyself in a heartbeat and let you screw me into the next year. Too bad I am scared
Oh P.S. That black dress is fucking sexy as hell on you. Especially with red high heels. Night Lannie.

              I stare at the phone shocked, and confused. Damn it why in the fuck couldn’t I have read this before now. He is probably gone now. I frown a little knowing that he stared at me probably the whole night and I not once knew who he is. There were too many people to even remember. I got up and walk out front to get fresh air. I sit on the bench trying to figure out how long it would take me to walk home.

              “Lannie?” My eyes get wide as I recognized the voice; it brought tingles all the way down making my panties instantly wet.

              “Mr. Jones. What a surprise to see you here.” I cannot believe that my teacher is here. There was a problem. One being that if a teacher see’s underage drinking he is supposed to report it. He sits on the bench taking my red solo cup full of beer and replacing it with a red solo cup full of ice cold water.

              “Maybe it’s time to sober up huh?” I nod drinking the water sitting next to him in silence. As the sun starts to rise I glance over at him and have to get myself together. Mr. Sweater vest was no longer supporting the sweater vest. He’s wearing faded blue jeans, a blue and white Hanley shirt and black DC shoes. He looks like he’s a teenager, not a teacher. If I didn’t think that he was hot before I sure in the hell do now.

              “So what is your real name Mr. Jones?” I see something flash in his eyes for a brief second before regaining his sense and answering the question.

              “I can’t tell you considering I’m your teacher. Don’t want a slip up. How about if for now, and if we see each other again outside of school you can call me J?” I nod understanding the weirdness that it would cause if I slipped up.

              “Well J, I didn’t know you liked to party with college kids. What brings you here?” He gives me the sexiest grin. I have to cross my legs to keep myself together down there.

              “I’m not that old. I’m only twenty-four. I graduated two years ago and did my internship last year so this is my first year as an actual teacher. I’m here because these brothers here are my frat brothers.” I couldn’t tell if he was joking or not, but his look told me he was serious. And OH MY GOD twenty-four. WOW.

              “Well I will see you around J. It’s about time for me to walk my ass home and go to bed. Night.” I get up, and start walking. I make it down the walkway before he’s by my side again.

              “Want a ride? I promise that I don’t bite.” I smile and nod. He leads me to a very nice newer model Jeep Wrangler. It’s the four door one and it has to be limited edition with freaking chrome wheels. I am in heaven.

              “Oh shit. I need to get my purse out of my car first or I won’t be able to get in my house.” He smiles as I walk to my baby blue range rover. I glance back at him and notice that he has his mouth hung open.

              “This is your car? Not your parents, but yours?” I nod as I dig in my bra for my key, and unlock the door, grabbing my house key and locking it back up. He helps me into the Jeep. Once inside I slip my shoes off and lay my head down on the middle console. I tell him my address, before passing smooth out. This was the last thing that I remember, before waking up.

              I hate waking up after drinking way over the amount that you know you can’t handle. I feel dizzy, my head is pounding, and the sun is so bright. I roll over to glance at my phone and freeze when I see a chair that’s set in the corner, but that isn’t what made me frown it was the fact that I did not own the chair in the corner. I sit up and realize that I’m in boxers, and a shirt. Shit. I fucked up big time. Think Lannie. What happened last night? I thought and then I realize that Mr. Jones took me home. Well apparently not home I’m in his house. I think. I grab my phone off the night stand and was about to send a text to Ash when I notice a text from Brandon.

Good morning beautiful I hope that you didn’t drink too much. You all of a sudden stopped texting me. I hope I didn’t scare you off. Xoxo Brandon

              Oh this isn’t good. I’m playing with fire with two different men and I am bound to get burned eventually by one of them. The only issue is I like it. This is a whole new meaning to making senior year the best. I get out of bed and was in dire need of Aleve and quick. I need an energy drink, but those where at my house which is wherever. I hope he at least has coffee. I walk out of the bedroom and freeze. This was sort of like my house. The hall held four doors, two on the right and two on the left and then this door was on the only wall. Weird. I walk downstairs and sure enough there’s the living room and kitchen open floor plan with a small foyer that you walk through the front door with. Just like my house which means he must live in the same subdivision. This is getting freaky. I pad my way to the kitchen and pray there was something in the fridge as I open it I see that there were indeed energy drinks, but not a monster it was red bull. Shit at this point I do not care. Where the hell is he? I start searching through cabinets for Aleve, but nothing.

              “Looking for something?” I jump when I hear him. I turn and sure enough there he is in nothing, but sweatpants.

              “Aleve. Like bad.” He laughs as he walks away and moments later returns with two capsules. I hold the red bull motioning if it was okay to have he nods before making coffee. I down the capsules and red bull quick. Throwing the can away before hopping onto the bar stool and watching as he glides through his kitchen. This man is sex on a stick and I was the topping. I notice that he supports a six pack, with tanned dark skin that looks edible. I also notice that he has some sort of scripter tattoo on his ribs, and another one on his shoulder, a tribal of some sort. Ugh. I need to get it together.

              “Like something you see?” I look up to see he is standing in front of me with that smile. I giggle, who the fuck giggles? I run upstairs and change back into my clothes before texting Ashley to see if she was awake.

              “Thank you for helping me. But I have to get home and change at least. Umm do you mind taking me to my car?” He nods as he goes upstairs to change. I replied real quickly to Brandon’s text.

Me: I was really bummed reading this around five this morning thinking  this whole time you got to stare and see me and I on the other hand didn’t even get a glimpse at you. You love keeping me on my feet don’t you?

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